

单词 汗如雨下

See also:


as follows
as follow






as belowadv

External sources (not reviewed)

Protect the
[...] device and cuff from rain, sweat and water.
Sea ispurple, halfrain,half sun: the passengers develop an enormous appetite - if it goes on like [...]
this, everybody will be suffering from
gout by the time we arrive in New York.
我不知道在非常非常冷或者外下雨 候,衣服挂起来,弄干。
I don’t know howyou hang it out and dry clothes when it’s very very cold or raining outside.
五楼中庭旁,占地千坪的统一Being Sport健身空间,,让您享受汗如雨动乐趣吗!
PCSC Being Sport Gym occupies 1,000 pyeong (or 3,306 square metres) at the fifth floor by the courtyard.
在 2011 年 7 月 7
[...] 日给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/419)中,秘书长宣布他 任命科特迪瓦问题专家组四名成如下·科尔(土耳其,海关-运输 专家)、奥马伊拉·贝穆德斯-卢戈(美利坚合众国,钻石专家)、若埃尔·沙莱克 [...][...]
In a letter addressed to the President of the Security Council dated 7 July 2011 (S/2011/419), the Secretary-General announced
his appointment of four members of the
[...] Group of Experts as follows: Ilhan Berkol (Turkey, [...]
customs/transport expert), Omayra
Bermúdez-Lugo (United States of America, diamond expert), Joel Salek (Colombia, finance expert) and Manuel Vazquez-Boidard (Spain, regional expert).
冈比亚政府希望重申其对教科文组织的宗旨及目标之承诺,并殷切希望全面参与本组 织的工作,所欠的会费
[...] 59,839 美元及 2650 欧元未付的原因是冈比亚遇到了无法控制如下:农作物歉收雨下而且没有规律,来自塞拉利昂、利比里亚、塞内加尔和几内亚 [...]
The contributions of US $59,839 and euros 2650 outstanding, have not been paid due to conditions
beyond the control of
[...] The Gambia asfollows:Crop failure; late and erratic rains; theimpactof large [...]
inflow of refugees
from Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Guinea Bissau, etc.
我们想在秘书长报告中得到更多关将阿 和阿富汗妇女列入有关方案的规 划和执行工作的信息,其中包括为了执行第 1325(2000)号和第 1889(2009)号决议。
We would be interested in receiving more detailed
[...] information in the next report of the SecretaryGeneral on how Afghanistan’s ethnic communities and the women of Afghanistanare included [...]
in the planning and
implementation of relevant programmes, including with a view to the implementation of resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1889 (2009).
关自然科学、社会科学及人文科学以 及传播和信息等各章中所报道的,在其它重大计 在阿了各种活 动。
Activities in Afghanistan are also carried out under other major programmes as reported in the respective chapters on Natural sciences, Social and human sciences and Communication and information.
教科文组织在实施 具体活动的同时也制定相应的准则,努力 使决策者意识到批准现有国际文书已势在 必行拉克批准《关于在武 装冲突的情文化财产海牙公约》 (1954年)应具有强制性。
UNESCO, through its standard-setting action carried out in parallel with its operational action, has endeavoured to alert decision-makers to the compelling need to ratify
existing international
[...] instruments, suchas theHague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954) as in the case of Afghanistan [...]
or Iraq.
我们希望在波恩即将召开的会议将是又一次以真诚 方式开展讨论的机会,商讨如何制定措施来应对政治 和安全问题方面的共同挑战并拟订更多消除极端主 义、好战成性、恐怖主义和贩毒的办法,以照阿的愿望,在所有邻国和区域国家的积极 参增进阿 繁荣铺平道路。
We hope that the upcoming meeting in Bonn will be another occasion to discuss in a sincere manner ways to develop measures aimed at addressing common challenges in political and security issues and to elaborate further ways to eliminate extremism, militancy, terrorism and drug trafficking,
as well as to pave
[...] the way for greater economic prosperity for Afghanistan, withthe active participation of all the neighbouring and regional countries, in line with the wishesof the Afghan people.
Not many friends go as far back as Dave and I do, having shared the
sweat while loading larges bales of hay onto 18-wheelers together in Washington
[...] State what seems like so many years ago.
在国际社会的支 续其在 等问题上 的进展,将重点关注恐怖主义和禁毒、减少贫困、人道主义需求、提供基本社会 服务、粮食安全、保护人权,特别是妇女和儿童权利、尊重个人尊严、促进教育 和文化、改善治理、减少腐败、减少对国际援助的依赖、促进私人投资,从而促 [...]
With support fromthe International Community, Afghanistan will continue its progress on such issues as [...]
security, with a focus
on terrorism and counter-narcotics, poverty reduction, humanitarian needs, provision of basic social services, food security, protection of human rights in particular the rights of women and children, respect for individual dignity, promotion of education and culture, improvement of governance, reducing corruption, lessening reliance on international assistance, and promotion of private investment, thereby contributing to human security.
(a) 如果可能,涉及已和解个人的除名请求应附上高级和平委员会通过阿富 汗政府递交的一项公函,确定所涉个人根据和解准则具备和解身份按照 加强和平方案进行的和解,则需提供文件,证明其已根据以前的方案进行和解; 并应提供当前地址和联系方法; (b) 除名请求所涉个2002 年之前曾在塔利班政权任职,且不再符 合本决议第 3 段所述列名标准,应在可能情 上阿的一项公函,确 认所涉个人不再活跃支持或参与威胁阿富汗的和平、稳定与安全的行为;并应提 供当前地址和联系方法
(b) Delisting requests concerning individuals who formerly held
positions in the Taliban regime prior to
[...] 2002 who no longer meet the listing criteria outlined in paragraph 3 of this resolution should, if possible, include a communication from the Government of Afghanistan confirming that the individual is not an active supporter of, or participant in, acts that threaten the peace, stability and securityof Afghanistan, aswell as current address and contact information
(b) 除名请求所涉个2002 年之前曾在塔利班政权任职,且不再符 合本决议第 3 段所述列名标准,应在可能情 上阿的一项公函,确 认所涉个人不再活跃支持或参与威胁阿富汗的和平、稳定与安全的行为;并应提 供当前地址和联系方法
(b) Delisting requests concerning individuals who formerly held positions in the Taliban regime
prior to 2002 who no
[...] longer meetthe listing criteria outlined in paragraph 3 of this resolution should, if possible, include a communication from the Government ofAfghanistan confirming that the [...]
individual is not
an active supporter of, or participant in, acts that threaten the peace, stability and security of Afghanistan, as well as current address and contact information
目前有一个 P-3 员额专门负责支助关于
[...] 水的研究、供应和养护,评估非洲各特派团的水资源并支助特派团管理这些资源; 评估量,就恢复技术提供咨询意见,以满足特派团要求,还就环 [...]
境行动提供咨询意见,以养护、回收和补给资源,同时不对当地人口产生不利影 响。
There is currently one post (P-3) dedicated to supporting water research, supply and conservation, assessing water resources in African missions and supporting missions
in the management of these resources;
[...] assessing ground andrain watercapacities and [...]
providing advice on recovery techniques
to meet mission requirements and environmental action to conserve, recycle and replenish resources without adversely affecting the local population.
During the stormy years hespent on the patriarch's throne, while he was warring against the Latins, he was negotiating with the Moslem Khalifa for the [...]
protection of the Christiansunder Moslem rule and the care of the
Holy Places, and carrying on controversies against various Eastern heretics, Armenians, Paulicians etc. His interest in letters never abated.
然而,随着 时间的推移,与阿拉伯国家联盟的合如雨 笋般地发展,现已囊括了西亚经社会所 覆盖的所有实质性领域。
Over the years, however, cooperation with LAS has mushroomed and encompasses all substantive areas covered by ESCWA.
经济、社会、文化权利委员会认为,包括农村地区劳动者在内的所有人都 拥有住房权,这一权利确保在任何时候可提供住房使用权的最低法律保障,包括 免遭强迫驱逐;提供基本的服务、材料、设备和基础设施,包括提供安全饮用水
和卫生设施;通过住房补贴的形式,向包括最贫困者在内的租户提供保护,使其 免受不合理租金水平或租金上涨的影响;提供适于居住的住房,包括向住户提供
[...] 保护,使他们免受严寒、潮湿、炎热、刮 下雨他健康威胁;向处境不利的 群体,包括老年人、儿童、残疾人和自然灾害受害者提供住房机会;适当的居住 [...]
According to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, every person, including those working in rural areas, has a right to housing, which guarantees at all times the minimum conditions of legal security of tenure, including protection against forced eviction; availability of essential services, materials, facilities and infrastructure, including access to safe drinking water and sanitation; affordability, including for the poorest, through housing subsidies, protection against unreasonable rent levels or rent increases;
habitability, including protection
[...] from cold, damp,heat, rain, windor other threats [...]
to health; accessibility for disadvantaged
groups, including the elderly, children, the physically disabled and victims of natural disasters; and a suitable location, far from sources of pollution while close to schools and health-care services.76 48.
翠鸟威胁河蚌说:‘你这样夹住我,你也跑不了 今天 下雨 明天 下雨会干死你。
If todayit doesn't rain, and tomorrow it doesn't rain, youwill be [...]
a dead clam.
项目厅 与联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)和其他合作伙伴密切合作,为学校提供设施, 以促进提高入学率,典政府资 为阿建造 3 个足球场,使 5 000 名儿童受益。
UNOPS worked closely with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other partners to provide schools with the facilities
to promote increased
[...] attendance, for example by building three football fields for schools inAfghanistan to benefit 5,000 [...]
children, with funding
from the Government of Sweden.
[...] 朗伊斯兰共和国的原因之一是他们曾担任律师和议员的父亲在阿多 敌人,而这些人是现政府的官员,他们担心,仅仅是因为自己的姓氏,回国就会 [...]
They submitted that one of the reasons why they had to leave the Islamic Republic of Iran initially was that their father, who was a
lawyer and Member of Parliament, had made
[...] many enemies in Afghanistan, who are now officials [...]
in the present Government, and
they fear to be killed if returned, simply on the basis of their name.
Body Mint 身体除味清新口服丸」由夏威夷土产的植物叶绿素衍生物制成,能够被人体完全吸收,帮助清除身体异味(口臭)、味、身脚气味等。
Body Mint's unique formulation gives it the power to fight and alleviate
everyday body odors from multiple sources,
[...] like bad breath (halitosis), underarmodor, perspiration odor and foot odor.
在多个会 员国开展的干预措施进展顺利(果民主共和国),在另一些国家开展的活动 [...]
落后于预定计划,到本双年度结束时产生可持续作用的前景受到影响(例如马达加斯加和莱 索托)。
Interventions are well on track in a number of
[...] Member States(e.g.Afghanistan and Democratic [...]
Republic of the Congo), while activities
in some others (e.g. Madagascar and Lesotho) have fallen behind schedule, decreasing the possibility of having a sustainable impact by the end of this biennium.
重申迫切需要应对阿富汗境内的各种挑战,尤其是要处理塔利班、基地组织、 非法武装团体和从事毒品贸易的人特别是在南部和东部地区更加猖獗的暴力犯 罪活动和恐怖活动,组建包括地方一级的阿富汗政府机构,加强法治和民主进程, 打击腐败,加快司法部门的改革,在不妨碍执行安全理事会 1999 年 10 月 15 日 第 1267(1999)号决议和其他相关决议规定的措施的情况下促进民族和解,促进阿渡时期司法进程,实现阿富汗难民和境内流离失所者安全有序 和有尊严地自愿返回,促进和保护人权以及推动经济和社会发展
Reiterating the urgent need to tackle the challenges in Afghanistan, in particular the increased violent criminal and terrorist activities by the Taliban, Al-Qaida, illegal armed groups and those involved in the narcotics trade, in particular in the south and east, the development of Afghan Government institutions, including at the subnational level, the strengthening of the rule of law and democratic processes, the fight against corruption, the acceleration of justice sector reform, the promotion of national reconciliation, without prejudice to the fulfilment of the measures introduced by the Security Council in resolution 1267 (1999) of 15 October 1999 and other relevant resolutions, an Afghan-led transitional justice process, the safe and voluntary returnofAfghan refugees and internally displaced persons in an orderly and dignified manner, the promotion and protection of human rights and the advancement of economic and social development
建立该系统所需的基本资源已提供家:阿 尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞 [...]
哥维那、保加利亚、吉布提、埃及、格鲁吉亚、印度、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊 拉克、约旦、黎巴嫩、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马尔代夫、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、巴
基斯坦、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞尔维亚、斯里兰卡、苏丹、前南斯拉夫的马其顿 共和国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌克兰和也门,以及巴勒斯坦被占领土当局和科索 沃。
Basic resources for establishing the
[...] systems were provided toAfghanistan,Albania, Algeria, Armenia, [...]
Azerbaijan, Benin, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Djibouti, Egypt, Georgia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Maldives, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and Yemen, as well as to the authorities of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and to Kosovo.
该报告审视了大量适当技术和相 关管理做法,包括传统做(如雨蓄和储存)以及新技术和新兴技术(例如地 [...]
理信息系统),并讨论了为加速推广和采用这些技术和做法需要采取进一步行动 的关键领域。
It reviews a host of appropriate technologies and associated management practices,
including traditional
[...] practices(such as waterharvesting [...]
and storage) and new and emerging ones (such as geographical information
systems), and discusses key areas for future action to accelerate the diffusion and adoption of those technologies and practices.




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