单词 | 每个人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:每一个人都有美中不足的地方—However excellent, everyone has his defects. There is always a fly in the ointment. See also:个人n—individualspl personspl personal datan oneselfn 每人—per person each person 每个n—everyonen
只要敏感到每个人都在不同的属靈旅程便可以了。 global.gofamilylife.com | Simply be sensitive [...] to the factthat eachperson willbe at [...]a different stage in their spiritual journey. global.gofamilylife.com |
从人行道、地铁到露营帐篷和飞机小餐桌,Cinemin Swivel让每个人可以随时随地分享电影、艺术和摄影体验。 tipschina.gov.cn | From sidewalks and subways to camping tents [...] and airplane tray tables, the Cinemin Swivel allows film, art, and photography [...]to be shared with anyone, any time, anywhere. tipschina.gov.cn |
建立媒体伺服器,以便您区域网路上的每个人可以欣赏下载的相片、视讯和音乐。 seagate.com | Create a media [...] server sothateveryone on yourlocal [...]network can enjoy downloaded photos, videos, and music. seagate.com |
我希望每个人都拥有健全的身心,可是无法替代他们做强化身心的实践。 hksh.com | Iwisheveryone has ahealthy body [...] and mind, but I could not live the life on behalf of my patients. hksh.com |
四个 USB 连接埠,可让您将资料直接备份至可携式 USB [...] 磁碟机或从中备份资料、连接您 区域网路中每个人都可使用的 USB 印表机、或连接不间断电源 [...](UPS)。 seagate.com | Four USB ports that let you back up data directly to or from a portable USB drive, connect a [...] USB printerthat everyone on yourlocal [...]network can use, orconnect an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS). seagate.com |
每个人都是一个个体,用他自己的性格,口味,习惯与态度。 hkcarworld.com | Everyone is an individual, with his [...] own character, tastes, habits & attitudes. hkcarworld.com |
我们愿意每个人首先让主耶稣的王权管理我们个人的生 命,以致我们能彼此相爱、接纳、饶恕、互相鼓励、造就、建 [...] 立基督的身体(教会),好使神的国、主耶稣的王权扩展、 伸张至家庭、社会、城市及国家不同的层面。 nimenqu.net | Each one of us as anindividual is willing to [...] let King Jesus to rule over our life and hasthe first priority to our life, [...]so that King Jesus can help us to love one another, to accept, forgive, encourage each other to build up the Body of Christ (The church); so that the Kingdom of God and Dominion and Rulership of King Jesus will extend from individuals, families, societies, cities, nations and all over the world through His Body, the Church of Jesus Christ. nimenqu.net |
每个人都曾经历焦虑的感觉 ─ 首次约会前的焦虑不安;面对上司生气时感受的压力;又或陷於险境时心跳加速。 hsbc.com.hk | Everybodyknows whatit's like to feel anxious - the butterflies in yourstomach [...] before a first date, the tension you feel [...]when your boss is angry, or the way your heart pounds when you are in danger. hsbc.com.hk |
配有专门设计的在线配置工具,可以在几分钟之内,每个人的愿望线组装和直接订购。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | With a specially designed online configurator can be [...] within a fewminuteseach individual'sdesire lines assemble [...]and order directly. en.developmentscout.com |
除了上述保证和声明外,通过发布含有图像、照片、图片的提交内容,或另外全部或部份采用图片形式的提交内容(「图像」),您保证并声明(a) [...] [...] 您是此等图像的着作权人,此等图像的着作权人已授权您按照您自己的使用方式和目的以及按照本使用条款和服务中另外允许的方式和目的来使用此等图像、或此等图像中的任何内容和/或其他图像,(b)您拥有按照本使用条款授予许可和分许可所需的必要权利,和(c)此等图像中描述的每个人,如有的话,已同意本使用条款下规定的图像用途,包括例如但不限於分发、公开展示和复制此等图像。 solvusoft.com | In addition to the warranty and representation set forth above, by Posting a Submission that contain images, photographs, pictures or that are otherwise graphical in whole or in part ("Images"), you warrant and represent that (a) you are the copyright owner of such Images, or that the copyright owner of such Images has granted you permission to use such Images or any content and/or images contained in such Images consistent with the manner and purpose of your use and as otherwise permitted by these Terms of Use and the Services, (b) you have the rights necessary to grant the licenses and [...] sublicenses described in these Terms of [...] Use, and (c) thateach person depictedin such [...]Images, if any, has provided consent [...]to the use of the Images as set forth in these Terms of Use, including, by way of example, and not as a limitation, the distribution, public display and reproduction of such Images. solvusoft.com |
能起作用的自我倡权者清楚认识自己在每个人生范畴的表现如何。 bcepilepsy.com | An effective self advocate has a clear picture on [...] how he/she isdoing in each lifearea. bcepilepsy.com |
虽然刚开始的工作不稳定,不是每个人都可以一起上班。 4tern.com | In the beginning, the job in lily bulbs was [...] not stable, noteveryone got to work. 4tern.com |
当然,每个人喜欢的或不喜欢的东西 不一定相同,所以广告商必须了解他们的观衆。 avatarepc.com | Of course, not everyone likes or dislikes the [...] same things, so advertisers have to know their audience. avatarepc.com |
又谈室内空间,是与每个人日常生活关系最密切的环境,相对於外在环境极度恶化的情况下,室内空间成为个人所能掌握的最後防线,它具有相当程度的生活表徵和期望,除了满足机能需求与作为个人的象徵符号外,同时也是一种因时/因地而生的空间表现(表情是也);在个人化(或内在化) [...][...] 与因时/地制寸的情况下,设计师得以参与室内空间Programming / Designing完整过程,因此命题Ordering与设计Designing之间,可以有更敏锐而深入的契合,甚至启发使用者(业主)思考自身定位与外在环境(社会)的互动关系。 officedesignhk.com | Also on Interior [...] space is most closely eachperson's environment, [...]daily life, as opposed to theexternal environment worsen the [...]situation, interior space a person can control the last line of defence, which has considerable representation of life and hope, in addition to meet the functional needs of and as a personal symbol, the same time is also a result of time / space due to the performance of students (expression is also); in personal (or internalisation) and by the time / to system-inch case, the designer can be involved in Interior Space Programming / Designing a full process, so proposition between Ordering and Design Designing, can be more sensitive and deeper fit, and even inspire users (owners) thought about their own position and the external environment (social) interaction. officedesignhk.com |
从远处已经看见BIRDLAND门外聚集的人群,这个场面每天在这里上演,每个人都想挤进店里去,群众过了午夜还是不散。 think-silly.com | I can see the crowd outside Birdland from far, a scene that takes place here everyday. think-silly.com |
请记住,应该着眼於过程而并非结果,这样每个人的心都会舒服一点。 psychosissucks.ca | Remember to focus on the process rather than the outcome, [...] as it willmake everyone feel better. psychosissucks.ca |
我们每个人都有责任提倡并维护人权与自由。 lds-france.com | We all have a responsibility to promote and protect human rights and freedoms. lds-france.com |
之後,每个人可以与你的组员分享清单中的任何一个项目。 global.gofamilylife.com | When time is up, exchange lists [...] with yourspouse.Everyone should then share [...]with the group one thing from the list they received. global.gofamilylife.com |
锺家辉医生表示:「虽然每个人所需的睡眠时间都不一样,但调查发现大部份本港在职人士都未能依照其理想睡眠时间作息,可见他们并未意识到充足睡眠的重要,把睡眠的轻重缓急看轻了。 hkupop.hku.hk | Everybody has a different sleeping clock, but the survey finds that mostpeople do not follow their preferred sleeping schedule, indicating the relatively low value they place on sleep, and hence the consequences of the lack of it. hkupop.hku.hk |
每个人体的三大元素比例都不一样,当其中任何一种元素在体内滞积都会带来身体的毛病。 cn.iherb.com | In Ayurvedic theory, the body is said to containthree primal forces (tridosha) that work in tandem: vata, pitta, and kapha; and illness can develop if they are unbalanced. iherb.com |
Talbott 医师除了研发出 Eleviv™ [...] 配方之外,也创造了赞果专用的「情绪状态评量表」(POMS) 调查,可测量每个人的活力指数。 xango.com.hk | In addition to developing the Eleviv™ [...] formula, Dr. Talbott has created a customized XANGO “Profile of Mood States” (POMS) [...] survey to measure individualvigor levels. xango.com.hk |
该「守则」强调个人责任,我们每个人都必须诚信行事,并保持最高道德 标准。 colgate.com | The Code emphasizes [...] the personal responsibilityeach of us has to act with integrity [...]and maintain the highest ethical standards. colgate.com |
所有的员工都要效忠我们的品质政策,所有员工都可由公司内部网路接触并了解他本身是品质政策的形象代言人,意思是说每个人都对我们加诸在自己身上的品质目标有贡献,而这也很自然是我们的客户对我们的期望,例如说提供好的范例或无瑕疵的功能表现。 tss.trelleborg.com | Each of us understands that he or she is a [...] bearer of the image of Quality Policies. [...] This means that every singleone of us [...]makes a contribution to the Quality Objective [...]we have imposed upon ourselves, and which is expected of us by our customers, by being a good example and through qualitatively unobjectionable performance. tss.trelleborg.com |
当我们谈论法治,是指政府的权力来自法律,它必须依照法律规定行使其权力;每个人在法律面前一律平等;酌情权必须合理和明智地行使;正义必须要得到实现,当权利受到侵犯时法院必须给予纠正;法律必须要公平地制定,等等。因此,法治不仅仅取决於一个适当的法律和司法系统,或几个高水平品德好的法官,它需要的是公正的检察官和受过良好训练并勇於维护当事人的利益的律师,他们能向法院提出案件的事实和法律的论点热烈地辩论清楚; 优秀的行政人员和立法者在制定政策和立法建议时必须遵守法治原则;良好的执法人员在执行法律时遵守法律;公民了解到他们的权利,并愿意在适当的时候站出 来。 cusef.org.hk | When we talk about the rule of law, we mean that the government’s power is derived fromthe law and it must exercise its power under, and in accordance with, the law, everyone is equal before the law, discretion must be exercised reasonably and judiciously, justice must be accessible, there must be redress in court when rights are violated, laws must be enacted fairly, etc. Therefore, the rule of law depends not only on a proper legal and judicial system or a few good judges, but there also needs to be well-trained lawyers fervently presenting cases and legal arguments before the court, good administrators who abide by the law in formulating policies and in legislative proposals, good law enforcement officers that implement the law and adhere to the law, and citizens who understand their rights and are ready to stand up for them. cusef.org.hk |
我们并非意图改善城市,而是了解这里发生的事物,感受底特律精神,因此采取接近基层的策略,也有幸遇见许多杰出的人士,这里每个人都令我们印象深刻,我们曾前往各国,但底特律与众不同,无论是针对非裔居民的都市农园计画D-Town,或是疯狂又好玩的单车俱乐部「成人骑单车」(GMOB),都是以符合永续的革命性新构想建立社群。 thisbigcity.net | It was so different from anything we’d ever experienced before (and we’ve literally lived around the world!) From D-Town farm – an urban farming initiative dedicated to the Black community – to the GMOB - the Grown Men On Bikes, one of the best and craziest bike clubs we’ve ever seen – we saw Detroiters who were building community around new, sustainable, and often very revolutionary ideas. thisbigcity.net |
z 第 51(2)条 – [...] 就任何课税年度应课薪俸税、利得税或物业税的每个人(不論是个 人、合夥或法团),如未有收到报税表,则须在有关课税年度的评税基期结束後 [...]4 个月内,以书面通知税务局局长表示其本人须就该课税年度而课税。 apwcpa.com | Section 51(2) - Every [...] person (whether anindividual,a partnership [...]or a corporation) who is chargeable to Salaries, Profits [...]or Property Tax for any year of assessment and who has not received a Return Form is required to inform the Commissioner of Inland Revenue in writing that he is so chargeable within 4 months after the end of the basis period for the year of assessment concerned. apwcpa.com |