

单词 推倒

推倒 ()

push over

See also:

(...) v

fall v
collapse v
invert v
sell v
pour sth. v

place upside down
move around
move backwards
go bankrupt
throw out
as a matter of fact
contrary expectation
change (trains or buses)

External sources (not reviewed)

房屋及規劃地政局局長在 回應時表 示 , 保 留 現 有的建議邀 請書框架是因為政府當局不 想 把 西九龍 文娛藝術區的規推倒重 來
In response, SHPL said that the existing IFP framework had been maintained because the Administration did not intend to plan WKCD from scratch.
但是,我們也不 能貿然把每個項推倒重來
But we cannot just scrap every project and do it all over again.
對於把這項法推倒重來 的建議,剛才很多議員也表達了反對意 見,因此,我不會再多談,但我想談談一些現實的問題。
Regarding the proposal of starting the work concerning this legislation all over again, many Members have expressed opposition to it just now, and so I will not dwell further on it.
而我也要問,如果今推倒了最 低工資水平,有誰可以擔保日後的工資水平定能在時薪33元或以上的 [...]
And I must also ask: If this
[...] minimum wage rate is overturned today, who can [...]
guarantee that the future rate can be $33 or more per hour?
就象 1989 年后我们帮推倒柏林墙的人建立起 健全的民主政体和市场经济那样;就象 1994 年我们 欢迎南非选择走和解与民主而非种族冲突的道路,因 [...]
而重返英联邦那样;如今在 2011 年,在北非和中东 人民挺身而起,表达他们希望建立更开放、更民主的
社会之时,我们有机会,同时也有责任,去 帮助他们。
Just as after 1989 we helped those who tore down the Berlin Wall to [...]
build robust democracies and market economies, just
as in 1994 we welcomed South Africa back into the commonwealth of nations when it chose the path of reconciliation and democracy instead of racial conflict, so now in 2011, as people in North Africa and the Middle East stand up and give voice to their hopes for more open and democratic societies, we have an opportunity, and, I would say, a responsibility to help them.
沙特政府进一步要推倒在巴 勒斯坦被占领土上非法修建的隔离墙, 并要求以色列赔偿其对近东救济工程处财产和房舍 [...]
It furthermore demanded that the separation [...]
wall, which had been built illegally in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
should be demolished and that Israel should pay compensation for the damage it had done to UNRWA property and buildings.
如果這樣便是黑社會做法,曾鈺成議員剛才所說的被掌摑或我 們的義工在頌安邨被推倒,又 是否“雙花紅棍”的行為呢?
If these are acts of triads, then with respect to the case mentioned by Mr Jasper TSANG of
being slapped in the face or some of
[...] our volunteers being pushed onto the floor by others [...]
in Chung On Estate, should these
be regarded as acts by the henchmen of a triad society?
但是,如果按照梁國雄議員今天在議事堂內提出的議案,廢除 《 2010年最低工資條例(修訂附表3)公告》,便等同 推倒 重 來
However, if the Minimum Wage Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) Notice 2010 is repealed as proposed in the motion moved by Mr
LEUNG Kwok-hung in this Chamber today, it would
[...] be tantamount to overturning everything and restarting work [...]
all over again.
[...] 委員會,把最低工資重新訂定在時薪28.5元、29元的水平,同樣不足 33元,屆時提交來立法會審議時,我們是否又要 推倒 重 來 呢?
Well, it may be possible with some luck, but if the Chief Executive appoints a new Minimum Wage Commission which will again set the minimum wage rate at $28.5 or $29 per hour, which still falls short of $33, and when the proposal
is submitted for deliberations by the Legislative Council,
[...] should we again reject it and start everything [...]
all over again?
政府能夠就此項推倒重來,我真的感到很高興,而且政府也接受了立 法會議員的建議,設立西九管理局。
I am really very glad to see that the Government can
[...] restart this project all over again and [...]
that the Government has accepted the proposal
put forward by Members of the Legislative Council of setting up the WKCDA.
但是,如你根本不相信會如此,我猜梁國雄 議員也不會相信行政長官會在我 推倒 最 低 時薪28元的建議後,提出 33元的修訂金額,我敢說今天在座沒有人相信會有這種事情發生,那 [...]
麼在這情況下我們是否還要冒險,將最低時薪28元的水平一再押後實 施?
But if you do not in the least believe it, and I guess Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung does not believe the Chief
Executive would propose an amended
[...] rate of $33 after we overturned this proposed minimum [...]
hourly wage of $28, and I dare say
nobody in this Chamber today would believe this would happen, in that case, do we still have to take the risk of further putting off the implementation of the minimum hourly wage of $28?
主席,既然我們的原議案是希望能夠設立一個政策局,便自然是對 現在的設備和設施有意見,即是 推倒 重 來
President, as our original motion is that we hope we can establish a policy bureau, we
are naturally dissatisfied with the existing equipment and facilities, that is, we want to
[...] pull them down and start anew.
即使我們完全不接受,要把整個遊戲規 推倒 重 來,合理的做法 也應該是透過其他平台或途徑,經過各方面的充分討論,達致共識,才可推 行。
Even if we do not find the reforms entirely acceptable and would like to abandon all the rules of the game and start everything anew, it would only be reasonable to achieve a consensus through other platforms or channels, coupled with thorough discussions between both parties, and then implement it.
如果這猜測是正確的話,對於梁國雄議員期望 推倒 這 個最低工 資水平後,行政長官會重新作出決定,然後在大家的掌聲之下接納勞 工界的時薪33元建議,我真不知道他為何突然有這種冀盼,對行政長 官寄予這種信任。
If my guess is correct, I really have no idea why Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung would suddenly harbour such a wish and place such trust in the Chief Executive in expecting the latter to revise his decision and accept the hourly rate of $33 proposed by the labour sector amidst everybody's applause after this minimum wage rate is overturned.
但是,如果金融霸權涉及外資的話,他的態度可能會有點不同, 因為可借推倒外資 ,由紅色資本逐漸佔領香港金融市場。
However, if the financial hegemony involves foreign capital, maybe his attitude would be somewhat
different because he can exploit such an
[...] opportunity to undermine foreign capital, [...]
so that red capital can gradually make
inroads into the Hong Kong financial market.
因 為她在發言中表示,對於建立全民退休保障的內容,要向年青一代坦白交 代,因為這些計劃或會令子孫承擔更大的包袱,又或會令現時建立不久的強 積金計劃推倒重來
It is because, as regards the establishment of a community-wide retirement protection scheme, she suggested that we should explain to the younger generation that such a scheme will impose a heavier burden on them or even their children, and the newly-established MPF System would have to be knocked down and everything will have to start all over again.
我們從 電視看到,整個城鎮、汽車及道路等設施,完全被突如其來的海推 倒 淹 沒
We saw on television the ravage of the entire town, vehicles and roads, and other facilities by the unexpected tsunami.
他是否得悉一些很嚴重的違規情況,使整個項目 推倒 重 來
Was he informed of some violations which were so serious that the entire project had to be pulled down and started afresh?
以色列士兵进入 Al-Farisiya 村,命令居民在房屋推倒之前离开。
Israeli soldiers entered Al-Farisiya village and ordered the residents away before knocking structures down.
我们需推倒安全 机构和发展机构之间以及各自 议程之间的藩篱。
We need to tear down the walls between the security community and the development community and between their respective agendas.
只 要我們不走回頭路,不把得來不易的改革的成績和成 推倒 重 來,我 有信心香港醫療系統未來會循十分正面的方面發展,亦能維持我們現 時的優勢。
As long as we do not go backwards and undo all the results and outcomes of the reform which we have fought so hard to achieve, I have confidence that the healthcare system in Hong Kong will develop in a very positive direction in the future and our existing edge will be maintained.
[...] 尼纳居民区,以色列占领当局闯入一个巴勒斯坦家庭的家园,把房屋中的家具搬 运一空,而后用推土机把房推倒。
In the Beit Hanina neighbourhood, Israeli occupying authorities
stormed a home belonging to a Palestinian family and emptied it of its
[...] furniture while bulldozers razed it to the ground.
梁議員提出,現時建議的最低工資只有時薪28元,並不是訂在勞 工界爭取的33元水平,對“打工仔”來說並不理想,亦達不到目標,於 是他決定“ 不能收貨”
[...] ,他認為這是“ 嗟來之食” ,故此他寧願玉石俱 焚推倒重來,對於梁國雄議員的這個見解,我表示尊重,但我並不 [...]
Mr LEUNG pointed out that as the minimum wage proposed now is only $28 per hour, instead of $33 for which the labour sector has been fighting, it is not desirable to wage earners and has failed to meet the objective and so, he decided not to accept it, for he considered that it is like "alms
handed out in contempt" and he would rather
[...] destroy everything by overturning this proposal and [...]
starting all over again.
为此,我们必须确保药物可得、科学进步、知识 产权无碍保护生命、国家提供足够资金应对这一祸 害、医疗中推倒歧视之墙以及其开放和方便使用。
To that end, we must ensure that medications are accessible, science makes progress, intellectual property barriers are not obstacles to the defence of life, States provide sufficient
funding to tackle the scourge, and that
[...] health centres bring down the walls of discrimination [...]
and are open and user-friendly.
这些 计划应特别注重消除实现平等的障碍和打击偏见 ( “ 推倒 围 墙 ”),协助发展文化 间技能(“构筑桥梁”),营造能够彼此尊重地交流思想和信仰的空间(“共享空 间”)。
They should notably focus on removing barriers to equality and fighting prejudice (“breaking down walls”), helping develop intercultural skills (“building bridges”) and creating spaces where ideas and beliefs can be respectfully exchanged (“sharing spaces”).
上世纪90年代早期,柏林推倒以后,Michael Schiefel一直游走在柏林的俱乐部之中,随着一个城 市新文化意识的蓬勃发展,他也收获了巨大的艺术回报。
Michael Schiefel’s apprenticeship in Berlin clubs in the early 1990s after the Wall fell, as the city flourished with a new cultural sense of possibilities, has reaped huge artistic rewards for him.
不論條例 是在2月 1日還是5月 1日生效,我怕如推倒28元的 最低工資水平,而 《最低工資條例》又在2 [...]
月 1日或5 月 1 日生效,這將會帶出更壞的信 息,就是儘管《最低工資條例》已經生效,但最低工資的水平仍然未 有定案,如果出現這種情況,將會對勞工界及整個社會發放錯誤的信 息。
Disregarding whether the Ordinance will take effect on 1 February or 1 May,
I am concerned that if the minimum
[...] wage rate of $28 is overturned while the Minimum Wage [...]
Ordinance will still take effect
on 1 February or 1 May, this would put across an even worse message and that is, even though the Minimum Wage Ordinance has come into force, the minimum wage rate is not yet finalized and in that case, it would send a wrong message to the labour sector and the community as a whole.
联黎部队的初 步调查结果表明,示威者向以色列技术围栏和“蓝线”内投掷了石块和燃烧弹, 并企推倒一部 分围栏,采取了挑衅性的暴力行为,构成对第 1701(2006)号决议 的违反。
Preliminary findings indicate that the demonstrators, in throwing stones and petrol bombs across the Israeli technical fence and the Blue Line, and in attempting to bring down a section of the fence, carried out a provocative and violent act that constitutes a violation of resolution 1701 (2006).
有人批評說,我對整項《撥款條例草案》 會表決反對,但對這項修正案卻表決贊成,那麼,我既 推倒 整 棵 樹, 又怎能有果實吃?
Some people have criticized me for voting against the whole Appropriation Bill while voting for this particular amendment, saying that since I want to fell the whole tree, I should not expect to have any fruit to eat.
1989   这一年也是柏林墙推倒的一 年,阿姆斯壮公司是全球第一家停止使用CFCs的技术绝热材料制造商,停止使用CFCs是蒙特利尔协议清单中包括的项目,公司在Tubolit产品的生产中终止使用CFCs。
1989   The same year the Berlin wall fell, Armstrong was the first manufacturer of technical insulation products in the world to stop using CFCs, which figure in the list of the Montreal Protocol, by eliminating them in the production of Tubolit.




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