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因 此,本月旬首交阿富汗全面负责安全控制的地 区和省份将是对政府是否准备好在其境内行使主权 [...]
Therefore, the
[...] transition of thefirst setofdistricts and [...]
provinces to full Afghan security control later this month will
prove to be a significant test of the readiness of the Government to exercise sovereignty within its borders.
新的中国特使钟建华 3 月旬首访苏丹和南苏 丹,就南北苏丹问题和双边关系分别接触了两国领 导人。
The new Chinese special envoy, Zhong
[...] Jianhua, made hisfirst visit toSudan and SouthSudan in mid-Marchto engage the [...]
respective leaderships
on North-South issues as well as bilateral relations.
Although Tung's popularity is still at
a very low level, it has gone back
[...] to 45 marks for thefirst time sincelateMarch. [...]
Tung is probably riding on the warm
wind which is defrosting the relationship between the democrats and the Central Government, and his recent meetings with the democrats seem to have helped.
19] 6月进行权任内最後一次调查,所以表中所列特首曾荫权的数字并非其任内最後民望。
19] The last survey on CE Donald Tsang will be
[...] carried out inlate June, so the popularity figures listed [...]
here are not the ending figures in CE’s current term.
拜耳学院将于1月开课程包括“Learn to Lead”和“拜耳领导力卓越”这两个设计一新的研讨班。
The Bayer Academy will
[...] get off the ground in mid-January with the revised [...]
"Learn to Lead" and "Bayer Leadership Excellence" seminars.
The top councillors listed in our latest survey
were all those who obtained the highest
[...] unprompted mentions in ourfirst stage naming survey conducted [...]
in late-Ocotober.
(1) The Public Opinion Programme
(POP) at the University of Hong Kong
[...] issued an erratum to revise CE Leung’s rating in early [...]
July from 54.0 to 53.8 marks.
The increase, however, was not statistically significant. On the other hand, the latest rating of SJ Elsie Leung Oi-sie was 46.3 marks, indicating a drop of 1.1 marks when compared with that registered in early November, which was also not statistically significant.
2003/4 年度报告法语版于三月科文总全民教育周活动期间在非洲的 三个国家(马里、布基纳法索和尼日尔)以及亚洲的一个国家(越南)组织了法语版的发行 [...]
The French version of the 2003/4 Report was launched
[...] at UNESCO Headquarters in mid-Marchand three national [...]
launches were organized in Africa
during the EFA Week (Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger) and one in Asia (Viet Nam).
又就各类公共政策来说,4月 一次调查发现,在25个政策议题之中,市民最关注的11个议题,由1至10的优先次序依次为:1)增加就业机会、纾缓失业问题,2)提升政府执政能力,3)改善空气质素,4)改革公营医疗系统,5)贫穷问题,6)改善行政立法之间的关系,7)在小学推行小班教学,8)改革综援制度,9)旧区重建,10)实行中央屠宰家禽及为巴士票价订立一个可加可减机制。
Besides,in terms of various kinds [...]
of public policies, another survey in late April showed that, among the 25 issues, the
11 issues which people are most concerned with, in the priority from 1 to 10, are 1) increasing job opportunities and alleviating the unemployment problem, 2) lifting the leading ability of the government, 3) improving air quality, 4) improving public health mechanism, 5) poverty problem, 6) improving relations between the executive and legislative branches, 7) implementing small-class teaching in primary schools, 8) reforming the CSSA system. 9) re-developing old districts, 10) setting up a centralized slaughtering system for poultry and "up and down" bus fare adjustment mechanism.
二零零七年十二月 零零八年三月,中心辖下食物监察小组 的衞生督察到全港各区的不同商铺( 包括街市、超级市场、面包饼食店 等 ) 抽取食物样本。
The food samples were obtained from various local sources, including wet markets, supermarkets, bakery shops, etc., in different districts of Hong Kong.
谈 判后,12 月 定的供应商签订合同,管理咨询人在合同签订后数日内就开 始工作,2010 年 12 月 7 日举行了指导委员会与供应商的第一次会议。
Following negotiations, the contract with the selected vendor was signed early in December, and the management consultants commenced their work within days of the signing of the contract, with the first meeting of the Steering Committee with the vendor being held on 7 December 2010.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34
款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6
[...] 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the
submission of the response of the United
[...] Nations System Chief Executives Board for [...]
Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
此外,拟将驻巴基斯坦 保顾问员额改叙为 D-1 职等,原因是,按照其规模、复杂程度和承担的责任, [...]
再加上复杂的人道主义紧急情况,驻巴基斯坦安保管理系统堪比一个大型维持和 平行动。
In addition, the
[...] post of the Chief Security Adviser [...]
in Pakistan is proposed to be reclassified to the D-1 level as, in terms
of size, complexity and degree of responsibility, in combination with a complex humanitarian emergency, the security management system in Pakistan is considered comparable to a large peacekeeping operation.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世 议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
同样,《日内瓦进度报告》也回顾称,缔约国还在卡塔赫议上强调,如果没有可持续的筹资方法,支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务, [...]
As well, the Geneva Progress Report recalled that at
[...] the CartagenaSummit,the States Parties [...]
also highlighted that, without a sustainable
means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
在军事行动开始时,霍加利的部分平民人口早已离开了该居住区,到 1992 年 2 月 据独立来源的资料,留下来的有 1 000 至 2 500 人,其中绝大多 数是阿塞拜疆武装部队的士兵。
At the start of the military operation, part of the civil population of Khojaly had left the settlement, and bylate February 1992, according to independent sources, between 1,000 and 2,500 people had stayed behind, the majority of whom were soldiers of the Azerbaijani armed forces.
2011 年2012 年初间,中国在南 海问题上的态度趋于缓和,这表明只要中央政府愿 [...]
意,就能对其海事部队和地方政府加以一定控制 力,但中国认为保持一定程度的政策模糊性为其在 必要时采取更强硬立场提供了一定的自由空间,因 此符合自身利益。
China’s ability to moderate its approach to the South
[...] China Sea between mid-2011 and 2012 suggests [...]
that it is able to exert some control
over its maritime forces and local governments when it so chooses, but sees a degree of ambiguity as in its interest, giving it the freedom to take a more hardline position when deemed necessary.
搭建临时办公室的准备工作五月开始,主要内容是加固道路,以能承负重型 卡车,包括救火车的通过,还包括广场“绿色部分”防水层的翻修,以及准备用于安装临时 [...]
The preparatory work for the installation of the temporary
[...] offices, which began inmid-May, involves the [...]
improvement of the driveway to permit the
passage of heavy lorries, including fire engines, the renovation of the waterproofing in the “green” area of the Piazza and the preparation of the structure for the temporary offices.
考虑到 不可能在春季晚些时候举行工作组会议,原因是工作组的建议(即其审议结果)必
须提交同届大会第五委员会(一般为 5 月/6 月),以便新的补偿标准能在新的财政 年度(7 月 1 日开始)生效,因此 2011 年工作组主席团提议,2014 年工作组会议 于
[...] 2013 年秋季晚些时候举行,可能在 2013 年 10 月底至 12 月
Taking into account that holding the Working Group later in the spring would not be possible because the recommendations of the Working Group (i.e., the results of its deliberations) have to be before the Fifth Committee within the same session of the General Assembly (normally May/June), so that the new reimbursement rates could come into effect by the new fiscal year (starting 1 July), the 2011 Working Group Bureau proposed that the 2014
Working Group session should be held in the late autumn of 2013, perhaps between
[...] the end ofOctoberand mid-December 2013.
2010 年 2 月长和副庭长连同一名高级法律干事一道前往贝鲁特, 会见了黎巴嫩高级官员并为贝鲁特律师协会和大学教授及学生举办关于黎巴嫩 问题特别法庭问题的讲座。
In earlyFebruary 2010, the President and the Vice-President, together with a senior legal officer, travelled to Beirut to meet with senior Lebanese officials and give talks to the Beirut Bar Association and university professors and students on issues relating to the Tribunal.
在这种背景下,我们期待本月牙举行的 会议将使国际社会有机会显示它预备继续对阿富汗 和这个区域给予支持。
Against that background, we are looking forward to the conference to be held in The Hague later this month as an opportunity to signal the readiness of the international community to continue its support for Afghanistan and the region.
重要的是,尽管二零零八年经济危机爆发,本公司核心业务 之营业额仍维持令人鼓舞的增长,达到 32,000,000 港元,主要来自若干客户对转发器容量的需求增加。
It was significant in that, despite the global economic crisis inlate 2008, the Company was still able to maintain encouraging growth in turnover of our core business which amounted to around HK$32 million, primarily attributable to increased capacity requirements by certain customers.




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