

单词 有百利而无一弊

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

继续向周转基金储备金自 愿垫有百利而无一害,不能松懈。
The continuation of voluntary advances to the Working Capital Fund
[...] can only be advantageous and should not be discouraged.
通过国家外交提升传统文化、科学、艺术、信仰、文学的 价值,对人类发而言, 有百利无一弊。
Human development has everything to gain by promoting
appreciation of traditional cultures, the sciences, the arts, various forms of
[...] spirituality and literature in State diplomacy.
同 样,这对在地区和国际上实施教科文组织与促进粮食安全的水资源管理有关 的计有百利而无一害。
Likewise, there would be a net gain in the implementation of
UNESCO’s programmes in the region with respect to water management for food
[...] security at both regional and international levels.
此外,还问及了这些机构 2004 年提出审查费用分摊方式一长期 未决的问题 ,它们认为,目前的按比例分摊的办 有弊而无利。
Furthermore, an inquiry was made as to the long-standing issue of the
revision of the
[...] cost-sharing formula, launched in 2004 by those agencies, which felt that the current pro-rata was disadvantageous.
[...] 科文组织赞助的国际中心对教科文组织和联合王国及苏格兰行政院只 有 万 利而无一弊。
He recognizes that the establishment of an
international centre under the auspices of UNESCO
[...] could only be of benefit to UNESCO, the [...]
Government of the United Kingdom and the Scottish Executive.
各成员国尚未就“一体化行动”进程达成政治上的一致 而 各 国 也未得 以在本国的政府间 (往往在不同机构内发出各自不同声音)的辩论中树立起同样程 度的协一致,也有弊无利地酿成了现今的埋怨情绪。
The fact that Member States have not yet reached a political agreement on “Delivery as One” process and
that they have not yet managed to inject
[...] an equal measure of coherence into their own intergovernmental deliberations (often speaking with different voices in different bodies) also adversely contributes to the existing misgivings.
根据上文的汇率浮动对维持和平预算影响的审查情况(其中强调指出, 2009/10 年度和 2010/11 年度大约 10%的维持和平支出是以美元以外货币支付的, 长期来看汇率差异对维持和平行动账户的总体影响 有 限 的),同时考虑到一 次执 行情况报告(A/65/589)提到的为缓解风 而 探 讨的各种备选办法 利弊 ,秘书长认为,上文提出的各种备选办法的预期收益,将因不仅给特派团而且给会员 国带来的实际费用和机会成本而被抵销。
Based on the above review of the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on peacekeeping budgets, highlighting that approximately 10 per cent of the peacekeeping operations expenditures were in currencies other than the United States dollar in 2009/10 and 2010/11, and that over time the variation on
exchange rate had limited
[...] impact overall on the accounts of peacekeeping operations, while taking into consideration the pros and the cons of the various options explored to mitigate the risk, as indicated in the first performance report (A/65/589), the Secretary-General [...]
is of the view
that expected return from the various options set out above would be offset by the actual cost generated and opportunity cost it would represent for missions as well as Member States.
委员会还似宜考虑,尽管各种备选案文 有利弊 , 没 有一 种 备 选案文尽善 尽美,但备选案文 A 和 B 已经涵盖或可能涵盖备选案文 C 和 D 所述混合办法的 任何积极因素无需增 加备选案文并加大其复杂程度,若这样的话可能损害法 律冲突规则寻求实现的确定性和可预期性。
The Commission may also wish to consider that, while all options have advantages and disadvantages and no option is perfect, any positive elements of the hybrid approaches in options C and D, are either already [...]
covered by or may be covered
in options A and B, without multiplying the options and creating an additional level of complexity, which may undermine the certainty and predictability sought to be achieved by a conflict-of-laws rule.
芝加哥 – 据发表在11月28日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露, 一 项 对 加 利 福 尼 亚州儿 百 日 咳 病例的检查中,研究人员发现,患百日咳的儿童接受过全部5个剂量的白喉、破伤风 无 细 胞 型 百 日 咳疫苗(DTaP)系列的可能性较小,但这种可能性会随着自最 一 次 DT aP接种以来时间的延 而 增 加 ,这与最 一 次 DTaP疫苗接种后估计的每年疫 有 效 性 的进行性减少是一致的。
CHICAGO – In an examination of cases of childhood pertussis in California, researchers found that children with pertussis had lower odds of having received all 5 doses of the diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) vaccine series, however the odds increased as the time since last DTaP dose lengthened, which is consistent with a progressive decrease in estimated vaccine [...]
effectiveness each year after the final
dose of DTaP vaccine, according to a study in the November 28 issue of JAMA.
改变一公认条款的表述方 式,必然会导有弊无利的混乱。
Changing the wording
[...] of this well-known provision would undoubtedly result in harmful and unnecessary confusion.
在發表報告書前,小組委員會已研究很 利弊 問 題 , 而 在 1996年發 表報告書後,法改會在2003年及2004年再次發 一 份 報 告書,其後亦經 過很多討論,包括局長提到所引起的家暴問題,以及外國所謂的contact centres,即彼此的接觸時有社工 介入的中心。
Before the issue of the report, the sub-committee had studied
many issues concerning
[...] the merits and demerits, and after the issue of the report in 1996, the LRC issued a report again in 2003 and 2004 and subsequently made a lot of discussions, including, as mentioned by the Secretary, the issue of domestic violence caused and the so-called overseas contact centres, where social [...]
workers will intervene upon contact between parents).
於二零一二年一月一日, 天津泰康亦與天津百利訂立天發設備協議,據此,天 百利 已同意有條件出售而天津泰康已同意有條件收購天發設備股權(相當於天發設備註冊資本之 66%),惟須受天發設備協議之條款及條件所規限。
On 1 November 2012, Tianjin Tai Kang also entered into the Tianfa Equipment Agreement with Tianjin Benefo, pursuant to which Tianjin Benefo has conditionally agreed to sell and Tianjin Tai Kang has conditionally agreed to acquire the Tianfa Equipment Equity Interest, representing [...]
66% of the registered
capital of Tianfa Equipment subject to the terms and conditions of the Tianfa Equipment Agreement.
(J) 倘董事連同其任何聯繫人士合共 有百 分 之 五(5)%或以上其任 何類別股本或其股東可享有之任何類別股份之投票權之公司 一 項 交 易中涉及重利益,則該董事亦須被視作在該交易中涉及重大利益。
(J) Where a company in which a Director together with any of his associate(s) holds five (5) per cent or more of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares available to shareholders of the company is materially interested in a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction.
如果學者能 帶 同 配 偶 來港, 對香港旅遊的 收 入有幫 助,可 說百 利 而 無 一 害 的
If scholars can bring their spouses to
[...] Hong Kong, it is conducive to generating income for the local tourism, which can bring a hundred merits but no harm.
經 歷了這麼多年的討論,來自不同政黨的議會同事,即使平時政治立場迥異, 但在這個問題上,我覺得大致上已凝聚出一個共識,就是一個生機蓬勃、符
[...] 合可持續發展的本地漁農業,無論對大眾,還是對本地漁民農家,都 百利 而無一害,這更有助市 民得到穩定、優質和安全的食物供應。
After so many years of discussion, though the Honourable colleagues from different political parties and groupings sometimes have completely different political stance, I think they have generally reached a consensus on this matter, that is, having vital local agriculture and fisheries industries that
[...] sustainably develop is not only beneficial to the general public and [...]
the local fishermen and farmers, but may also enable the people to enjoy stable, quality and safe food supply.
在这个问题上百慕大 独立委员会的结论是,两个政党 有 义 务 分享各 自方法利弊。
On that question, the Bermuda Independence Commission concluded that it was incumbent upon both political parties [...]
to share the merits of each method.
注意到审计委员无法确 认价值评估工程在降低成本方面 有 实 际效 率,并注意到这种措有助于 将费用压缩到预算之内,在这方面请秘书长重新评 价价值评估工程利弊,并 将详细情况列入他的 一 次 年 度进展报告
Notes that the Board of Auditors was unable to provide any assurance as to the actual efficiency of value engineering in terms of cost reduction, and that such measures are instrumental in bringing costs back on budget, and in this regard requests the Secretary-General [...]
to reassess the merits
of value engineering, and to include detailed information thereon in his next annual progress report
無論您加入的是哪一個級別,都將對 有百利而 無 一 害。
No matter what your level of involvement, it’s beneficial for you to join.
这被定为最佳做 法,因为道德操守办公室不应该只 一 个 应对 舞 弊 及 其 他管理不当问题的非正规 机制而且还应该一个积 极主动开展工作的单位,充分融入一个组织的日常工 作,不仅应该使其有草拟政策而且 还 应该具有执行政策的能力。
This was identified as best practice, because the ethics office should not only be an informal response mechanism to fraud and other mismanagement issues but also a proactive actor, fully integrated into the organization’s daily work.
而,一些人认为,如果看一下在民防部队案(使用正义战争必要性辩护的案 件)的判决和量刑中塞拉利昂法官的反对意见,就会发现在塞拉利昂问题特别法庭 中纳入塞拉利昂法官产生利弊参半 的结果。
It has, however, been argued by some that including Sierra Leonean judges in the Special Court is a mixed bag, if one looks at the Sierra Leonean judges’ dissenting opinions in the judgments and sentences in the CDF case — the case of those using a just war necessity [...]
所谓的绿色经济模式对资有 利,而对地球则无利可 言,因为它的目的是要创一个生 态系统市场,一个能够使发达国家在逃避其 承诺的同时又能得到收益的市场。
The so-called green economy model was good for capital but not for the planet, since it sought to create a market of ecosystems that would enable the developed countries to receive payments while evading their commitments.
如果 香 港 的 廠 商 、 出 口 食 品 的商人能
夠領先一步 , 在本港好好地培 養 食物營養資料標 籤 的文化 , 讓 標 籤 制 度 得以 落
[...] 實並獲 得接受 , 以 及 在所有產 品上加以應 用 ,則當 香 港 產 品 將 來打入外地 市場時,其實只有 百 利 而 無 一 害 。
If Hong Kong manufacturers and food exporters can take the lead in properly developing the culture of nutrition information labels for food in Hong Kong, so that the labelling scheme can be implemented and accepted, and can be generally applied to all the
products, then when Hong Kong products are
[...] ready to tap the world market in future, this will definitely be a positive factor.
(d) 如某公司的某董事连同其任何联系人 有百 分 之 五或以上该公司的任何 类别股本或该公司的成员有的投票 权 而 该 公司在某宗交易 有 重 大利 益,则该董事也应被视为在该宗交易内有重大利益。
(d) Where a company in which a Director together with any of his Associates hold five per cent. or more of any class of the equity share capital
[...] of such company or of the voting rights available to members of such company is materially interested in a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially [...]
interested in such transaction.
有任何参加者提到作一个整体 的连续的侵犯行为,其中包括 1999 年北约在《联合国宪章》框架外三 无 正当 理由地轰炸科索沃,造成数百计的 无 辜 平 民“伤亡”。
None of them referred
[...] to the successive injuriae as a whole, - including three unwarranted NATO bombings of Kosovo in 1999, outside the framework of the U.N. Charter, and also generating “casualties” among hundreds of innocent civilians.
2011 年底,中非共和国当局开利用开发署和粮农组织的技术与财政支助, 执行加速实现千年发展目标 1(c)的框架,以便将粮无保障人口 百 分 比降 低一 半。
In late 2011, the Central African
[...] authorities began implementing, with technical and financial support from UNDP and FAO, a framework to accelerate the attainment of Millennium Development Goal 1 (c), which aims at reducing by half the percentage of the population suffering from food insecurity.
虽然该准则草案解决不了此类反对应有的效果问题, 但法国认为,强一国不 得利用它对保留作出的反对,在可以提具保留的期限之 外更改条约中与保留所涉条款无关或没有充分联系的其他条款, 有利无弊 的。
Although this draft guideline does not resolve the question of the effects that such objections might produce, France considers it useful to emphasize that a State should
not be able to take
[...] advantage of an objection to a reservation which it has formulated outside the allowable time period for formulating reservations to modify other provisions of the treaty which bear little or no relation to the provisions to which the reservation applies.
2010 年 9 月 18 日选举的结果经过核证显示一些强 有 力 的 候选人 有 获得 议会席位,原因或者是独立选举委员会的点票证明他们败选,或者他们因被证明弊而失去资格。
With the certification of the results of the 18 September 2010 elections, a number of powerful
candidates did not obtain
[...] seats in parliament, either because they lost the vote according to the tally of the Independent Election Commission, or because they had been disqualified owing to evidence of fraud.
四 種常見的職位比較方法有 利弊,第一階段顧問經 考慮後 ,認 為廣義界 定的職位屬系法較 其他三種建議方法( 即 職 位配對法、 工作 因素比較法及資歷 基準法 ) 更切合薪酬水平調查的目 的,並能更有 效 地處理薪酬水平調查所涉 及的各種技術考慮因素。
Having assessed the relative merits and shortcomings of four common approaches for job comparison, the Phase One Consultant advises [...]
that the broadly-defined
job family method is better able than the other three proposed methods (i.e. job matching method, job factor comparison method and qualification benchmarking method) to meet the objective of the pay level survey and to address the various technical considerations arising from a pay level survey.
大会第六十四届会议重申确定,占领国以色列为将其法律、司法管辖和行政 强加于耶路撒冷圣城而采取的任何行动都是非法的, 而一 概 无 效 , 不具任何效 力,并吁请以色列停止有这种 非法的单方面措施;并请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议报告该决议的执行情况(第 64/20 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly reiterated its determination that any actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, to impose its
laws, jurisdiction and
[...] administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem were illegal and therefore null and void, and called upon Israel to cease all such illegal [...]
and unilateral measures;
and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/20).




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