单词 | 巨头 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 巨头 noun —giant n巨头 —tycoon • big shot • big player (including company, country, school etc) See also:巨 adj—enormous • huge adj 巨—tremendous • gigantic • very large
关于谁有援引豁免权的责任的问题,有些委员同意特别报告员的说法,即 就三巨头而言 ,行使管辖权的国家自己必须考虑豁免权问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the issue who has the burden of invoking immunity, some members agreed [...] with the Special Rapporteur that in respect [...] of the troika, the State exercising [...]jurisdiction must itself consider the question of immunity. daccess-ods.un.org |
挪威风险管理巨头DNV公 司从2005年以来一直为吉林省延边地区供水与饮水卫生项目提供支持。 norway.org.cn | Norwegian [...] risk management magnate DNV has continuously [...]supported water and sanitation projects in the Yanbian area of the Jilin Province since 2005. norway.cn |
他的所有设计都秉承了简洁独特的现代设计美学,使其将这一典型的美国品牌变为世界知名的时 尚 巨头。 hk.ashford.com | All of his designs bear his distinct modern and clean aesthetic that has turned this quintessential American brand into a world [...] renowned fashion behemoth. ashford.com |
但考虑到在开 [...] 发和运营石油行业上的巨额投资,南北苏丹对于中 国国有石油巨头中国 石油天然气集团公司 (CNPC )仍然重要,也因此成为中国政府的焦 点。 crisisgroup.org | But given the considerable investment in developing and operating the oil sector, the Sudans [...] remain important for China National Petroleum Company (CNPC), the [...] state-owned oil giant, and thus a focus [...]for the government. crisisgroup.org |
零售业 巨头 Heiß在全港拥有七家商场,经营自主设计的商品和日韩 [...] 知名品牌,受到引领时尚人士的特别垂青。 igel.com | And, with seven stores throughout the city, the [...] fashion retail giant Heiß, which sells [...]self-designed products and famous Korean [...]and Japanese brands, is a must visit for those who want to stay ahead of trends. igel.com |
捷豹路虎也急需提升其在全球增长最快的豪华车市场上的地位,在这个市场上,德国大型汽车公司已成立好,而且美 国 巨头 福 特 (NYSE: F)和通用(NYSE: GM)也在规划新举措。 youngchinabiz.com | Jaguar also desperately wants to boost its presence in the world’s fastest growing luxury car market, where [...] the big German names are already well [...] established and US giants Ford (NYSE: F) [...]and GM (NYSE: GM) are also planning new initiatives. youngchinabiz.com |
韩国钢铁巨头浦项宣布,其贸易子公司Daewoo International将为新加坡石油天然气业服务供应商Swire [...] Pacific Offshore (OSV)讲一个价值2000万美元的近海供应船。 steelorbis.cn | South Korean steel giant POSCO has announced [...] that its trading house subsidiary Daewoo International will build a $20 million [...]offshore supply vessel for Swire Pacific Offshore (OSV), a Singapore-based service provider to the offshore oil and gas industry. steelorbis.com |
在这方面,有些委员表示怀疑的是:在不 援引一名官员的属事豁免或者除三 巨头 以 外 的官员的属人豁免之后,在诉讼阶段 的程序中还可以援引豁免。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, some members doubted that following the non-invocation of immunity ratione materiae of an official or immunity ratione personae of an official other than the troika, immunity may be invoked when the proceedings were in the appeal stage. daccess-ods.un.org |
英文报道)美国汽车巨头通用 汽车(NYSE: GM)刚宣布类似计划称欲在华生产其豪华车品牌凯迪拉克之后仅仅一周尼桑就宣布了它的这一计划。 youngchinabiz.com | (English article) Nissan’s plan comes just a [...] week after US auto giant General Motors [...](NYSE: GM) announced a similar plan to produce [...]its own luxury Cadillac brand in China. youngchinabiz.com |
但中国已经在苏丹石油产业发展和运营上投 [...] 入巨资,使得南北苏丹在中短期内对于中国及其国 有石油巨头—— 中国石油天然气集团公司来说仍然 [...]非常重要。 crisisgroup.org | But the considerable investments that have been made in developing and operating the oil [...] sector mean that the Sudans will remain important for China and its [...] state-owned oil giant, CNPC, in the [...]short to medium term. crisisgroup.org |
第三,除了三巨头以外 的官员也有可能享受属人豁免权,在这种情况下,援 [...] 引豁免的责任也在要援引豁免的官员的所属国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirdly, there was also the possibility [...] of an official who enjoyed immunity ratione personae other than the troika, in which [...]case the burden of invoking immunity also lay with the State of the official in relation to whom immunity was invoked. daccess-ods.un.org |
上个世纪90年代初期,法国大型的零售 业巨 头,比 如家乐福、欧尚, 吉安和勒克莱克已经 在波兰开始营业,满足波兰人民快速增长的 物质需求。 paiz.gov.pl | From the beginning of the 90´s big French retail groups as Carrefour, Auchan, Géant and E.Leclerc had already started trading in Poland with big hypermarkets to meet the significant demands of the population’s quickly growing market. paiz.gov.pl |
罗什福尔是该网站的船舶工业和拉罗谢尔是一个法国海军基地,而法国主要行业的一个座位 - 城外是法国工程巨头阿尔斯通(Alstom)的TGV在巴黎和其他地铁,汽车制造工厂。 leapfrog-properties.com | Rochefort is the site of shipbulding and a French naval base while La Rochelle is a seat of major French industry - Just [...] outside the city is a factory for the [...] French engineering giant Alstom, where the [...]TGV, the cars for the Paris and other metros are manufactured. leapfrog-properties.com |
出现的问题包括:互联网利用 [...] 模式(例如单一供应商控制的社交网络的规模)如何影响个人的人权和隐私;某些政府与互 联网巨头之间有直接关系,特别是这些关系危及正当法律程序的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Issues include how patterns of Internet use (e.g. the size of social networks controlled by single providers) are impacting on individuals’ human rights and privacy, and [...] the direct relationships between some [...] governments and Internet giants, particularly if [...]these undermine due legal process. unesdoc.unesco.org |
GS1理事会成员主要是全球零售业和快速消费品制造业中具实力和代表性的大型企业的总裁、首席信息官等高级管理层,以及GS1各大洲的代表国分组织总裁,其中包括Walmart的首席信息官Linda [...] Dillman、家乐福总裁Jose Luis Duran、麦德隆首席信息官Zygmunt [...] Mierdorf、三星TESCO总裁Seung-Han Lee等商界巨头,理 事会主席由著名跨国食品制造商J.M. [...]Smucker 总裁Timothy Smucker担任。 lhok.com.cn | GS1’s council members are mainly the presidents and chief information officers (CIO) of the most competitive and representative global retailers and fast moving product manufacturers, and together with division president of GS1 from different continent that included Linda Dillman, CIO of [...] Walmart, Jose Luis Duran, President [...] of Carrefour, Zygmunt Mierdorf, CIO of Metro, Seung-Han [...]Lee, President of Samsung TESCO, [...]etc. The Council Chairman is Timothy Smucker, the President of J.M. Smucker, the renowned multinational food manufacturer. lhok.com.cn |
像谷歌这样一个企业巨头在应 对盗版的问题上反 应如此迟缓真是有些难以理解。 ifpi.org | it seems incomprehensible that a company with as much corporate genius as Google can appear so clunky when it comes to doing something about piracy. ifpi.org |
10 月 16 日与欧洲联盟三巨头在巴 黎的会面,使他们能 够针对共同利益、特别是人权的主题,进行一次全 面和公开的对话,以获得具体结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its meeting with the European Union Troika in Paris on 16 October should facilitate the resumption of an open, global dialogue on mutual areas of interest, particularly human rights, in order to obtain concrete results. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然离正式签署还有一段时间,但是Split Works与它的加拿大合作伙伴Fantan集团非常高兴的宣布,全球手 机 巨头 B l a ck berry将成为第四届中国创新行业的重要会议传递中国的首席赞助商。 spla-t.com | It has been a while in coming, but Split Works and their Canadian partners Fantan Group are super excited to announce that the fourth edition of their trailblazing China based Creative Industries conference will be presented in 2011 by global powerhouse Blackberry. spla-t.com |
公司开发的图形处理器巨头的NV IDIA ®,双核心的Tegra 2上系统级芯片中发现的LG擎天柱2倍运行在1GHz的时钟速度,拥有用于播放视频和音频低功耗和高性能。 technologeeko.com | Developed by graphics processor powerhouse NVIDIA ®, the dual-core Tegra 2 system-on-a-chip found in the LG Optimus 2X runs at a clock speed of 1GHz and boasts low power consumption and high performance for playing video and audio. technologeeko.com |
丰田、大众和沃尔沃等汽车业巨头都 在 这个地区设有生产厂 房,与此同时,波兰国内外的公司组成了面向本地及周边汽 [...] 车产业的庞大分包商及供应商网络。 paiz.gov.pl | Auto giants Toyota, Volkswagen and [...] Volvo all have production plants in the region, while other foreign and Polish firms [...]form a wide network of sub-contractors and suppliers both for the local and neighboring automotive industries. paiz.gov.pl |
照明行业巨头—— 欧司朗来势汹汹,上海宏源只能耗费大量精力斡旋于知识产权的纠纷,高速成长、势在必得的发展脚步也不得不因此而放慢,很多投资建设性的工作都不得不暂时停止,知识产权的纠纷将宏源发展的步子桎梏了整整长达六年的时间。 cn.lvd.cc | Facing that fierce situation with OSRAM, the tycoon of lighting industry, Shanghai Hongyuan had to pay a lot of attention to handle it. en.lvd.cc |
本次对话的首要议题是扩展能源领域合作,在诸如西门子和RWE等工 业 巨头 之 外 ,以宝华集团为代表的大型家族企业亦将积极参与这一领域的合作。 bauergroup.com | The talks focussed on developing the [...] collaboration within the energy sector – where, [...] besides industry giants such as Siemens [...]and RWE, also large family businesses such [...]as BAUER will be getting involved. bauergroup.com |
土耳其政府圈对美国的担忧并不认同,在他们看来,美国石 油 巨头 埃 克 森和雪佛龙与KRG的交易证明,美国更关心的是其在伊拉克北部的利益,而不是它所宣称的伊拉克的稳定。 project-syndicate.org | America’s fears are not shared in [...] Turkish government circles, where the deals [...] between the US oil giants Exxon and Chevron [...]and the KRG are seen as proof that America [...]is more concerned about its share of the pie in northern Iraq than it is about alleged threats to that country’s stability. project-syndicate.org |
该研究具有国际意义,吸引了美国重要政府机构以及诸如IBM之类全 球 巨头 的 资 金。 australiachina.com.au | The work is of such international significance that it has attracted funding from key US government agencies [...] as well as global giants such as IBM. australiachina.com.au |
历时13天的国际集成电路研讨会暨展览会(IIC-China),终于完满结束,虽然半导体产业在2008年饱受全球金融危机的冲击,但作为中国最具影响力的系统设计与高端元器件采购盛会,仍吸引了多达360家国际半导 体 巨头 及 中 国本土厂商在700多个展位上展示他们的最新产品。 cytech.com | Although the semiconductor industry is suffering from the global financial crisis in 2008, but as China's most influential and high-end system design element device procurement event, IIC China [...] still attracted as many as 360 [...] international semiconductor giants and Chinese domestic [...]manufacturers to display their latest [...]products at more than 700 booths. cytech.com |
国际能源服务巨头Wood Group PSN,在澳大利亚西北地区,为当地一家石油天然气公司启动维护服务项目,需要引进一套能与其现有计算机体系兼容的维护管理软件系统。 softsolsgroup.com.cn | When international energy services company Wood Group PSN commenced a maintenance services contract for a gas production facility in north west Australia, the company required a Computerised Maintenance Management System that would be compatible with existing systems. softsolsgroup.com |
2012 年 2 月 Tullow 公司将 其持有的 Albert 湖盆地三分之二的股权 [...] 出售给中国海洋石油公司(CNOOC)和 法国能源巨头 Total 公司后,我们现在正 紧密地与乌干达政府及其新合作伙伴就 [...]该盆地范围的开发计划展开合作,使之 [...]具有每天能够生产 200,000 桶以上石油的 潜能。 lamor.com | Following the farm-down of two-thirds of its equity in the Lake Albert basin to China [...] National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) [...] and France’s energy giant Total in February 2012, [...]we are now working closely with the [...]Ugandan government and its new partners on a basin-wide development plan with the potential to produce in excess of 200,000 barrels of oil per day,” says Mekie. lamor.com |
在其他国家,大型B2C网站往往主导着网络零售业,但中国并非如此,近90% [...] 的网络零售商都是 基于市场平台运作的(见附文1:“平台商:中国网络零售 业巨 头 ”)。 mckinseychina.com | Large B2C (business-to-consumer) sites are the clear leaders in other countries, but not so in China, where [...] nearly 90 percent of the industry is marketplace-based (see Box 1, “Online [...] marketplaces: The giants of Chinese e-tailing”). mckinseychina.com |
博雅沟通力学院的合作伙伴包括全球领先的公共关系与传播咨询公司博雅公关、企业战略传播咨询公司海狼集团亚洲有限公司、全球领先的营销传播公司Y&R、市场研究与咨询公司Penn Schoen [...] Berland(PSB)、全球品牌顾问与设计 巨头 朗 涛 品牌咨询公司以及创意传播&领导力培训公司艺朗森。 bmleadershipinstitute.com | Partners include leading public relations and communications firm Burson-Marsteller, strategic corporate communications advisory firm Wolf Group Asia, world-leading marketing and communications company Y&R, [...] research firm Penn Schoen Berland (PSB), [...] global branding giant Landor Associates, [...]and creative communications and leadership training company Acewood. bmleadershipinstitute.com |
正是因为宏源的无极灯技术的发展和崛起,全球照明三 大 巨头 之 一 的德国欧司朗(OSRAM)公司虎视眈眈地瞄上了该项新兴技术,欲想凭借在行业中的大鳄地位,将宏源公司的高科技成果占为己有。 cn.lvd.cc | Precisely because of induction lamp’s rising and [...] developing by Hongyuan, OSRAM, one of the three [...] global lighting giants, spotted covetously [...]the emerging technology of this project, [...]wanting to appropriate the high-tech fruits owned by Hongyuan to itself by virtue of its giant position. en.lvd.cc |