单词 | 当晚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 当晚 —that eveningless common: the same evening See also:晚 n—evening n • night n 晚 adj—late adj
当晚,西撒特派团官员说服他 们悄悄离开。 daccess-ods.un.org | MINURSO officials persuaded them to [...] leave quietly the same evening. daccess-ods.un.org |
撤回反对在反对方自定的日期生效,但这个日期 应 当晚 于 提出保留的国家或 国际组织收到撤回反对通知的日期。 daccess-ods.un.org | The withdrawal of an objection becomes [...] operative on the date set by its author [...] where that date is later than the date [...]on which the reserving State or international [...]organization received notification of it. daccess-ods.un.org |
公司董事长、总裁郑方博士接受了中央电视台记者的采访,该采访 在 当晚 8 : 00 CCTV 4频道播出。 d-ear.com | Dr. Thomas Fang Zheng, Chairman and CEO of d-Ear [...] Corporation, was interviewed by the China Central TV (CCTV) reporter, which was reported at [...] 8:00pm in CCTV Channel 4 that night. d-ear.com |
当晚还对 祖宾波托克、 兹韦钱和莱波扎维齐通往米特罗维察的道路进行了监测,以防止任何暴力死灰复 燃。 daccess-ods.un.org | The roads from Zubin Potok, Zvecan and Lepozavic towards Mitrovica were monitored during the night as well, to prevent any resurgence of violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们会在商品发出当晚将发货通知和跟踪信息通过电子邮件发送给您。 hk.ashford.com | We will send you an email with your shipment notification and [...] tracking information the evening your package is shipped. ashford.com |
当晚他还表演了一 场由各种消费品烟花组合成的 烟花秀,效果精彩令人难忘。 afsl.org | That night, he also staged a [...] show using a variety of consumer fireworks devices specially fused to provide an impressive [...]and exciting aerial show, demonstrating the versatility of consumer fireworks. afsl.org |
旅游局代表出席了是届博览会于17日举行的开幕典礼及欢迎晚宴,及于19日出席了「2013年TTG中国旅游大奖颁奖典礼」,澳门特区政府旅游局 于 当晚 的 颁 奖典礼上获颁“在华最佳旅游机构”。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | The MGTO representatives attended the inaugural ceremony and welcome dinner of the expo on April 17 as well as the [...] "TTG China Travel Awards 2013 [...] Ceremony" on April 19, an evening occasion when MGTO [...]was awarded the Best Tourism Organization in China. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
创新科技博物馆总裁Tim Ritchie激励当晚参加颁奖晚会的与会者要感悟未来,感悟我们解决问题的能力和创造不同凡响的能力。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Tech Museum of Innovation President Tim Ritchie [...] encouraged the night's attendees to [...]be inspired about the future, our capacity [...]to solve problems and to make a difference. tipschina.gov.cn |
(2) 1969 年《维也纳公约》第23条第3 款所载的规定,是在编纂工作准备文件 相当晚的阶段才列入《公约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | (2) The provision contained in article 23, paragraph 3, of the 1969 Vienna Convention was included only at a very late stage of the travaux préparatoires for the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
2006 年他曾被绑架了 3 天……我可以补充说,当晚 11 点 有人来告 诉我,‘我们对Usama的死表示遗憾,但我们请你不要在媒体露面,我们将追认 他为烈士。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2006, he was kidnapped for three days … I might add that, at 11 p.m., someone came and told me, ‘We regret Usama’s death but ask you not to appear in front of the media and we will consider him a martyr. daccess-ods.un.org |
著名的挪威厨师Ivar Breivik先生同威斯汀酒店总厨Thomas Rappl先生及其专业团队为当晚的300多位来宾们精心准备了一顿令人难忘的饕餮盛宴。 norway.org.cn | The spectacular seafood buffet was prepared by the renowned Norwegian Chef Mr. Ivar Breivik together with Chef Thomas Rappl of Westin and his team of professionals. norway.cn |
他的直觉完全正确,当晚他的五张彩票之一与大奖号码相吻合,使他领取了高达2.289亿美元的强力球彩票大奖。 thelotter.com | His hunch was [...] spot on as that night one of his five [...]tickets matched the jackpot, enabling him to claim the staggering $228.9 [...]million Powerball lottery jackpot. thelotter.com |
德高动量诚挚感谢当晚出席 的每一位客户,并且真心希望此次发布会将未来机场的发展趋势的重要信息带给大家。 samdecaux.com | SAMDecaux would like to thank all those [...] who attended the evening, and hope it was [...]an informative event of what could come to Shanghai airports! samdecaux.com |
事实上,学生们早上离开在杰斯特楼的寝室,等 到 当晚 返 回 时,他们的房间就已完全被置于消防水喷淋设施的保护之下。 cn.lubrizol.com | In fact, at Jester Hall the students left their rooms in the morning and were able to return to a room that was completely protected with fire sprinklers by that evening. lubrizol.com |
当晚,在 莱斯特广场举行的《迈阿密风云》伦敦欧洲首映礼上,迈克尔•曼则佩戴着另一枚江诗丹顿时计—— [...] 黑色表盘的Overseas纵横四海系列计时腕表走上红地毯,亦是他在出席洛杉机首映礼,与片中的女配角,英国女演员尼奥梅•哈里斯(Naomie Harris)进场时所选擇佩戴的腕表。 vacheron-constantin.com | For the evening, on the Leicester Square [...] red carpet for the London European Premiere of Miami Vice, Michael Mann was wearing [...]an another Vacheron Constantin timepiece: the Overseas black dial chronograph, the same as he was wearing on the red carpet of the Miami Vice Premiere in Los Angeles - Michael Mann had got Naomie Harris, British actress who plays a supporting role in Miami Vice, to go with him. vacheron-constantin.com |
新闻部制图股设计的当晚 的节 目、演讲和视觉标志反映了联合国日的主题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The theme was [...] reflected in the evening’s programme, speeches [...]and visual identity, designed by the Department’s Graphic Design Unit. daccess-ods.un.org |
当晚他们 来到申诉人家中要将其逮捕,但扑了个 空。 daccess-ods.un.org | That evening they went to the complainant’s [...] home to arrest him, but he was not there. daccess-ods.un.org |
当晚选择 充满个性的Protocole XXL镶钻玫瑰金腕表以及经典的伯爵Polo白金镶钻腕表,除了衬托出他的影视地位,亦成功做为他掌握典礼节奏的最佳伙伴。 piaget.com.cn | The Protocole XXL diamond paved rose gold watch and the classic Piaget Polo diamond paved white gold watch became his best pals of the significant event. piaget.com |
当晚,他做了一个梦,梦见那个老婆婆向他自我介绍说,她就是碧霞元君,很多年前她看到李白不好好学习,就变成老妇人教导他。 chinesestoryonline.com | At that night, he dreamed that [...] he saw the old woman again, who introduced herself as Bi Xia Yuan Jun, and told Li Bai that [...]many years ago, she saw him neglect his studies, so she turned into an old woman and taught him a lesson. chinesestoryonline.com |
当晚有来 自中国和亚洲各国的媒体、经销商和VIP,总计超过150多人。 oris.ch | The event was attended by more than 150 journalists, dealers and VIPs from China and other Asian countries along with Oris President, Ulrich Herzog and the Swiss General Consul Heinrich Schellenberg, all impressed of Nicholas’ professional and open minded attitude. oris.ch |
最终结果是,法律上的常住人口(包括人口普 查 当晚 托克 劳常住人口和人口普查当晚不在托克劳的常住人口)为 1 411 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The final results show a de jure population (comprising the [...] usually resident [...] population present in Tokelau on census night and the usually resident absentee subpopulation) [...]of 1,411. daccess-ods.un.org |
当晚,超过350名师生同台演出来自北美洲、欧洲、亚洲及南美洲等地音乐,让在场的观众十分陶醉。 ycis-bj.com | Over 350 performers of YCIS students and teachers gathered on one stage to play a three-part concert series that entranced audience members and transported them around the world with music selections from the North America, Europe, Asia, and South America. ycis-bj.com |
德国驻华大使施明贤博士与罗兰•贝格国际管理咨询公司大中国区总裁及执行合伙人常博逸先生作 为 当晚 盛 会 的主办方代表与到场的嘉宾们一起欣赏了音乐会和艺术展,并一同共进晚宴。 rolandberger.com.cn | H.E. Michael Schaefer, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in China and Roland Berger Greater China Managing [...] Partner, Charles-Edouard Bouee, enjoyed the concert and exhibitions with [...] guests, and then have dinner with them together. rolandberger.com.cn |
当晚,著 名环保人士苏珊与大卫•洛克菲勒与著名企业家任志强先生(阿拉善SEE生态协会重要发起人之一)及众多嘉宾亲临活动现场,共同观看由苏珊•洛克菲勒女士最新执导的《美人鱼的使命》(Mission [...] of Mermaids)纪录片,将艺术、文化、环境与人文精神完美交融,并深入探讨海洋酸化、过度捕捞以及海洋污染等环境问题,以启示并倡导公众参与到海洋生态保护的积极行动中。 girard-perregaux.com | Event panelists [...] Susan and David Rockefeller, together with [...]Chinese entrepreneur Mr. Ren Zhiqiang (one of the co-founders [...]of Alashan Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology) engaged in a roundtable discussion about the inter-connections between the arts, culture, the environment and the state of the human spirit, in an exchange of ideas on how to solve environmental issues such as ocean acidification, overfishing and pollution. girard-perregaux.com |
当晚由NTT Com Asia总裁兼行政总裁森林正彰先生接受奖项;森林先生表示:「NTT [...] Com Asia在中国业务及2.5G项目上的表现,以及以客为本之专业团队精神,有助中国电信巩固及扩展大中华客户群。 hknet.com | The performance of NTT Com [...] Asia in China market, the 2.5G project, and its customer-oriented approach, is helping China [...]Telecom to safeguard and expand its customer base in Greater China,” said Masaaki Moribayashi, President and CEO of NTT Com Asia, as he accepted the award. hknet.com |
当晚,晚宴上 除了转播李显龙总理的中、英语国庆献词,也将现场直播北京奥林匹克运动会的开幕盛况。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Beside the live telecasts of the Prime Minister's National Day Message in English followed by Chinese, the highlight of the dinner will be a special live telecast of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olymic Games. english.sccci.org.sg |
将在北京大学博雅大酒店举行由北京大学德国研究中心和德国图书信息中心联合举办的新年酒会,CHEERS也会在酒会现场并且 为 当晚 的 自 助餐提供了葡萄酒和汽泡酒。 cheers-wines.com | The New Year's Reception 2012 of The German Studies Center of Peking University (ZDS) and the German [...] Book Information Center of Frankfurt Book [...] Fair (BIZ) has taken place in the Lake [...]view Hotel in Beijing University. CHEERS [...]was there and sponsored wine and sparkling wine for the amazing buffet. cheers-wines.com |