

单词 恶搞文化

See also:


spoof (web-based genre in PRC, acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, phocollections, texts, poems etc)

文化 adj

cultural adj

文化 n

culture n
cultures pl



External sources (not reviewed)

代理主席,只有確保經濟可持續發展,社會才可有和諧,政府才有更充 裕的金錢搞基建、環保文化、教 育、福利等有利於民的事。
Deputy President, only through ensuring the sustainable development of the economy can society live in harmony and the Government have more abundant
resources to undertake work beneficial to the people, such as
[...] environmental protection, culture, education, welfare, and so on.
何志平搞 甚麼 400 萬元文化 藝 術 頻 道,將這些錢 集 合起來 便 足 以 搞 一 條公眾使 用 頻 [...]
道了, 這 是 一 條 很 好 的 頻 道。
Dr Patrick HO mentioned spending $4 million
[...] to establish an arts and culture channel. This amount of [...]
money is enough to establish a public
access channel, a very good channel.
當別人在搞工業時,他們搞 IT;當 IT 沒有甚麼可發展了,他們 便搞一些創意文化產業
When others are developing industries, they
develop IT; when there is little room left for IT to further develop, they turn
[...] to work on creative or cultural industries.
她指出,凡搞非集中化都会对老的习惯、做法、所 获得的好处和所形成的看法提出质疑,为了获得成功 文化 和 精 神状态都必须改变。
She pointed out that any process of decentralization
[...] puts into question old habits, practices, acquired advantages and visions and must be accompanied by a change of culture and of mentality in order to succeed.
[...] 2007 年;关系 和流程风险没有改善恶化(见下文图 3,基于 2007 年指数的数值比较)。
Compared over time, the levels of risks in country offices in the categories of information and technology are lower than in 2007;
and relationship and process risks
[...] have not improved or worsened (see figure 3 below [...]
comparing values over 2007 index).
从“航母Style”、选美比赛暗箱操作 恶搞 i P h on e5,到更为严肃的问题,如香港和中国大陆间的紧张关系(臭名昭著的“蝗虫”广告被反复地修改 恶搞 ) , 或是关于社会不平等现象的争论。2012年里,人们只有在网络上才能紧跟各种使整个社会产生动荡的热点话题(参见我们的相 文 章 , 查看“2012微博热门话题”完整榜单)。
From the “aircraft carrier style” meme to rigged
[...] beauty contests and iPhone 5 parodies to more serious matters such as tense relationships between Hong Kong and mainland China (with the infamous “locust” ad that was abundantly edited and parodied) or debate about social inequalities, 2012 has been a year where one had to be online to stay on top of the topics that agitated society as a whole (see our article for the complete [...]
list of most discussed
topics on Sina Weibo in 2012).
到 2002
[...] 年,联合国的文件情况达到令人震惊的程度,因此,秘书长在题为 《改进大会事务和会议事务部的工作情况》的报告(A/57/289)第 49 段中警告, 文件工作是联合国长期存在的问题,近来更 恶化 , 使 联合 文 件 泛 滥,大有令 人应接不暇之势(第 49 段)。
In paragraph 49 of his report on improving the performance of the Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services (A/57/289), the Secretary-General warned that documentation had been a chronic problem
of the United Nations
[...] and that it had worsened to such an extent that the Organization was in danger of being overwhelmed by a flood of documents.
我們沒有需要花二百多億元搞一個 西九 文化 區 , 而成效仍是未 知之數,還存在很多大白象的疑問。
There is no need for us to spend some $20
[...] billion on a West Kowloon Cultural District, the effectiveness [...]
of which is still unknown,
while the doubt of it being a white elephant is looming.
[...] 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢恶化 了 的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 [...]
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and
peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the
[...] rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, [...]
research on disappearing water resources,
aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
各派勢力與其互相聲討,不如合力把遊 文化搞 活 , 使它變成和平、理性、具有香港特色和創意的民間活動。
Instead of fighting among various camps, it
would be better for different camps to
[...] organize the rally culture together, so as [...]
to form a peaceful, rational and creative
civil activity with Hong Kong's characteristics.
发布或传输任何含有,但不限于病毒、木马、蠕虫、广告软件、间谍软件、犯罪软件、在线涂 恶搞 软 件、植入软件、隐匿软件、键盘记录软件、机器人软件、或其他任何有害软件或程序段的任何信息 文 件 或 软件
Post or transmit any information, file, or software that contains, but not limited to, a virus, Trojan horse, worm, adware, spyware, crimeware, online graffiti tagger, dropper, rootkit, keylogger, bot, or any other harmful software program or program element
任何利文化遗产搞无休 止的冲突的做法都是不能接受的。
Any instrumentalization of cultural heritage to perpetuate [...]
situations of conflict is unacceptable.
我們有硬件的同時,很多這些所謂博物館館長(curator)、搞創作文 化人、搞創作文化的行 政管理人員等並不是“啪”一聲便會大量湧現的,這 [...]
些是並非一定有的人才,除非局長以為建成了西九以後,從外國聘請一大羣 這樣的人前來,但那些人可能卻又沒有管理經驗的。
While we may be equipped with the hardware, these curators,
[...] creative talents of the cultural sector, and administrative [...]
and managing personnel involved
in creative and cultural work will not emerge in a large number in a short time.
由于不追究有系统侵犯武装冲突中平民人权和 对其犯下战争罪的责任,产生了一种 恶 的 有 罪不文化,这只会延长冲突并加深无辜平民的脆弱性和苦 难。
The lack of accountability for systematic human rights violations and war
crimes against civilians in armed
[...] conflict has fostered a vicious culture of impunity that has [...]
only prolonged conflicts and compounded
the vulnerability and suffering of innocent civilians.
由于物理赝像或载体情恶化,非物 质 文化 实 践 消失以及技术进步(如果没有原始软 件和设备,数字化文献遗产可能变得难以访问),越来越多的信息面临着永远灭失的风险。
An increasing proportion of information
risks being lost
[...] forever due to the deterioration of physical artefacts or carriers, disappearing intangible cultural practices [...]
and technological advances
(digitally born documentary heritage may become impossible to access without the original software and equipment).
因此,我们再次呼吁包括安全理事会在内的国际社会担负起《联合国宪章》、 包括国际人道主义法和人权法在内的国际法以及联合国相关决议规定的责任,迫
[...] 使以色列停止所有非法政策和措施,防止在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占 领土局势进一恶化,促 进真正有助于实现和平的气氛。
We thus reiterate our call on the international community, including the Security Council, to uphold their responsibilities under the Charter, international law, including international humanitarian law and human rights law, and the relevant United Nations resolutions to compel Israel to cease all illegal policies and measures in order to stem the deterioration of the situation in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,
[...] and to promote a climate truly conducive [...]
to the pursuit of peace.
[...] 一些社区的人们流离失所,并造成了心理创伤,粮食安全和获取土地等方 面存在的困难使对妇女暴力行为更 恶化。
Natural disasters had displaced a number of communities
and caused emotional trauma, problems with food security and access to
[...] land, and had exacerbated violence against women.
2004--2005 年间对实施非集中化战略进展情况的首次审查(171 EX/6 号文件第 III 部 分)强调投搞新的非集化系统 、总结经验教训和采取相关的弥补行动以及指出今后的道 路。
The first review of progress in the implementation of the decentralization strategy carried out in 2004-2005 (171 EX/6,
Part III)
[...] highlighted the investments put in place to make the new decentralization system work, the lessons [...]
learned, shortcomings
observed and related remedial action taken or planned, as well as the road ahead.
南部各区的局势正恶化,现有的数据表明,营养不 良水平已经超过了紧急状况线。
The situation in the
[...] southern areas is deteriorating and available [...]
data indicate that malnutrition levels are above emergency thresholds.
鉴于该公约的存在,拟定新文书 不一定是预见之中的;但是,为化 公 约 , 搞 一 个 补充议定书可能是需要的。
Given the existence of that Convention, elaboration of a new instrument was not necessarily foreseen; however an additional protocol would likely be required to strengthen it.
排行榜接下来的位置,毫无疑问被“江南Style”,电视节目“中国好声音”(被舒洁以幽默网络视 恶搞 ) ,中日钓鱼岛问题,及“航母Style”所占据。
Further down the list we find the inevitable Gangnam Style, TV show “The voice of China” (which was parodied by Kleenex through a humorous web video), the Diaoyu / Senkaku feud between China and Japan the “aircraft carrier style” meme.
However, nothing concrete has been done despite all the gestures, and even officials at the rank of D6 are incapable of taking up this task, Secretary.
所以,我認為如 果政府真的搞創意文化產業,便不應該再在你轄下成立一個辦公室, 你如何兼顧得來呢?
Therefore, I think if the Government really wants to
[...] develop creative and cultural industries, it should [...]
not set up an office under your purview.
但是,如果冲突持续下去,那么军事行动、安保问题、不 恶化 的 难民经济状 况以及货物、服务和人员流动受到的限制,将继续影响近东救济工程处的工作。
However, should conflict persist, military operations,
[...] security issues, deteriorating economic conditions [...]
for the refugees and restrictions
on the flow of goods, services and individuals will continue to affect the Agency’s work.
同样有关的 还有《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第12条,涉及缔约国消除保健方面对妇 女歧视的义务;《残疾人权利公约》第25(b)条规定,医疗卫生应“提供旨在尽量 减轻残疾和预防残恶化的服 务,包括向儿童和老年人提供这些服务”;《公民及 政治权利国际公约》第 7条禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, 其中包括禁止未经自由同意进行医疗或科学试验。
Equally relevant are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, article 12, concerning the obligation of States to eliminate discrimination against women in health care; the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, article 25 (b), which requires that health services be “designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and older persons”; and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 7, which prohibits torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and includes the prohibition of medical or scientific experimentation without free consent.
大会和联合国会员国如果拒绝审议这样一个政化和对 抗性的倡议,那么它为阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯难 民和境内流离失所者所提供的帮助将远远超过赞成 拟议的恶案文所提供的好处。
By refusing to
[...] consider such a politicized and confrontational initiative, the General Assembly and States Members of the United Nations would be doing much more for refugees and IDPs from Abkhazia and South Ossetia than by voting for the proposed, odious text.
[...] 条件,对在监狱中生活或工作的每个人造成不利影响;它们使狱中的紧张局势增 加,囚犯之间和囚犯与工作人员之间的关 恶化 , 这 反过来又增加了虐待的风 险。
Poor material conditions are exacerbated by overcrowding and adversely affect everyone living or working in prison;
they contribute to the tensions in
[...] custody and to the deterioration of relations among [...]
prisoners and between prisoners and
staff, which in turn increases the risk of ill-treatment.
农业是使用淡水的主要部门,占全球取水量的近 70%。18 但是,农业、城市 和工业用水之间愈演愈烈的淡水之争已成为日益严重的问题(见图十),在 城乡间
[...] 造成紧张局面,并且可能威胁到区域或国家的粮食保障,这种局面因气候变化而 更恶化(见方框 6)。
Agriculture is the major user of freshwater, accounting for almost 70 per cent of water withdrawal globally.18 However, a growing problem is the increasing competition for freshwater between agriculture, urban and industrial uses (see figure X), causing tension between rural and urban areas and
possibly threatening regional or national food security, a situation which is
[...] exacerbated by climate change (see box 6).
同樣 道 理,假 如 連 《 基本法》 一 些文 的 法理,甚文理都還沒搞 清 楚 , 就要 求特區政 府自行公 布 時 間表或 提 出具體的方案, [...]
這不但是 人 之 所難, 也 是 置 香港整體和長 遠 的 利 益 於不顧 。
For the same reasons, those people who, without
[...] even first clarifying the legal or textual interpretation of certain provisions [...]
in the
Basic Law, venture to demand the SAR Government to announce a schedule itself or to put forward specific proposals, are not only imposing on others a mission impossible, but also ignoring the long-term overall interest of Hong Kong.




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