

单词 消弭

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倘若駕駛員能於適當時機透過機艙廣播向 乘客說明,將有助消弭乘客 之疑慮及平撫乘客之 情緒。
Thus, it is recommended that cockpit crew address the passengers during similar situations to relieve their anxiety.
草案所包含的各項修訂, 旨在令這方面的法例更能切合今日的社會需要,以 消弭 各 項 法律在多年來所出現 的異常情況。
They seek to bring the law in this area up to date and remove legal anomalies that have emerged over the years.
(b) 以存保委員會認為適當的 其他方式行使其權力,消弭該安排的效力。
(b) in such other manner as the Board considers appropriate to counteract the effect of the arrangement.
苏丹政府继续作出重大努力,促成部落和解,最近 一次是在南达尔富尔州消弭了部 落冲突。
The Sudanese Government has continued its colossal efforts to work for tribal reconciliation, most recently in the state of South Darfur, where the tribal struggles were ended as a result.
同时必须保持与可持续发展消弭贫 穷和 降低灾害风险之间的平衡。
It will also need to balance tradeoffs with sustainable development and poverty reduction efforts, as well as disaster risk reduction.
為免除對存保計劃保障範圍的誤解及憂慮,以 消弭 由 於 不保障 用作抵押存款而對存保計劃的成效造成的不良影響,存保會建議重新 [...]
To eliminate the potential for misunderstanding [...]
and concern about the coverage of the DPS and remove the undesirable impact
on its effectiveness due to the exclusion of secured deposits, the Board recommends redefining the coverage of the DPS to bring secured deposits under protection.
儘管如此,如果這是政府企消弭弊 端 ,那麼,我就認為第 4(4)條的觀點是錯誤的。
However, if this is the evil that the Government seeks to remove, then clause 4(4) is in my opinion misconceived.
奥地利代表在第三委员会发言时,综述了 各方面对《宣言》的重视。他指出:《宣言》通过后,不应当束之高阁、被人遗 忘,而应当加以实施、使之充满活力,从而帮 消弭 涉 及 少数群体的紧张局势(见 A/C.3/47/SR.47,第 89 段)。
The importance attached to it was summed up by the representative of Austria, who, speaking before the Third Committee, observed that once the declaration had been adopted, it should then not be filed and forgotten, but implemented and filled with life, so as to contribute to overcoming situations of tension relating to minorities (see A/C.3/47/SR.47, para. 89).
联阿安全部队进行 了干预,确保南苏丹警察部队从该地区撤出,从 消弭 了 紧 张局势。
The intervention of UNISFA defused the situation by securing the withdrawal of the South Sudan Police Service from the area.
不少調查均指出, 施暴者通常是在受到極大壓力不 消弭 的 情 況下,向家人發泄自己在其他渠 道所承受的壓力,帶有一種恃強凌弱的心態。
Many surveys have pointed out that people who inflict
abuses are often under great pressure, so
[...] much they cannot dispel it themselves and [...]
the only way which they can vent the pressure
which they cannot do so through other channels is by inflicting violence on their family members and in a bullying manner.
我們需要從較廣闊和較長遠的角度去衡量,並採取辦法確保本港社會 ㆖對兒童慣於疏忽照顧的特有風氣,必須透過彌補現有不足、糾正現有錯誤 消弭現 有缺點的決心加以取代。
We need to take a broader and more farsighted view, and a way to ensure that the neglect and inertia which characterize the quality of care for our children must be replaced by a determination to make up for present inadequacies, right present wrongs, and rectify present shortcomings.
因此,这些措施的其他目标应加以明确, 消弭 数 字鸿沟;增强学生的 学习动机和参与;改进管理和决策;减少教师的行政负担;提高与工作生产率有 关的竞争力;扩大超越地域界线的学习机会。
Therefore, the other objectives of these interventions should be made clear, such as: closing the digital divide; increasing student motivation and participation; improving management and decision-making; reducing the administrative burden on teachers; improving competencies relating to work productivity; and expanding opportunities for learning that go beyond geographic boundaries.
(a) 进行全国童工调查,收集可靠和有效的数据,以了解童工的现实情 况,并支持解决童工问题之根源 消弭 全 国 童工所面临之危险的建议
(a) Conduct a national child labour survey to collect reliable and valid data in order to understand the dynamics of child labour and to support recommendations that will address the root causes and the dangers of child labour throughout the country
終審法院是㆒個非常政治化的問題, 消弭 這 個問題的唯㆒法子,是盡早成立㆒ 個符合㆒九九㆒年協議的終審法院。
To set up the CFA as soon as possible and in accordance with the 1991 agreement is the only sure way out of a much-politicized legal issue.
她 促 請 工作小組與 曾出席2005年 3月 14日會議的代 表團體交換 意 見 ,以期 盡消弭各 方 對此 事的分歧 意 見 。
She urged that the Working Group should exchange views with the deputations attending the meeting on 14 March 2005 with a view to minimising dissonant views on the matter.
面 對日益 增 多 的家庭 問題和慘 劇 ,政府必須 成立家庭 事務委 員會,協 助 政 府 藉 多方面 的政策措施, 減少消 弭 家 庭 矛盾和 危機, 以 及 盡 量 避 免 家 庭 慘 劇 發生。
In the face of increasing family problems and tragedies, the Government must set up a Family Affairs Commission to assist it in reducing and defusing family conflicts and crises through various policies and measures in order to prevent the incidence of family tragedies as far as possible.
适应需要与其他重 要问题协同配合,例如经济发展 消弭 贫 穷 、灾 害管理等的战略。
It has clear synergies with important issues such as economic development, poverty reduction and disaster management strategies.
[...] 政治组织保持冷静,通过对话和政治谈 消弭 分 歧, 并遵守安全理事会有关决议。
We urge all political groups in Lebanon to maintain calm, address
their differences through dialogue and
[...] political negotiations and abide by relevant [...]
resolutions of the Security Council.
更棒的是,就像所有的 Wyse
[...] 雲端用戶端,這些機型捨棄使用硬碟,並將使用者的所有資料安全地保存在伺服器上,徹 消弭 資 料遺失或是惡意病毒的威脅風險。
And, just like all Wyse cloud clients, they don’t have hard
drives, so all your users’ data remains
[...] safely on the server, eliminating the risks from data [...]
loss or malicious viruses.
我 建議政府可要求承建商設置㆒個類似工業安全主任的職位,令潛在問題可即 消弭 於無 形,盡量減低在施工期間對市民所產生的影響。
I suggest that the Government should require contractors to create a post similar to that of Safety Officer.
誠然,㆗國政府在跨越九七的重大事情㆖理應有知情權,但這絕非代表審議,「主 權論」決不可以無限㆖綱的,但作為九七前宗主國的英國政府,亦不應因與㆗方在管 治機場的問題㆖談不攏便輕言放棄或擱置,或以延遲作為幌子,使新機場問題陷於停 滯不前的局面;畢竟,盡快重開機場小組工作會議才是㆖策,沒有正面的接觸和溝通, 雙方的歧見又怎消弭呢?
Yet the United Kingdom, as the sovereign state of Hong Kong before 1997, should not lightly give up or shelve the new airport project just because it cannot reach agreement with the Chinese Government over the matter; nor should it let the matter be stalemated by indefinitely delaying it.
此外, 我們正考慮租用或購買私㆟㆞方。現時我們進行康復計劃,都會盡早通知當㆞居民,消弭他們的反對和保障他們獲知消息的權利,以期鼓勵市民大眾更正面㆞看待弱能 ㆟士。
To overcome local opposition and to ensure local residents' rights to information, we are informing them of rehabilitation projects in their neighbourhood as early as possible, with a view to encouraging a more positive attitude to people with disabilities.
此外,我们从新近颁布的 对于不遵守《残疾人基本法》及其细则条例的《违反和惩治法》中了解到,社会 文化模式不会因严刑酷法而自动修正,而歧视现象也不会因此而自 消弭。
Moreover, as the recently adopted Act on Offences and Penalties for Non-Compliance with the Omnibus Act on Persons with Disabilities and its Implementing Regulations has revealed, it is not simply by issuing decrees or taking particularly drastic measures that we change social and cultural norms or reduce discrimination.
無論如 何消弭分歧 的最佳辦法,是繼續積極而公平㆞施行本㆞化政策、為公務員制訂 [...]
無分本㆞和海外服務條件的嶄新聘用條件,以及與有關方面共同構思較長遠的解 決辦法。
Nevertheless the
[...] best ways to heal the divisions are to [...]
continue to implement the localization policy vigorously, but fairly,
to devise a new package for civil service employment which removes the distinction between local and overseas conditions of service, and to work towards a longerterm solution in consultation with interested parties.
[...] 為《防止非法截取通訊或監察條例》,而我的職位改稱為防 止非法截取通訊或監察事務專員,我認為將 消弭 誤 解 ,而 條例的目的和委任我的目的亦更易為人理解。
Had the Ordinance been named, for example, as the Protection against Unlawful Interception of Communications or Surveillance Ordinance and my post been called the Commissioner on Protection against Unlawful Interception of Communications or
Surveillance, I would have thought
[...] that that would have eliminated the misunderstanding [...]
and generated a better appreciation
of the objective of the Ordinance and the purposes of my appointment.
他明白政府當局已透 過在本港其他地方劃出更多郊 野公園範圍,消弭公眾對清水 灣郊野公園遭剔除5 公頃土地的 反對,但日後要復修堆填區再作 其他用途則需要時間。
He understood that while the Administration had sought to resolve the objections to the excision of 5 ha of land of CWBCP by designating more areas as country parks in other parts of the territory, it would take time to restore the landfill in future for afteruse.
此外,我與中美洲國家合作混合委員會「外長會 議」進行多項合作計畫包括「中美洲漁業及水產養殖
[...] 整合進程計畫」、「協助促進中美洲糧食安全之糧食 增產與品質提升計畫」,均有效協助友邦提高糧食自 給率消弭貧窮與飢餓。
Furthermore, Taiwan collaborated with nations whose foreign ministers met at the Mixed Commission for Cooperation between Countries of the Central American Isthmus and the ROC on a number of projects, including the Central America Fishing and Fish Breeding Integration Project and the Food Productivity and Quality Improvement Project for Food Safety in Central America, both of which effectively
helped diplomatic allies to increase the self-sufficiency rate for grain
[...] production and to eliminate poverty and hunger.
這個疏忽可能曾導致有㆟懷疑政府當局企圖 施行「分化管治」的手段,消弭這 些 疑慮實是輕而易舉,只要政府能與外界分享所 [...]
掌握的資料及蒐集的意見,至為重要的是,政府亦應同時向有非政府㆟員出任成員的 有關委員會徵詢意見。
This omission may have given rise to the suspicion that it is the Administration's
intention to "Divide and Rule", a notion
[...] that can easily be dispelled by the sharing of [...]
information and advice and, most importantly,
the basis for such advice tendered by the relevant committees with non-government Members.
欢迎国际社会、尤其是非洲联盟和西非国家经济共同体所发挥的作用,它们 努力制止暴力消弭冲突 、采取行动以加强对民主规则的尊重和法治,并改善科 特迪瓦的人权状况
Union and the Economic Community of West African States, in efforts to put an end to violence, halt clashes and take action to strengthen the respect of democratic rules and the rule of law, and to improve the situation of human rights in Côte d’Ivoire




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