

单词 牧群

牧群 ()

herd of sheep

See also:

breed livestock
govern (old)
surname Mu
government official (old)


group n
cluster n
swarm n
intellectuality n

classifier for groups of people, herds of animals, flocks of birds, schools of fish
flock, herd, pack etc

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,牧群体的 文化模式正在发生变化,有越来越多的 牧群 体 在 处理牲畜,选择定居, 以避免绑架。
As a result, cultural patterns are changing with nomadic groups increasingly getting rid of their livestock [...]
and choosing
sedentarization as a way to avoid abductions.
Dukha 人饲养驯鹿 的管理特点是牧群、高 度游牧,不过目前鹿群是在可持续的水平之下。
Dukha reindeer husbandry is characterized by
[...] small-sized herds and highly nomadic management, although the current herds are below [...]
a sustainable level.
[...] 退牧还草政策下采取相应措施后,不应该使牧民除了卖 牧群 重 新 定居之外别无 出路。
While there is little doubt about the extent of the land degradation problem, the Special Rapporteur notes that herders should not, as a result of the measures adopted
under the tuimu huancao policy, be put in a situation where they have no other options
[...] than to sell their herd and resettle.
例如,2007 年 9 月 17
[...] 日,在苏丹解放军/Minawi 派袭击 Ed-Daein 玛丽亚牧群体时,一名 13 岁男孩被子弹击中后背,身受重伤。
For example, on 17 September 2007, a 13-year-old boy
was seriously injured by a bullet that hit his back during an attack by SLA/Minawi
[...] on a Ma’alia nomadic group in Ed-Daein.
[...] 干国家在一些小学和中学提供寄宿设施,鼓励居住在僻远地区或属于 牧群 体的 儿童上学。
For instance, some States provide boarding facilities at some primary and secondary schools to encourage children living in remote areas or belonging to nomadic groups to attend school.57 Likewise, States should develop more specific and disaggregated development indicators
so as to tailor their social programmes more precisely and equitably to the needs of
[...] particular communities and groups.
在 C 区和东耶路撒冷,以色列当局拆除了 66 座 属于巴勒斯坦人拥有的建筑物,导致 100 多人流离失 所,另外还有 220
[...] 人受到影响,特别是影响到脆弱的牧群体的生计,同时邻近定居点的建造活动在继续 [...]
Israeli authorities demolished 66 Palestinianowned structures in Area C and East Jerusalem, displacing over 100 people and otherwise affecting another
220, particularly impacting the livelihoods
[...] of vulnerable herding communities, while [...]
construction of adjacent settlements continued.
他们牧群包括 种马(男性主导斑马),数匹母马(女斑马),以及他们的后代。
Their herds consist of a stallion [...]
(male dominant zebra), a few mares (female zebras), and their offspring.
对每头奶牛进行明确识别后,您可以跟踪单一产奶量和偏差情况;采用厅内或厅外饲喂,提高产奶量;利用自动分选系统减少劳动量;用活动量探测系统,改善繁殖性能;或者,用所有传感器结合有关个体和群体的体重信息,更好地掌 牧群 健 康 状况。
With each cow clearly identified, you can track individual milk yield and deviations; boost milk production with in- or out-of-parlour feeding; reduce labour with the automatic sorting system; improve breeding performance with the activity
meter system; or gain a
[...] better grip on herd health with all the sensors combined with information on individual and group body weight.
这种资金是用来促使牧群体了 解 需要把儿童送进学校,按照游牧的土著社区的要求修改校历,并增加教师的津贴。
This funding is used
[...] to sensitize nomadic groups on the need to [...]
send children to schools, change the school calendar in
keeping with the demands of nomadic indigenous communities and increase teacher allowances.
[...] 恢复生产的资金,可以鼓励牧民小规模放牧,实际上取代了传统以来依靠 牧群 带来的“保险”。
Such programmes, which pay nomads to restock and recover after a major disaster, encourage nomads to keep herds at a much
smaller scale, in effect replacing the ―insurance‖ against disaster traditionally provided
[...] by the sheer size of larger herds.
Forced disarmament was confirmed in four cattle camps.
在非洲内部,人们往往以怀疑的态度来看待学校,把学校看成企图使 牧群 体定居一地,虽然有些牧群体,尤其是在肯尼亚北方和东北方的 牧群 体 ,也 许在寻求更大的经济机会,希望更加融入主体社会。
Within the African continent, schools are
often looked upon with
[...] suspicion as an attempt to keep nomadic groups in one place, although there are some nomadic groups that may seek expanded economic [...]
opportunities and have
a desire to become more integrated into the dominant society, particularly in northern and north-eastern Kenya.
采取进一步措施,通过特别关注女童,尤其是 牧群 落 中 女童的权 利,巩固落后地区发展教育的成果( 埃塞俄比亚)
To take further measures aimed at consolidating its achievements with regard to expanding education to disadvantaged areas, by according special attention to the rights of girls, especially in nomadic communities (Ethiopia)
Opi Flow™ 是一种小型反牧群管理 系统,设计用于自动、准确的收集单体牲畜状态数据,将数据处理为相关的信息并使工作人员和管理人员能够容易的检索信息,以支持日常决策。
The Opi Flow™ is a
[...] small ruminant herd management system [...]
designed to automatically and accurately collect individual animal
status data, process the data into relevant information and provide staff and manager the capability to easily retrieve information for daily decision making support.
一旦驯鹿牧人群证明 ,更大的地区已用于饲养驯鹿,而所争议的具体 地点构成良好牧场,那么,举证责任就转移到业权人身上,由其证明传统上这一 地点没有进行饲养驯鹿。
Once the
[...] reindeer herding community had proved that a larger area had been used for reindeer husbandry and that [...]
the specific tract in
dispute constituted good grazing land, the onus shifted to the title holders to prove that reindeer husbandry had not traditionally been pursued in the tract.
此外,2009 年 12 月 16 日,在瓦拉布州努埃尔人牧牛群的一个营地,据说是丁卡部落的袭击者抢掠了 313 头牛;努埃尔部落成员 的反击造成 97 名平民受害,其中 3 名儿童被杀,6 名儿童受伤。
Separately, on 16 December 2009, in a Nuer cattle camp in Warrap State, assailants said to be from the Dinka tribe looted 313 cattle; the counter-attacks by Nuer tribe members claimed 97 civilian victims, among them three children who were killed and six who were injured.
11 同样,牧族群和(半) 游牧部族在获 取各类服务方面往往被忽略。12 国家政策可能会力争对土著、牧或 游 牧 族群 的“文明化”,竭力推动他们在保留地内或城镇贫民窟定居,即使在这些定居 区,用水和卫生服务也不达标,突显出上述种种观念、成见的贬斥与公共政策如 何遥相呼应地损害上述各族群。
In her missions to Costa Rica and to the United States of America, the Special Rapporteur observed that indigenous communities are
[...] disproportionately excluded from access to water and sanitation.11 Similarly, pastoralist communities and (semi-)nomadic tribes are often neglected in terms of access [...]
to services.12 State policies may seek to ―civilize‖ indigenous, pastoralist or nomadic communities, pushing them to live on reserves or in urban slums, with substandard water and sanitation services even in these areas, highlighting how attitudes, stigmatization and public policies mutually reinforce each other to the detriment of these communities.
Endorois社群( 肯尼亚一个准牧土著社群) 向非 洲人权和人民权利委员会起 诉,质疑为建立国家保护区,将他们从祖辈留下的土地逐出。
In 2003 a case was brought by the Endorois
[...] community (a semi-nomadic indigenous community in Kenya) before the [...]
African Commission on Human
and Peoples’ Rights challenging eviction from their ancestral lands for the creation of a national reserve.
养牛是其在东北的大部分,而在南部 牧 场 上有 成 群 的 牛 羊。
Cattle-raising is carried for most of its part in the North-east whereas in
[...] the south there are flocks of sheep on the pastures.
可升级性、系统集成、群管理、牧 场 分 析和可维护性对我们的客户而言都至关重要。
[...] system integration, herd management, on farm [...]
analysis and serviceability are key to our customers.
然而,这种偏见可能针对无土地所有权 或移群体(牧民等)。
However, this bias may act against landless
[...] or mobile communities (pastoralists).
在这方面,他们欢迎旨在加强和扩大这些领域的人力资 源、经验和专门知识交流的南南倡议,以支持农业和 牧 业 生产,增加粮食供 应。
In this regard, they welcomed the South-South initiatives to enhance and expand exchange of human resources,
experiences and know-how in these areas to support agriculture
[...] and livestock production to increase the [...]
availability of food.
Rujugiro 先生的身在美国的法律代表在给专家组的 150 页的文件(日期为 2010 年 9 月 14 日)(专家组在 2010 年的最后报告(S/2010/596,第 103 页)中也提 到了这份文件)中否认 Rujugiro 先生购买或投资了当时在全国保卫人民大会控制 下的马西西区的土地;否认与全国保卫人民大会领导人举行会议,包括与 Nkunda 将军 2006 年在他位于 Kilolirwe 的牧场举行会议;否认向全国保卫人民大会支 付保护费,以保护他牧场的牛群; 否 认指定一名全国保卫人民大会指挥官管理 他的牧场。
In a 150-page document sent to the Group of Experts (dated 14 September 2010), which was referenced in the Group’s final report of 2010 (S/2010/596, annex 1, footnote c), Mr. Rujugiro’s United States-based legal representatives denied that he had purchased or invested in lands in “Masisi district” (sic) while they were under CNDP control; held meetings with CNDP leaders, including “General” Nkunda at his ranches in Kilolirwe in 2006; paid money to CNDP for “protection” of cattle on his ranches; or appointed a CNDP commander to manage his ranches.
这些包括属于 上述被禁止的歧视理由的人以及在获得安全饮用水和卫生设施方面可能有特别问 题的其他特群体,例如牧和游民 社 群 、 住 在农村或城市贫民区的人、囚犯和 其他被拘留者、自然灾害灾民、住在容易遭受自然灾害地区的人、住在干旱或半 干旱地区的人、住在小岛屿上的人。
These include persons falling within the prohibited grounds of discrimination
mentioned above, as well as
[...] other specific groups who may have particular concerns related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation, such as nomadic and traveller communities, people living in rural [...]
or deprived urban
areas, prisoners and other detainees, victims of natural disasters, persons living in disaster-prone areas, and those living in arid or semi-arid areas or on small islands.
The project focused on indigenous communities and girls, and on targeting scarce
existing resources more effectively to improve the basic education and income-earning
[...] potential of the nomad population.
缺乏发展,得不到基本服务,没有经济和社会机遇,因族裔、宗教或社会等 背景而使某群体被污化(游牧社区 被妖化为对当地人口的威胁),这些都是儿童 被招募的风险增加的危险因素。
The absence of development, poor access to basic services, lack of economic and social
[...] stigmatization of certain groups, whether ethnic, religious or social (nomadic communities [...]
are demonized as a threat
to local populations) are factors that increase the risk of child recruitment.
2010 年8 月,食物权问题特别报告员向大会第六十五届会议提交了关于土
[...] 地和食物权问题的报告,他在报告中探讨了土地日趋紧张所带来的威胁,重点关 注土著人民、小农户和特群体,如 牧 民 、 游 牧 民 和 渔民。
The Special Rapporteur on the right to food submitted a report to the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly in April 2010 on access to land and the right to food, in which he explored the threats posed by the increasing pressures on
land, with focus on indigenous peoples,
[...] smallholders and special groups, such as herders, pastoralists and fisher folk.
代表们一致认为各种有效的农业措施,如修复退化土地、科学管 牧 场 、 改 进作物栽培技术、改善农业水资源管理、水产养殖和农林间作的最佳实践、开发沼 [...]
Delegates agreed that various successful agricultural practices –
including restoration of degraded lands,
[...] sound management of grazing lands, improved crop [...]
cultivation, improved agriculture water
management, best practices in aquaculture and agroforestry and development of biogas – can contribute to both adaptation and mitigation objectives.




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