

单词 投产

External sources (not reviewed)

利用它可在正投产前验 证E2E降解技术的性能。
The demonstration plant can also serve as evidence of the E2E technology’s performance in the case of public funding.
为了确保安全生产,我们对从工厂设计 投产 的 整 个过程进行风险分析。
In order to ensure safe production conditions, we analyze the risks posed by our plants – from the early design phase to start-up.
[...] 智能无线技术的部署将智能现场装置与控制系统进行无线连接,这有助于卡塔尔天然气公司减 投产 时 间 和安装成本。
In addition, deployment of Emerson’s Smart Wireless technology, linking its intelligent
field devices to the control system without wires, has helped
[...] Qatargas reduce commissioning time and installation costs.
由于酒钢团队经验丰富,酒钢和SMS 梅尔公司紧密的合作, 由梅尔公司提供的设备在 2001年10月,投产后两个月就 达到了40 m/s 的轧制速度。
Just two months after start-up in October 2001, the system was operating at a rolling speed of 40 mps thanks to the skill of the JISCO staff and the cooperation with SMS Meer.
我希望,投产生的 合作善意将化为更强的势头,并使这两个参 加《全面和平协议》的伙伴不久能够就所有这些和其 [...]
I hope that the good will
[...] generated by the referendum will translate [...]
into increased momentum and the finalization soon of
an agreement between the two CPA partners on all these and other post-referendum arrangements.
在随后的讨论中,一些成员关切阿尔及利亚的该公司在 2006 年才开投产,接 近 2010 年氟氯化碳淘汰时限,而且没有选择其他办法过渡到不用氟氯化碳的计量吸入器。
In the ensuing discussion, some Members
expressed concern that the company in Algeria
[...] had started production only in 2006, [...]
close to the 2010 CFC phase-out deadline,
and had not chosen options for transition to non-CFC MDIs.
具体来说,前瞻性信息和表述包括但不限于:(1)为Torrente Vulgano和Canaldente气田重投产所需 的资本支出;(2)公司在获得许可证后9个月内重 投产 的 能力;(3)意大利天然气的价格;(4)公司遵守某些管理机构要求的能力;(5)预期的重 投产 所 需 的资本支出;(6)公司的日常开支较低;(7)公司在2012年底之前持续提高石油天然气生产的能力;(8)公司为欧洲的工业和零售市场生产天然气的能力。
In particular, forward-looking information and statements include, but are not limited to: (i) the capital expenditures required in order to re-commence production on both the Torrente Vulgano and Canaldente properties; (ii) the ability of the Company to re-commence production within 9 months following the issuance of the licences; (iii) the price of natural gas in Italy; (iv) the ability of the Company to comply with certain regulatory requirements; (v) anticipated capital expenditures required to re-commence production; (vi) the Company's low overhead costs; (vii) the Company's ability substantially increase its oil and gas production by the end of 2012; (viii) the Company's ability to produce gas for industrial and retail markets in Europe.
但非甲烷挥发性有机化合物(NMVOC)的数量却因为设备利用率提高以及新设备在中国 投产 而 有 所增加。
At the same time, the amount of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) rose, due to higher production-capacity utilization and plant start-ups in China.
就目前尚投产油田 的原油,相关设施使用权将在产量明确后根据可用 处理能力,由一份独立的商业协议予以确定。
Access for crude oil from fields not [...]
currently in production shall be agreed upon by a separate commercial agreement when
quantities become ready and subject to availability of capacity.
据悉,壳牌2001年在国内转让的首个煤气化项目中石化湖南巴陵化肥“煤 代油”改造工程已于2006年3月投产, 中 石化湖北化肥分公司和安徽安庆分公司 的壳牌煤气化项目已进入试车阶段,其余技术转让项目也进展顺利。
Sinopec Hubei fertilizer subsidiary and Anhui Anqing subsidiary coal-to-oil projects have entered the test phase, and other projects also runs smoothly.
其中,第九代ABS³®已于今年在国 投产 , 新 一代产品采用了成本优化的设计,并通过模块化的设计理念提升了扩展性能。
Already in production in China, the ABS/ESP® Generation 9 adopts a cost-optimized design and enhances extended performance by means of modularization.
目的是利用各种假想情况,来决定一种吸引人的服务(在技术设计、分投 产、业 绩、营运模式和成本等方面)的参数,以便这个项目能发挥欧非两洲之间 “坚强联系”的作用,并实现交通量预测研究中所显示的可能交通量。
The purpose is to determine, using various scenarios, the parameters (in terms of technical design, phasing, performance, mode of operation and costs) of an attractive service that will enable the project to play its role as a “strong link” between Europe and Africa and to capture the potential traffic shown in the traffic forecasting studies.
稽核人员提交的关于拆除 Sinteza 的甲 基溴生产厂的报告和证据表明,该厂将彻底消失,绝无重 投产 的 可 能。
The report and the evidence presented by the auditors on the dismantling and demolition of the MB plant at Sinteza indicate that the unit will disappear completely and will not have any chance of resuming production.
1993年,福伊特在纸张回收技术上又一次取得了突破:Schwedt造纸厂的福伊特 P M 1 1 投产 - 这是第一台采用100%的回收纸来生产新闻纸的造纸机。
In 1993 Voith takes another step forward in paper recycling technology: the commissioning of the Voith PM11  for Schwedt paper mill - the first paper machine for producing newsprint from 100 recycled paper.
出口、本土商 业投资和房产投资等 经济活动将有所减少。
Exports, mainland
[...] business investment and housing investment will reduce [...]
economic activity.
侨汇通常被用于消费,而不是用于 产投 资 , 因此外 国货币的流入、以及价格上更具竞争力的进口产品可使地方制造业遭 [...]
Remittances are usually used for consumption
[...] instead of productive investment and the subsequent [...]
influx of foreign currency and more
pricecompetitive imported goods could stifle local manufacturing.
投资委员会由大会在 1947 年设立(第
[...] 155(II)号决议),负责就联合国合办工 作人员养恤基金和其他联合国基金的 产投 资 问 题向秘书长提供咨询。
The Investments Committee, established by the General Assembly in 1947
(resolution 155 (II)), advises the
[...] Secretary-General on the investment of the assets of [...]
the United Nations Joint Staff Pension
Fund and other United Nations funds.
[...] 管银行肩负监督职责,即托管银行必 须随时知晓基金产投资于何处以及 如何获得资产。
The task of safe-keeping of the assets means that the depositary has a duty of supervision implying that the
depositary must have knowledge at any time of how the assets of the
[...] fund have been invested and how the assets [...]
are available.
2002年,中国在房地产发展方面的投资,差不多占全部固定 产投 资 的 18%,较诸1997年的12.7%,出现大幅增长。
Investment in real estate development in China during 2002 accounted for
[...] nearly 18% of all investment in fixed assets [...]
- a big increase from 12.7% in 1997.
西班牙经济政策的目标,是使设备 产投资 担 当起经济发展的主角,从而提升今后几年经济发展的质量。
The objective of economic
[...] policy is for investment in capital goods [...]
to become increasingly prominent, with a view to strengthening
the quality of growth in the years to come.
这个法案大概减 少了超过50%的商业产投资, 因为要想得 到许可,需要同当地政府开展大量的游说工 作。
This act blocked more than 50% of the potential to create a new object in a municipality because each project was strictly combined with intensive political lobbying.
为了提高妇女的能力,以便为改进粮食安全作出重大贡献,喂养后代方案将 努力:(a) 确保妇女生产者平等获得产、投入 和技术;(b) 制定针对男女的农 业干预措施和做法;(c) 优先推广节省劳力的技术,以有利于家中的妇女和女孩, 使女孩能够继续上学,以及有利于在农业领域作为农产品的生产者、加工者和销 售者的妇女;(d) 扩大妇女对各级和各机构决策的涉入和参与,使她们能够有助 于带头制定政策、进行投资、设计和执行方案;(e) 改进从事耕作和参与农业综 合企业的妇女获得金融服务的机会;(f) 帮助妇女跳出生产范围的局限,开启机 会,参与价值链产中以投资为主和促成转变的一方。
To increase the ability of women to contribute significantly to improved food security, FTF will strive to: (a) ensure that
women producers have equal
[...] access to assets, inputs and technology; (b) develop agricultural interventions and practices that target both men and women; (c) prioritize labour-saving technologies that benefit women and girls in the home and allow girls to stay in school, and that benefit women in the agricultural arena as producers, processors and marketers of agricultural goods; (d) expand the involvement and participation of women in decision-making at all levels and in all institutions so that they may help lead the formulation of policy, investments, programme design and implementation; (e) improve access to financial services for women in farming and agribusiness; and (f) help women move beyond production by opening up opportunities to engage in the investment-oriented and transformational [...]
sides of value chain production.
除非发展伙伴增加其金融投资,否则,秘书长 关于短期紧急援助、一体化中长期 产投 资 和 其他 方面的建议将无法得到实施,尤其是因为当前的经 济下滑很可能会减少流向最不发达国家的资本和汇 款。
The Secretary-General’s recommendations concerning, inter alia, short-term
emergency assistance and integrated
[...] productive investments in the medium to long term could not be implemented unless development partners increased their financial investments, especially since [...]
the current economic
slowdown was likely to reduce capital flows and remittances to the least developed countries.
参与走私的一些人在肯尼亚是有名商人和房 产投 资 商
Several of the individuals involved are well-established businessmen
[...] and real estate investors in Kenya.
本次我公司就旗下的位于神奈川县横滨市西区冈野二丁目的土地(以下简称“本物业”)与 FRONTIER 不产投资法人达成转让意向,定于 2012 年 [...]
2 月 24 日签订不动产买卖协议,并于当天 将物业出售。
The Company has agreed with
[...] Frontier Real Estate Investment Corporation to [...]
transfer land the Company owns, which is located
at Okano 2-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, to Frontier Real Estate Investment Corporation.
有报告阐述了别克斯岛的土地和 产投 机 情况,有人还要求参与清理和开发 该岛屿的各实体顾及地方民众的意见。
There have
[...] been reports of speculation regarding land and [...]
property in Vieques, and calls have been made for input by locals
to be taken into account by entities involved in the clean-up and development of the island.
(g) 根据统法协会 2011 年
[...] 11 月 8 日至 10 日在罗马组办的关于促进农业产投资所 涉及的私法方面问题”的专题讨论会上的讨论,83 [...]
以及统法协会与设 在罗马的农业、粮食援助和农村发展方面联合国各专门机构之间的协商,统法 组织理事会授权其秘书处成立一个研究小组,编写对契约农业安排的国际指导
文件,并邀请联合国粮食及农业组织、国际农业发展基金和其他感兴趣的国际 组织参与其工作。
(g) In the light of the discussion
at a colloquium on the private law
[...] aspects of promoting investment in agricultural production, [...]
organized by Unidroit in
Rome from 8 to 10 November 2011,83 and consultations between Unidroit and the Rome-based United Nations agencies specializing in agriculture, food aid and rural development, the Unidroit Governing Council had authorized its secretariat to establish a study group for the preparation of an international guidance document for contract farming arrangements and to invite the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and other interested international organizations to participate in its work.
新基准的 60 %为摩根斯坦利资本国际的 全球指数,31
[...] %为巴克莱资本的全球综合债券指数,6%为美国房 产投 资 受 托人理事会的 开放性多元化核心指数,3% [...]
为 91 天美国国债,基金对照新基准的表现与旧基准形成了对 比,旧基准的 60%为摩根斯坦利的全球指数,40%为花旗的全球公债指数。
The Fund’s performance against its new benchmark consisting of 60% Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index, 31% Barclays Capital Global
Aggregate Bond Index, 6% National
[...] Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries Open [...]
End Diversified Core Index and 3% 91-Day
United States Treasury Bill provides a reference comparison to the old benchmark, which consisted of 60% Morgan Stanley Capital International World Index and 40% Citigroup World Government Bond Index.
正如有人所说 , “ 涉及住房的全球化公司 的增长 和 权 力
[...] ;产权全球化;住房金融市场;促进所有者 入 驻 ;在住房方面全球化的不产 投 资; 城市和贫 民 窟 的重新排序 ;国家在住房方面的新的作用;全球化移 [...]
民和 难 民的影响,都 是新的和不确定的挑战” 。
As one noted, “[t]he growth and power of globalized corporations involved in housing; the globalization of property rights, housing finance markets, and
the promotion of owner-occupation;
[...] globalized real estate investment in housing; the reordering [...]
of cities and slums; new roles
for the State in relation to housing; and the effect of globalized migrants and refugees all present new and undetermined challenges.
紫金矿业集团有限责任公司创建于2000年,以闽西兴杭 国有产投资有限公司为首的八家公司以股份制有限责 [...]
A group of eight companies, led by MinxiXinghang
[...] Stateowned Assets Investment Company Limited, [...]
established Zijin Mining Group Company
Limited in 2000 as a joint stock limited company.




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