

单词 拉开序幕

See also:


pull apart
pull open
space out

开幕 v

open v



External sources (not reviewed)

2011 年论坛期拉开序幕,包括面对面的会议、网上讨论和利益相关者正 式提交的材料。
This process kicked off at the WSIS Forum [...]
2011 and included face-to-face meetings, online discussions and formal stakeholder submissions.
自我们上次召开关于这一议题的会议以来,一个 选举进程已在海拉开序幕。
An electoral
[...] process has begun in Haiti since [...]
our last meeting on this subject.
第六十六届会议将以非传染性疾病首脑会拉 开序幕。
The sixty-sixth
[...] session will begin with the Summit [...]
on Non-communicable Diseases.
颁奖典礼将在圣塔莫尼卡海滩上的帐篷内举行,以一场盛大午 拉开序幕 , 美 国东部/太平洋时间当日晚间10点将于独立电影频道(IFC)独家首播。
The awards ceremony will be held as a daytime luncheon in a tent on the beach in Santa Monica, and the premiere broadcast will air later that evening at 10:00 pm ET/PT on IFC.
这次活动由来自喀麦隆国家芭蕾舞团的传统鼓 手拉开序幕,并 有以下方面的演出:马里的Khaira [...]
Arby、赤道几内亚的一个表 演艺术团、洪都拉斯的一名Garifuna艺术家、美利坚合众国的Melba Moore、美国 的Randy Weston五重奏乐队和牙买加的摩根传统组织。
The event opened with traditional drummers [...]
from the National Ballet of Cameroon, and also featured Khaira Arby of Mali;
a performing arts ensemble from Equatorial Guinea; Aurelio Martinez, a Garifuna artist from Honduras; Melba Moore of the United States of America; the Randy Weston Quintet of the United States; and Morgan Heritage of Jamaica.
意大利超级杯于意甲开始前的两周在北京鸟巢体育 拉开序幕 , 比 赛由刚赢得了他们九年来的第一个冠军头衔的尤文图斯迎战那不勒斯,那不勒斯可是在五月刚刚以2:0击败尤文并夺得意大利杯。
The Italian Super Cup kicks off in the Bird Nest Stadium in Beijing two weeks before the first set of fixtures in Serie A take place, and it pips the undefeated league champions Juventus who won their first title in nine years against the Partenopei, who denied Juventus a famous double by winning 2-0 in the final of the Coppa Italia in May.
澳门特别行政区政府社会文化司司长崔世安今(18日)在大三巴牌坊前主持“2006澳门世界遗产年”启动仪式,为旅游局举办的连串宣传推广活 拉开序幕 , 藉 此向全世界推广“澳门历史城区”,建立明确的旅游品牌。
Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Dr Chui Sai On officiated the launch ceremony of "2006 Macau World
Heritage Year" in front of
[...] the Ruins of St Paul's to mark the commencement of a series of promotions and activities by Macau Government [...]
Tourist Office
(MGTO) to reinforce Macau's tourism brand, "The Historic Centre of Macau".
第十五届上海国际车展于昨日在浦东国际博览中 拉开序幕 , 并 持续至4月29日结束。
The 15th Shanghai
[...] International Auto Show opened on Sunday, and will be held until 29th April 2013, at Shanghai New I...
今年的领域驱动设计交流会(DDDx)以Eric Evans发表主题演讲拉开序幕,他 演讲的重点是范型转变(paradigm shift),从早期领域驱动设计(Domain Driven Design)被视为面向对象设计(Object Oriented Design)的一部分,到如今领域驱动设计自成一家。
This year's DDDx kicked off with the keynote by Eric Evans that focussed on the paradigm shift, where earlier DDD was considered a part of Object Oriented Design, to now where DDD is considered on its own.
首届新的教科文组织/巴尔毕鄂人权文化促进奖评选活动已 拉开序幕, 此奖项的宗旨是褒扬在地区和国际范围对促进人权文化做出的重大和确有实效的贡献。
The first edition of the new UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights has been launched, the purpose of which is to highlight important and effective contributions made to the promotion of a culture of human 180 EX/4 Part I – page 8
大会由中国欧盟商会上海会长Ioana Kraft女士和同济大学材料学院院长杨正宏致 辞, 拉开序幕。同 济大学材料与工程学院与中国欧盟商会及瑞典环境研究院共同承接了“培训培训师”项目。
The Conference was officially inaugurated by Doctor Ioana Kraft, General Manager of the European Chamber in Shanghai and by Prof. Yang, Dean at the Tongji University School of Materials, Science and Engineering that partners up with the European Chamber and the Swedish IVL Institute in implementing the “Train the trainers” Project.
会议由第十六届会议主席和特别序 协 调 委员会主席圣地亚哥·科 拉 先生开幕。
The meeting was opened by Mr. Santiago Corcuera, Chair of the sixteenth annual meeting and Chair of the Coordination Committee (Committee) of special procedures.
在 2011 年 4 月 11 日第 1 次会议上作开幕 发言 的有:毒品和犯罪问题办公室执行主任、肯尼亚代表(代表联合国会员国 中的非洲国家组成员)和智利代表(代表联合国会员国中 拉 丁 美 洲和加勒比 国家组成员)以及黎巴嫩观察员(代表联合国会员国中的 77 国集团成员和中 国)、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国观察员(代表联合国会员国中的亚洲国家组成员)和 匈牙利观察员(代表联合国会员国中的欧洲联盟成员)。
At the 1st meeting, on 11 April 2011, opening statements were made by the Executive Director of UNODC, by the representatives of Kenya (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group [...]
of African States) and Chile (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States)
and by the observers for Lebanon (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of 77 and China), the Syrian Arab Republic (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of Asian States) and Hungary (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union).
目前,该部门的关键挑战是将新的愿景转化成为切实行动,方法包括在延续到 2015 年 的一系列国际活动中——2010 年 9 月开的关 于加快实现千年发展目标(“千年目标首脑会 议”)进程的联合国大会高级别全体会议以及世界幼儿保育和教育大会是这一系列活动序 幕—— 进行宣传;加强与全民教育召集机构和各利益攸关方的伙伴关系;以及根据优先事项 领域调整教育部门的运转模式,并重新安排人力资源。
The Sector’s key challenge is now to translate this new vision into concrete action: by promoting it
at a series of
[...] international events leading up to 2015 – beginning in September 2010 with the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (“MDG Summit”) and [...]
the World Conference
on Early Childhood Care and Education; by strengthening partnerships with the EFA convening agencies and stakeholders; and by adjusting the Sector’s working modalities and realigning its human resources with the priority areas.
根据这一序,总 干事已向按上述指示保持业务关系的非政府组织以及保持正式关系 的基金会及其它类似机构通报了召开大会第三十三届会议事宜,给它们寄去了大会临时议程 并请它们至迟于大会届开幕之日 起前一个月内告知他是否希望派观察员列席会议,同时请 它们说明其代表希望参加哪些议程项目的审议工作。
In compliance with that procedure, the Director-General informed the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) maintaining operational relations under the aforementioned directives, and also the foundations and similar institutions maintaining official relations, of the holding of the 33rd session of the General Conference, sent them the provisional agenda and invited them to notify him at least one month before the opening of the session if [...]
they wished to be represented
at it by observers, requesting them to indicate to him at the same time the agenda items in whose consideration their representatives would like to participate.
黑眼豆豆合唱团在时代广场的精彩表 拉开 了 三 星电子全球宣传计划 序幕 , 全 球宣传旨在提高三星作为3D电视技术领袖厂商的知名度。
The Times Square surprise performance by The Black Eyed Peas kicked off Samsung Electronics' global campaign to raise awareness for its 3D TV technology leadership, which also includes worldwide launch events and a global television advertising campaign.
2008 年 12 月在俄罗斯联邦举行 了一次国家讲习班,以在莫斯科启动该网络, 拉开 了 计 划于 2009 年由经社部 和俄罗斯的组织——“俄罗斯和平基金会”——共同举行的性别平等主流化和千 年发展目标国际会议序幕。
In the Russian Federation, a national workshop had been organized in December 2008 to launch the Network in Moscow, a prelude to the International
Conference on Gender Mainstreaming and the Millennium Development Goals scheduled for 2009 under the co-sponsorship of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Russian-based organization “Russian Peace Foundation”.
当天晚上,在金边和平宫举行开幕 仪 式 ,出 开幕仪 式的有柬埔寨首相洪森、联合国开发计划署署长海伦 · 克 拉 克 、 柬埔寨首相特使 兼柬埔寨地雷行动管理局副局长普拉克·索克宏恩阁下和地雷幸存者、青年活动 家宋科萨。
In the evening an opening ceremony took place at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh featuring the participation of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme Helen Clark, Minister [...]
Attached to the Prime
Minister of Cambodia and Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action Authority Prak Sokhonn, and landmine survivor and youth activist Song Kosal.
在会开幕式上 ,我的个人特使请双方和邻国的代表团认真 考虑席卷中东和北非区域的抗议浪潮对西撒 拉 问 题 谈判进程的影响,并建议双 方不妨认真着手谈判,以尽量减少抗议浪潮对所在次区域的威胁,而邻国可以为 谈判进程提供更多的援助。
In opening this round, my Personal Envoy asked the delegations of the parties and of the neighbouring States to reflect on the implications for the Western Saharan negotiating [...]
process of the protest
movements sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa and suggested that, to minimize the dangers to their own subregion, the parties would do well to begin negotiating seriously, while the neighbouring States could lend still greater assistance to the process.
一位好奇的章节给出了丢失的摩 序幕 , 或 马 拉 的 , 主教阿弥陀(1叙利亚作家的作品似乎已经),而他的版本四福音中的希腊,以该作家的好奇心作为追加的pericope通奸的女子采取(约翰8),其中有佳能摩洛插在第89,“这不是建立在其他手稿”书第八,三,赋予- [...] [...]
A curious
[...] chapter gives the Prologue of Moro, or Mara, [...]
Bishop of Amida (a Syriac writer whose works appear to have been
lost), to his edition of the four Gospels in Greek, to which the writers appends as a curiosity the pericope of the woman taken in adultery (John 8) which Moro had inserted in the 89th canon; "it is not founded in other manuscripts" Book VIII, iii, gives the letter of Simeon of Beit-Arsham on the martyrs of Yemen, perhaps an apocryphal document.
教科文组织生物多样性科学与政策国际会议 开 了 国际生物多样性年 序幕 , 在 此次 会议期间,自然科学部门和性别平等处合作开展了关于生物多样性和社会性别问题的会外活 动。
During the UNESCO International Conference on Biodiversity Science and Policy, which launched the IYB, SC and the Division for Gender Equality coordinated a side event on biodiversity and gender.
正是在这样的背景下,近年来国内几家大型保险公司通过借鉴国际先进经验和内部持续开发,率先开始构建共享服务中心 拉开 了 保 险公司运营优化革新 序幕。
To this end, several major Chinese insurers, drawing on the advanced experiences of international insurers
and ongoing internal
[...] developments, have recently started setting up shared service centers, unveiling a new era of [...]
insurance operations optimization and reform.
[...] 秘书长、土耳其外交部长、尼泊尔总理、安东涅塔·罗莎·戈梅斯女士、最不发 达国家观察组织的阿尔琼·卡尔基博士和环球医生组织的伊桑 · 卡 拉 曼 博士 在开 幕式上作了发言。
The United Nations Secretary-General, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey, the Prime Minister of Nepal, Ms.
Antonietta Rosa Gomes, Dr. Arjun Karki of LDC Watch and Dr. Ihsan Karaman of
[...] Doctors Worldwide delivered remarks at the opening.
第一场会议第二节由尼泊尔担任《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》牵头谈判代表之一 的吉安·钱拉·阿查 里亚大使和总部位于刚果民主共和国的促进民主和经济及 社会权利网络的丹尼·辛格马主 开幕。
Session I.2 was opened by Ambassador Gyan Chandra Acharya (Nepal) as one of the lead negotiators of the Istanbul Programme of Action, and Danny Singoma of the Network for the Promotion of Democracy and Economic and Social Rights, based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
在 2011 年 3 月 21
[...] 日的第一次会议上,毒品和犯罪问题办公室执行 主任、伊朗伊斯兰共和国(代表 77 国集团和中国)和肯尼亚(代表非洲国家 组)的代表、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国(代表联合国会员国中的亚洲国家组成员) 的观察员、哥伦比亚(代拉丁美 洲和加勒比国家组)的代表以及匈牙利(代 表欧洲联盟)的观察员作开幕发言
At the 1st meeting, on 21 March 2011, opening statements were made by the Executive Director of UNODC, the representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China) and Kenya (on behalf of the Group of African States), the observer for the Syrian Arab Republic (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of
[...] States), the representative of Colombia (on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States) and the observer for Hungary (on [...]
behalf of the European Union).
下列人士开幕会议 上作了发言:贸发会议代理副秘书 拉 克 希 米·普里 女士;泰国代表以 77 国集团和中国名义;科特迪瓦代表以非洲集团名义;印度尼 西亚代表以 亚 洲 集团名义; 捷 克 [...]
共 和国代表以 欧 洲联盟名义; 孟 加拉国代表以最 不发达国家集团名义;巴西代表以拉丁美洲和加勒比集团名义;中国代表;
伊朗 伊斯兰共和国代表;尼泊尔代表。
The following speakers made opening statements: Ms. Lakshmi Puri, Acting Deputy Secretary-General, [...]
UNCTAD; the representative
of Thailand on behalf of the Group of 77 and China; the representative of Côte d’Ivoire on behalf of the African Group; the representative of Indonesia on behalf of the Asian Group; the representative of the Czech Republic on behalf of the European Union; the representative of Bangladesh on behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries; the representative of Brazil on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries; the representative of China; the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran; and the representative of Nepal.




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