

单词 林恢复

See also:




restore v
recover v


extensive (literary)

External sources (not reviewed)

5. 恳请粮农组织注意对土地和水资源日益增长的需求,通过植树 林 、 恢复森 林和发 展农林业,支持成员国开展恢复退化土地和森林的工作。
5. requested FAO to support member countries in the
[...] efforts related to restoration of degraded lands [...]
and forests, through reforestation, forest rehabilitation
and agroforestry, noting the increased demand for land and water resources.
[...] Faso和Niger地区通过低成本农民管理恢复行动实现的大范围 林恢复 活 动
A 2009 study by the International Food Policy Research Institute reveals wide-scale restoration
of forests in densely populated regions of Burkina Faso and Niger through low-cost
[...] farmer-managed restoration activities.
从此,伊藤忠 集团林恢复事业揭开了新的篇章。
This was the moment that started the new stage of the
[...] ITOCHU Group’s forest restoration project.
中国国家林业局主持的亚太林恢复与 可 持续管理网络(APFNet)最近启动,它是区域层次发起的此类合作伙伴倡议的一 个典范。
The recently launched Asia-Pacific Network for
Sustainable Forest
[...] Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet), hosted by the State Forestry Administration [...]
of China, is an example
of such an initiative at the regional level.
所需的政策措施是利用财政奖励增加森林面积,减少砍伐 林 , 恢复 退 化 的 森林,维护和可持续地管理森林;以及土地利用管理和执法。
The policy measures required are financial
incentives to increase forest area, reduce
[...] deforestation, rehabilitate degraded forests, [...]
maintain and sustainably manage forests;
and land-use regulation and enforcement.
说明强调了干旱地区的森林、促进 林恢复 和旱 地管理等问题的重要性。
The note highlighted the
[...] importance of forests in drylands, promotion of forest restoration and the management [...]
of drylands.
这一天成为伊藤忠集团实质性开展热带 林恢复 活动 的第一天,所有参加人员都感慨万千。
That was effectively the first day of the ITOCHU
[...] Group’s rainforest restoration project, and everyone [...]
in the group was overwhelmed with emotion.
会议重点指出了在植树造林、 林恢复 和 农 林间作等方面的协同合作机遇, 以修复退化土地和森林,并且鉴于对土地和水资源的需求不断增长,恳请粮农组织 支持成员国开展这方面的工作。
The Conference highlighted synergistic opportunities
[...] related to restoration of degraded lands and forests, through reforestation, forest rehabilitation and agroforestry, [...]
and requested
FAO to support member countries in these efforts, noting the increased demand for land and water resources.
另 外, 参 加 婆 罗 洲 岛 热 带林 恢 复 工 程 的 植 树 活 动 是 亲 身 接 触 到 大 自 然 的 一 次 十 分 宝 贵 的 经 历。
Experiencing nature
[...] firsthand, like reforestation tours to the rainforest restoration project in Borneo, [...]
is also valuable.
亚太林恢复与可持续管理网络、中部非洲森林委员会、中非国家经济共同 体、保护欧洲森林部长级会议、蒙特利尔进程和低森林覆盖率国家德黑兰进程秘 [...]
The observers for the Asia-Pacific Network
[...] for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation, the Central African [...]
Forests Commission, the
Economic Community of Central African States, Forest Europe, the Montreal Process and the secretariat of the Tehran Process for Low Forest Cover Countries also participated.
早在建立联合国森林论坛之前,这些委员会就一直参与 可持续森林管理,而亚太林恢复与 可持续管理网络(APFNet)等其他实体最近才 成立。
Those Commissions had been involved in sustainable forest management long
before the United Nations Forum on Forests was established, while other entities, like the Asia-Pacific Network for
[...] Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet), have [...]
recently been established.
各机构将根据各自在保护方面所擅长的主要专业领域开展工作:北京大学专于自然遗 产保护、考古挖掘与遗址管理以及文化景观管理;同济大学则擅长建筑和建筑群遗产保护以 及历史遗址和文化景观管理;而苏州各机构的专长则在于传统建筑技术和恢复、保护材料分 析以及历史林的恢复与维护方面。
Each of the institutions will contribute according to its primary areas of expertise in the conservation field: Peking University for its expertise in natural heritage conservation, in archaeological excavation and site management, and in cultural landscape management; Tongji University for its expertise in the conservation of architectural monuments and complexes, and the management of historic settlements and cultural landscapes; and the various Suzhou institutions for their expertise in
traditional architectural
[...] craftsmanship and restoration, conservation materials analysis, and historic garden restoration and maintenance.
[...] 资方面还有专题缺口,包括保护区以外的森林、热带天然森林的管理、退化林 和土地的恢复、以 及旱地的再植树和植树造林。
There are also thematic gaps in forest funding, including forests outside
protected areas, the management of
[...] natural tropical forests, restoration of degraded forests [...]
and lands, and the reforestation and afforestation of drylands.
(e) 加大力度援助有关受援会员国,帮助制订和实施 林 养护 和恢复战略,扩大可持续管理的森林面积,维持和改善其森林资源,扩 大森林惠益”。
(e) Enhanced assistance to Member States receiving
assistance in developing and
[...] implementing forest conservation and rehabilitation strategies and in increasing the area of forests under sustainable [...]
management in
order to maintain and improve their forest resources, with a view to enhancing the benefits of forests”.
(g) 作为一项应对森林丧失和退化的主要措施,开展基于社区的 林 生 态恢复和复原工作,并不断为这项工作提供经济支持。
(g) Implement and provide ongoing economic support for
community-based forest
[...] ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation as a major measure to address forest loss and degradation.
通过可持续森林管理,包括保护 恢复 、 植树 造 林 和 重新造林,扭转世界各 地森林覆盖丧失的趋势,更加努力地防止森林退化
Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide
through sustainable forest management,
[...] including protection, restoration, afforestation and [...]
reforestation, and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation
森林文书全球森林目标 1 和 3
[...] 的目的分别是通过可持续森 林管理,包括保护恢复、造林和再 造林,扭转世界各地森林覆盖的丧失,更加 [...]
努力地防止森林退化,并大幅度增加世界各地的受保护森林面积和其他可持续管 理的森林面积,并增加由可持续管理的森林出产的森林产品所占比例。
Global objectives on forests 1 and 3 of the forest instrument aim, respectively, to reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide
through sustainable forest management,
[...] including protection, restoration, afforestation [...]
and reforestation, and increase efforts
to prevent forest degradation, and to increase significantly the area of protected forests worldwide and other areas of sustainably managed forests, and increase the proportion of forest products from sustainably managed forests.
另外,在国家捐 助 者 、 某些国际组织和非政府组织,如德国 技术合作公 司、湄 公 河 委员会 -德国 技术合 作公司、世 界 银 行、世 界 自 然 基 金 会、国际发展 研究中 心 、国际发展研究 、 美 国乐施会、区 域社区林业训
练 中 心 、 世 界 就 业 方 案 、 丹麦 国际开发署、国际热
[...] 带木材组织的支持下,王国政府开展了植树 林运 动,恢复被砍 伐森林,培育各种植物,并将其中的 2 [...]
120 000 株分发给人们,将其 种植在 850 公 顷被伐的林 地上。
Meanwhile, with the supports from country donors, and some Inernational and Non-governmental Organizations such as GTZ, MRC-GTZ, W.B/WWF/IDRC/CRDI/Oxfam America/RECOFTC/WEP/DANIDA/ITTO,
etc., the Royal Government has been
[...] reforesting in order to restore the deforestation made [...]
so far through germinating all kinds
of plants and distributing 2,120,000 of them to people to grow on 850 hectares of deforested land.
对于降排而言,这与“森林退 化”密切相关,应建立“减少退化”和林业及碳库管理中的常用措施(如 可持续森林管理、林、复原和恢复) 之 间的理解和联系。
For REDD, this is closely related to the “second D”, i.e. building understanding and links between “reduced degradation” and measures that are commonly used in
forestry for managing carbon pools, such as
[...] sustainable forest management, reforestation, rehabilitation, and restoration.
[...] 法:提供扶持性条件,建立土地退化情况登记和监测,促进农 林 的 发展 , 恢复 退化 的土地,改善水输送系统,增加水源养护活动,监测并评估气候变异,扶持 [...]
The following are priority program activities for sustainable land management practices: providing enabling conditions, establishing land
degradation inventory and monitoring,
[...] promoting agro forestry, rehabilitating degraded lands, [...]
improving water delivery system
and increasing water conservation activities, monitoring and evaluating climatic variations, empowering local communities and institutions, and establishing sustainable land management plans.
在取得的进展中,许多与会者概述了各国促进可持续 森林管理的努力,包括开展大规模植树 林 和 土 地 恢复 工 作 ,支付生态系统服务 计划的费用,把当地社区和边缘化社区纳入森林管理、规划和/或利益分享。
In the progress achieved, many participants outlined national
efforts to promote sustainable forest management, including through
[...] massive reforestation and land restoration efforts, payments [...]
for ecosystem services
schemes and inclusion of local and marginalized communities in forest management, planning and/or benefitsharing.
在森林文书中,会 员国重申其承诺,即在全球、区域和国家各级作出努力,争取到 2015 年实现四
[...] 项全球森林目标,其中第一个目标是“通过可持续森林管理,包括保护 恢复、 植林和重 新造林,扭转世界各地森林覆盖丧失的趋势,更加努力地防止森林 [...]
In the forest instrument, Member States reaffirm their commitment to work globally, regionally and nationally to achieve progress towards the achievement by 2015 of the four global objectives on forests, the first of which aims to “Reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide
through sustainable forest management,
[...] including protection, restoration, afforestation and [...]
reforestation, and increase efforts
to prevent forest degradation”.
(h) 通过经过改进的方便用户使用及容易查阅的网站,为传播科技知识与信 息提供实质性支助;
[...] (i) 应成员国的请求,帮助制订和实施 林 养 护 和 恢复 战 略 ,扩大可持续管 理之下的森林面积,维持和改善其森林资源,扩大森林带来的好处。
(i) Assisting Member States, at their request, in developing and implementing forest conservation and
rehabilitation strategies and in
[...] increasing the area of forests under sustainable management, [...]
in order to maintain and improve
their forest resources, with a view to enhancing the benefits of forests.
此外,拟议从林盖人道主恢复与 援 助联络股调入一个司机(本国一般事 务人员)以协助办事分处主管。
In addition, it is proposed that the head of the sub-office be assisted by a Driver (national General Service staff) to be redeployed from the Humanitarian Recovery and Assistance Liaison Unit in Zalingei.
森林退化问题倡议还借鉴了政府间气候变化专门委员会的定义和方法审查, 评估森林退化排放;《联合国气候变化框架公约》最近的非正式专家协商;7联 合国降低发展中国家因森林砍伐和退化所产生的排放方案的活动;国际热带木材
组织/世界保护联盟和粮农组织在森林日主导的森林退化问题活动;联合国环境 规划署(环境署)和世界养护监测中心关于森林区块化的工作和 2010 年生物多样
[...] 性目标的其他生物多样性指标;粮农组织/环境署/全球环境基金旱地土地退化评 估项目;全恢复森林地貌伙伴关系。
The initiative on forest degradation also builds on the review by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of definitions and methodologies to assess emissions from forest degradation; the recent informal expert consultation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;7 the activities of the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries; the event on forest degradation, led by ITTO, the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and FAO, held in connection with the second Forest Day; the work of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) on forest fragmentation and other biodiversity indicators for the 2010 biodiversity target; the
FAO/UNEP/GEF project on land degradation assessment in drylands; and the
[...] Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration.
考虑到体育运动和奥林匹克运动会所面临的新的政治现实,国际奥委会(CIO)已决恢复奥林匹克 休战的传统作法,以尽可能保护运动员的整个体育运动的利益,并为寻求以和 平方式和外交方式解决世界上出现的各种冲突作出贡献。
Taking into account the new political reality in which sport and the Olympic Games exist, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided to revive the ancient concept of the Olympic Truce with the view to protecting, as far as possible, the interests of the athletes and sport in general, and to contribute to searching for peaceful and diplomatic solutions to the conflicts around the world.
植树造林和重新造林、更好的土地管理做法(例如,保 护 性 耕作以及在退化的农 田和牧恢复农林业)以 及更好的畜牧业管理做法,均可极大地促进碳排放量减少。
Afforestation and reforestation, better land management
practices, such as conservation
[...] tillage and agroforestry rehabilitation of degraded crop [...]
and pasture land and better livestock
management practices, can all contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题恢复恶化 了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and
peri-urban drainage and
[...] sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well [...]
as drawing on local
knowledge for the protection of the environment.
防治荒漠化推动可持续发展北京声明》(见 E/CN.17/2008/15,附件一) 确认林在防治荒漠化和土地退化以 恢复 退 化 土地两方面发挥着十分重要的 作用;声明还指出,执行森林文书为增强可持续森林管理、推动防治荒漠化、减 缓气候变化以及保护森林生物多样化,提供了一个框架。
The Beijing Statement on Combating Desertification and Promoting Sustainable Development (see E/CN.17/2008/15,
annex I) recognizes
[...] the importance of forests in both preventing desertification and land degradation as well as in rehabilitating degraded lands; [...]
it also states that the
implementation of the forest instrument provides a framework for advancing sustainable forest management and its contribution to combating desertification, mitigating climate change and preserving forest biological diversity.
正在进行的与土恢复、重新造林、 环 境管理和能源有关的项目,如引入节 能炉灶等,也是粮食计划署减少与气候和天气有关的饥饿问题的努力的一部分。
Ongoing projects
[...] related to land rehabilitation, reforestation, environmental [...]
management and energy, such as the introduction
of energy-saving stoves, were also part of the efforts of WFP to reduce climate- and weather-related hunger.




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