单词 | 或然 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 或然 adjective —contingent adj或然 noun —contingent liability n或然 —probableExamples:(生意或经济状况)的突然好转 n—turnaround n 突然跌倒或落下 v—dump v
或然資產 指因已發生的事件而可能產生之資產,此等資產需就一宗或多宗事件會否發生才能 [...] 確認,而本集團並不能完全控制這些未來事件會否實現。 asiasat.com | A contingent asset is a possible [...] asset that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence [...]or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain events not wholly within the control of the Group. asiasat.com |
或然負債 亦可能是因已發生的事件 引致之現有責任,但由於可能不需要有經濟資源外流,或責任金額未能可靠地衡量而未予 確認。 asiasat.com | It can also be a present obligation arising from past events that is not recognised because it is not probable that outflow of economic resources will be required or the amount of obligation cannot be measured reliably. asiasat.com |
除法例另有规定外,本公司不会确认任何人士为以任何信托方式持有 任何股份,而本公司不应以任何方式被约束或强迫认可(即使已获有关通告)任何 股份的任何衡平、或然、未来或部分 权益、或股份中的任何零碎部分的任何权益, 或(除该等细则或法例另有规定者外)有关任何股份的任何其他权利,惟有关登记 [...] 持有人就其整体的绝对权利除外。 aactechnologies.com | Except as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognise (even when having notice [...] thereof) any [...] equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only [...]as otherwise provided [...]by these Articles or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder. aactechnologies.com |
除為附屬公司取得一般銀行貸款而向銀 行提供擔保外,本公司並無其他重大 或然 負 債。 htisec.com | Except for the guarantees provided to the banks [...] for securing normal banking facilities for our subsidiaries, the Company has no other [...] significant contingent liabilities. htisec.com |
4.19 按可能認為合適之條款向有關人士放貸及墊付款項或授予信貸,並保 證或獨立擔保任何第三方之責任,而無論該第三方是否與本公司有關 [...] 或其他及不論有關保證或擔保是否為本公司帶來任何好處,並為此目 的按可能認為對支持約束本公司之任何有關責任(無 論 或然或 其 他) 而言屬權宜之條款及條件抵押或押記本公司的承擔、物業及未催繳股 本或其任何部分。 gbinternational.com.hk | 4.19 To lend and advance moneys or give credit to such persons and on such terms as may be thought fit and to guarantee or stand surety for the obligations of any third party whether such third party is related to the Company or otherwise and whether or not such guarantee or surety is to provide any benefits to the [...] Company and for that [...] purpose to mortgage or charge the Company's undertaking, property and uncalled capital or any part [...]thereof, on such terms [...]and conditions as may be thought expedient in support of any such obligations binding on the Company whether contingent or otherwise. gbinternational.com.hk |
該 等 變 動 包 括 但 不 限 於(i)引 入 按 公 平 價 值 計 量 非 控 股 權 益(現 時 的 少 數 股 東 權 益 )的 選 擇;(ii)確 認 重 新 計 量 緊 接 業 務 合 併(以 分 步 收購方式 [...] [...] )前實體持有的被收購方權益公平價值所產生的收益或虧損;(iii)收購所產生的成本撥作支出; (iv)於 收 購 日 期 確 認 或 然 代 價 的 公 平 價 值,日 後 變 動 一 般 在 收 [...]益 表 中 反 映;及(v)收 購 雙 方 於 收 購 前 已 存 [...]在 的 關 係 的 獨 立 會 計 處 理。 zte.com.cn | Thechangesinclude,butnotlimitedto,(i)introductionoftheoption thatnon-controllinginterests(i.e.existingminorityinterests)tobemeasuredatfairvalue,(ii)recognition ofprofitorlossarisinginreassessmentofthefairvalueofacquiree’sinterestsheldimmediatelybefore business combination achieved in stages, (iii) recognition of the cost of acquisition as an expense, (iv) recognition of the [...] changes in fair value of [...] contingent liabilities in profit or loss in the future [...]after initial recognition [...]at fair value on the date of acquisition, and (v) separate accounting treatment between acquirer and acquiree before acquisition. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
例 如,收 購 業 務的 所 有付 款必須 按 收購日 期的公 平 [...] 值記 錄,而 分類為 債 務的 或然 付款 其 後須 在 綜 合 全面 [...]收 益表重 新計 量。 vindapaper.com | For example, all payments to purchase a business [...] are recorded at fair value at the [...] acquisition date, with contingent payments classified [...]as debt subsequently re-measured through [...]the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. vindapaper.com |
24.13 董事會可於建議派付任何股息前,從本公司溢利中撥出其認為合適的金額作 為一項或多項儲備,而該等儲備可在董事會酌情決定下,用作應付對本公司 的索償或負債或或然事項或繳付 任何貸款資本或用作補足股息或任何其他 本公司溢利可適當動用的用途,而在未用作有關用途前,在上述同樣的酌情 決定下,該等儲備可在本公司業務中運用或投資於董事會不時認為合適的有 關投資(包括本公司股份、認股權證及其他證券),因此董事會並無必要將 任何儲備與本公司任何其他投資分開及作出區別。 sinolifegroup.com | 24.13 The Board may, before recommending any dividend, set aside out of the profits of the Company such sums as it thinks fit as a reserve or reserves which shall, at the discretion of the Board, be applicable for meeting claims on or liabilities of the Company or contingencies or for paying off any loan capital or for equalising dividends or for any other purpose to which the profits of the Company may be properly applied, and pending such application may, at the like discretion, either be employed in the business of the Company or be invested in such investments (including shares, warrants and other securities of the Company) as the Board may from time to time think fit, and so that it shall not be necessary to keep any reserves separate or distinct from any other investments of the Company. sinolifegroup.com |
倘流出可能性發生變化以致可能出現流出, 則或 然 負 債確 認 為撥 備。 vindapaper.com | When a change in the probability of an outflow occurs so that outflow is [...] probable, it will then be recognised as [...]a provision. vindapaper.com |
除上文或本章程其他部份所披露者及除集團內公司間之負債外,於二零一二年一月三 十一日營業時間結束時,本集團並無任何已發行及尚未償還或協定將予發行之貸款資本、銀 行透支、貸款或其他類似債務、承兌負債或承兌信貸、債權證、按揭、質押、租購承擔、擔 保或其他重大或然負債。 cre8ir.com | Save as aforesaid or as otherwise disclosed herein, and apart from intra-group liabilities, the Group did not have outstanding at the close of business on 31 January 2012 any loan capital issued and outstanding or agreed to be issued, bank overdrafts, loans or other similar [...] indebtedness, liabilities [...] under acceptances or acceptable credits, debentures, mortgages, charges, hire purchases commitments, guarantees or other material contingent liabilities. cre8ir.com |
除 本 節 所 述 者 及 經 擴 大 集 團 內 公 司 間 的 負 債 及 一 般 貿 易 應 付 款 項 外,於 二 零 零 七 年 六 [...] 月三十日營業時間結束時,經擴大集團並無已發行或同意發行的任何借貸資本、銀行透支、 貸 款 [...] 或 其 他 同 類 債 項、承 兌 負 債 或 承 兌 信 貸、公 司 債 券、按 揭、抵 押、租 購 合 約 或 融 資 租 約 承擔、擔 保或其他重大或然負債。 cre8ir.com | Save as referred to in this section and apart from intra-Enlarged Group liabilities and normal trade payables, the Enlarged Group did not have, at the close of business on 30 June 2007, any loan capital issued and outstanding or agreed to be issued, bank overdrafts, loans or other similar indebtedness, liabilities under acceptances or acceptance credits, debentures, mortgages, [...] charges, obligations under hire purchases [...] contracts or finance leases, guarantees, or other material contingent liabilities. cre8ir.com |
被 收 購 公 司 之 可 [...] 予 識 別 資 產、負 債 及 或 然 負 債,於 收 購 日 期 按 [...]其 公平值 確 認,但被歸 類 為持作出 售而按 公平 值減 出售 成本 確認 和計 量 之非流動 資產(或 出售組別 )除外。 evoc.com.cn | The acquiree’s identifiable assets, [...] liabilities and contingent liabilities [...]are recognised at their fair values at the acquisition [...]date, except for non-current assets (or disposal groups) that are classified as held for sale, which are recognised and measured at fair value less costs to sell. evoc.cn |
4.18 授予本公司僱員或前僱員或該等人士之受養人退休金、津貼、恩恤金 及紅利,以支持、成立或捐助任何慈善或其他機構、俱樂部、社團或 4.19 按本公司認為適當之條款向本公司認為適當之人士貸款及墊款或提供 [...] 信貸及就任何第三方之責任提供擔保或保證(不論有關第三方是否與 本公司或其他公司有關及不論有關擔保或保證是否為本公司帶來任何 [...] 利益),及按本公司認為對支持本公司所承擔之任何責任(無論 屬或 然或其他)而言屬合宜之條款及條件就此將本公司之業務、財產及未 [...] 催繳股款或其中任何部份作為按揭或押記。 nh-holdings.com | 4.19 To lend and advance moneys or give credit to such persons and on such terms as may be thought fit and to guarantee or stand surety for the obligations of any third party whether such third party is related to the Company or otherwise and whether or not such guarantee or surety is to provide any benefits to the Company and for that purpose to mortgage or [...] charge the Company's undertaking, property and [...] uncalled capital or any part thereof, [...]on such terms and conditions as may be thought [...]expedient in support of any such obligations binding on the Company whether contingent or otherwise. nh-holdings.com |
於 重 新 評 估 後,倘 本 集 團 於 被 收 購 公 司 之 已 可 識 別 資 產、負 債 及 或 然 負 債 之 公 平 淨 值 所 佔 權 益 高 於 業 務 合 併 之 成 本,則該 高出 數額即 時 於損益中 確認。 evoc.com.cn | If, after reassessment, the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities exceeds the cost of the business combination, the excess is recognised immediately in profit or loss. evoc.cn |
除法律規定者外,本公司概不承認任何人士以信託方式持有股份,本公司毋須亦無責任以 任何方式承認(即使已得悉有關情況)任何股份或任何碎股之衡平權益 、 或然 權 益 、未來 權益或部份權益或(只有在本細則或法律另有規定之情況下)有關任何股份之任何其他權 利,惟有關記名持有人之整體絕對權利則作別論。 clh.com.hk | Expect as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or required in any way to recognize (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Bye-laws or by law) and other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety in the registered holder. clh.com.hk |
分類為資產或負 債之或然代價 乃根據香港會計準則第39號或香港會計準則第37號撥備 、 或然 負 債 及 或然 資 產 (如適用) 於其後報告日期重新計量,而相應收益或虧損乃於損益中確認。 hklistco.com | Contingent consideration that is classified as an asset or a liability is remeasured at subsequent reporting dates in accordance with HKAS 39, or HKAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, as appropriate, with the corresponding gain or loss being recognised [...] in profit or loss. hklistco.com |
可能出現的責任(僅於一項或多項未來不明朗事件發生或不 發生且完全在本集團控制範圍以外的事件發生的情況下確定)亦披露 為 或然 負 債 ,除非出現經 濟利益流出的可能性極微則作別論。 cflg.com.hk | Possible obligations, whose existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more [...] future uncertain events [...] not wholly within the control of the group are also disclosed as contingent liabilities [...]unless the probability [...]of outflow of economic benefits is remote. cflg.com.hk |
以道路系統 [...] 而言,目前㆝水圍㆞區的對外聯繫主要靠㆒條㆝耀路,如果發生較大的交通意 外或 ㆝然災害 而令該條大道阻塞,則整個㆝水圍㆞區的大部分對外交通便會癱瘓㆘來。 legco.gov.hk | Should that road be blocked because of any serious [...] traffic accident or natural calamity, most [...]of the external traffic of the district [...]will be brought to a standstill. legco.gov.hk |
国际能源署的运作理念是,力图 [...] 扩大国际市场上的石油资源,各国携手合作以防 石油供给由于自然或人为 原因中断,这符合所有 消费国的利益。 crisisgroup.org | The IEA operates on the premise that it is in the interest of all consuming countries to make as much oil as possible available on the [...] world market and for countries to cooperate in the event of supply [...] disruptions, whether due to natural or man-made crises. crisisgroup.org |
(c) 進行以塑料、木料、金屬或其他製成物料或其任何混合物或任何其他 天 然或 人 造物質或混合 物質造成或製造或塑造的玩具、人造花、貨品、材料、物質及物品的生產商及批發或零售交 易商的業務。 cre.com.hk | (c) To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers either wholesale or retail in toys, artificial flowers, goods, materials, substances, and articles made or manufactured or moulded of plastic, wood, metal, or other manufactured substances or of any combinations thereof or of any other natural or artificial substances or combination of substances. cre.com.hk |
会议宣布,《公 约》的范围是全面的,第一条明确包括类型和数量不属于预防、保护或其他和平 用途所正当需要的所有天然或人造 或人工改变的微生物剂或其他生物剂和毒素及 其组分,不论其来源或生产方法如何,不论其是影响人、动物还是植物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Conference declares that the Convention is comprehensive in its scope and that all naturally or artificially created or altered microbial and other biological agents and toxins, as well as their components, regardless of their origin and method of production and whether they affect humans, animals or plants, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes, are unequivocally covered by Article I. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个是建设和平或重建挑战:在冲突、普遍暴力及在某些情况下大规 模自然或人为灾害之后,没有当地或者甚至全国的政治、经济和社会 稳定,便能实现持久解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | A peacebuilding or reconstruction challenge: achieving durable solutions after conflict, generalized [...] violence and, in some [...] cases, large-scale natural or human-made disasters may not be possible without local or even national [...]political, economic and social stabilization. daccess-ods.un.org |
雖然或可辯 稱此項進行初步查詢的權力可歸入第 8(2)條之下的附帶權 [...] 力,即為了更佳地執行專員的職能及權力所需要作出的,或連帶須作出 的,或對此有助的事情,但是,條例並沒有賦予訂明權力。 legco.gov.hk | Although it may be argued [...] that such a power falls within the incidental power under section 8(2) being “… necessary for, [...]or incidental or conducive to, the better performance…” of the Commissioner’s functions and powers, there is no express power conferred under the Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
就维和部/外勤部而言,组织复原力是一项跨领域的工作,包括与削弱维和 [...] 部和外勤部总部及其支持的外勤业务关键职能的 自 然或 人 为灾害相关的预防、减 轻影响、立即应对危机、业务连续性和复原等事务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the DPKO/DFS context, organizational resilience is a cross-cutting area of work that comprises the prevention, mitigation, immediate crisis [...] response, business continuity and recovery [...] associated with natural or man-made disasters [...]that degrade the critical functions of [...]DPKO and DFS at Headquarters and the field operations they support. daccess-ods.un.org |
在实施旨在制订一份具有代表性的和均衡的《世界遗产名录》全球战略范围内,2002 年 12 月 16-19 日在哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图举行了一次工作组会议,目的是帮助哈萨克斯坦、 [...] 吉尔吉斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦等国,开展挑选鉴别可兹列入世界遗产名单的 自然 或混合型遗址的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Within the framework of the Global Strategy for a representative and balanced World Heritage List, a workshop was organized in Almaty, Kazakhstan, from 16 to 19 December 2002 to assist Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, [...] Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in [...] identifying potential natural and mixed sites for [...]world heritage nomination. unesdoc.unesco.org |
外地行动需要制定组织复原力计划,确保在发生重大 自 然或 人 为 事件期间及 之后,必要的关键业务流程能继续运行,从而支助恢复或重建总部的关键流程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Field operations require organizational resilience plans to ensure the continuation of [...] their critical business processes during [...] and after severe natural or man-made incidents [...]and, if necessary, to support the recovery [...]or reconstitution of critical Headquarters processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
(14) 經營各類材料、化學品、物質、商品及產品(不論合成、 天 然或 人 造 ,) 之製造商、生產商、精煉商、開發商及交易商之業務,上述包括但不限 [...] 於塑料、樹脂、紡織品、纖維、羽毛製品、皮革、毛髮、橡膠、樹膠及 上述材料之製成品與零部件、中間產品、衍生品及副產品(不論用於穿戴 [...] 、打扮或個人或家用或裝飾品及/或其他民事目的或用途)。 mmg.com | (14) To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, refiners, developers, and dealers in all kinds of materials, chemicals, [...] substances, commodities and products [...] whether synthetic, natural, or artificial, including [...]in particular but without limitation [...]to the foregoing, plastics, resins, textiles, fabrics, fibres, feather goods, leather, hair, rubber, balata and goods and articles made from the same and compounds, intermediates, derivatives, and by-products, thereof whether for wearing, attire, or personal or household use or ornament and or other civilian purposes or usages. mmg.com |
如果发生自然或人为 干扰(如火灾、间伐或主伐)或其他原因(如土壤类型)导致项目的异质性增 加,每次监测和核查时的事后分层调整时均须考虑这些因素的影响。 pandastandard.org | If natural or anthropogenic impacts (e.g. local fires, harvesting) or other factors [...] (e.g. soil type) add variability to [...]the growth pattern of the biomass in the project area, then the ex post stratification shall be revised accordingly from one verification to another. pandastandard.org |
政府间气候变化专门委员 [...] 会提出适应的广义定义,以提供一个起点,其定 义为:在自然或人类 系统中由于实际的或预期的 气候刺激或其影响而做出调整,以求趋利避害。 undpcc.org | The IPCC offers a starting point by providing a broad [...] definition of adaptation: [...] adjustment in natural or human systems [...]to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates [...]harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. undpcc.org |