单词 | 昨晚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 昨晚—last night(often used)less common: yesterday evening 昨晚adverb—last eveningadvSee also:昨n—yesterdayn 晚n—nightn eveningn 晚adj—lateadj
我 认 为 民 主 党 与 民 建联的 最大分 别 是,我们不易被政 府 吓 倒 , 但 [...] 民 建联 则 在 听 过 政府昨 晚的发言後, 一下子 便 被 [...]政 府 吓 退 。 legco.gov.hk | In my opinion, the major difference between the Democratic Party and the DAB is that while we would not be scared by the [...] Government so easily, the DAB was scared off by the Government on hearing the speech [...] made by the Government lastnight. legco.gov.hk |
昨晚在莱卡特的蒙太奇,Servcorp荣获新南威尔士州出口大奖的创新奖。 servcorp.com.hk | Servcorp won the Innovation in Export Award at the NSW Premier's Export Awards last night at the Le Montage, Leichhardt. servcorp.com.hk |
我昨晚想了一整夜,想起难 怪会有这样的一种说法,就是:“没有民主便没有繁荣,失业问题是因缺乏 [...] 民主所致”,原来是有些道理的。 legco.gov.hk | I thought [...] about this all night, and I started [...]to understand why some people held this view: "If there is no democracy, there [...]will be no prosperity, and the unemployment problem is caused by the lack of democracy". legco.gov.hk |
昨晚新闻报导了什么,电视剧上演了什么情节,这些 常常是公司同事和朋友之间最常谈论的话题 。 deloittetmt.com | The events covered on last night’snews, and the happenings onlast night’sserial or [...] sitcom are often the most common topics [...]of conversation with co-workers and friends. deloittetmt.com |
昨晚进行 的调查显示,署理特首曾荫权得70.4分,表示支持其出任特首的被访者,为数68%。 hkupop.hku.hk | The install [...] poll conductedlast night showed that, [...]Acting CE Donald Tsang scored 70.4 marks, and 68% supported him as the Chief Executive. hkupop.hku.hk |
昨晚进行 的调查显示,刚公布财政预算案的财政司司长唐英年,得63.0分,而支持其续任的被访市民占61%,反对的则占6%。 hkupop.hku.hk | The install [...] poll conducted last nightshowed that, the [...]latest rating of FS Henry Tang who has just announced his Budget [...]was 63.0 marks, with a support and non-support rate of 61% and 6% respectively. hkupop.hku.hk |
在昨晚当地 时间 11 点左右,加沙恐怖分子向以色列发射经过改装的卡秋莎 火箭弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | At around [...] 11 p.m.local time yesterday, terroristsin Gaza [...]fired a modified Katyusha rocket into Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些自备食物,都是在昨晚事前 预备好的。 4tern.com | These prepared lunch were made on the day before, from home. 4tern.com |
昨晚公告的香港国际酒类与烈酒大赛赛果中,澳洲美酒再次大放异彩,澳洲赢得了245个奖项。 hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au | Last night’s announcement at [...] the Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair, adds to the impressive story of Australian [...]wine and its growing market presence in Hong Kong and greater China. hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au |
他还说:“我们昨晚看到的那类挑衅行径只会进一步孤立他们,因为我们会与我们的盟友站在一起,加强我们的导弹防御系统,并为全世界采取坚定行动应对这些威胁发挥领导作用。 embassyusa.cn | Provocations of the [...] sort wesaw lastnight will only further [...]isolate them as we stand by our allies, strengthen our own [...]missile defense, and lead the world in taking firm action in response to these threats,” he added. eng.embassyusa.cn |
2012 年 2 月 5 日的事件之后,时任外交部长陆克文议员阁下就事件发表了如 下声明: 政府对昨晚对叙利亚大使馆的骚扰深表关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the incident, on 5 February 2012 the then Foreign Minister, the Hon. daccess-ods.un.org |
昨晚的事件造成了悲惨和不幸的结果,以色列对 任何无辜生命的丧失深表遗憾。 daccess-ods.un.org | The results oflast night’s events are [...] tragic and unfortunate, and Israel deeply regrets any lose of innocent life. daccess-ods.un.org |
昨晚,我背着山,浸泡在自然温泉中。 4tern.com | Yesterday night, I was inthe hot [...] spring with mountains at my back. 4tern.com |
昨晚,马拉加球员Eliseu代表俱乐部和马拉加俱乐部基金会出席了由西班牙反癌症协会(AECC)举办的第四届慈善圣诞舞会。 malagacf.com | Málaga CF’s Eliseu represented [...] the Cluband the Málaga Club [...]de Fútbol Foundation at the IV Christmas Dance Festival charity [...]event, the proceeds of which go to the AECC (Spanish Association against Cancer). malagacf.com |
香港政务司司长林郑月娥女士GBS,JP, 昨晚出席澳洲国庆酒会,赞扬在港的澳洲社群对香港这个大都会的活力、多样文化及繁荣所作出的贡献。 hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au | Hong Kong’s Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Carrie Lam GBS, JP,has praised Australia’s large expatriate community for their contribution to the city’s vibrancy, cultural diversity and prosperity. hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au |
截至昨晚,收到的回条数目大幅增加,刚刚超过10,000份,相等於首期计划推出单位总数的37%。 housingauthority.gov.hk | By last night that number had [...] already climbed to just over 10,000 or 37% of flats offered under this first phase. housingauthority.gov.hk |
昨晚太古广场为他们今个秋冬的时尚主题「MY STYLE」举行揭幕时装表演,而我们Harvey [...] Nichols亦有幸参与其中。 blog.harveynichols.com.hk | Last night Pacific Place kicked [...] off their Autumn Winter campaign ‘My Style’ with a spectacular fashion show which Harvey [...]Nichols was proud to be a part of it. blog.harveynichols.com.hk |
不充分履行安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议是 发生昨晚这起令人遗憾的事件的主因。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lack of full compliance with Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) is at the core of [...] the deplorable events of last night. daccess-ods.un.org |
昨晚约一半的其它4G智能手机服务的成本计划的今天,消费者可以真正拥有它与MetroPCS的50元和60元4GLTE智能手机服务计划,其中包括所有适用税收和规费的。 technologeeko.com | At about half the costof other 4G smartphone service plans today, consumers can truly have it all with MetroPCS’ $50 and $60 4GLTE smartphone service plans, which include all applicable taxes and regulatory fees. technologeeko.com |
唯一美中不足的是昨晚,当时我们的处境非常糟糕。 maserati.com.cn | We’ve established an excellent time reference, which will be very difficult to beat. maserati.co.uk |
打完了Bioshock(以及昨晚的Portal),我想就是在今年第一人称游戏从过去曾经辉煌的屠杀和死亡竞赛模式开始演化,”Levine说。 unrealengine.com | After playing BioShock (and busting [...] through Portal last night), I think this [...]is a year where first-person games are starting [...]to evolve beyond glorified carnival rides and death matches,” said Levine. unrealengine.com |
美国洛杉矶(2013年2月20日)——瑞士高级钟表制造商GP芝柏表与亚洲协会南加利福尼亚分会(ASSC)于 昨晚携手在洛杉矶千禧大酒店举行的2013年年会上,共同向传奇篮球运动员姚明致敬。 girard-perregaux.com | Los Angeles, CA (February 20, 2013)– Iconic luxury watchmaker Girard-Perregaux and [...] Asia Society Southern California (ASSC) [...] partneredup last night inat the Millennium [...]Biltmore Hotel to honor legendary basketball [...]personality Yao Ming at its 2013 Annual Gala. girard-perregaux.com |
悉尼消息,2011 年 10 月 21 日—昨晚在莱卡特的蒙太奇,世服宏图荣获新南威尔士州出口大奖的创新奖。 servcorp.com.cn | Sydney, October 21 2011 - Servcorp won the Innovation in Export Award at the NSW Premier's [...] Export Awards last night at theLe Montage, [...]Leichhardt. servcorp.com.cn |
昨晚(2011年5月9日)在布达佩斯召开的第六届年度欧洲地产东南欧房地产奖的晚宴上,查普门泰勒荣获‘2010年度最佳建筑设计单位’,这已经是查普门泰勒连续第四次获得该奖项。 chapmantaylor.com | Last night, on the 19th May 2011 at a Gala Dinner in Bucharest [...] for the 6th Annual Europaproperty SEE Real Estate Awards, [...]Chapman Taylor was voted ‘Architectural Firm of the Year’ for 2010 for the fourth time in a row! chapmantaylor.com |
清晨,相拥而眠的沈伟(余文乐饰) 和桐欣(张静初饰)张开惺忪睡眼, 忽然惊呆——他们根本不认识彼此!急於离开尴尬现场的两人同时夺门而逃,却同样震惊地发现,他们并不在家,而是在一座硕大无朋的家俱城里! 宿醉後的两人各奔东西,桐欣猛然记起 昨晚有件老板交代的任务没完成,那涉及30万现金和一个半红不红的女演员;而沈伟搞丢了工作用车,联系不上最好的朋友,回到公司後还成为众人调侃的对象—— 昨晚他们 “疯玩”的图片已经在微博上传开,成了话题人物。 dddhouse.com | At the beginning of the movie wesee a man and a woman waking up from a bed in a furniture store, not recognizing each other. dddhouse.com |
澳大利亚总理吉拉德与中国国务院总理李克强 昨晚共同出席国家开发银行股份有限公司(国家开发银行)、中国五矿集团公司与五矿资源有限公司(MMG)就MMG的Dugald [...] River项目融资支持框架协议签约仪式。 mmg.com | The Australian Prime Minister The Hon. Julia [...] Gillard and China's Premier Li [...] Keqiangwere presentyesterday evening atthesigning of [...]the financing support framework [...]agreement for MMG Limited’s (MMG) Dugald River project between China Development Bank Corporation (China Development Bank), China Minmetals Corporation and MMG. mmg.com |