单词 | 广义 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 广义 adjective —general adj广义 adverb —broadly speaking adv广义 —wide sense • generalization Examples:广义相对论—Einstein's theory of gravity • general relativity (词义)广泛的 adj—broad adj See also:义 n—meaning n • justice n • righteousness n
不过,教科文组织圣荷西办事 处至少以其任务领域中的具体投入在更 为 广义 的 领域(如减贫、经济发展)占领了一 席之地。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, UNESCO SJO has at least managed to position itself with concrete inputs from its fields of mandate under more general headlines (e.g. poverty reduction, economic development). unesdoc.unesco.org |
年龄是一个 例外,禁止年龄歧视仅限于教育系统的所有组成部分以 及 广义 的 工 作生涯。 daccess-ods.un.org | The exception to this is age, where the prohibition is limited to all parts of the education system and [...] working life in the broad sense of the term. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中包含六个支柱性质的基本教育部分 : 广义 上 的扫盲、民主和 人权教育、平等教育、可持续性教育、创造性教育以及健康和福利教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | It contains six fundamental pillars of [...] education; literacy in a broad sense, democracy and [...]human rights, equality, education for [...]sustainability, creativity and health and welfare. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认识到各国就广义的能 源问题开 展活动十分重要,应根据各国的具体挑战、能力和包括能源组合在内的国情确定 [...] 其优先地位。 sistemaambiente.net | We recognize that the activities [...] of countries in broader energy-related matters [...]are of great importance and are prioritized [...]according to their specific challenges, capacities and circumstances, including their energy mix. sistemaambiente.net |
最广义的教 育行动是教科文组织的职责所在,应当发挥推动各方面的作 用,因为既是教科文组织的一个主管领域,又是教科文组织其它主管领域的一种行动方式 [...] (如人力资源培训)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Action in the sphere of [...] education in the broadest sense was at the [...]very heart of UNESCO’s mission and should serve as a [...]mobilizing force, whether it involved education as a field of competence or education as a form of action (e.g. training of human resources) in UNESCO’s other domains. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(c) 在微观层面,即在最广义的被 剥夺自由者的个人拘留场所,其原因包 括基础设施和服务条件,从设施陈旧到完全不人道;人满为患;这些地方的工作 [...] 人员工作不稳定和生活条件差;有滥权倾向;普遍腐败和缺乏外部监督。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) At a micro level, i.e. in individual places of deprivation of [...] liberty in the broadest sense, the causes [...]include the condition of infrastructures [...]and services, which range from run-down to totally inhumane; overcrowding; the precarious employment and living conditions of the staff working in these places; the tendency to use authority arbitrarily; widespread corruption; and a lack of external oversight. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚还承诺提供 2 500 万美元,在太平洋地 区我们防治非传染性疾病工作现有的基础上再接再 厉,帮助太平洋岛屿国家处理这些问题,侧重于建设 [...] 有效干预和成本效益良好的预防战略证据库,并 且解 决影响健康的广义社会决定因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | Australia is also building on our existing work on NCDs in the Pacific with a $25 million commitment to help Pacific island countries tackle these problems, focused on building the evidence base for [...] effective interventions and cost-effective prevention strategies, and [...] addressing the wider social determinants [...]of health. daccess-ods.un.org |
绿色渔业及水产养殖要求在一个全 面的治理框架中认识该产业的广义社 会 作用。 fao.org | The greening of fisheries and aquaculture requires [...] recognition of their wider societal roles [...]within a comprehensive governance framework. fao.org |
其他国家也有立法提到对广 义臭氧消耗物质实施限制;这些常常涉及甲基溴的进口,而且可能要求特殊许可证(环 [...] 境部臭氧单位、农业部农药司或二者发放),甚至是官方监督。 multilateralfund.org | Other countries have legislation referring to restrictions [...] imposed to ODS in a broader sense; these often [...]make reference to imports of MB and may [...]require specific permits (from the Ministry of the Environment Ozone Unit, the Ministry of Agriculture Pesticides Division or both) and even official supervision. multilateralfund.org |
这些增长均直接涉及更好地提供解决 方案、技术和广义上的 知识产权,以解决发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家的具体需求。 wipo.int | All of these increases are directly related to making [...] solutions, technologies and intellectual [...] property, in the broad sense, more readily [...]available to address specific needs of [...]developing countries, most notably LDCs. wipo.int |
对于知识产权利益攸关者,这就意味着将冲突管理纳入商业流程(例如,开发新技 术)、合同实践和广义上的执法政策,所有这些都需要意识到争议解决的风险与机遇。 wipo.int | For IP stakeholders, this translates into a need to integrate conflict management into business processes (for example, the [...] development of new technologies), [...] contracting practices, and broader enforcement policies, [...]all of which require awareness of dispute [...]resolution risks and opportunities. wipo.int |
作为总结,特别报告员建议所有国家承认种族 主义存在于它们社会中,并建议各国采用种族主义、 [...] 种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为概念 的 广义 定义,以 采取合适的措施应对其众多表现形式。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, he recommended that all States should [...] acknowledge that racism existed in their society [...] and should adopt a broad understanding of [...]the concepts of racism, racial discrimination, [...]xenophobia and related intolerance in order to take appropriate measures to fight its manifold manifestations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样做不应当是为了使人感觉好一 些,而是因为它是实现广义和平与安全的必要条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | This should not be done as a feel-good exercise, but because it is essential for achieving peace [...] and security in the broadest sense. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,在涉及国家时,“机 关”一词须作广义的理 解,包括依照国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第 5 和第 8 条其行为须归于一国的那些实体和个人。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the term “organ”, with reference to a State, has to be understood in a wide sense, as comprising those entities and persons whose conduct is attributable to a State according to articles 5 and 8 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts. daccess-ods.un.org |
更广义而言 ,设立该奖项是为了促进职业生活中的男女机会平等,并宣传 [...] 在科学技术部门的模范经历。 daccess-ods.un.org | More broadly, it is necessary [...] to promote equality of opportunity between women and men in employment and to recognize achievements [...]in the scientific and technical fields. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府间气候变化专门委员 会提出适应的广义定义,以 提供一个起点,其定 义为:在自然或人类系统中由于实际的或预期的 [...] 气候刺激或其影响而做出调整,以求趋利避害。 undpcc.org | The IPCC offers a starting [...] point by providing a broad definition of adaptation: [...]adjustment in natural or human systems to [...]actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. undpcc.org |
激光干涉仪空间天线(LISA)飞行任务是欧空局科学方案的一部分,旨在直 接探测广义相对论所预测频率在陆地干涉仪覆盖范围以外的引力波。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Pathfinder (LISA) mission is part of the ESA science programme and is aimed at directly [...] detecting the gravitational waves predicted by [...] the theory of general relativity at [...]frequencies not covered by terrestrial interferometers. oosa.unvienna.org |
即使假设对“处于非其本国之冲突之一方或占领国手中之人” 做 广义 解 释 , 把所述外国人群包括在内,也可以看到上述外国人群不在公约的“被保护人”的 定义之内,因为他们可能由于采取武装敌对活动破坏驱逐国(这里为当事人的居 留国)的安全被视为“战斗人员”。 daccess-ods.un.org | And even assuming that a broad interpretation of the words “those (...) in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals” allows the inclusion in their number of the group of aliens in question, it will be noted that the said group of aliens would not come under the definition of “protected persons” within the meaning of the Convention in so far as they may be assimilated to “combatants” by virtue of their hostile armed activities that endanger the security of the expelling State, which is in this case the State of residence of the persons concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
年轻人,尤其是刚毕业的年轻 人难以进入劳动市场:无论是在城市还是农村,失 业 ( 广义 上的 62%)和就业不足 (75.8 %)目前已经达到了令人担忧的程度。 daccess-ods.un.org | Generally speaking, young persons and diploma holders find it difficult to integrate into the job market with dignity, as unemployment and underemployment in the urban and rural areas are soaring (to 62 and 75.8 per cent, respectively). daccess-ods.un.org |
这就突出说明必须相应调整国内立法,并建立特殊程序, 以使个人有效获得违反国际人道主义法赔偿,或 更 广义 地 说 ,获得因武装冲突局势 而遭受伤害和损失的赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | This highlights the importance of adapting national legislation and establishing special procedures to give individuals effective access to [...] reparation for violations of [...] international humanitarian law or, more broadly, for harm and [...]losses suffered in relation to a situation of armed conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
评注认为,应对交流义务进行广义解 释 ,并明确指出应要求交流信息的义务不受 第 1 条(涉及的人)或第 2 条(涉及的税种)范围的限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the commentary, the exchange [...] obligation should be interpreted broadly and it is explicitly [...]stated that the obligation to exchange information [...]upon request is not restricted by the scope of articles 1 (Persons covered) or 2 (Taxes covered). daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,危机造成财产损失几乎是广义 的 选 项获得了特殊的内涵策略的可能性对冲投资组合的股票的回报率,可以实现在几个方面,同方股份上升,低,甚至是“杯酒人生”。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | However, the crisis which then caused property losses almost generalized gained special connotation strategies with options, the possibility of hedging the portfolio of shares and the rates of return that can be achieved in several ways, with the shares rising, low or even "sideways". en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
正如关于透明度规则范围的第 1 条 [...] 第(1)款下的评述中所提及的,公约草案的措词澄清“为投资提供保护的条约” 一语应作广义理解 ,包括自由贸易协定、双边和多边投资条约,只要其中含有关 [...] 于保护投资人及其诉诸投资人与国家间仲裁的权利的规定的话(A/CN.9/WG.II/ WP.166,第 22 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As mentioned in a remark under article 1, paragraph (1) on the scope of the rules on transparency, the wording of draft convention clarifies that the term “a treaty providing for [...] the protection of investments” should [...] be understood in a broad sense, including free [...]trade agreements, bilateral and multilateral [...]investment treaties, so long as they contain provisions on the protection of an investor and its right to resort to investor-State arbitration (A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.166, para. 22). daccess-ods.un.org |
这些优先事项属于国际一级确定的更 广义 的 发展目 标范畴,今后五年予以考虑,对实现十年目标而言具 有决定性的意义。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those priorities were part of the more general framework of the development objectives set at the international level and addressing them during the next five years would be a determining factor in the attainment of the objectives of the Decade. daccess-ods.un.org |
最新公布的经济数据显示,2012年末, 广义 货 币 (M2)余 额 15 .4 3万亿 美 金 (97.42万亿元人民币),同比增长13.8%,货币供给量已经接近百万亿元的高 [...] 位 水 平 ;狭 义 货 币 ( M1)余额4.89万亿美金(30.87万亿元人民币),同比增长 [...] 6.5%,比2012年二季度的同比增长率高出1.8个百分点,显示出实体经济资金 活跃度的提升。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The latest economic data shows that at [...] the end of 2012, the broad money (M2) balance [...]was $15.43 trillion (CNY97.42 trillion, [...]a year-on-year increase of 13.8%), and money supply already approaching the $100 trillion threshold; the narrow money (M1) balance was of $4.89 trillion (CNY30.87 trillion, a year-on-year growth of 6.5%), 1.8 percentage points higher than the year-on-year growth rate in the second quarter of 2012, indicating that real economic funds are picking up. imgpublic.artprice.com |
因此,即便一部分受歧视者事实上并没有 残疾,也会存在一定的“对残疾人的歧视行为”:这样,就使得“歧视行为”成为一 个广义的概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | It may therefore be inferred that discrimination on the basis of disability may exist where the victim does not in fact have any disability; the prohibition thus embraces discrimination by association. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,如果议题是广义上的外层空间活动的长期可持续性,如外 层空间活动长期可持续性工作组的职权范围(A/66/20,附件二)第 [...] 14(a)段所 示,那么,教科文组织可以做出重要贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, if the topic is the long-term sustainability of outer [...] space activities in a broader sense, as is indicated [...]in paragraph 14 (a) of the terms of [...]reference of the Working Group on the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities (A/66/20, annex II), then UNESCO can make significant contributions. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,运用非第 5 [...] 条国家加工剂用途总量行业研究的广义 估计数,即 7,700 ODP 吨,以及表 [...] B 中所显示的 4.9%的排放损失平均百分比,非第 5 条 国家 2006-2008 年源自加工剂用途的损失总量平均大约为 377 ODP 吨。 multilateralfund.org | However using the broad estimate in the [...] industry study of the total of process agent uses in non-Article 5 countries, namely [...]7,700 ODP tonnes, and the average percentage emissions loss of 4.9 per cent indicated in Table B, total losses from process agent uses in non-Article 5 countries averaged for the years 2006-2008 would be some 377 ODP tonnes. multilateralfund.org |
因此本站的理解除了单单对办公流程进行管理外,文件的制作以及其他的管理软件也应包含在办公自动化OA软件这个大家庭之中,那么对OA的学习应该 从 广义 上 进 行认识,从文件制作、流转、管理,以及人员的管理等等进行学习。 oapdf.com | Therefore the understanding of this site alone, in addition to office management processes, document production, as well as other management software should also be included in the Office Automation OA software in [...] the family, then learning of OA should [...] be conducted on a broad understanding of [...]the document production, circulation, management, [...]personnel management, as well as learning. oapdf.com |
后者在《刑法》中没有定义,但各法院做了 广义上的解释,被理解为包括金钱、价值不分大小的任何物体、一项权利或未 付报酬的一项服务,或者促使或可能使收受者对给予者产生责任感的其他交换 物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The latter, [...] although not defined in the CC, is interpreted in a broad manner by the courts [...]and is understood to comprise [...]money, any item regardless of its value, a right or a service provided without recompense or other quid pro quo, which creates or may create a sense of obligation on the side of the recipient towards the giver. daccess-ods.un.org |