

单词 工位



work unit


unit in charge of construction

External sources (not reviewed)

可使用手工位、半 自动和全自动单元提供了渐 进式投资方式,可将试制生产线升级为全自动生产线。
The use of
[...] manual working stations, semi- and fully [...]
automatic cells offers progressive investment from pilot line to fully automatic line.
深圳市中科思创超声科技有限公司是中国声学学会、功率超声学会会员企业,始自于1986年,是中科院声学所、机电部11所技术协作单位,国内首家引进、消化、吸收美国“BRANSON”公司技术再加以创新和提高,并投入批量生产的国内最早的超声波塑胶焊接设备生产商,曾荣获多项国家级科技进步奖项,其中的 工位 全 自动超声波封焊机,不仅替代了进口而且填补了国内在该领域的空白;同时超声波焊接这种新工艺在各行业的逐步引入,对以中国汽车零部件生产的国产化为代表的制造业技术升级进程也起到了良好的推动作用。
Ltd. is China's record Acoustical Society, Society of power ultrasound companies, began in 1986, is the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Acoustics, Department of Electrical and technical cooperation unit 11, the first to introduce, digest, absorb the U.S. " BRANSON "coupled with technical innovation and improvement, and put into mass production of the first domestic manufacturer of ultrasonic
plastic welding equipment, has won several national scientific and technological progress awards,
[...] which cover multi-position automatic ultrasonic [...]
welding, not only
replaced import and fill the domestic blank in this field; while the new technology of ultrasonic welding gradually introduced in all sectors of the Chinese-made auto parts into the process of technological upgrading of the manufacturing sector representatives also played a role in promoting good .
請依照「投標特別章程」所載,原文填上競投商業 位/ 工廠大廈單位的行業。
Fill in the full details of the trade of the commercial premises/ factory unit under tender as shown in the ‘Special Conditions of Tender’.
[...] 因未能勝任原來崗位的職務,部門管方會因應情況,安排調職到 其他適合的位工作。
If the staff members concerned are not medically fit to perform their original duties, the
relevant departmental management will take into account their specific circumstances and
[...] make suitable posting arrangements.
塞尔维亚共和国 政府于 2006 年 5 月通过的《关于提高公共行政机构中少数民族成员比例的措施 的结论》规定,公共行政机构计划系统员工总数的三分之一以上在地区建立的地 方位工作,如果在这个地区根据地方政府主管机构的决定使用一种或多种少数 民族语言,公共行政机构应当采取措施,规定在《内部组织和工作分工程序规 则》中有特定数量工作岗位,在 执行特殊工作任务时,工作人员需要有关于至 少一种在地方政府部门所在地区正式使用的少数民族语言和文字的知识。
The Conclusion on Measures to Increase the Share of Members of National Minorities in Public Administration Bodies adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia in May 2006 stipulates that public administration bodies, which are envisaged to have more than one third of the total number of systematized employees working in regional units established in their respective territory in which languages of one or more national minorities are in use pursuant to decisions of competent bodies of local government units, shall undertake measures to envisage a specific number of working positions in the Rules of Procedure on Internal Organization and Job Classification when the execution of tasks for specific jobs requires the knowledge of at least one of the languages and the script of the national minority which is in official use in the territory at which the local government unit has been established.
仅在 2007 年,国民经济各部门总共有 87 100 个新工作岗位,工业和商业所占比例 分别为 22.6%和 22.1%,农业、林业和狩猎业为 11%,建筑业为 10%(附件 1 表 4)。
In 2007 alone the national economy sectors registered 87,100 new jobs, with a rate of 22.6% and 22.1% for industry and commerce respectively, 11% for agriculture, forestry and hunting and 10% for constructions (Table 4 from Annex No. 1).
五.29 秘书长指出,非洲经委会在实现 2006 年开始的重新位工作的 目标方面 继续取得进展,这项工作已加以微调,合并了相关工作领域,并提高各单位之间 [...]
的协同效应、一致性和互补性(同上,第 18A.6 段)。
V.29 The Secretary-General indicates that ECA continues
to make progress in achieving the
[...] objectives of the repositioning exercise begun [...]
in 2006, which has been fine-tuned through
the clustering together of related areas of work and the development of enhanced synergies, coherence and complementarities between the respective units (ibid., para. 18A.6).
我也谨对他的工 作人员的死亡向他表示慰问,位工 作 人 员今天上午 显然成为恐怖袭击的受害者。
I would also like to express to him my condolences for the death of his staff member, who apparently fell victim to a terrorist attack this morning.
123.1 凡有關委任(包括其條款的安排或變更,或其終止)兩位或以上的董事擔任本公司或本 公司擁有權益的任何其他公司的獲利職位或 位工 作 , 可就每一位董事提呈度利決議 案,在此情況下,每一位相關董事均有權就除有關他委任本人(或其條款的安排或變 更,或其終止)的決議案之外的每一項決議案投票,並計入法定人數。
123. 123.1 Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two
or more Directors to
[...] offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in [...]
relation to each Director
and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote and be counted in the quorum in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof).
因此,樓宇業主只需填妥一套申請表格,便可透過單一接 觸點獲得以下各種資助:成立法團的資助、公用地方工程的資 助/貸款、個別位工程的 資助/貸款,以及給予個別有需要 人士(例如長者自住業主)的特別資助。
Hence, through completion of one set of application forms, building owners would be able to obtain the following range of assistance through a single interface, i.e. subsidy for formation of OCs; grants/loans for works in common areas; grants/loans for works in individual units; and special assistance for individuals in need (e.g. elderly owner-occupiers).
[...] 处(圣地亚哥和墨西哥城)重视教师 位 、 工 作 条件和绩效问题以及国家教师认证的政策和战略问 题。
Two Offices (Santiago and Mexico City) have also put
[...] emphasis on the status, working conditions [...]
and performance of teachers and on policies
and strategies for national teacher certification.
)的標 金 及廣告內所訂明的月租(*包括/ 不包括差餉) ,以及依照招標通告、投標普通與特別章程 及租約所載的條件,向房委會租賃上述 * 舖 位/工 廠 大 廈單位。
(HK$ ), and a monthly rental (*including/excluding rates) as advertised and on the terms and conditions set out in the Tender Notice and the said General and Special Conditions of Tender and Form of Agreement.
委员会关切的是,《南部边境方案》只适用于危地马拉和伯利兹的移徙工 人,而不适用于其他国籍的人;季节农业工人仍然处于弱势 位 , 工 资 低 、迟发 工资和长工时。
The Committee is concerned that the Southern Border Programme applies only to Guatemalan and Belizean migrant workers and not to those of other nationalities, and that the working conditions of seasonal agricultural workers remain disadvantageous, with low wages, late payment of wages and long working hours.
(b) 在綱領(1)項下刪減的位,工作範 疇是有關供水及配水的前線工作、後勤支 援和監督/策劃等。至於在綱領(3)項下刪減的 位 , 工 作 範疇則與處理客戶 就水務帳戶事宜提出的要求和查詢有關。
(b) The scope of
[...] work of those posts to be deleted under Programme (1) covers frontline operation, logistical support as well as supervision/planning related to water supply and distribution; the scope of work of those posts to be deleted [...]
under Programme (3) covers
handling of customer requests and enquiries on water account matters.
(d) 倘於每間工廠的地面任何地方或使用或儲存爆炸物或高度易燃物品的地方 僱用逾位工人, 須採取有效措施確保所有工人均熟悉消防通道並已接受 充分的相關培訓。
(d) In every factory wherein more than ten workers are ordinarily employed in any place above the ground floor, or explosives or highly inflammable materials are used or stored, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that all the workers are familiar with the means of escape in case of fire and have been adequately trained in the routine to be followed in such case.
[...] 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处合作,利用卫星图像和地理 位工 具 支 持该办 事处做出快速反应和行使秘书处的职能。
UNITAR/UNOSAT and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights collaborate on the use of satellite
[...] imagery and geo-localization tools in [...]
support of the Office’s rapid response and secretariat functions.
節省能源:蒸氣只會在需要蒸氣進行熨燙時才產生,減省電力消耗,與傳統的主要蒸氣鍋爐不一樣,工廠內的所有熨台都應具備,甚至只有一、 位工 人 在進行熨燙工作。
Energy Saving : save electricity consumption, steam boiler is switched on only when steam is needed for ironing, not like traditional Main Steam
Boiler, which is needed to kept on for all ironing tables in the factory, even
[...] only one or two workers is doing ironing job.
家庭日托護理人員需要與計畫管理人員、訓練有素的統籌 位工 作 人 員及相關家庭密切合作。
Family day care carers work in partnership with scheme management, trained coordination unit staff and families.
(b) 除非本条例或其细则另有规定,根据条例委派或授权其履行任何职权的位工作人 员可指定一名受权代表代其处理任何此类事项。
(b) Except as otherwise provided in these
regulations or their rules
[...] hereto, each of the staff to whom such authority is assigned or delegated under these regulations may name an authorized [...]
delegate to
act on his or her behalf in any such matters.
[...] 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教工 作 , 包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师 位 ; 制 定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching
[...] capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and [...]
assessment; elaboration
of national standards regarding quality education.
200 多位工商界领袖、国家代表团和国际金融机构参加了 4 次全体会议和 7 个圆桌会议及会外活动。
More than 200 business leaders, country delegations and international financial institutions participated in four plenary sessions and several round tables and side events.
(b) 除非条例或其细则另有规定,根据条例委派或授权其履行任何职责的位工作人员可指定一名受权代表代其处理任何此类事项
each of the staff to whom any responsibilities are assigned or delegated under these regulations may name an authorized delegate to act on his or her behalf in any such matters.
在教科文组织国际水文计划-VI 生态水文学行动的框架内,特别是由教科文组织欧洲地 区科学办事处(威尼斯)支持的在欧洲宣传与应用生态水文学观念的活动中,为来自白俄罗 斯、乌克兰和俄罗斯的三名专家提供了在罗兹大学应用生态学系和波兰科学院国际生态学中 心的实验室和基层位工作的机会。
In the framework of the UNESCO IHP-VI Action in Ecohydrology, and in particular of those activities supported by UNESCO-ROSTE aimed at the dissemination and application of the Ecohydrology concept in Europe, the opportunity was given to three specialists from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia to spend three weeks at the laboratories and field units of the University of Lodz – Department of Applied Ecology, and the International Centre for Ecology of the Polish Academy of Science.
另有一些组织选择或正计划将这一任 务作为双重职责正式地或非正式地派给最高层官员中的一位或 位工 作 人 员, 如,执行办公室和战略规划和方案编制办公室。
Other organizations chose or are planning to assign this task as a dual function, formally or informally, to one or more staff in one of the top-level offices, e.g. executive office and strategic planning and programming office.
粮食署还借调位工作人员给在纽约 的联合国全系统脆弱性监测和预警机制——全球脉动,并积极参与关于通过针对 特定背景的安全网工具实施社会保护最低标准的联合倡议和关于绿色经济和可 持续发展的联合倡议。
WFP has also seconded a staff member to the United Nations system-wide vulnerability monitoring and alert mechanism, Global Pulse, in New York, and is active in the joint initiatives on the social protection floor through context-specific safety net tools, and on the green economy and sustainable development.
2010 年,萨尔瓦多颁布了《国内妇女无暴力生活法》,界定并划定了两种
杀戮女性罪的类别:罪犯出于仇恨或基于蔑视女性犯下的凶杀女性罪;和罪犯身 为公务员、“政府官员或警察或军队成员;案情涉及二人或更多人;系当着受害 者家庭任何一位在场亲属的面实施的凶杀;受害者系为未成年人或残疾人;或罪
[...] 犯滥用了在家庭中所拥有的任何权威 位 , 工 作 或 教育环境,即为杀戮女性罪加 重罪责的情节。
In 2010, El Salvador passed the Integral Law for a Life Free of Violence for Women, which defines and classifies two types of femicide: when the perpetrator of the death of a woman is motivated by hatred or contempt based on gender; and aggravated femicide, when the perpetrator is a civil servant, government official or member of the police or army, when two or more persons are involved, when the killing is committed in the presence of any of the victim‘s members of the family, when the victim is a minor or with a
disability, or when the aggressor has abused any authoritarian power
[...] held in the family, work or educational environment.
专业培训的条件、方法、期 限和这方面所分配到的财政服务的数额(金额不少于该 位工 资 基 金的 2%)由集 体劳动合同或集体公约规定。
The conditions, methods, duration of professional training and the amount of financial services allocated in this respect (of an amount not less than 2% of the salary fund of the unit), are set by the collective labour contract or the collective convention.
昨天我在「新城市高峰會」上,主持一場關於環保社區的座談會,與談人大多與各位意見相同,希望未來市民更積極參與、更熟悉 位工 具 、取得更多資訊,也更瞭解在都會區裡有何選項。
Yesterday I hosted a panel discussion at the New Cities Summit on Greener Districts and our panelists largely agreed with your comments from #citytalk – the future citizen will hopefully be engaged, digitally enabled, with access to information and an awareness of their options in the dense urban area they live in.
泰国:在泰国中部,位工人以 社区和经济发展项目开始,继而专心建造教会,带动了当地社区的转变。
Thailand: In central Thailand a worker started with community and economic development and continued with intentional church planting, leading to the beginning of transformation in the local community.
2010 年,为了查明单位一级的风险,启动了一个纳入 位工 作 规 划的在 线门户,并由开发署最高级理事机构对这些风险及机构风险进行监测和审议。
An on-line portal integrated into unit work planning was launched in 2010 to capture unit level risks, and these are monitored and considered along with corporate risks in the senior-most governance bodies in UNDP.




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