

单词 民盟


克民盟 n



China Democratic League


Patriotic Democratic Alliance of Chinese Students

See also:

league, a subdivision corresponding prefecture in Inner Mongolia

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 分析人士和观察人士对前景持悲观态度,他们认为 不管选举结果如何,反独联或民盟 支 持 者总有一 方将会重回街头抗议。
Many analysts and observers of Thai politics are
pessimistic and predict that either UDD or PAD supporters will soon return to the streets,
[...] whatever the outcome of the polls.
Mideksa 女士被捕前一个月左右曾访问团民盟在日内瓦的瑞士分部。
About a month before her arrest, Ms. Mideksa had visited the Swiss section of KINIJIT in Geneva.
从1998年起冯·博伊斯特就是民盟联 邦主席团的成员。
Since 1998  on Beust is member of the federal board of the CDU.
他的政治生涯始于2001年,当时他进入汉堡的德国 民盟 ( CDU)任CEO。
In 2001 he began his political career as CEO of the Hamburg CDU.
担忧在一个更自由公正的选举环境中他们自身的命 运或政党的前途;一些政客和裙带商人可能会担心 改革会威胁他们的经济利益;有强烈民族主义情结 的人可能会对所谓的对西方世界的妥协行为感到不
[...] 安;其他一些人可能会反对与昂山素季 民盟 达成 和解,尤其是在议会补选之后。
For example, some USDP members now likely have concerns about their fate or their party’s in a more free and fair electoral environment; some politicians and crony businessmen may have concerns that some reforms will threaten their economic interests; those with a strong nationalistic disposition may feel uncomfortable with what they might classify as concessions to the
West; others may object to reconciliation with Aung San
[...] Suu Kyi and the NLD, particularly in [...]
the wake of the by-elections.
科索沃阿族的两大政党,科索沃民主党和 民盟 , 略 微提高了其在选民中的 支持率,而反对党达尔达尼民主联 盟 和 新 科索沃联盟则失去了一部分人的支 持;科索沃前途联盟的支持者人数增加了一倍。
The two leading Kosovo Albanian parties, PDK and LDK, slightly improved their electoral support, while the opposition Democratic League of Dardania and New Kosovo Alliance parties lost some of their support; the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) doubled the number of its supporters.
9 月 23 日,我在之友小组会议之后发表声明(见下文第三节),对此表示欢迎,认为这是
[...] 朝着正确方向迈出的一步,同时呼吁释放所有在押政治犯,取消对全 民 主 联盟 (民盟)总书记昂山素季的一切限制。
In a statement on 23 September following a meeting of my Group of Friends (see sect. III below), I welcomed this as a step in the right direction, while calling for the release of all remaining political
prisoners and the lifting of restrictions on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, General
[...] Secretary of the National League for Democracy (NLD).
申诉人坚称,由 于她的政治背景和她在团民盟内的 重要地位,她担心受到迫害,还声称若返回 埃塞俄比亚,她将极有可能遭受酷刑。
The complainant maintains that due to her political background and her prominent role within CUDP/KINIJIT, she fears persecution and claims that she would be exposed to a high risk of torture if she returns to Ethiopia.
2002 年选举后,捷克社会民主党(ČSSD)赢得最多议席(70
[...] 席),其次是公民 民主党(ODS 58 席)、波希米亚和摩拉维亚共产党(KSČM 41 席),最后是基督民主同盟-捷克斯洛伐克人民党(KDU-ČSL)以及自由 盟 - 民 主 同 盟 ( U S -D EU) 结成的政党联盟,获得 31 个议席。
In 2002 elections, The Czech Social-Democratic Party (ČSSD) received the highest amount of seats (70), followed by The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) with 58 mandates, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
[...] with 41 seats and the last was the coalition of the Christian and Democratic Union – The Czechoslovak People’s Party [...]
and The Freedom Union – The Democratic Union (KDU-ČSL US-DEU) with 31 mandates.
厄立特里 亚向苏丹人民解放军提供援助的主要渠道是全 民 主 联 盟(民 主 联 盟 ) , 这 是设 在厄立特里亚的一个反对喀土穆政权的政党联盟和武装运动。
Eritrea’s support to SPLA was
principally channelled through the
[...] National Democratic Alliance (NDA), a coalition of political [...]
parties and armed movements
opposed to the Khartoum regime, which was hosted in Eritrea.
蔡 素玉議員表示,民主建港盟(民建聯 )的議員支持此項建 議。
Miss CHOY So-yuk said that Members of
[...] the Democratic Alliance for Betterment [...]
of Hong Kong (DAB) supported the proposal.
2009 年 7 月
[...] 27 日经济及社会理事会第 37 次全体会议决定给予非政府组民主联盟项目特别咨商地位。
At its 37th plenary meeting, on 27 July 2009, the Economic and
Social Council decided to grant special consultative status to the
[...] non-governmental organization Democracy Coalition Project.
会议还邀请了 多边机构,以加强民教育的联盟。
Multilateral agencies had also been invited, in
[...] order to reinforce alliances towards Education [...]
for All.
与自然和谐相处的概念已载入各种多边及区域 宣言中,包括:《世界大自然宪章》、《里约环境与发
展宣言》、美国圣地亚哥宣言第二次首脑会议、喀尔 巴阡与多瑙河地区的《环境与可持续发展宣言》、《南 美洲国家联盟组织条约》、《南亚区域合作联盟宣言》
[...] 第十五次首脑会议、《玻利瓦尔美洲 民 联 盟 国 家 元 首与政府首脑第七次首脑会议最后宣言——人民通 [...]
The concept of harmony with nature had been enshrined in various multilateral and regional declarations, including the World Charter for Nature, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Second Summit of the Americas Santiago Declaration, the Declaration on Environment and Sustainable Development in the Carpathian and Danube Region, the Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations, the fifteenth Summit Declaration of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Final Declaration of the seventh Summit of Heads of
State and Government of the Bolivarian
[...] Alternative for the People of Our Americans [...]
— Treaty of Commerce for the People.
在罗马尼亚有住所或永久住处且年满 18 岁的盟公民,包 括选举日当天 年满 18 岁且未被剥夺选举权者,具有选举资格。
EU citizens having the domicile or residence
[...] in Romania and being 18, including those [...]
who have reached that age on the Election
Day, and who have not been deprived of their electoral rights, are entitled to vote.
民主建港盟 ( “ 民 建 聯 ” ) 建 議 應進一步 推動 CEPA 的 落 [...]
實 , 逐 步 將 個 人 遊 的 適 用 範圍擴展至內地 9 個 省區的 重 點 城市, 同 時 應加緊推行及 落 實 西 部 通道及 港 珠 澳 大
橋 的 建設, 盡 快在西 部 通道以外的 口 岸實施“一地兩 檢 ” , 以 疏 導 及 方便人 流 往 來 。
The Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong [...]
Kong (DAB) proposes that the implementation of CEPA should be further promoted,
and the applicability of the Individual Visit Scheme be expanded gradually to the main cities of nine mainland provinces. Meanwhile, action should be taken to expedite and implement the construction of the Western Corridor and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and to introduce the co-location of immigration and custom facilities at boundary control points other than the Western Corridor as soon as possible to ease the flow of people and to provide convenience for them.
2012 年5月4 日,特别报告员与增进和保护见解和言论自由权利问题特别
[...] 报告员、人权维护者境况问题特别报告员一起发出了一封指控信,其重点是 2012 年盟民间社 会会议/ 东盟各国人民论坛的组织者和参加者面临的和平集 [...]
On 4 May 2012, the Special Rapporteur joined the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of
association, and the Special Rapporteur on the
[...] situation of human rights defenders in a [...]
joint allegation letter that focused on information
concerning restrictions on the enjoyment of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, opinion and expression reportedly faced by organizers of and participants in the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples’ Forum 2012.
它还建议缔约国消除欧洲盟成员国 国 民 与 其 他国家国民在削减 大学学费和分摊财政援助方面的不平等待遇。
It also recommends that the State party
eliminate the unequal treatment
[...] between European Union member State nationals and nationals of other [...]
States regarding the reduction
of university fees and the allocation of financial assistance.
该理事会决定后经 2011/178/CFSP 号理事会决定修订,添加了禁止在利比亚
[...] 空域飞行、禁止利比亚飞机在欧洲联盟空域飞行、以及要求欧洲 盟 成 员国 国 民、 受欧洲盟成员 国管辖者、在欧洲联盟成员国境内成立或受欧洲联盟成员国管辖 [...]
The Council decision was later amended by Council decision 2011/178/CFSP by adding a ban on flights in the airspace of Libya, a ban on flights of Libyan aircraft in
the airspace of the European
[...] Union and a requirement that nationals of European Union member States, [...]
persons subject to their
jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territories or subject to their jurisdiction should exercise vigilance when doing business with Libyan entities.
盟的公民移居 另一个成员国工作或退休应 当有权利把资金从一个成员国转入另一个成 [...]
EU citizens who move to another [...]
Member State to work or retire must have the right to transfer money from one EU country to another.
2 000 多 名盟民事专 家正在与法治相关的所有领域为科索 沃当局提供援助,特别是在警察、司法、海关和惩教 [...]
More than 2,000 EU civilian experts are assisting [...]
the Kosovo authorities, in particular in the police, judiciary, customs
and correctional services, in all areas related to the rule of law, in order to ensure the adoption of best practices.
目前已完成欧洲空间局的应急地图集项目和 欧洲地震预警项目,继这两个项目之后, 民 署 期望 欧 盟 委 员 会全球环境和安 全监测初步行动——紧急情况管理服务制图(2012-2013 年)拓展上述伙伴关 系。
Following the European Space Agency’s Respond Atlas (ESA-RESPOND) project and the European
Seismic Early Warning
[...] for Europe (EU-SAFER) project, both now completed, UNHCR will look forward to the European Commission [...]
GMES Initial
Operations — Emergency Management Service Mapping (2012-2013) to expand those partnerships.
民意研究計劃總監鍾庭耀分析:「在司徒華逝世後、預算案發表前的最新『十大政團』調查顯示,對比三個月前,支聯會、職 盟 、 民 主 黨 和公民黨的評分大幅上升至近年新高,支聯會更加首次登上榜首,是本調查系列在1992年開始以來第一次,無疑與巿民懷念司徒華有關。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, observed, "Our latest survey of 'Top 10 Political Groups' conducted after the death of Szeto Wah but before the Budget Speech shows that, compared to three months ago, the ratings of HKASPDMC, HKCTU, DP and CP have all gone up significantly to new highs in recent years.
對於政治團體評分的最新結果,鍾庭耀分析:「調查顯示,所有市民熟悉的政治團體的最新一輪評分都有上升,當中以職 盟 , 民 主 黨及前升幅最大。
On the rating of the political groups, Robert Chung observed, " The ratings of
all major political groups have gone up in the latest round
[...] of survey, with CTU, DP and Frontier [...]
having the biggest gain.
英国政府和伦敦金融城必需严肃地考虑在法国和意大利出现的民本主义、南北经济差异、越来越多弊端的 盟民 主 进程(现在已成为德国的一种苦恼)的广泛影响。
The broader implications of the rise in populism in France and Italy,
north-south economic disparity, and
[...] increasingly flawed EU democratic processes [...]
(now a source of discomfort for Germany)
need to be taken seriously by the UK government and the City.
尽管官方政策规定不准把儿童招入其国家安全部队,但据报告,儿童继续 与过渡联邦政府及其盟民兵、 包括先知的信徒有关联,2010 年记录到 [...]
40 起案 例。
Despite its official policy not to recruit children into its national security forces, it is reported that children continue to be
associated with the Transitional Federal
[...] Government and its allied militia, including Ahlu [...]
Sunna Wal Jama’a, with 40 cases documented in 2010.
一些技术报告和议题文件侧重于具体问题,包 括有组织犯罪在从西非向欧洲盟偷 运 移 民 中 的 作用,以及对孟加拉国、印 度、尼泊尔和斯里兰卡人口贩运问题的法律政策应对。
Several technical reports and issue papers focus on specific issues, including on the role of
organized crime in the
[...] smuggling of migrants from West Africa to the European Union and on legal policy [...]
responses to human
trafficking in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
[...] 的非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)的支持和 埃塞俄比亚的参与下,通过盟民兵 的努力,叛军正 在撤退,并迅速失去对大片领土的控制。
Through the allied militias, supported by an
[...] expanded African Union Mission in Somalia [...]
(AMISOM) and the engagement of Ethiopia,
the insurgents are retreating and fast losing control of swathes of territory.




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