

单词 快的


更快的 adj

faster adj

愉快的 adj

pleasant adj
cosy adj

准备应付(不愉快的事) v

steel v

External sources (not reviewed)

今 年夏季這個不快的經歷 ,正好提醒我們絕不可以鬆懈,必須繼續努力控制通脹。
This summer's
[...] experience is an unpleasant reminder that [...]
we must not relax our efforts to bring inflation under control.
这一规定旨在确保学生能在澳大利亚留学期间更好地完成自己的学业,同时拥有安全和 快的 生 活 体验。
This helps to ensure students are better able to make the most of their studies and have a safe and enjoyable experience in Australia.
如果需要快的固化时 间,快速密封胶固化工具包是可用的,24N985。
If faster cure time is needed, Rapid Sealant Cure Kit is available, 24N985.
文化遗产旅游正成为旅游业中增长 快的 分 产业,其次是社区旅 游。
Cultural and heritage tourism
[...] are becoming the fastest growing sub-sector [...]
in tourism, closely followed by community tourism.
只需 10 秒不到的 时间就能从主轴上任何位置换刀,在长型加工机床中是 快的。
The tool change time of 10 seconds or less from any position of the
[...] spindle is the fastest among all long [...]
work machines.
另外, 中国海监总队于
[...] 2010 年将海军巡逻舰 数量增加到 36 支,其中包括中国快的监测船 CMS75。
Additionally, in 2010 the China Marine
Surveillance increased its total number of naval vessels on patrol by 36, including
[...] the CMS-75, its fastest surveillance ship.
有 关‘全球经济一体化’的空谈掩盖不了这样一个事实,对一些工业品出口贸易极少并很
[...] 少(如果有的话)出售发明的国家来说,授予专利给在国外完成并获得专利的发明创造 完全是无利可图的,只能够避免其它方面一些令人 快的 外 交 报复。
No amount of talk about the “economic unity of the world” can hide the fact that some countries with little export trade in industrial goods and few, if any, inventions for sale have nothing to gain from granting
patents on inventions worked and patented abroad except the
[...] avoidance of unpleasant foreign retaliation in other directions.
交通运输业亦是本区域 内增长快的行业之一。
Transport is
[...] also one of the fastest growing sectors [...]
in the region.
虽然科学界对其中一些趋势 应当如何测量,存在歧见,但是大力支持其主要信息,就是全球消费目前使用各 种(越来越是不可再生)资的速度快 过 地 球能够产生这些资源的速度,而且使用 的方式造成更多和快的损害 ,非许多自然系统所能忍受。
Though there are scientific differences on how some of these trends should be measured, there is considerable support for the central message, that global consumption is using
resources (increasingly
[...] non-renewable) faster than the planet can regenerate them, and using them in ways that produce more and faster damage than many natural [...]
systems can absorb.
这次大会所发 出的采取行动的呼吁突出强调了在各个任务负责人之间密切开展合作的重要性, 大会的议程也提供了一个宝贵的框架,有助于采取相辅相成的行动,有助于为实 现大会上所议定的在一定时间内所达到的目标取得 快的 进 展;这些目标对于落 实研究报告中的建议也具有战略意义。
The call for action issued as part of the Congress highlights the importance of close cooperation between mandate holders, and its agenda provides a valuable framework for mutually supportive actions and accelerated progress towards the achievement of the time-bound targets agreed upon at the Congress; these targets are also of strategic relevance to the process of follow-up to the study’s recommendations.
移除前导零有时可能会导致显示的值发生令人快 的抖动,因为它们更改了数字的数目,如果值位于字段中间,则更为如 此。
Removing them can sometimes cause values on a
[...] display to show unpleasant jitter as they [...]
change their number of digits, particularly
if the value is centered within a field.
捷豹路虎也急需提升其在全球增长 快的 豪 华车市场上的地位,在这个市场上,德国大型汽车公司已成立好,而且美国巨头福特(NYSE: [...]
F)和通用(NYSE: GM)也在规划新举措。
Jaguar also desperately wants to boost its presence in
[...] the world’s fastest growing luxury [...]
car market, where the big German names are
already well established and US giants Ford (NYSE: F) and GM (NYSE: GM) are also planning new initiatives.
這些資料會儲存在快速的 NAND 快閃記 憶體,使開機速度快如閃電,而優 的快 速 回 應更能縮短等待時間,提高工作效率。
This data is stored in the ultra-fast NAND flash memory which results in blazing fast boot times, and a super responsive experience where you wait less and do more.
[...] 数群体成员可有效地提出投诉,同时保证这些机制是免费的、便 的 、 快 速 的。
Access to existing complaints mechanisms for employment discrimination should be reviewed
to ensure that minority members can effectively make complaints, and that the mechanisms
[...] are free, accessible and rapid.
[...] 一个独特的手段,将就业和商务机会从该区域增长 快的 经 济体扩展到增长较慢 的相对贫困的邻国。
Enhancing connectivity provides a unique means to reduce the region’s development gaps, by spreading employment and business opportunities from
[...] the region’s fastest-growing economies [...]
to slower-growing and poorer neighbours.
在厄瓜多尔的全部城市有很多有趣的网站和容易记住它,不过,在少数地方可以像我们这样的享受自己的安第斯景观丰富多彩,忠实地反映和本种族混杂和自豪拉丁美洲他们的习俗和他们的省代表“钦博拉索”使这个荣誉是在哪里,现代性和传统,是在一个混乱的游客 快的 本 质奇异的混合物。
All cities in Ecuador have a lot of interesting sites and easy to remember it, nevertheless in few places can be enjoyed so colorful of own Andean landscapes as ours, faithful reflection and representative of this racially mixed and proud Latin America of their customs and their province “Chimborazo” makes honor is this singular mixture in where, modernity and the traditions are confused in a pleasant essence for the visitors.
如果选择更的快门速 度,快速移动的主体不会轻 易变得模糊,但图像将变得更暗淡。
When a higher shutter speed is selected, fast‑moving subjects do not become blurred easily but the images will be darker.
如果您要将设置快捷方式传输到另一台 PC:在具有您要传的快捷方 式的 PC 上选择导出,然后在另一台 PC 上选择导入。
If you want to transfer Setting Shortcuts to another PC: select Export on the PC that has the shortcuts you want to transfer and then select Import on the other PC.
然而,无节的快速城 市化可能常常导致社会和空间的四分五裂以及城市及周边农村地区 [...]
Rapid and uncontrolled urbanization, [...]
however, may frequently result in social and spatial fragmentation and in a drastic
deterioration of the quality of the urban environment and of the surrounding rural areas.
为了对今天快速发展的全球媒体环境有效地 做出反应,并对新交流平的快速增长所带来的机遇加以利用,秘书处应尤其在灵活性内容的创 建、网络和新媒体管理、媒体制作和营销方面营建一个多语言交流技能基础。
In order to respond effectively in today’s fast moving global media environment, and to exploit the opportunities presented by the exponential growth of new communications platforms, the Secretariat will need to build up a multilingual communications skills base, particularly in flexible content creation, web and new media management, media production, and marketing.
14.53 在 2012-2013 两年期,为了更好地满足成员国的需要,特别是在病人的医疗照射、能源生产产 生的辐射水平和影响、自然辐射源的照射以及低剂量辐射照射的影响等方面,为了应对科学发 展及全球通的快速节奏和日益增加的复杂性,将继续在 2008-2009 年期间启动的若干战略转 变,即:(a) 精简委员会的科学评价进程;(b) 加强数据收集、分析和传播的机制;(c) 改善 与其他利益攸关方基于成果的规划和协调;(d) 在决策者和公众中提高对委员会及其基本研究 成果的认识,以帮助弥合科学与政策之间的空白,确定在管理辐照的健康和环境影响领域内的 任何必要变革。
14.53 In the biennium 2012-2013, in order to respond better to the needs of Member States (in particular with respect to the medical exposure of patients, radiation levels and effects of energy production, exposure to natural sources of radiation and the effects of low-dose-rate radiation exposure) and to the rapid pace and increasing complexity of scientific developments and global communications, several strategic shifts initiated in 2008-2009 will continue, namely: (a) streamlining the Committee’s scientific evaluation processes; (b) enhancing mechanisms for data collection, analysis and dissemination; (c) improving results-based planning and coordination with other stakeholders; and (d) raising awareness of the Committee and its essential findings among decision makers and the public to help bridge the science-policy gap and identify any changes needed in the management of the impacts of radiation exposure on health and the environment.
应当对秘书处工作人员外地作业所依据的规范构架进行某种反思,因为此规 范构架不适合在高危环境中开的快 速 机 动而复杂的行动,并且应当考虑到 外地工作人员需处理的行政事务数量,因为这些事务使外地工作人员无法专 心从事政治/战略任务。
There should be some reflection on the regulatory framework under which Secretariat staff operate in the field, which was not designed for fast-moving, complex operations in high-risk environments, and on the amount of administration field staff have to deal with, which diverts them from political/strategic tasks.
在渔业和水产养殖领域,这包括对发生灾害的 快速和 有效回应的准备,以及潜在灾难性事件发生前提供信息的早期预警。
In the fisheries and aquaculture sector, this includes preparedness to respond rapidly and effectively if disasters occur, and early warning to provide information before potentially disastrous events occur.
美国代表团支持新西兰的妥协性提议;但对没有通过这些最高残留限量表示失望, 希望食典委根据对第 73
[...] 段中提及的中国提交的猪体内残留数 的快 速 评 估,在 2010 年 召开的下届会议上作出决定。
The Delegation of the United States of America supported the proposal of New Zealand in a spirit of compromise; however, they expressed their disappointment that the MRLs were not adopted and expected that the Commission would
take a decision at its next session in 2010
[...] in view of an expedited review of the [...]
residue data in pig submitted by China, as mentioned in paragraph 73.
(A/64/277)呼吁加大对可再生能源的投资,实现三个 目标:增加可再生能源在能源组合中的所占份额, 加强贫困国家和贫困家庭对现代一般性能源服务尤
[...] 其是可再生能源的获得,实现可再生能源成 的快 速降低,这将成为解决气候变化的自然和缺省之道。
The Secretary-General’s report on the promotion of new and renewable sources of energy (A/64/277) called for a major surge in investment in renewable energy, in pursuit of three goals: to increase the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix, to increase the access of poor countries and poor households to modern energy services in
general and renewable energy in particular,
[...] and to achieve a rapid reduction in the [...]
cost of renewable energy, such that it would
become the natural and default solution to climate change.
其中,下列因素可能導致實際結果與這些前瞻性聲明中所描述的結果存在實質性的差異:技 的快 速 變化或產品停產,潛在成本上漲,客戶訂單偏好的改變;半導體行業的激烈競爭以及隨之而來的價格下滑壓力,對產品的需求與接受程度相關的不確定因素;終端市場的不利條件;正在進行中或已計畫的發展或市場推廣和宣傳所帶來的影響,預測未來需求的困難性;預期訂單或積壓訂單無法實現的可能性;產品責任問題,以及現有或預計半導體行業出現其它未能預計的潛在業務和經濟情況或不利因素;保護專利及其它所有權的困難性和成本,客戶的產品認證事宜而引致產品停產或其它困難等。
The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to,
[...] such factors as rapidly changing technology [...]
and product obsolescence, potential
cost increases, variations in customer order preferences, weakness or competitive pricing environment of the marketplace, uncertain demand for and acceptance of the company's products, adverse circumstances in any of our end markets, results of in-process or planned development or marketing and promotional campaigns, difficulties foreseeing future demand, potential non-realization of expected orders or non-realization of backlog, product returns, product liability, and other potential unexpected business and economic conditions or adverse changes in current or expected industry conditions, difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights, inventory obsolescence and difficulties regarding customer qualification of products.
11月份的其他活动包括融入加麦兰音 的快 乐 生活 —— 儿童音乐剧场、自闭症儿的快乐色 彩艺术和手工艺展示 、儿童倾诉反暴力虐待心声的电视节目和难民儿童才艺表演秀。
Other initiatives in November include the Bites of Delights children's music theatre with gamelan music, the Happy Colours arts and crafts showcase by autistic children, a TV programme with children speaking out against bullying and a refugee children’s talent time.
居住着几亿人的黑海区域正经历着社会经济、人口和地球 物理等方的快速变 化,若不能有效利用空间技术特别是地球观测,便无法研 究和跟踪这一区域的环境变化。
The environmental changes in the Black Sea region, which is home to hundreds of millions of inhabitants and subject to rapid changes in all of its socio-economic, demographic and geophysical parameters, is impossible to study and follow without the effective use of space technology, especially Earth observation.
在 新 的 一 年 中,公 司 和 董 事 會 將 致 力 於 建 立 更 為 完 善 的 企 業 治 理 結 構,提 高 企 業 運 作 的 透 明 度,以 中 國'G市 場、 手 機、光 通 信 市的 快 速 發 展 以 及 國 際 通 信 市 場 的 持 續 增 長 為 契 機,創 造 良 好 業 績 回 報 股 東 和 社 會。
In the forthcoming year, the Board of Directors will continue to dedicate its efforts to improving the Company’s corporate governance structure and increasing operational transparency, delivering strong results to reward shareholders and the community on the back of rapid development of the home markets for 3G products, handsets and optical communications systems coupled with continued growth of the international market for communications products.




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