





Yun Poseon (1897-1990), South Korean Democratic party politician, mayor of Seoul from 1948, president 1960-1962





External sources (not reviewed)

(o) 作为金融家、金融代理、资本家、承保人(不包括人寿、海事或)、 特许经销商及经纪进行业务,并从事及经营及执行所有類别的金融、商业贸 易及其他业务;接纳存放款项或贵重物品并支付利息及/或授予其认为合适 的其他条款以及进行所有或任何银行家的业务。
(o) To carry on business as financiers, financial agents, capitalists, underwriters, (but not in respect of life, marine or fire insurance), concessionaires and brokers and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of financial, commercial, trading and other operations; to receive money or valuables on deposit at interest and/or upon such other terms as may be thought fit and to carry on all or any of the activities of a banker.
本公司捐助出卫星容量、时间、提供知识及技术专长,帮助建立 重要的沟通联系,并且各个政府部门及救援机构提供设备及紧急支援服务。
The Company donated satellite capacity, time, knowledge and expertise to help establish vital communication links, and provided equipment and emergency support to various Government departments and emergency services in the affected areas.
经提升後的大埔设施将透过多项服务,包括设备托管、卫星讯号上行链路,以及为电 视服务供应商提复和播放能力的设施,藉此开拓新收入来源。
The improved Tai Po facility will open up new streams of revenue through services that include colocation
of equipment, satellite signal uplinking,
[...] facilities fordisaster recovery and [...]
a playout capability for TV service providers.
这是我们或接事件的分类标准,并涉及意外事故或会对环境产生长远重大影响,该损 害 需 要 长 期 的 补 救 措 施 方 可 以 复 原。
This is our classification for disastrous or close­to disastrous incidents and involves accidents or spills with a major environmental impact and a long­term effect, reversible only by long­term remediation with aftercare.
(b) 因後述各项产生的任何损失或损害:任何发布资料者的疏忽行为或遗漏,或任何不可抗力事件(包 括但不限於:洪水、异常天气条件、地震、其他争、暴动、骚乱、劳动纠纷、意 外、政府行为、电力故障、设备、软体或通讯线路故障或失灵),或任何发布资料者合理控制范 围外之原因所造成之⑴任何不准确、错误、延误或遗漏,(ii)没有履行责任,或(iii)任何此等数据、 资料或讯息的中断。
(b) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by (i) any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, (ii) non-performance, or (iii) interruption in any such data, information or message, due either to any negligent act or omission by any Disseminating Party or to any “force majeure” (such as, without limitation, flood, extraordinary weather condition, earthquake or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, power failure, equipment, software or communications line failure or malfunction) or any other case beyond the reasonable control of any Disseminating Party.
我们界或接环保事故为A类,A类表示该事故对环境产生长远重大影 响,该损害需要长期的补救措施方可以复原。
We classify disastrous or close to disastrous environmental accidents as Class A. Class A stands for incidents or spills with a major environmental impact that have a long-term effect reversible only by long-term remediation with aftercare.
[...] (建立磁碟影像) 不仅能在电脑遭遇重爲您节省大量宝贵时 间,而且让您免受其他麻烦。
So making a backup of your entire system disc (making a disc
image) will save you a lot of valuable time
[...] in case of adisaster,as well as [...]
safeguard you against other possible problems.
The school works collaboratively with Red Cross to develop a comprehensive emergency plan to ensure the safety of the faculty, staff, students, and parents in case of a crisis or other emergency situations.
(Macasía River)环境重建计画」、协助萨尔瓦多、史瓦
济兰「安全饮用水计画」、在太平洋六友邦推动「台 湾一盏灯计画」、索罗门群岛「全国森林种植发展计 画」、帛琉「污水处理系统改善计画」、海地「整治尖
[...] 沙海滩计画」、宏都拉斯「西部天治计画」、 吐瓦鲁「废弃物减量计画」及「捐助国际保育计画」 等。
k. Environmental protection: Macasía River Recovery Project in the Dominican Republic, Program for Environmental Pollution Control in El Salvador and Access to Potable Water in Rural Swaziland Project, Light Up Taiwan Project in six allied nations in the Pacific, Nationwide Forestation Campaign in the Solomon Islands, Program to Improve Sewage Disposal Systems in Palau, Point Sable Beach Renovation Program
in Haiti, Program on Prevention and Control
[...] of Natural Disastersin the West [...]
in Honduras, Funafuti Household Solid Waste
Reduction Technical Assistance Project in Tuvalu, and donations to international conservation programs.
不难想像一的情况由此产生:包括主权债务 违约、银行业和金融陷入严峻的危机,以及部份外围国家脱离欧 [...]
It does not take too much
[...] imagination to sketcha disaster scenariofrom [...]
here, including sovereign defaults, a severe banking
and financial crisis, and some peripheral countries leaving the eurozone, as Europe’s economies slide into a very deep and long recession.
[...] 照保证等级第二级以上运作之凭证机构机房必须具备自动侦测功能,系统能自动启动灭火设备,并设置手动开关於各主要出入 [...]
Except for CA that operates under test assurance level and level 1 where stipulations are not required, CA that operates under assurance level at or above level 2
shall have automatic fire alarm detection function for its computer room and the system can automatically activate the fire
[...] extinguishing equipment andinstall [...]
manual switches at
entrances and exits to permit manual operation by personnel at site in emergencies.
上诉人已在申请表格上及在 覆核聆讯中承諾,他会聘请认可的专业人士评估天然山拟备地盘平整工程报告,并在有需要时进行斜坡巩 固工程。
The Appellant has already undertaken in the application form and during the review hearing that he will employ authorized professionals to assess natural terrain hazards and prepare a site formation report, and that slope stabilization works will be implemented if necessary.
资料备份的最终目的,在於因硬体故障、窃或误删某些重要档案而遗失原始资料时复 原备份的资料。
The ultimate purpose of data backup is recovery of the backed up data when the original is lost due to hardware failure, fire, theft or just erroneous deletion of some important files.
(b) 每间工厂内用於发生生的消防通道的每扇窗、门或其他出口(作 为一般用途的出口除外)应以大部分工人能理解的语言作出显着标记,标 记应采用较大的红色字符,或以其他有效且清晰易懂的符号予以标记。
(b) In every factory every window, door, or other exit affording means of escape in case of fire, other than the means of exit in ordinary use, shall be distinctively marked in a language understood by the majority of the workers and in red letters of adequate size or by some other effective and clearly understood sign.
出现下列情况时,各方均不应被认为违约,也不应要求另一方承担责任:任一方遭受地震、洪水、风雨、自争、恐怖主义、武装斗争、工人罢工、停工、抵制或其他超过此方合理控制能力之外之类似事件,而导致其停止、中断或延迟履行本协议义务 [...][...]
(支付义务除外),但前提是援引本条款 (第 17 条) 的此方 (i) 就此迅速发出书面通知;且 (ii) 采取所有必要合理之措施以减轻不可抗力事件之影响;更进一步,假设不可抗力事件持续之时间总计超过 30 天期限,则各方均可在书面通知後立即终止本协议。
Neither party shall be deemed in default hereunder, nor shall it hold the other party responsible for, any cessation, interruption or delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder (excluding payment
obligations) due to
[...] earthquake, flood, fire, storm, natural disaster, act ofGod, war, terrorism, [...]
armed conflict, labor strike,
lockout, boycott or other similar events beyond the reasonable control of such party, provided that the party relying upon this Section 17: (i) gives prompt written notice thereof; and (ii) takes all steps reasonably necessary to mitigate the effects of the force majeure event; provided further, that in the event a force majeure event extends for a period in excess of thirty (30) days in the aggregate, either party may immediately terminate this Agreement upon written notice.
Smarter Cities: Computer models that predict the likely location of a crime and focus police resources to prevent it; intelligent traffic lights and parking systems that dramatically reduce congestion; all the information you need in an emergency when and where you need it – if a flood occursan alert is sent out to emergency services, hospitals and traffic planners to coordinate the response.
由於香港的自险低,且亚太环通独立 拥有和运营的海底光缆和托管基础设施有很大优势,日本轴承制造商Oiles公司最终决定 [...]
选择亚太环通HKCS 2来托管其ERP计划系统的後备系统(参见第10 版)。
Drawn by Hong Kong’s low-risk
[...] of natural disastersandbenefits [...]
offered by Pacnet’s ownership and operation of subsea cables
and connected hosting infrastructure, Japanese bearings maker Oiles Corporation eventually decided to house the back-up system of its Enterprise Resource Planning system at Pacnet’s HKCS2 (see page 10).
(e) 应已出现任何事件或連串事件(包括但不限於任何地方、全国或国暴亂、公众骚亂、骚亂、炸,传染病爆 发危机、罢工、停工、敌对行动、叛亂、武装冲突、恐怖 活动、症的发生或升级);或
(e) there shall have occurred any event or series of events (including without limitation the occurrence of any local, national or
international outbreak or
[...] escalationof disaster, riot, public disorder, civil commotion, fire, flood, explosion, outbreak of an infectious disease, calamity, crisis, strike, lock-out, hostility, insurrection, armed conflict, act of terrorism, act of Godor epidemic); or
(1) 拨款应只限用於个,而非为解决 持续的困难。
(1) Grants should only be made in
[...] cases of a specific disaster, notan on-going [...]
在整个体系中有 4
[...] 个级别,级别越高,收益越大!但是,无论您达到的是哪一个级别,我们都能保证,您为您的客户提供的是目前市场上最可靠、最易用和最具性价比的解决方案,因为我们是一家始终专注原和资料保护的公司,我们的获奖专利技术也已经被证明是业内领先的。
But whatever level you reach, we make sure you’re always perfectly positioned to offer your clients the most reliable, user-friendly and cost-effective solutions on the market, based
on proven award-winning technology – and from a company that’s
[...] solely dedicated to disaster recoveryand data [...]
(vi) 任何或連串不可抗力事件(包括但不限於任何对事件或恐怖主义活动 爆发或升级、宣布国家或国际紧急狀态或战争危机、流行病、爆发疾 病、经济制裁、罢工、停工、爆炸、震、众骚亂、火山爆发、 扰亂公共秩序);或
(vi) any event, or series of events, in the nature of force majeure (including, without limitation, any acts of God, outbreak or escalation of hostilities or act of terrorism, declaration of a national or international emergency or war, calamity, crisis, epidemic, outbreak of disease, economic sanctions, strikes, lock-outs, explosion, flooding, earthquake, fire,civil commotion, volcanic eruptions, public disorder); or
第二届海峡两岸地震工程青年学者研讨会於 2012 年 8 月 9 日至 10
[...] 院举行,如图一所示,本次会议由土木工程学会、中国工程院、 中国土木工程学会防震技术推广委员会、哈尔滨工业大 学、中国地震局工程力学研究所主办,哈尔滨工业大学土木工程 [...]
The Second Cross-Strait Young Scholars Seminar on Earthquake Engineering was held over August 9–10, 2012, at the Harbin Institute of Technology’s School of Civil Engineering, in Heilongjiang Province, China. This conference was jointly organized by the Society of Civil Engineers, the Chinese Academy of
Engineering (CAE), the Promotion Committee
[...] for Earthquake Disaster Prevention and [...]
Mitigation Engineering Technology of the
China Civil Engineering Society, the Harbin Institute of Technology, the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, the China Earthquake Administration, and cold regions of low-carbon building development and utilization of national local joint engineering research center.
(e) 发生不可抗力事件(如地震,风暴,台风,争的爆发,越南政治或货币危机或在任何 国际金融市场或银行系统或宝山生命及越南生命 其他无法控制的情况),对该项目造成不利的影响 持续为期一年,及
(e) An event of force majeure (such as earthquakes, storms, typhoons, floods, fires, outbreaks of war, political or monetary crisis in Vietnam or in any international financial market or banking system or other circumstances beyond the control of Bao Son Life or Vietnam Life) occurs, continues for a period of one year and the project is adversely affected, and
sinolifegroup.com 其他除外条款
[...] 因不可抗拒事件及其他非可归责於凭证机构之事由,包括外、突发、特定事件等所导致之损害事件,凭证机构得在凭证实务 [...]
作业基准中载明其他除外条款,但凭证机构不得将因自行疏忽所引起 之错误列入排除条件中。
Force Majeuvre and other reasons not attributable to
[...] CA including disasters, accidents, [...]
incidents, specific events that caused damage;
CA shall state in the CPS other exemption provisions but shall not exclude mistakes arising from self-negligence.
(v) 如果牵头经办人认为已出现其认为可能会重大地有损债券发行及分销可换股债券的成功进行,或 可换股债券在二级市场的买卖的任何转变或可能导致该等转变的一项或連串事件(包括本地、本 国或国际层面爆战斗、暴动、武装冲突、恐怖活动、疫,或前述各项的逐步扩 大或蔓延)。
(v) if, in the opinion of the Lead Manager, there shall have occurred any event or series of events (including the occurrence of any local, national or international outbreak or escalation of disaster, hostility, insurrection, armed conflict, act of terrorism, act of God or epidemic) as would in its view be likely to prejudice materially the success of the Bond Issue and distribution of the Convertible Bonds or dealings in the Convertible Bonds in the secondary market.




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