单词 | 敢做 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 敢做 verb —dare vExamples:敢做敢当—daring act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it • a true man has the courage accept the consequences of his actions • the buck stops here See also:敢 v—dare v 敢—daring • (polite) may I venture
政府這種「敢做不敢認」、「借刀殺㆟」(以民意分歧為藉口扼殺老 年退休金)的卑劣手法就盡露市民眼前。 legco.gov.hk | This "do it on the sly", "to kill with a [...] borrowed knife" method, that is, to kill the OPS with the excuse of divergence [...]in public opinion, has exposed to public view the despicable way the Administration goes about this OPS business. legco.gov.hk |
很多僱主有資金,但他不可能一個人兼顧所有工作,即使聘請了一 批員工,但沒有中層管理人員或行政人員的協助,他便寧可 不 做 或 不 敢做生 意。 legco.gov.hk | Even if he has hired a group of employees, but [...] without the assistance of middle-level management staff or executives, he may prefer [...] not to or may not dare to do business. legco.gov.hk |
大家知道,大選之後是政治力量重新分布,以及是政治領袖有機會 把以前不想做、不敢做、沒 有機會做的事,要付諸實行的時間。 legco.gov.hk | It is also the time when political leaders should put their words into action, [...] when they can do things that they previously did not [...] want to do, or did not dare to do or did not have [...]the chance to do. legco.gov.hk |
但是,要想让艾滋病成为历史,我们就必 须 敢做 敢为。 daccess-ods.un.org | But if we are to relegate AIDS to the [...] history books, we must be bold. daccess-ods.un.org |
試問這些不 顧港人長遠利益的行為、這些敢做不 敢 認 的 人士,又有何面目呼籲下 任行政長官或疑似參選人捍衞市民的長遠利益呢? legco.gov.hk | For someone who disregards the long-term interest of [...] Hong Kong people, who chickens out in [...] admitting his act, how dare he has the guts to [...]call upon the next Chief Executive or [...]probable candidates to defend the long-term interest of the public? legco.gov.hk |
這 樣 , 香港才 會 有一個由 港 人 選 出 來 的 政 府 , 在 憲 制安排上須 向市民 交 代 , 不 會 亦不敢 做 一個脫 離 眾的政 府。 legco.gov.hk | All the great metropolises of the world are centres of politics, economic activities, sports, culture and the arts in one. legco.gov.hk |
特區政府當然後知後覺,亦 算是不知不覺,一直不敢推行這些創新的提議,但澳門政府 卻 敢 想 敢做 ,並 且已經做了。 legco.gov.hk | The SAR Government is certainly slow in its response, and it can even be said to have no response at all, for it does not have the guts to implement such innovative suggestions, but the Macao Government has the guts to think and act and has already implemented this measure. legco.gov.hk |
假如他們不敢做,便代表他 們懦弱。 legco.gov.hk | If they dare not do so, they are cowards. legco.gov.hk |
其實,政府大可作出承擔,向別㆟解釋,如果是礙 於㆗國政府反對而不敢做,那 麼就直說好了,何必做得這麼難看 legco.gov.hk | If it was due to the Chinese Governments' objection that the [...] Government did not dare proceed with the [...]plan, all the Government need to do was to make a clean breast of it. legco.gov.hk |
黃華麒曾經在 [...] 新加坡MediaCorp工作,習慣傳媒被政府控制,連他都忌憚和 不 敢做 的事,竟然由港台高層從下而上地遞交這個建議,確實令人非常心痛。 legco.gov.hk | WONG Wah-kee used to work in Singapore's MediaCorp and he was used to the media being kept under tight government control. It is [...] really heartbreaking to know that something [...] which WONG did not dare to do is now submitted [...]as a proposal by the RTHK management from the bottom up. legco.gov.hk |
政策局可以不做事或不敢做事, 然後等候它的指示,可是它又 不做事。 legco.gov.hk | How come it is even more powerful than government [...] departments and Policy Bureaux? The Government [...] can do nothing, or dares not do anything, [...]pending the CPU's instructions. legco.gov.hk |
如果像黃宜弘議員所說 般,那便糟糕了 ─ [...] 《基本法》即使沒訂明的,也自行拿來限制自己,又 不敢做;如 果經常這樣猜想“阿爺”的想法,便“唔得掂”了。 legco.gov.hk | If we do as Dr Philip WONG says, that will be [...] terrible ― people will impose restrictions on [...] themselves and dare not do anything, [...]even though nothing of the sort is stipulated in the Basic Law. legco.gov.hk |
我太胆小,以至我不敢做任何 跳水动作,然而只有10岁的Ben 却像在海边长大的孩子一样,每天都不断地展示给我看如何去做。 lmacademics.com | I was too chicken to do any diving and [...] got shown up every day by 10-year-old Ben, who looked like he was born in the ocean. lmacademics.com |
是不是北京反對,所以我們便不敢做? legco.gov.hk | If the answer is yes, I urge Mr Michael SZE to show a bit of courage later on, by wearing the word "Bravery" on his chest, so to speak, and tell us whether it is really because the Government is afraid of Beijing. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,生活迫人, 他們的負擔也很沉重,恐怕做健康測試後便會打破“飯碗”,根本上 不敢 做健康檢查。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, as life is excruciating, heavy burden has been brought to bear upon them. They are afraid that their participation in [...] health check-ups may [...] end up for them a failure to keep their "rice bowls", so they simply dare not undergo such check-ups. legco.gov.hk |
所 謂 “ 空空如 也 ” , 是林瑞麟的涉 台 政 策 , [...] 船頭驚鬼, 船 尾 驚 賊 , 甚麼都不敢 做 , 不 願做, 只做 一 樣,便 [...]是 鴕鳥,安 全 第一命 長 久。 legco.gov.hk | To say that he is hollow means he is paranoid in his Taiwan policy, so much so that he shows great [...] reluctance and does not dare to do anything. legco.gov.hk |
谁被允许或谁敢做出声明? teebweb.org | Who is allowed to/dares to make a statement? teebweb.org |
這暴露出不同部門政策㆖的不協調和方向 ㆖的矛盾,更危險的是會給㆟㆒個印象,以為財政科的決策者為了增加庫房收入而忽 略了㆒些重要的原則,講得粗㆒些就是「為了錢便乜 都 敢做 」。 legco.gov.hk | This has exposed the lack of co-ordination of policies among different departments and the fact that they are pursuing different courses of action. legco.gov.hk |
我们必须敢做敢为,大胆决策,大规模地重新调整艾滋病毒防治工作,努力 实现无新的艾滋病毒感染、无歧视、无艾滋病导致死亡的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bold decisions must be taken to dramatically [...] reshape the AIDS response to reach zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們可以選擇做㆗國㆟,港同盟亦呼 籲市民勇敢㆞做㆗國㆟,過渡九七。 legco.gov.hk | We may certainly opt the Chinese nationality and the [...] UDHK also call on the people of Hong Kong to [...] have the courage to opt the Chinese nationality [...]in this transition period. legco.gov.hk |
東涌居民朱綺華在公民黨的協助下,就港珠澳大橋工程 的環境影響評估報告提出司法覆核 ⎯⎯ 這是我說的,公民黨可以不 承認,公民黨敢做但不敢認, 都很有問題 ⎯⎯ 這宗官司勝訴有甚麼 問題呢? legco.gov.hk | A resident of Tung Chung by the name of CHU Yee-wah filed a judicial review against the environment impact assessment report of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project with the assistance of the Civic Party. legco.gov.hk |
這些措施有助“ 打工仔” 與家人相處,這是我們職工盟所長期倡議 [...] 的,但我覺得如果不就此制定成法例,根本是不能在香港推行的,可是, 這卻又是香港政府一直不敢做的。 legco.gov.hk | But if legislation is not introduced on that, these [...] measures can simply not be implemented in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
香港政府坐擁大額財政盈餘,應該感到羞耻,因為由此 證明政府過於保守或“怕死”,不 敢做 一 些 當前應該做的事或推出措施。 legco.gov.hk | Having amassed an enormous fiscal surplus, the Hong Kong Government should feel ashamed because this is evidence of its over-conservatism or "gutlessness", and its lack of courage to do some things it should do at the moment or introduce some timely measures. legco.gov.hk |
有昂山素季这 样的民族领袖掌舵,我们完全有理由相信民盟能够 做出勇敢的决定。 crisisgroup.org | With a national leader of the calibre of Aung San Suu Kyi at the helm, there is no reason to think that the party would be unable to make such courageous decisions. crisisgroup.org |
必须摆脱惰性,改变 以牙还牙的做法,采取勇敢立场,创造有利于谈判的 环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is important to shake off our inertia by moving away from the eye-for-an-eye approach, which [...] only leads to the blindness of [...] all, and by adopting a courageous position that can create [...]an environment conducive to negotiations. daccess-ods.un.org |
事 實㆖,我敢說, 沒有多少個政府能夠期望現行制度獲得這麼多市民支持。 legco.gov.hk | Indeed, dare I say, few governments [...] could expect to receive such massive popular support for an existing system. legco.gov.hk |
根据特别报告员收到的报告,尽管政府在这些战斗之后控制了 果 敢 地 区, 但缅甸东北部的局势依然紧张。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite Government [...] control of the Kokang territory following [...]these battles, the situation in north-eastern Myanmar remains [...]tense according to reports received by the Special Rapporteur. daccess-ods.un.org |
以在城市的公共巴士不建议,但对于那 些 敢 于 这 样 做 , 你 可以检查称为埃本埃泽尔一条公交线路,来自巴士总站和机场,并通过沿三角洲大道,在这里您可以下船在前的大学(行政学院建设),然后步行穿过O`猜疑街道曼努埃拉萨恩斯角落。 instantworldbooking.com | Taking public buses in the city is not recommended [...] but, for those who dare doing it, you may check [...]for a bus line called Eben-Ezer, that [...]comes from the bus terminal and the airport and passes along Delta avenue, where you may disembark in front of the university (building of Administrative Sciences), then walk across O`Leary street to the corner of Manuela Sàenz. instantworldbooking.com |
虽然国际社会的支助极其重要,但以色列 和巴勒斯坦对实现全面、持久和平负有主要责任, 他呼吁双方恢复谈判,并且做出勇敢 的 决 定。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the support of the international community was crucial, Israel and Palestine bore primary responsibility for achieving comprehensive, lasting peace and he called on both parties to resume negotiations and take bold decisions. daccess-ods.un.org |