

单词 帝國主义

See also:

帝国 n

Empire n
empires pl





External sources (not reviewed)

國際租界的市議會,亦成帝國主義 欺 壓中 國的標誌。
The Municipal Council of the International Settlement in Shanghai became
[...] the symbol of imperialistic oppression against China.
1895 年,腐敗的 滿 清政府 簽 訂了《馬關條約 》, 讓 日帝 國主義 佔 了 台灣。
In 1895, the corrupt Manchurian Government executed the Shimonoseki Treaty under which the Japanese Imperial Government occupied Taiwan.
今年同時是五四運動90周年,當年由學生發起的 帝國主 義 運 動高 舉德先生、賽先生救國。
This year also marks the 90th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, which was initiated by
[...] students to fight against imperialism.
[...] 巴勒斯坦的情形不是宗教冲突,而是有着殖民 帝 国 主义 印 记 的政治冲突;这不 是一个由来已久而是近代才有的冲突;这一冲突不是源于中东,而是源于欧洲。
Now then: contrary to what Israel and the United States are trying to make the world believe through transnational media outlets, what happened and is still happening in Palestine — in Said’s words — is not a
religious conflict but a political one, with
[...] a colonial and imperialist stamp; it is not [...]
an age-old conflict, but a contemporary
one; this conflict did not begin in the Middle East but in Europe.
b. 與 此 同 時 , 俄
[...] 國 在 巴 爾 幹 鼓 足 泛 斯 拉主 義 , 而 鄂 鄂 圖帝 國 繼 續 迅 速 衰 落 , 1875 年 , 叛 [...]
亂 首 先 在 黑 塞 哥 維 那 暴 發 , 接 著 蔓 延 至 波 斯
尼 亞 、 塞 爾 維 亞 、 門 特 哥 尼 羅 及 保 加 利 亞 。
b. Meanwhile, Russia encouraged Pan-Slavism in
[...] the Balkans while the Turkish Empire continued to decline rapidly, [...]
revolts broke out first in
Herzegovina, then in Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria in 1875.
诱发不稳定的潜在因素包括:在这些省持续存在人 主义 危 机 以及 保护平民方面的挑战;卢主力量、 上 帝 抵 抗军以及残余刚果武装团体继续存在, 他们仍有军事能力给平民和国家机构以及在更广泛的次区域内制造普遍的不安 全状况;在 3 个省的大部分地区,缺乏有效的国家权力;在联刚特派团缩编的过 程中,如果国家法治和安全机构没有及时部署到战略地区,有可能产生安全真空; [...]
执行《3 月 23 日协定》不彻底;随着境内流离失所者和难民回返,可能重新爆发
The potential triggers of instability include the
[...] continuing critical humanitarian crisis and challenges related to the protection of civilians in those provinces; the continued presence of FDLR, LRA and residual Congolese [...]
armed groups that
still have a military capacity to cause widespread insecurity for the civilian population and State institutions, as well as more broadly in the subregion; the absence of effective State authority in most areas in the three provinces; a security vacuum that may be created if national rule of law and security institutions are not deployed to strategic areas in a timely manner as MONUC draws down; the incomplete implementation of the Agreements of March 23; the possible resurgence of land and other intercommunal conflicts as internally displaced persons and refugees return; the cross-border movement of undocumented persons; and the continuing illegal exploitation of natural resources.
美国政府应该立即解散其在波多黎各岛上的军 事﹑法律和政治机构,释放所有政治犯,将权力移 交给波多黎各人民,而不是进一步通 帝 国 主义立 法
Rather than adopt further imperialist legislation, the United States Government should dismantle its military, legal and political machinery in the island, free all political prisoners, and transfer authority to the people of Puerto Rico.
在东方省和南北基伍,在 2 360 个举报侵害儿童的案例中,447 宗已查明属
安全部队和武装团体所为;有 38 个据称是刚果民主共和国武装力量犯下的案件, 30 个案件由国民警察经手,有 379
[...] 个案件是几个马伊马伊团体、解放卢旺达民主 力量、伊图里爱国抵抗阵线、民 主义 与 融 合 主义 者 阵 线、 帝 抵 抗 军和身份不 明的制服人员一手犯下的。
In Oriental province and the Kivus, of 2,360 cases that were reported to have been committed against children, 447 have been attributed to security forces and armed groups, 38 cases were allegedly committed by FARDC, 30 by the National Police and 379 by several
Mai-Mai groups, FDLR, FRPI, the Front
[...] nationaliste et intégrationnaliste (FNI), LRA and non-identified people in uniform.
一再企图评判和诋毁南方国家的人 民,处心积虑地过度强调公民权利和政治权利,只会
[...] 巩固强国的经济统治以及文化和意识形态的同质化, 大众媒体的垄断统治、对于国际机构的操纵 帝 国主 义侵略战争在一旁推波助澜。
The repeated desire to judge and stigmatize Southern peoples, with a disproportionate and contrived emphasis on civil and political rights only sought to consolidate the powerful countries’ economic domination and cultural and ideological homogenization, facilitated by the
monopolistic domination of the mass media, the manipulation of international
[...] agencies and the imperialist wars of occupation.
容許資本家或外國資本家或外國 帝國主 義 剝 奪廣大勞 動人民的血汗。
The Party allowed capitalists, foreign capitalists or foreign imperialists to exploit the broad masses of the working class.
這 個 看 法 的 問 題 在 於 ﹐ 歷 史 上 的 沒 有 足 夠 的 證 據 支 持 之 ﹐ 而 這 個 看 法 亦 不 能 解 釋 資 本 主 義 出 現 以 前 和 共 產 主 義 之 下 出 現帝 國 主 義 。
The weakness in that view is that historical evidence does not support it and that it fails to explain precapitalist imperialism and Communist imperialism.
帝国主义误导公众舆论,宣称该集团的军事挑衅为“合法炮击行为”,目 的是使双方之间的军事冲突成为既成事实,并使驻南朝鲜的美国侵略军能够随时 [...]
The United States imperialists misled public [...]
opinion by advertising the military provocation of the group as a “legitimate
shelling exercise” in a bid to make the military conflict between the two sides a fait accompli and get the United States aggression forces in south Korea fully ready to involve themselves in it.
这些儿童是从下 列团体逃脱或被释放的:解放卢旺达民主力量(卢民主力量)(29%)、刚果民主共
[...] 其他马伊-马伊派别(15%)、伊图里爱国抵抗力量(抵抗力量)/刚果人民正义阵线 (正义阵线)(13%)、帝抵抗(上帝军)(3%),以及 主 同 盟 军/解放乌干达民族 军(乌民族军)、联邦共和国部队、全国保卫人民大会未整编部队和国家警察(1%)。
These children were released or escaped from the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) (29 per cent); FARDC (21 per cent); the Coalition des patriotes résistants congolais (PARECO)-Mai-Mai (18 per cent); remaining Mai-Mai factions (15 per cent); Forces de résistance patriotique en Ituri/Front populaire
pour la justice au
[...] Congo (FRPI/FPJC) (13 per cent); the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) (3 per cent); and the Allied [...]
Democratic Forces (ADF)/National
Army for the Liberation of Uganda (NALU), the Forces républicaines fédéralistes (FRF), non-integrated elements of CNDP and the national police (1 per cent).
之后,帝国主义派遣 10 000 多名帝国主义侵略军、一个核动力航母舰 队以及 150 多架战斗机到日本冲绳附近水域,与日本“自卫队”的 34 000 名军 人、40 艘军舰和 250 架飞机协作开展了最大规模的联合军事演习,他们甚至还邀 请南朝鲜傀儡部队作为“观察员”参加演习。
In succession they sent more than 10,000 troops of the United States imperialist aggression forces, a nuclear carrier flotilla and over 150 fighters to the waters off Okinawa in Japan to stage the largest-ever joint military exercises in coordinated operations with 34,000 troops of the “Self-Defence Forces” of Japan, 40 warships and 250 planes.
[...] 一句,“人的安全”概念有可能被用来作为借口,在 那些对占主导地位的资主义和帝国 主义 模 式 持异 议的国家采取干预措施。
In that regard, we caution that the notion of human security could be used to justify and
carry out interventionist measures in countries that disagree with the
[...] dominant paradigms of capitalism and imperialism.
与此同时,帝国主义邀请 南朝鲜和日本的高级仆从前往华盛顿举行会谈, 讨论针对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国开展“联合反击”并“紧密合作”。
Timing to coincide with this, they invited top-class [...]
servants of south Korea and Japan to Washington for a confab to discuss
“a joint counteraction” against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and “close cooperation”.
在 1952年,聯邦憲法法院在禁制德國社 主 義 帝國 黨 的 裁決 中,載述“民主原則” 為 “政黨的組織架構必須由下而上;亦即是,黨 員必須有權參與決策過程,而且必須保證黨員基本上一律平等,以及 [...]
FCC, in its ruling banning
[...] the Socialist Reich Party in 1952, explained "democratic principles" [...]
as "a party must be structured
from the bottom up; that is, members must not be excluded from decision-making processes, and the basic equality of members as well as the freedom to join or to leave [the party] must be guaranteed.
与此同时帝国主义强权 的 安全机构常常保卫、保护和资助国家或国际主要毒枭 以及恐怖和犯罪网络,以便推动它们针对颠覆主权国 家的作为。
Meanwhile, the
[...] security agencies of imperialist Powers often defend, protect and finance major national or [...]
international drug barons
and terrorist and criminal networks in order to promote their subversive agendas against sovereign nations.
國際因素 – 世界性發展及週遭環境的影響 世界性發展及週遭環境的影響
[...] 世界性發展及週遭環境的影響 世界性發展及週遭環境的影響 在明治時代,舉國也要在西帝國主 義 強 權之中取得一席大國地位,日本一直也對國際事務 甚為敏感,它的國內發展是深深的受到外來因素所影響的。
Her internal developments were greatly affected by external factors.
歐 洲 各 國 和 美 國帝 國 主 義 者帝 國 主 義 是 完 全 必 須 的 ﹐ 因 為 資 金 大 量 積 存 ﹐國 內 又 沒 有 高 利 潤 的 投 資 場 所 可 供 利 用 ﹐這 樣 殖 民 地 便 可 作 為 一 個 理 想 的 投 資 場 所 。
Imperialists in European countries as well as the USA justified imperialism as a necessity, for large savings of capital were made which could not find profitable use in the motherland, and colonies were required as fields of investment.
因此,只 有推帝國主義和 封建勢力,中國真正走向獨立、自由和富強,不斷 促進經濟、社會發展,培育好適合現代民主政制發展的土壤,才能逐 漸在中國神州大地上發展出自己的民主政治,使國家走向富強、民主 和文明。
Only with incessant promotion of economic and social development can we have the proper soil for the development of a modern democratic system in China. Only in this way can we gradually develop our own democratic politics in China, enabling the country to be rich and powerful, democratic and civilized.
日本人在 1931 年以後在中國帝國主義侵略提升了軍人的聲譽及加強了其在日本的勢 力。
Imperialist aggression committed by the [...]
Japanese in China from 1931 onwards raised the military’s reputation and strengthened its power in Japan.
[...] 悲惨后果,只要取消新自由主义及其跨国公司的贪婪 胃口和导致贫困增加帝国主义和殖 民主义政策并 结束世界经济、政治和社会的不平等就足够了。
If we truly want to reduce or combat the tragic consequences of cross-border illicit flows, it would suffice to put an end to the voracious appetite
of neoliberalism, its transnational
[...] companies and the imperialist and colonialist [...]
policies that give rise to poverty, and
to stop economic, political and social inequalities in the world.
但仲裁员认为,仅凭美国领事给本国政府的 电报中关于申诉人帝国主义当局 雇用的确认或声明,似不构成申诉人 帝 国主 义当局 雇用的足够证据,也不构成驱逐他的充足理由”。
Its mere assertion, however, or that of the United States consul in a dispatch to his government, that the claimant was employed by the imperialist authorities does not appear to the umpire to be sufficient proof that he was so employed or sufficient ground for his expulsion.
北约对一个没有采取任何战争行为的国家的单方面非法军事侵略,构成令人 遗憾的先例,可帝国主义随意 拿来对付任何企图改变其统治政策的南方国家。
The unilateral and illegal military aggression of NATO against a country which did not carry out a single act of war sets
an unfortunate precedent
[...] which could be used at the convenience of the empire against any nation [...]
of the South that gets in
the way of its policy of domination.
这一界限是帝国主义侵略军总司令克拉克为表现美国的伪善,单边划定的 “阻止前往北方的最终界限”和“限制船只前往北方的界限”。
The line is the “final line for blocking the way to the north” and the “limit line for banning the sailing of boats to the north” unilaterally drawn by Clark, commander of the United States imperialist aggression forces, to meet the United States self-righteous interests.
David Thomson評 論 說 ﹐ 塞 爾 維 亞 是 下 述 三 大
[...] 矛 盾 的 焦 點 ﹕ 王帝 國 主 義 和 叛 亂 性 的 民 族 [...]
主 義 的 矛 盾 ﹔ 泛 斯 拉 夫 主 義 和 泛 日 耳 曼 主 義 的 矛 盾
﹔ 三 國 同 盟 和 三 國 協 約 之 間 的 矛 盾 。
As commented by David Thomson, Serbia was the
focal point of a triple conflict: that
[...] between dynastic imperialism and insurgent [...]
nationalism; that between Pan-Slavism and
Pan-Germanism, and that between Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.
馬 克 斯 主 義 的 理 論 家帝 國 主 義 看 成 是 資 本 主 義 的 [...]
後 期 階 段 ﹐ 特 點 是 國 家 的 資 本 主 義 經 濟 已 變 為 壟 斷 ﹐ 因 而 被 迫 為 其 過 剩 的 生 產 和 資 金 找
尋 出 路 ﹐ 以 便 與 其 他 資 本 主 義 國 家 競 爭 。
Marxist theoreticians interpret imperialism as a late stage [...]
of capitalism when the national capitalist economy has become
monopolistic and is forced to conquer outlets for its overproduction and surplus capital in competition with other capitalist states.
主席,我之所以不厭 其 煩 與 各 位 重 溫 一 點 台灣史 , 只 想 說 明 在 歷 史 上 , 台灣人 民與大陸人民 共 同 遭帝 國主義 蹂躪之 苦 , 台灣人 民 從 來 沒 有 與大陸 人 民 割 斷 , 他 們都有對抗 侵 略 者 的 鬥 爭 的光榮傳 統 。
Madam President, I have taken the
trouble to review the
[...] history of Taiwan with Members because I want to illustrate that historically, Taiwanese people and mainlanders were oppressed by imperialism, Taiwanese people [...]
had never alienated
themselves from mainlanders and they had the glorious tradition of fighting against invaders.




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