单词 | 毛利 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 毛利 noun —gross profit nSee also:毛 n—wool n • hair n • hairs pl • feather n • mold n • mildew n 毛—scared • nervous • careless • coarse or semifinished • unthinking • (of currency) devalue or depreciate • surname Mao
對攤銷的計量部分反映來自資產以支付對保單持有人負債的即期費用,以及預期未 來 毛利 的水 平,其取決於未來費用的假設水平。 prudential.co.uk | The measurement of the amortisation in part reflects current period fees earned on assets covering [...] liabilities to policyholders, and the expected [...] level of future gross profits which [...]depends on the assumed level of future fees. prudential.co.uk |
有關增加主要反映較高毛利 的核心攤銷增加,原因是儘管存在季節性差異,遞延保單獲得成本攤銷在各個期間的增速基本相似。 prudential.co.uk | This increase primarily reflects increased core amortisation [...] associated with higher gross profits, as the [...]acceleration of DAC amortisation was broadly [...]similar between periods, albeit for different reasons. prudential.co.uk |
iii) 財務資料,包括營業額和盈利分別為人民幣 6 億 6,800 萬元和人民幣 4 億 4,000 萬元、營業額及毛利率之轉變。 legco.gov.hk | iii) financial information including turnover and profit of RMB668 million and RMB440 million, the turnover and gross profit margin changes. legco.gov.hk |
雖然這些投資在短期內會影響毛利率 , 但是我們相信《頭 條日報》的競爭能力將大大增強,長遠而言,佔整體報章市場的最大份額。 notice.singtaonewscorp.com | Although these investments [...] will affect gross profit margins in [...]the near term, we are positive that Headline Daily will become [...]an even stronger competitor and will emerge as the leader in the overall newspaper market in the long run. notice.singtaonewscorp.com |
嚴緊的成本控制措施大大抵銷對生產成本增加的衝擊,使本集團能夠維持穩定 的 毛利 之 水 平約為 8.1%。 kwonghing.com | The impact of production cost increase was largely offset by the [...] stringent cost control measures which had enabled the Group to [...] maintain stable gross margin level of approximately 8.1%. kwonghing.com |
對攤銷 [...] 的計量部分反映來自資產以支付對保單持有人負債的即期費用(包括保證最低身故、收入或提取給付費用)、過往及 預期未來毛利的水 平(取決於未來費用的假設水平),以及與死亡率、退保及開支相關的元素。 prudential.co.uk | The measurement of the amortisation in part reflects current period fees (including those for guaranteed minimum death, income, or withdrawal benefits) earned on assets covering liabilities to [...] policyholders, and the historical and expected [...] level of future gross profits which depends [...]on the assumed level of future fees, [...]as well as components related to mortality, lapse and expense. prudential.co.uk |
倚賴本集團強大的科研力量,將深化的種植技術實踐於生產中,控制生產成本,提高生產 效率以致農產品毛利率。 chaoda.com.hk | The Group’s strong research and development in advanced agricultural techniques results in [...] improved production processes with more controllable production costs and higher yields, thus [...] achieving higher gross margin. chaoda.com.hk |
整體毛利率由 二零零六年上半年的 15.1%下降至二零零七年上半年的 11.3%,原因主要在於: (i) 銅加工業務佔集團總營業額比重有所增加,惟 其 毛利 率 未 及集團的其餘業務; (ii) 二零零 六年上半年國內氧化鋁價格正處於異常高位,集團氧化鋁貿易業務因而受惠,氧化鋁平均 售價遠高於其他時期; 及 (iii) 隨着若干長期銷售合同於二零零六年完結,集團面對氧化鋁價 格下滑的調節能力受到影響。 mmg.com | Overall gross profit margin dropped from 15.1% in the first-half of 2006 to 11.3% in the first-half of 2007, which was mainly attributable to: (i) copper fabrication accounted for a higher percentage of the Group’s turnover than before; however, its gross profit margin was not as high [...] as that of the other [...]business segments; (ii) in the first-half of 2006 the Group’s alumina trading business was particularly benefited from the absurdly high prices of alumina in the PRC market, thus the average selling price of alumina for that period was much higher than that of others; and (iii) the withstanding power of the Group to downside price adjustments of alumina was reduced because certain long-term sales contracts were ended in 2006. mmg.com |
(iii) 本集團之整體採購成本將會降低,從而提 升 毛利。 towngaschina.com | (iii) it will minimize the Group’s overall purchasing costs, thus [...] enhancing the gross profit. towngaschina.com |
整體毛利率由 二零零六年的 11.2%下降至二零零七年的 8.9%,原因主要在於: (i) 若干長期 銷售合同於二零零六年完結,因而影響集團對氧化鋁價格下滑的調節能力; 及 (ii) 銅加工業 務佔集團總營業額比重有所增加,惟 其 毛利 率 未 及集團的其餘業務。 mmg.com | Overall gross profit margin fell from 11.2% in 2006 to 8.9% in 2007, primarily attributable to the facts that: (i) certain long-term sales contracts were ended in 2006 and thus affecting the Group’s withstanding power to cope with downward price adjustments of alumina and (ii) copper fabrication business, which margin was lower than [...] those of other business [...]segments, accounted for a larger portion of the Group’s total turnover in 2007. mmg.com |
整體毛利率由二零零七年上半年的 14.9%下降至二零 零八年上半年的 8.0%,主要原因在於集團核心業務氧化鋁及鋁錠貿易 之 毛利 率 有 所下降。 mmg.com | Overall gross profit margin reduced from 14.9% in the first-half of 2007 to 8.0% in the first-half of 2008, mainly due to the reduction in gross profit margin of the core businesses [...] – trading [...]of alumina and aluminium ingots. mmg.com |
展望未來,嚴先生說:「在優越的成本結構和資產管理政策 及 毛利 率 維 持在高水平的情 況下,博軟將集中增加收入並將利用此等優越元素繼續為股東爭取更強勁的表現。 ruifengholdings.com | Looking forward, Mr. Ngiam said, “With our cost structure and asset management practices well in place and with profit margins at very high levels, ThinSoft shall concentrate on revenue acceleration in order to leverage these elements into continued strong performance for our shareholders. ruifengholdings.com |
若不包括於2011 年及2012 年因終止2G [...] 電訊服務合約所產生的一次性應收款項,收入上升11.6%,而經 營 毛利 率 則為89.1%。 stock.pingan.com.hk | Excluding the one-off income in relation to the termination of 2G telecommunication [...] contracts in both 2011 and 2012, revenue would have increased by 11.6%, and [...] the operating margin would have been 89.1%. stock.pingan.com.hk |
減 少 的原因是由於與二零零九年相比, 銷往毛利較低之國際市場的銷售額所佔比例較高,而當中部份已被開發費用及模具成本 下降所抵銷。 ir.playmatestoys.com | The decrease was attributable to a higher portion of sales to lower margin international markets compared to 2009, which were partially offset by a decrease in development expenses and tooling costs. ir.playmatestoys.com |
此外,預期毛利取決 於死亡率假設、假設單位成本及除身故外的終止(包括相關費 用),所有這些均基於 [...] Jackson 的實際經驗、行業經驗及未來預期等綜合因素。 prudential.co.uk | In addition, expected gross profits depend on [...] mortality assumptions, assumed unit costs and terminations other than deaths [...](including the related charges) all of which are based on a combination of actual experience of Jackson, industry experience and future expectations. prudential.co.uk |
本集團的業務主要在中華人民共和國(「中國」)經營,而本集團向其他地區的直接出口銷 售額及其相應毛利,均 只佔本集團綜合總額 5%以下。 chaoda.com.hk | The Group’s operations are primarily in the People’s Republic of [...] China (“PRC”) and the Group’s direct [...] export sales and gross profit attributable [...]to other geographical areas are both less [...]than 5% of the Group’s consolidated total for the year/period ended. chaoda.com.hk |
香港以外鐵路附屬公司的經營成本為120.66 [...] 億港元,經營利潤增加30.1% 至5.84 億港元,而經營毛利率則為4.6%。 stock.pingan.com.hk | Operating costs for the group’s railway subsidiaries outside of Hong Kong were [...] HK$12,066 million, resulting in a 30.1% rise in operating profit to HK$584 million and [...] an operating profit margin of 4.6%. stock.pingan.com.hk |
透過有效的定價策略成功抗衡成本上漲的壓力, 我們的毛利率得以維持於 47%的穩健水平(二零一零/二零一一年度:48%)。 vitasoy.com | Through effective pricing strategy to counteract the increasing cost pressure, we managed to sustain a healthy gross profit margin at 47% (2010/2011: 48%). vitasoy.com |
儘管澳元平均匯率較低帶來不利的影響,但澳洲業務的盈利推升,原因是 電力零售及燃氣業務的毛利增加 ,加上雅洛恩電廠增加發電量帶來的正面 影響。 clp.com.cn | Despite the negative effect of a lower average exchange rate of Australian dollar, the earnings from Australia were boosted by improved electricity retail and gas gross margins and favourable Yallourn generation output. clp.com.hk |
這樣大跨度分佈除了大幅減低自然災害對某一地域生產可能造成的負面影 響外,還令本集團可提供「反季節」蔬果,擴大此等產品 之 毛利 率。 chaoda.com.hk | This extensive spread of production bases not only reduces any possible adverse effects caused by natural disasters to any particular region, it [...] also enables the Group to provide “anti-seasonal” vegetables and fruits, thus [...] increasing the gross margin of these [...]produce. chaoda.com.hk |
雖然轉型計 [...] 劃剛剛開始,但轉型後的門市已經取得百分之十二點一的同店銷售增長,整 體 毛利 率 提 升 二點五個百分點,平均售價上升百分之十三點二,由此可見新品牌的潛力。 giordano.com.hk | However, the fact that we were able to achieve same store sales growth of 12.1 [...] percent post-conversion plus an overall 2.5 [...] percentage point gross margin expansion [...]and a 13.2 percent increase in average selling [...]price during this early transitional stage is indicative of the potential of this rebranded line. giordano.com.hk |
但集團表示雖然整體總銷售額下降, 但 毛利 率 卻 上升。 ruifengholdings.com | However, the Group further stated that while total revenues for the period under review were lower when [...] compared to last year, the quality of the revenues has improved as [...] reflected in stronger gross profit margin performance. ruifengholdings.com |
用於釐定遞延保單獲得成本攤銷的預 期 毛利 的 預 測(透過附註 P 中所詳述均值回歸法的使用);及 prudential.co.uk | through the [...] projected expected gross profits which [...]are used to determine the amortisation of deferred acquisition costs. prudential.co.uk |
Novak先生續說:「原材料、勞工及其他生產成本紛紛上漲,加上中國當局新制定之檢 測要求,令產品成本增加,負面影響本集團 之 毛利。 ir.playmatestoys.com | Mr. Novak continued, “Escalating raw materials, labor and other input costs combined with the [...] introduction of new testing requirements in China resulted in increased product cost, and [...] negatively impacted our gross profit. ir.playmatestoys.com |
毛利率上升主要是高利潤 軟件產品的銷售增加所致。 ruifengholdings.com | The increase in gross margin was attributable [...] to increase sales of software products which have relatively higher margins. ruifengholdings.com |
毛利率上升歸 功於回顧年度的軟件銷售增加。 ruifengholdings.com | The richer margins were attributable [...] to increased software sales during the year under review. ruifengholdings.com |
就年金及對利率敏感的壽險業務而 言,保單獲得成本綜合相關合約的過往及未來預 期 毛利 予 以 遞延及攤銷。 prudential.co.uk | For annuity and interest-sensitive life business, acquisition costs are [...] deferred and amortised in line with a combination of historical and [...] future expected gross profits on the [...]relevant contracts. prudential.co.uk |
陳鑑林議員詢 問 利潤分析中 純利組 成 部 分 的 詳情, 夏佳理先生表示, 純利是 從毛利中 減除多項可認定的成 本 (包括地價、建築 成本、營業成本、信用卡佣金、 政府 地 租 及 差餉、 碼 頭 倉庫儲存費 及運輸成本)後 計 算 所 得 , 但 未 減除公司的經常性開支 及 利得稅。 legco.gov.hk | In response to Mr CHAN Kam-lam’s enquiry about details of the cost components leading to the net margin in the margin analysis, Mr Ronald ARCULLI advised that the net margin was calculated from the gross margin by subtracting a number of identified costs including land premium, construction costs, operating costs, credit card commission, Government rent and rates, terminal storage and distribution costs, before the allocation of company overheads and profit tax. legco.gov.hk |
根據行業慣例,Jackson [...] 應用均值回歸法攤銷變額年金業務的遞延保單獲得成本,用以減弱短期市場波動對預 期毛利的影響,而預期毛利為遞 延保單獲得成本攤銷的依據。 prudential.co.uk | In line with industry practice, Jackson applies the mean reversion technique method for amortisation of deferred acquisition costs on variable annuity business which [...] dampens the effects of short-term [...] market movements on expected gross profits against which deferred [...]acquisition costs are amortised. prudential.co.uk |