

单词 man b&W

External sources (English)

External sources (Chinese)

(b)织在一个3W(”在“哪里”“做什么”)分组的信息总库 中可以查找到。
(b) The organization is represented in a cluster’s 3W matrix ( Who does What and Where).
主席(以法语发言):各位成员记得,大会 2010 年 12 月 13 日第 63 次和第 64 次全体会议就议程项目 122 及其分项(b)(w)了辩论会。
The President( spoke in French ): Members will recall that the Assembly held the debate on agenda item 122 and its sub-items (b) to (w) at its 63rd and 64th plenary meetings on 13 December 2010.
Color,B&W and high-volume inkjet [...]
digital printing.
专业清洁公司和人才选拔服务索契中心 (IB Borozennaâb.w.)正式的分布伺服器的制造 polomoečnogo 设备"坦南特"(荷兰) 上的南部的俄罗斯。
Professional cleaning company and the personnel selection Services Center of Sochi (IB Borozennaâ b.w.) is an official distributor of the South of Russia on manufacture polomoečnogo equipment "TENNANT" (Holland).
根据人与生物圈计划 理事会 2000 年批准的《关于跨界生物圈保留地的建立与运作的建议》,在秘书处的支持 下,贝宁、布基纳法索和尼日尔建立了非洲的首个跨界生物圈保留地W圈保留地)。
With the support of the Secretariat, the first Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (TBR) in Africa was established by Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger (the “W” Biosphere Reserve) following the recommendations for the establishment and functioning of TBR approved by the MAB Council in 2000.
(B)何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
(w)在批准请求时还注意到,如果厄立特里亚在常设委员会会议和缔 约国会议上提供最新资料,说明其就明确余下任务和制定详细计划取得的进展, 则厄立特里亚和所有缔约国都将获益。
(w) Also in granting the request, the Meeting noted that both Eritrea and all States Parties could benefit if Eritrea provided updates on progress made in obtaining clarity regarding the remaining challenge and in producing a detailed plan at meetings of the Standing Committees and at Meetings of the States Parties.
几个新的保护区表明重视生态系统的方法正在发挥作用(意大利的提契诺河), 该概念已经用于沿海地区(如多米尼加共和国的雅拉瓜 - 巴奥鲁科山 - 恩里基约湖)和小岛 屿(大韩民国的济州岛,俄罗斯联邦的科曼多尔群岛),并用来管理跨边界保护区(如贝 宁、布基纳法索和尼日尔的W区,它是非洲首个跨边界保留地)。
Several new sites demonstrate the ecosystem approach in action (Ticino, Italy), the application of the concept in coastal areas (e.g. Jaragua-Bahoruca-Enriquillo, Dominican Republic) and in small islands (e.g. Jeju Island, Republic of Korea; Commander Islands, Russian Federation) and to manage transborder sites (e.g. the “W” Region Beni, Burkina Faso and Niger, the first in Africa of this type).
该网站使用了联合国主页的新品牌,并且根据万维 网集(W3)《网页内容无障碍导则》和《联合 国网站无障碍导则》让残疾人毫无障碍地访问。
It used the new branding of the United Nations home page and had been made fully accessible to persons with disabilities, in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Accessibility Guidelines for United Nations Websites.
理事会第 1983/163 号决定请秘书长:(a) 在决定通过之前,将超出秘书处 在其核定资源范围内及时编制和处理文件能力的各种文件需求提请政府间机构 和专家机构注意(b)政府间机构注意在哪些领域文件的制作可能发生重复 和(或)在哪些领域讨论相关或类似主题的文件可能予以合并或精简,以期使文件 制作合理化。
In decision 1983/163, the Council requested the Secretary-General (a) to bring to the attention of intergovernmental and expert bodies, before decisions were adopted, any request for documentation that exceeded the ability of the Secretariat to prepare and process on time and within its approved resources; and (b) to draw the attention of intergovernmental bodies to areas where duplication of documentation was likely to occur and/or where opportunities for integrating or consolidating documents that dealt with related or similar themes might exist, with a view to rationalizing documentation.
除了考虑每份意见书所表达的意见及研究意见书在原则㆖是支持或反对 老年退休金计划抑或没有表明立场之外,我们还会留意㆘列各项:(a)意见书是由个别 ㆟士或团体递交的(b)书是普通的信件或预先印制的形式;(c)假如意见书支持老 年退休金计划的话,究竟是有条件或无条件的支持;如属前者,则是在甚麽条件㆘支 持;及(d)假如意见书是反对老年退休金计划的话,则是否原则㆖反对或只是反对谘询 文件内个别的建议。
Apart from considering the views expressed in each submission and whether in principle at least the author was for or against an OPS or did not indicate either way, we took careful note of such points as: (a) whether the submission was from an individual or a group; (b) whether it was an ordinary letter or a pre-printed form; (c) if in support of the OPS, whether such support was qualified or unqualified, and if the former, to what extent; and (d) if the submissions opposed the OPS, whether it did so in principle or in respect of individual recommendations in the paper.
教育领域的活动主要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问题世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增重点包括此种暴力行为的 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 的推广b)教育,旨在促进建立一个满足多样化学生群体需求的、对遭到排挤和被边缘 化的群体给予特别关注的教育体系;c) 治理和不平等,研究教育领域的善治如何在减少基于 财富、地点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) 对教材进行修订以推广以和 平为导向的方法,同时兼顾与质量有关的新的教育挑战。
In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as a follow-up to the recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions of such violence, the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion of non-violent, participatory practices and support services; (b) inclusive education, with the aim of promoting an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group of pupils, paying particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; (c) governance and inequality, looking at how good governance in education can reduce disparities based on wealth, location, ethnicity, gender and other grounds; (d) textbook revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality.
该委员会的任务是通过有约束力的仲裁,决定一国政府对另一国政 府以及一方的国民(包括自然人和法人)对另一方的政府或者另一方拥有或控制 的实体提出的下列两类所有损失、损害或伤害索偿要求:(a) 与作为《框架协 定及其执行方式》和《停止敌对行动协定》主体的冲突有关(b)违反包 括 1949 年日内瓦四公约在内的国际人道主义法,或者其他违反国际法的行为。
The mandate of the Commission is to decide through binding arbitration all claims for loss, damage or injury by one Government against the other, and by nationals (including both natural and juridical persons) of one party against the Government of the other party or entities owned or controlled by the other party that are (a) related to the conflict that was the subject of the Framework Agreement, the Modalities for its Implementation and the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, and (b) result from violations of international humanitarian law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions, or other violations of international law.
统的影响”、“毒理机制和方法”(2008 年);“产后甲醛暴露对老鼠海马状突起和
大脑半球的锥体细胞数量、细胞层体积的影响:一个体视学研究”(2007 年);“褪
[...] 黑激素可防止甲醛诱导的老鼠前额皮层神经毒害:免疫组织化学和生物化学研 究”(2007 年);“咖啡酸苯乙酯对防止老鼠因吸入香烟烟雾造成肝损伤的保护作 用”(2007 年);W-3需脂肪酸对防止甲醛诱导老鼠前额皮层神经元损伤的保 护作用”(2007 年);W-3肪酸在老鼠脑缺血再灌注模型中的保护作用”(2007 年)。
(2008); “Effects of post-natal formaldehyde exposure on pyramidal cell number, volume of cell layer in hippocampus and hemisphere in the rat: a stereological study” (2007); “Melatonin prevents formaldehyde-induced neurotoxicity in prefrontal cortex of rats: an immunohistochemical and biochemical study” (2007); “The protective effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against liver damage induced by cigarette smoke inhalation in
rats” (2007);
[...] “Protective effects of W-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3fatty acids [...]
in a rat focal cerebral
ischaemia-reperfusion model” (2007).
(w)在应对土着人民面临的粮食安全挑战方面的进展速度,在这方面采 取特别行动,消除导致土着人民饥饿和营养不良现象异常严重的根源。
(w) Accelerating progress on the challenges faced by indigenous peoples in the context of food security, and in this regard taking special actions to combat the root causes of the disproportionately high level of hunger and malnutrition among indigenous peoples.
在 7 月 8 日第 12 次会议上,理事会听取了两位斯里兰卡代表——保健和营 养部长 H.A.P.Kahandaliyanage 和外交部长顾W.D.Lakshman 所作的自愿国家 陈述。
At its 12th meeting, on 8 July, the Council heard the voluntary national presentations by the representatives of Sri Lanka: H. A. P. Kahandaliyanage, Secretary, Ministry of Health Care and Nutrition, and W. D. Lakshman, Adviserto the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
项目简介: Xiss web是一个网络相册Java生成工具用于将存储在本地文件中的图片批量生成基W3C,支持幻灯播放的网络相册。
Project Information: Xiss web is a web album generation tool for Java will be stored in local files generated image volume based on W3C standards , to support slide show web album.
(w)汇出国和汇入国之间的合作,以降低汇款的交易费用,特别是为更 加便宜、快捷和安全的汇款进一步创造条件,惠益各国的发展努力。
(w) Strengthening cooperation between originating and receiving countries to lower the transaction costs of remittances, especially promoting conditions for cheaper, faster and safer transfers of remittances, which can contribute to national efforts for development.
正 如A.W.Palmer 所 言 ﹐ 农 奴 [...]
解 放 「 增 加 了 劳 动 力 的 流 动 性 ﹐ 促 使 经 济 的 转 变 ﹐ 使 工 业 家 得 以 在 新 建 的 工 厂 和 铁 路 中 雇 用 这 些 已 解 放 的 农 奴 。
As A.W. Palmer states, the [...]
Emancipation “helped change the economy by increasing the mobility of the labor and thereby enabling
the industrialists to use ex-serfs in the new factories and on the railways.
本公司亦将於股东周年大会上按股东周年大会通告载列的条款,就授予董事发行授权 提呈普通决议案,以配发、发行及处理不超过本公司於有关决议案通过当日之已发行股本 面值总额20%之股份,以及於截至下列时间(以最早者为准)止期间内任何时间,将相当於 本公司於授出购回授权後购回之股份面值总额之任何股份,加入将授予董事之发行授权 内:(a)本公司下届股东周年大会结束时(b)或任何适用法例规定本公司须举行下届股 东周年大会之期限届满时;及(c)该授权於股东大会上以普通决议案撤销或修订当日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、
[...] 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发(b)标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) [...]
设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情
况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to
pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard
[...] setting work of the Codex Alimentarius [...]
Commission and the International Plant
Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
a) 就“除害剂”和其他相关词彚采用与食品法典委员会一致的定义b)最高残余限量和再残余限量名单,以食品法典委员会建议的最高残余限量 /再残余限量为骨干,并采纳食品法典委员会的食物分類方法; c) 对於没有订明最高残余限量/再残余限量的除害剂,除非食环署署长信纳检测 到的除害剂残余水平不会危害或损害公众健康,否则不容许输入和售卖含有这 類除害剂的食物; d) 制定获豁免物质名单; e) 接受增加/修订最高残余限量和获豁免物质的申请; f) 让拟议规例与《除害剂条例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害剂注册作出配 合;以及 g) 拟议规例会在兩年宽限期届满後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period.
这个职能内开展的活动将包括:(a) 制定从制止暴力侵害妇女行为直至增加 妇女对和平与安全的贡献,覆盖妇女署各个实务活动领域的国家、区域和全球各 级技术和方案指导意见(b)和协调多方利益攸关方综合国家方案,这些方 案涉及符合国家和区域政策及优先事项的机构间参与和国家伙伴,并与妇女署战 略计划一致;(c) 不断应要求向妇女署核心工作领域的国家合作伙伴和国家工作 队提供技术支助(例如,对全国妇女机构的支助;对妇女组织和网络的支助;对 驻地协调员和两性平等专题小组的支助;对报告和执行《消除对妇女歧视公约》 的支助);(d) 管理和监测全球方案和信托基金。
The activities undertaken within this function will include: (a) producing country, regional and global-level technical and programme guidance covering the substantive areas in which UN-Women works, from ending violence against women to increasing women’s contributions to peace and security; (b) devising and coordinating multi-stakeholder, holistic country programmes that involve inter-agency participation and national partners in line with national and regional policies and priorities and that are consistent with UN-Women’s Strategic Plan; (c) ongoing, on-demand technical support to national partners and UNCTs in UN-Women’s core areas of work (e.g., support to NWMs; support to women’s organizations and networks; support to the Resident Coordinator and gender thematic groups; and support to reporting on and implementing CEDAW); and (d) the management and monitoring of global programmes and trust funds.
(b)成 任 何 保 证 、 保 障 或 担 保 合 同 , 特 别 是 在 不 损 害 以 上 一 般 性 的 情 况 下 , 无 论 是 通 过 个 人 义 务 还 是 通 过 抵 押 或 收 取 公 司 费 用 的 所 有 或 任 何 部 分 、 目 前 和 将 来 的 财 产 与 资 产 、 未 催 缴 的 股 本 抑 或 是 通 过 这 两 种 方 式 或 者 任 何 其 他 方 式 来 保 证 、 支 援 或 确 保 履 行 义 务 或 承 诺 并 偿 还 或 支 付 任 何 个 人 的 债 务 和 任 何 曾 经 是 本 公 司 的 附 属 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 , 抑 或 是 本 公 司 的 其 他 附 属 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 以 及 与 本 公 司 合 作 的 其 他 公 司 的 任 何 保 费 、 利 息 、 股 利 和 任 何 其 他 可 支 付 的 有 价 证 券 。
(b) To enter into any guarantee, contract or indemnity or surety and in particular (without prejudice or secure, with or without consideration, whether by personal obligation or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or both such methods or in any other manner, the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or otherwise associated with the Company.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a)
[...] 个独立、客观和能妥善发挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划(b)公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其年度工作计划并 [...]
完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术
和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective and well-functioning
management structure with approved annual
[...] work plans; (b) it secures and retains [...]
the right quantity and quality of human
resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
Its features include : image can be set free or restricted access , role/user management , multi-server support, support for user comments , the appearance of the control interface using HTML templates , multi- language support , an RSS notification Feed, EXIF ​​and IPTC metadata management , and more
directory support ( each picture can belong to multiple directories ), all Web pages
[...] are compatiblewith W3Cspecifications .
(f) 最后,1994 年版(w)已成为 2011 年版本(v)项,同时作为对这方 面信息的补充,还要求列明可适用的停顿期期限,不适用任何停顿期的,关于 这方面及其理由的说明。
(f) Finally, the information listed in subparagraph (w) of the 1994 text, which has become subparagraph (v) of the 2011 text, has been supplemented by a requirement to include the duration of the applicable standstill period or, if none will apply, a statement to that effect and the reasons therefor.
(w)各项农业政策和机制,纳入两性观点,并与民间社会合作在 [...]
教育和培训方案方面协助农民,尤其是农村妇女,同时加强向她们传播信 息的工作,以使她们能够得到各项相关服务和资源,从而提高生产力
(w) Tostrengthen agricultural [...]
policies and mechanisms to incorporate a gender perspective, and in cooperation with civil
society, support farmers, particularly rural women, with education and training programmes, as well as to strengthen the dissemination of information to them that would enable them to access services and resources for improving productivity




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