

单词 有始无终

有始有终 ()

where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); finish once
one starts sth
I started, so I'll finish.
carry things through

See also:


have or have not
corporeal and incorporeal
tangible and intangible
surplus and shortfall

始终 adv

always adv
long adv
as always adv
after all adv


from beginning end
all along

External sources (not reviewed)

古希腊人在他们抵达末世考虑作为一个纯粹的精神实质,身体独立于心灵的功能,并 有无始无终 , 这 不朽的抽象的概念,导致了更具体的个人生活死后期待。
The ancient Greeks arrived at their eschatology by considering the functions of the mind as a purely
spiritual essence, independent of the
[...] body, and having no beginning or end; this abstract [...]
concept of immortality led to the
anticipation of a more concrete personal life after death.
我们呼吁允许探视和释放以色列下士吉拉特·沙 利特,沙利特下士被监禁至今有 47 个月,第三始终无法进行探视。
We call for access to, and the release of, Israeli Corporal Gilad Shalit, who has been held in captivity for 47 months without third-party access.
不幸的是,由于这项运动本身的特点,某些损 始终无 法 避 免,但是对 有 的 关 节和肌肉做一次有效的热身运动,能够减少发生急性损伤的可能性。
Unfortunately some of these injuries cannot always be avoided due to the nature [...]
of sport in general, but an effective warm
up of all joints and muscles decreases the likelihood that an acute injury may occur.
尽管国际社会谴责这种违法行径, 但以色列仍然不顾人道主义和道德标准,并连续数 十无视诸如大会第 2443(XXIII)号决议等相关的 决议始终拒绝 允许大会第四委员会访问阿拉伯被 占领土,并有表现 出与国际社会合作的意愿,以 在该地区实现公正和全面的和平。
Despite the international community’s condemnation of such abusive practices, Israel remained heedless of humanitarian and moral
[...] [...] standards and had persisted for decades in disregarding resolutions such as General Assembly resolution 2443 (XXIII), had consistently refused to allow the Fourth Committee of the [...]
General Assembly to visit the occupied Arab territories
and had shown no desire to cooperate with the international community to establish a just and comprehensive peace in the region.
虽然泰国尚无直接或间接与外层空间和空气空 有 关 的任何国家法规或国 家做法,但始终认为,这无疑是亟待澄清的一个传统的法律问题。
Although Thailand has not
[...] yet developed any national legislation or national practices that related directly or indirectly to the definition and/or delimitation of outer space and airspace, Thailand has consistently taken the position [...]
that this is an undeniably classic legal issue
that needs urgent clarification.
这些情况导致的气氛无法使申请有 充 分 的安 全感,因无法一开始即说 明其申请庇护权的所有理由。
These circumstances did not contribute to
an environment in which the applicant felt
[...] sufficiently safe to state all his reasons for asylum right at the beginning.
我/我们明白,我子女进入“光明未来”学前班学习时: a. 他/她只需很少帮助就能使用卫生间; b. 一旦有关我子女的信有变动 ,我/我们将及时通知其教师; c. 我/我们确认这些信息一定始终保 持准 确 无 误 , 这样,我的子女在校期间生病或受伤时,学校就能及时与我联系; d. 我/我们同意遵守学前班的规章,严格遵守到校离校的时间。
I/We understand that during the time my child attends the Bright Futures preschool program: a. S/He will be
able to use the toilet
[...] with minimal assistance; b. I/We will inform my child’s teacher when any of my child’s information changes; c. I/We will keep my child’s information [...]
accurate so
that I can be contacted in the event my child becomes ill or injured while attending preschool; d. I/We will abide by the program policies and adhere to the scheduled arrival and departure times.
十多年来,安理会始终未能对问题的性 质和程有一个明确的认识;始终无法 提 供明确的指 导说明安理会的要求和维和部应该如何操作;并始终 未能认有部队 在当地实际部署的国家的意见。
A study undertaken by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Department of Peacekeeping
Operations (DPKO) makes it clear that the major share of the blame for failures lies with the Security Council itself,
[...] which has been unable, over more than a decade, to develop a clear understanding of the nature and extent of the problem; has been unable to give clear directions about what it wants and how the DPKO should operate; and has not given [...]
credence to the voices
of countries whose troops are actually deployed on the ground.
无论最终就哪 种保护措施达成协议,最重要的问 题是,向市有限的 某个国家供应产品所产生的经济利益可能不足以吸引潜在的非专利品 供应商。
Whatever safeguards
[...] are finally agreed upon, the crucial issue is that the economics of supply to one particular country with a limited [...]
market may be insufficient
to attract potential generic suppliers.
委员会审查了各实体现有的非消耗性财产安排,并注意到下列各种缺陷的实 例:(a) 盘存报告中开列的某些物品已经不知下落,或者已经过时;(b) 没有足 够的实物盘点程序或者有始终如一地进行实物清点;(c) 实物清点的物品与固 定资产登记册中的物品之间存在出入;(d) 某些实体保持人工固定资产登记册, 容易出错,其数据的进出因设计而变得难以操控;(e) 在没有证明文件的情况下 调整固定资产登记册;(f) 没有始终如一 地对实物盘存和固定资产登记册进行对 账;(g) 有些物品并未一贯列入盘存报告;(h) 资产管理程序不够充分,例如给 各项资产加标签以及固定资产登记册中适当记录资产的详细情况。
The Board reviewed the existing non-expendable property arrangement across entities and noted the following examples of deficiencies: (a) the inventory reports included items that could not be located or were obsolete; (b) there were inadequate physical inventory count
procedures or physical
[...] counts were not always performed; (c) there were discrepancies between items physically counted and the items in the fixed asset registers; (d) some entities maintained manual fixed asset registers, which were prone to error and by design had weak data-access control; (e) adjustments were made to fixed asset registers without supporting documents; (f) reconciliation was not always performed between [...]
physical inventory
and the fixed asset register; (g) items were not always included in the inventory report; and (h) inadequate asset management procedures, such as tagging of individual assets and properly recording details of assets in the fixed asset registers.
委员会注意到,在近30 年里,缔约始终无法摆 脱各种体制和政治危 机,特别是武装暴动和宗族冲突,对该国的总体情况,特别是对 有 经 济、社 会、文化、公民和政治权利,造成并仍在继续造成灾难性的后果。
The Committee notes that for some 30 years the State party has been beset by institutional and political crises characterized by armed uprisings and intercommunal conflicts, which have had and continue to have disastrous consequences for the situation in the country in general and for the enjoyment of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights in particular.
如果有指定 任何一次电流,则显示在主屏幕上的一次电流单 始终 为 “ A”,即 “0 A”。
The primary current is always displayed in "A" on the main screen or as "0" if no primary current is specified.
在这方面,定居点活动和以色列定居者的暴力、在巴勒斯坦被占领土 无法 无天以及对巴勒斯坦平民的恐怖活 始终 是 造 成局势高度紧张的根源,威胁进一 步破坏本已十分脆弱的当地局势,给双方间恢复和平进程带来了不利影响。
Moreover, in this regard, settlement
[...] activities and Israeli settler violence, lawlessness and terror against Palestinian civilians [...]
and properties in
the Occupied Palestinian Territory remain a source of great tension, threatening to further destabilize the fragile situation on the ground and negatively impacting the resumption of the peace process between the two parties as it has consistently done in the past.
前南斯拉夫的 马其顿共和国确认人权方面的改善 无 止 境 ,并 始终 坚 持 这一信念。
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia acknowledged that improvement was always possible in relation to human rights and was living up to that belief.
始终如一 地落实建议采取的第一项行动,即“认识到武装冲突期间侵犯 妇女和女孩人权的严重程度;并确保这一认识体现于 有 和 平 支助行动的规划和 实施中”,但在“通过对妇女和妇女组织进行正式和平进程培训等活动,确保妇 女全面参与国家和国际一级的和平协议谈判”的工作尚未取得进展。
Whereas the first action recommended to “recognize the extent of the violations of the human rights of women and girls during armed conflict and ensure that awareness of these violations is a factor in planning and implementation of all peace support operations”, is being consistently implemented, efforts to ensure the “full involvement of women in negotiations of peace agreements at national and international levels, including through the provision of training for women and women’s organizations on formal peace processes” are yet to gain ground.
一位委员对审议报告的 程序主要停留在形式上,而且对那些在有关的文书方面没有履行《组织法》义务的会员 始终 没 有 产 生 切实的 影响表示遗憾。
One member regretted that the report examination procedure was essentially formal and had no effective consequences for Member States that did not fulfil their constitutional obligations in respect of the instruments concerned.
如果您外出旅行,建议您同其他人一起旅行,确保你们 始终有 人 知 晓你们的方位,而且不要离开公路或步行路径,轻易涉险。
If you are going on a trip, travel with other people, make sure someone knows
[...] where you are at all times and stay on a [...]
road or a walking track.
但是,普京先生一定清楚地知道: 有 这 些 图谋都 无 疾 而 终 , 无 论 是 格鲁 吉亚还是国际社会都不会接受建立在对国际法准则和原则的粗暴侵犯基础上的 [...]
Mr. Putin must, however, be well aware that
[...] all these attempts will lead nowhere, and that neither Georgia nor [...]
the international community
will ever accept any “new reality” based upon the gross violation of the norms and principles of international law and the outcomes of ethnic cleansing.
南太平洋渔管组织公约要求拟订有效的监测、控制和监督和执行程序,并 要求委员会与其他组织协作拟订一个与一些船只的所有权、管制和动 有 关 的制 度,目的是减少和终消除非法无 管 制 和未报告的捕捞活动。
It was noted that the SPRFMO Convention would require the development of effective monitoring, control and surveillance and enforcement procedures, and collaboration by the Commission with other organizations to develop a system relating to the ownership, control
and movement of
[...] certain vessels, with the aim of reducing and eventually eliminating illegal, unreported and unregulated [...]
最后,我重申,我国代表团承诺继续支持安全理 事会有关国家采取行动,争取实现上述目标,同始终优先 强调联合国应该作出的贡献,深信中东和平 与稳定的实现将是对话与谈判的结果,而非使用武力 的结果。
In conclusion, I reaffirm my delegation’s commitment to continue to support action by the Security Council and
interested States with a
[...] view to attaining those objectives, while always giving precedence to the contribution that the [...]
United Nations should
make, in the conviction that stability and security in the Middle East will come about as a result of dialogue and negotiation, not the use of force.
然而,我们必须同意,筹资 只是鼓励因素之一,我们应始终确 保 ,其他主要的鼓励因素能够完全纳入我们 的努力,并能够得到有必要 的控制,其中最重要的控制措施是诚实和透明度。
But we have to agree that financing is only one of many human incentives and we should always ensure that other key incentives are fully integrated into our efforts and regulated by all the necessary controls, the most important of these being integrity and transparency guarantees.
[...] 无论是巴勒斯坦的、国际的或是以色列的组织,也 都证实以色始终无视要 求必须保护平民的各项国 际决议。
The reports of the human rights organizations operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, whether
Palestinian, international or Israeli, also
[...] confirmed Israel’s persistence in ignoring international [...]
resolutions urging the necessity of protecting civilians.
经过 18 个月的落实,主要挑战依然在于随着入选《世界遗产名录》的遗产数量 不断增多(两年增加 46 个),世界遗产基金或经常性计划的资金增长速 始终 无法赶上来。
After 18 months of implementation, the main challenge remains the increase in the number of sites on the World Heritage List (46 in two years) with no parallel financial increase in the World Heritage Fund or in the Regular Programme.
虽然一始有与会 者对(b)项表示了一些疑虑,但会议一致 认为(b)项无不妥 ,担保债权人如果未能遵守其义务和设保人对修订或取消登 记而提出的合法请求,则不应当有权收取任何费用(在担保债权人并未违反其 义务和设保人的请求不适当的情况下,此项规定不应适用)。
While some doubt was initially
[...] expressed, it was agreed that subparagraph (b) was appropriate and the secured creditor should not be entitled [...]
to charge
any fees if it failed to comply with its obligations and the legitimate request of the grantor to amend or cancel the registration (which should not apply where the secured creditor had not violated its obligations and the grantor’s request was inappropriate).
各代表团突出提到四条这样的教 训:(a)
[...] 经济增长是全面开发生产能力和可持续增长的前提条件和基础;(b) 发 展基础设施服务和构建各部门间的联系是各种发展程度国 始终 面 临 的挑战; (c) 和谐的社会和经济发展需要务实地执行构思妥善、切 有 效 的政策;(d) 向 国际经济力量打开大门既带来机遇也迎来挑战,这需要进行切实有效的国际合 作,但是各国也需要足够的政策空间,以有效的掌控一体化进程。
Four such lessons were highlighted by different delegations: (a) that economic growth was a prerequisite and basis for overall development of productivity capacity and sustainable growth; (b) developing infrastructure services and building
links across sectors
[...] were persistent challenges for countries at all levels of development; (c) harmonious social and economic development required well-designed and effective [...]
policy pursued in a pragmatic
fashion; (d) opening up to international economic forces posed both opportunities and challenges which necessitated effective international cooperation, but that countries also needed sufficient policy space to effectively manage the integration process.
除其他外, 《最后文件》指出:(a) 在各项目标和目的实现之前,1995 年关于中东问题的决始终有效; (b) 欢迎所有阿拉伯国家加入《不扩散条约》;(c) 要求以色列加 入该《条约》,并将其所有核设施置于国际原子能机构(原子能机构)的全面保障 监督之下。
Among other things, the Final Document (a) states that the 1995 resolution on the Middle East remains valid until the goals and objectives are achieved; (b) welcomes the accession of all Arab States to the Treaty; (c) calls for Israel to accede to the Treaty and place all its nuclear facilities under the comprehensive safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
因此,我们敦促以色列和巴勒斯坦双方立 即始无条件执行各有关决 议、包括以土地换和平 在内的马德里原则、路线图和双方以前达成的协议以 [...]
We therefore urge both Israelis and
[...] Palestinians to immediately start the unconditional implementation [...]
of their obligations as stipulated
by the relevant resolutions, the Madrid principles, including land for peace, the Road Map and the agreements previously reached by the parties, as well as the Arab Peace Initiative.
和科学工作方面还是存在许多缺口。 由于美国的封锁政策,古始终无法 在 美国市场购买学习用品以及校园网络 [...]
维修所需要的基本材料,因此,古巴被迫远赴海外市场进行采购,造成的经济损 失达到 881 400 美元。
As a result of
[...] this policy, Cuba still has no access to [...]
the United States market for the purchase of school supplies and
basic materials for repairing and maintaining the school network; it is forced to acquire them from distant markets at a loss of US$ 881,400.
[...] 少对生态系统和渔业的压力、清洁饮水和卫生以及妇女充分参与落实国际商定目 标方始终有执行 差距,表明在实现可持续发展各项目标方面大家采用了各自为 [...]
There were persistent implementation gaps relating to poverty eradication, food security, income inequality, maintenance of
biodiversity, combating climate change,
[...] reducing pressure on ecosystems and fisheries, [...]
access to clean water and sanitation
and the full participation of women in implementing internationally agreed goals, reflecting a fragmented approach to achieving sustainable development goals.
该法院为索马里法院,且终将设在索马里境内,因此有助于加强索马 里境内的法治;该法院在政治上站得住脚(将由索马里法官审判索马里 人);将具有审判实施海盗行为的索马里人的具体管辖权,由于国籍关 联,这些人将服从索马里的管辖权;该法院遵守海军在行动方面受到的 约束,在收到逮捕国发出的通知后 始有 义 务 进行审判
By being Somali, and
[...] in view of its eventual establishment within Somalia, the court would help strengthen the rule of law in Somalia; it would be politically justifiable (Somali judges would be trying Somalis); it would have active personal jurisdiction to try the Somali perpetrators of acts of piracy, because of the link of nationality, which would render them subject to its jurisdiction; it would comply with the operational constraints of navies by introducing an obligation [...]
to hold a trial upon receiving notification from an apprehending State




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