单词 | 患晚期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 患晚期—terminal stage (of illness)See also:患—worry misfortune contract (a disease) suffer (from illness) 晚期—end stage terminal later period 晚adj—lateadj 晚n—nightn eveningn
这些药物仅可用 于症状严重的病人或者患有晚期疾病的病人。 thewpca.org | Only use them for patients with severe symptoms [...] or those who already have very advanced disease. thewpca.org |
2、放射治疗:子宫内膜癌对放疗敏感度放疗的效果较好,对于不愿手术的1期和2期患者可达到根治,晚期患者单纯放疗效果不佳,但对老年患者或合并有严重内科疾患不能接受手术治疗或禁忌手术者,常用腔内和体外照射进行放射治疗,仍可达到良好的治疗效果。 asiancancer.com | Radiotherapy: as endometrial cancer is sensitive to radiotherapy, so radiotherapy can achieve a radical effect [...] for these patients of [...] stage I/II who are not willing to receive surgery; while for advanced endometrial cancer patients, radiotherapy alone may not impose good effects, however, some elderly patients maybe weak [...]or also have other [...]severe internal diseases so that they may not be able to receive surgery, in such case, radiotherapy is usually conducted through intracavity or extracorporeal irradiation, and also can achieve good therapeutic effect. asiancancer.com |
这种症状主要见于声门上型、声门下型肿瘤患者和中 晚期的声 带肿瘤患者。 asiancancer.com | This symptom is often caused by supraglottis laryngeal cancer, subglottis laryngeal cancer and mid-late glottis laryngeal cancer. asiancancer.com |
一向健康的高德蓉去年诊断出患有胃癌, 一系列治疗之後 今年五月被告知癌症进入晚期。 ktsf.com | After a series [...] of chemotherapy treatments and an operation, she was declared free of cancer earlier this year. ktsf.com |
她还曾遇到一位晚期艾滋病和癌症患者,伴有严重的膝盖疼痛症状。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Another patientDr. Hosoda saw had severe knee pain and end-stageAIDS and cancer. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
对于转移范围广,身体机能弱,已经难以耐受化疗的 晚期血癌患者,可用中医药进行保守治疗,在改善生存质量,延长生存期方面有明显的作用。 asiancancer.com | For advanced leukemia patients who have wide metastasis and are in poor condition, thus cannot [...] tolerant the side effects of chemotherapy, [...] they can undergo expectanttreatment with Chinese [...]medicine, which has obvious effect [...]in improving life quality and extending life. asiancancer.com |
由一家政府医院的营养不良科发展而来,在这家医院里,患有晚 期HIV疾 病的儿童住院的时间较长,常常在医院里而不是在家里和家人在 一起,度过他们生命的最后几周。 thewpca.org | Umodzi started onthe malnutrition unit of a government hospital where children with end-stage HIV disease sometimes stay for long periods, often spending [...] the last weeks [...]of their lives in hospital rather than at home with their families. thewpca.org |
对于中晚期肺癌患者而 言,肺癌的预后主要取决于治疗方法是否得当及病人的身体状况。 asiancancer.com | Forpatients with middle and advanced lung cancer, [...] their prognosismainly depends on whether treatment methods are proper [...]and patient's physical condition. asiancancer.com |
7、至少有10%的患者在中晚期病程中有发热的情况,临床可表现为低热、高热、间歇热或不规则热等,原因可能与癌细胞本身释放的致热源或继发性胆道感染有关。 asiancancer.com | Fever: it may occur [...] in at least 10% of patients withmiddleand advanced [...]pancreatic cancer and fever may be manifested as [...]low heat, high fever, intermittent fever or irregular heat, which may be related to pyrogen released by cancer cell itself or secondary infection of biliary tract. asiancancer.com |
糖尿病患者因为处于晚期糖基化终末产物损害的危险之中,尤其是肾脏受到损害,所以剂量增加到每天1000mg,分服。 aging-management.com | This may also help prevent cataract formation. Diabetics may wish to increase the dose to 1000mg per day in divided doses as they are particularly at risk for AGE induced damage, especially of the kidneys. aging-management.com |
香港大学李嘉诚医学院临床肿瘤学系助理教授曾咏恒医生报告研究结果显示,鼻咽癌晚期患者对 免疫疗法的反应良好,出现较少副作用。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Dr. Janice TSANG Wing-hang, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Oncology reported that the results of this study showed that the treatment was well-tolerated by the patients without much side effects and [...] by enhancing the [...] immune cells of the NPCpatients,this has doubled [...]the overall survival timeof the late-stage NPC patients, [...]results yet need to be further validated. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
参与是次研究的都是鼻咽癌复发及 晚期患者, 他们的身体通常非常虚弱,所以最重要是确保疗法不具侵略性、不含毒性和不会损害健康的细胞。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Patients who participated in the trial [...] were having locally recurrent or metastatic NPC and were usually quite unwell, so [...]it was important to ensure the treatment was non-invasive, non-toxic and did not damage any healthy cells. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
首先,手术在切除癌细胞的时需切除一部分正常的组织,这时对于 晚期乳腺癌患者或者机体比较弱的患者来说,手术并不是最好的选择 ;其次手术不能切除微小的病症,术后存在复发和转移的风险。 asiancancer.com | Firstly, it is not the [...] best choice for terminal breast cancerpatients orweakerpatients because [...]it needs to remove some [...]normally-function tissues during excision of cancer cells; secondly, operation cannot remove micro tumors and has the risk of recurrence and metastasis after operation. asiancancer.com |
法国国家爱滋病与病毒性肝炎研究署与美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)是“柬埔寨抗逆转录病毒药物早期介入与 晚期介入对比”临床试验(essai ANRS 1295 Camelia)的发起者,旨在为合并感染爱滋病和结核病的患者提供最佳治疗。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The ANRS is responsible, along with the [...] US National Institutes of Health (NIH), for the ANRS 1295 Cameliatrial,aimed at improving the care ofpatients jointly infected by HIV and tuberculosis. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
晚期患者常伴有消瘦,甚至出现恶病质。 asiancancer.com | Cachexia may even [...] develop in latestage patientsas well. asiancancer.com |
关切地注意到有将近有一千四百万艾滋病毒抗体阳性患者生活在中低收入国 [...] 家,尤其是在撒哈拉以南非洲,无法获得抗逆转录病毒疗法,估计有一百万的晚 期艾滋病患者无法得到中度至重度疼痛治疗,同时,许多有需要者不能获得肺结 [...] 核和其他与艾滋病毒有关的机会性感染治疗 daccess-ods.un.org | people in low- and middle-income countries lack access to antiretroviral therapy, particularly in [...] sub-Saharan Africa, that an estimated one [...] million end-stageAIDS patientshave noaccess [...]to treatment for moderate to severe pain, [...]and that many people in need fail to receive treatment for tuberculosis and other HIV-related opportunistic infections daccess-ods.un.org |
同时广州现代肿瘤医院为方便国外患者前来就诊,先后在越南、印尼、菲律宾、孟加拉、柬埔寨等国家设立了办事处,当谈及到为什么会选择在孟加拉国家建立广州现代肿瘤医院办事处时,王院长由衷感叹:“由于医疗技术水平发展有限,孟加拉中 晚期的肿瘤患者在本国内得不到有效治疗,而作为友邻国家,当我们的医疗科技得到提高时,理应给孟加拉患者帮助,这是他们的需要。 asiancancer.com | What’s more, in order to provide more convenience to the patients who want to have treatment in this hospital, branch offices in Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Bangladesh, and Cambodia were set up one by another,. When director Wang was asked why you wanted to set up branch office in Bangladesh, he sincerely answered that due to limited [...] development of medical [...] technology, manymiddle-latestage cancer patients in Bangladesh can’t [...]get effective treatment; as [...]a friendly neighboring country, we should help Bangladeshi patients when our medical technology was improved. asiancancer.com |
是次研究属於第一阶段,目标是找出T细胞免疫疗法是否安全,并找出复发或 晚期鼻咽癌患者的身体对此疗法的反应。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | This is a phase I study examining the safety and tolerability of the adoptive immunotherapy [...] (T-cell infusion) on recurrent [...] and metastaticNPC patients, andis ajoint project between the HKU and the QIMR researchers. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
对于成年人、风险群体及慢性疾病患者的医疗服务,总体上包括评估健康 状况及风险因素,提供健康生活方式建议,检测健康问题及评估期临床分期,根据病患情况对其进行医疗跟踪,对患有多种病症及服用多种药物的病患进行关注 [...] 及跟踪,并根据情况,针对其病症向病患或其看护提供健康信息及建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In general terms, care for adults, risk groups and chronically sick persons consists of assessment of the state of health and risk factors, advice on healthy lifestyles, the detection of [...] health problems and [...] assessment of their clinical status, referralofpatients forclinical follow-up [...]appropriate to their [...]condition, care and follow-up for persons receiving more than one course of medicine or suffering from more than one illness and the provision of health information and health advice on the illness, and the precise nature of the care required, to the patient or the carer as appropriate. daccess-ods.un.org |
晚期恶性肿瘤患者, 如患骨肉瘤、横纹肌肉瘤或转移癌患者,可有贫血、消瘦、食欲不振、体重下降、发热等恶病质表现。 asiancancer.com | Late malignant tumor patients, suchas bone [...] sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma or metastatic carcinoma, can have cachexia symtoms, [...]such as anaemia, emaciation, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, etc. asiancancer.com |
长期患有睡眠窒息症的孩子,晚间睡眠质素受影响及脑部出现间歇缺氧的情况。 hksh.com | Children with Sleep Apnea suffer from poor sleep quality and intermittent low blood oxygen level during sleep. hksh.com |
据发表在2月27日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,一项对美国的乳腺癌趋势的分析发现,25-39岁妇女的 晚期乳腺癌发病率有了小幅但具有统计学意义的显着增加,但在老年妇女中却没有发现该发病率的相应增加。 chinese.eurekalert.org | An analysis of breast cancer trends in the U.S. finds a small but [...] statistically significant increase in the [...] incidenceof advanced breast cancer [...]for women 25 to 39 years of age, without [...]a corresponding increase in older women, according to a study appearing in the February 27 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
预计书记官处能实现各项目标和预期成绩 ,前提是:(a) 前南斯拉夫各国在 提供信息及其他形式的援助方面予以合作;(b) 诉讼程序不会因法庭无法控制的 原因而出现延误,如被告人患病、出乎意料的材料披露、请求更换辩护律师、请 求复审已审案件、影响诉讼程序的其他动议以及没有证人对陈述予以证明及提供 证词;(c) 法庭工作人员的更替率在可接受的范围内。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Registryis expected to meet its objective and expectedaccomplishments on the assumption that: (a) the States of the former Yugoslavia cooperate in the provision of information and other forms of assistance; (b) there are no delays in the proceedings for reasons beyond the Tribunal’s control, such asillness of theaccused, [...] unforeseen disclosure [...]of material, requests for replacement of defence counsel, requests for review of cases already tried, other motions affecting the proceedings or the non-availability of witnesses to certify statements and provide testimony; and (c) the turnover rate of the Tribunal’s staff remains within acceptable limits. daccess-ods.un.org |
在对所需资源进行了一次评估之后,管理委员会核准进行一次操作性的大幅 度增员,2009 年中期至晚期增聘 的工作人员大大提高了进行分析和调查以及处理 文件的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | After an evaluation of the required resources, an operational surge was approved by the Management Committee, and the additional staff recruited from mid-to late 2009 contributed greatly to the ability to carry out analysis and investigations and to process documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
在幼儿期采取干预措施是一项成本效益高的 战略,并且一般来说,与晚期干预相比,早期干预给个人和社会带来的经济回报 率更高,并能产生更多积极的长期成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Early childhood interventions represent cost-effective strategies, and, as a general rule, early interventions generate higher rates of economic return and yield more positive long-term outcomes for individuals and society than later interventions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在其《论共和国》(约公元前 50 年代晚期-46年),西塞罗补充道,没有什么比依靠“以暴力相强迫”“更能危害一个国家”且“违反正义和 [...] 法律”;M.T.Cicero, The Republic-The Laws, Oxford, University [...]Press,1998,第 166 页(卷 三,第 42 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | And in his De [...] Republica (circa late 50s-46 b.C.), [...]Cicero added that nothing was “more damaging to a State” and “so contrary [...]to justice and law” than recourse “to force through a measure of violence”, where a country had “a settled and established constitution”; M.T. Cicero, The Republic The Laws, Oxford, University Press, 1998, p. 166 (book III, par. 42). daccess-ods.un.org |