

单词 就算

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就算書面同意的行文 直接或間按表示醫生毋須負責任,該名醫生仍要對本身的疏忽行為負 責。
Even if a written consent is so worded that it expresses or infers a waiver of [...]
liability on the part of the doctor, he will
still be liable for his negligent acts.
市民的聲音已經震動特區政府,遠及北京 就算 如 何 不願意,也得直接面對民意及其代表。
Reluctant though it may be, the government has to come face-to-face with public opinion and its representatives.
关于强势维持和平的目标 尚未有过任何解释;这意味着就算 现 任 政府也可 归类为需要加以处理的“破坏者”。
There had been no explanation as to who would be targeted by robust peacekeeping; that meant that even sitting governments could be classified as “spoilers” which needed to be dealt with.
因此,如遇有極度 敏感的個案,各當事人同就算只是 披露調解的最基本資料, 也極有可能會洩露有關人士的身份,則根據條例草案第8(2)(e) 條的精神,當事人可具體協議,就該特定個案而言,不會披露 調解通訊中一些原本通常可為研究、評估及教育的目的而披露 的資料,以避免洩露有關人士的身份。
Therefore, in really exceptionally sensitive cases where the parties agree that there is high risk of revelation of identities of persons even with the disclosure of the most basic information about the mediation, then in line with the spirit of clause 8(2)(e), it is open to the parties to specifically agree that certain details of the mediation communication, which normally can be disclosed for the purpose of research, evaluation or educational purposes, should not be disclosed in the specific case at hand so as to prevent revelation of the identities of the persons concerned.
我們與她開會時亦說過,如果不會的話,就不要說按百分比資助,因為這 樣做就算是按 2%或 5%都好,如果成本加了,那麼就醫者的醫療費用亦會增加。
In our meetings with her, we have pointed out that since such a thing would not happen, we had better not talk about the percentage subsidy approach because even if patients are going to pay only 2% or 5% of the cost, their medical charges will rise in case the costs increase.
就算可以 通过高价从某发达国家市场获取这 些资源,又如何保证发展中国家能买得起这些药品呢?
Even when there is a developed country market from which these resources can be recovered through high prices, how can the affordability of these drugs in developing countries be secured?
就算你不 是很喜欢水上运动,卡文还是有众多能够享受宁静的地方——可以沿着风景秀丽的乡村骑在马背上观光,或是在美丽的高尔夫球场打球,再或者步行穿过爱尔兰西北部地区最美丽的一些山峰和峡谷。
Even if a holiday near or by the water doesn’t suit, there’s a whole host of ways to enjoy this peaceful county – try trekking on horseback through the charming countryside, playing a round of golf at a scenic course, or walking through the hills and valleys of one of the  North West’s most scenic spots.
度假者们会惊讶于兰扎罗特独一无二的地形,不仅和周围岛屿相比显得与众不同 就算 世 界 上任何其他地方也无法与之相提并论。
Holiday-makers will be struck by Lanzarote’s
incredibly unique landscape, which is not only unusual compared to its neighbouring islands,
[...] but to anything else in the world!
但这规定并不适用于罚金之加重就算 嫌犯 之经济及财力状况其间有显着之改善,或法院认为可科处的收容保安处分。
This rule does not apply to the aggravation of fines, if the economic and financial situation of the defendant has improved significantly, or if the court decides to apply the security measure of internment.
當然就算上述 的調查推算方法完全有效,亦只能反映調查期間的形勢。
Of course, even though the above deduction method is completely valid, this can only reflect the candidates' strength during the survey period.
Z 轴则采用 ORC™的八角形滑枕结构来消除热移位 就算 在 高 速移动下导致滑动面发热也能确保卓越 的平线度。
And the Z-axis uses ORC™, which offsets thermal displacement because of its octagonal ram structure, ensuring superior straightness even when the guideways heat up as a result of high-speed travel.
除了自動加密資訊以便即使硬體在使用中也能受到保護之外,ISE 還能讓擁有者輕鬆傳送指令到硬碟機以變更加密金鑰,這 就算 資 訊 能夠復原也不會遭到外部人士利用。
In addition to encrypting information automatically so that it is also protected while the hardware is still in use, ISE allows the owner to simply send a command to the drive to change the encryption key so that even if information is recoverable, it would be unusable to an outside entity.
如果你严格按照这里所描述的规则执行了,并没有任何的简化,那么基本上你已经完成 了流浪猫安置工作的最困难的部分,差不 就算 是 成 功了。
If you are in strict accordance with the rules described here, without simplifying any of these steps, then you have almost completed the most difficult part of the relocation.
Throw in Greece’s low scoring history it also makes under the goals a good proposition, however this is shorter odds than my tip of Greece on the 1X2 market.
In many editions
[...] of the Mishnah, even early ones like those [...]
of Naples 1492, and of Riva 1559, as well as in most of the
editions of the Babylonian Talmud, a fourth chapter to the eleventh treatise, which does not belong to the Mishnah, has been added (comp. the gloss in the Wilna edition of the Talmud, p. 87b).
許多STM32開發板沒有考慮到網口這塊以及無線2.4G(WIFI)和315M通信的例程,隨著嵌入式設備在網絡方面日益普及,以太網以及無線網都是嵌入式設備中必不可 少的一個環節就算有的嵌入式設備不需要網口,但是做為提供開發板的設計,不可不考慮加強網口這塊的例程,代碼,講解,為各個開發愛好者做一個提前準備 和設計,而這些接口神舟系列有已經直接運行的代碼以及詳細的講解,大家獲得相關資料,相互參考一下。
Many STM32 development board does not take into account this network port and wireless 2.4G (WIFI) and 315M communication routines, with the increasing popularity of embedded devices in the network, Ethernet and wireless networks are the essential embedded devices less a part of, even if some embedded device does not require a network port, but as the design of the development board must consider strengthen routine piece of network port, code, explain, prepare in advance for various development enthusiasts and design, these interfaces Shenzhou series has directly run the code as well as a detailed explanation of all relevant information, refer to each other.
就算是在 界定治理者和被治理者之间关系的宪法一级上,也必须审查一个特 定国家的最高法律如何规定或暗示参与和参加提供公共服务。
Even at constitutional levels where the relationship between the governors and the governed is defined, it is necessary to review how the highest law of a particular country provides or implicitly makes provision for participation and engagement in the delivery of public services.
Throw in Greece’s low scoring history it also makes under the goals a good proposition, however this is shorter odds than my tip of Greece on the 1X2 market.
此外,所有升級至BE 2012的Backup Exec客戶均可免費獲得這項功能就算 一 向認為災難復原方案售價高不可攀的客戶,亦可實施災難復原計劃。
All Backup Exec customers who upgrade to BE 2012 have access to this at no cost, enabling businesses that thought disaster recovery was out of reach to implement a plan.
即使我就算这种 说法属实——厄立特里亚认为这种说法不属实——十分 显而易见的是,所谓企图由始至终都是奥罗莫解放阵线做的事。
There is some mention of Eritreans in the narrative, but in a limited and secondary role, again based on suspicious testimony from detainees.
正常而言,在天空無遮蔽物的狀況下,GPS的準確度大約是每秒3~10公尺 就算 是3D 定位的狀況下也是如此;因此GPS的數據有時候會因為訊號不穩而變的不可 [...]
靠,現今有一些GPS產品已內建校正演算法及輔助方式去加強GPS的接收效能, 以達到最佳的狀態。
Nowadays, the GPS consumer product has
[...] built in adjust algorithm and assisted [...]
method to extend capability of GPS.
就算是您 的心臟只是出現輕微的過緩、過速或不規 律的跳動,ICD 也能夠立刻察覺並且大都能透過大 部分病患無法感覺的微弱電子脈衝阻止更嚴重的情 況發生。
Even when your heart is beating a little too slowly, rapidly or irregularly, the ICD will sense this and, in most cases, be able to prevent worse from happening by delivering weak electrical impulses, which most patients don't even notice.
[...] 政、行政)必要能力的政府就足以统治和领导社会,而治理的观点则假定,政 就算 合 法 而且 能力高强,也无法解决若干复杂的问题,而这些问题的解决需要政府同公民(私营部门、社会 [...]
网络、学术机构)共同努力,由政府和社会一道制订需要实现的目标和开发实现这些目标所需 要的工具。
In essence, governability keeps a dominant or exclusive governmental perspective, considering that a government well-endowed with the necessary capacities (institutional, financial, administrative) is sufficient to rule and lead society,
while the governance perspective assumes
[...] that governments alone, even if legitimate [...]
and highly competent, cannot tackle several
complex issues, which call for a joint work of government and citizens (private sector, social networks, academic institutions), for a governmental-social co-production of the goals to be achieved and the tools to achieve them.
贫穷和饥饿密切相连,因就算有足够的粮食来养活地球上的 68 亿人口, 粮食市场的高价格也会把穷人排斥在外,特别是由于主要主食的价格在经历多年 的相对稳定之后于 2006 年和 2008 年上半年大幅上扬。14 因此,据估计营养不足 者人数仅 2008 年一年就增加了 4 000 万,达到 9.63 亿人,而 2007 年为 9.23 亿 人,2003-2005 年期间为 8.48 亿人,15 从而加大了到 2015 年实现饥饿人口减半 的目标(千年发展目标 1)的难度。
Poverty and hunger are closely intertwined because, although there is enough food to feed the 6.8 billion people on Earth, poor people are priced out of the food market, all the more so because, after years of relative stability, the prices of major staple foods rose sharply between 2006 and the first half of 2008.14 Consequently, the number of undernourished people is reckoned to have increased by 40 million in 2008 alone, to reach 963 million, up from 923 million in 2007 and 848 million in 2003-2005,15 making it more difficult to reach the target of halving by 2015 the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (Millennium Development Goal 1).
金和OA的上手度如何,我提供的是金和提供的申请,既然是免费在线体验产品,那么为什么设立这么多的限制,如果只是简单信息填写 就算 了 , 居然还要客户填写广告调查问卷(汗^)在线免费试用的上手度,应该本着简化方便客户、实用客户的角度,需要填写这么多的信息还需要等待对方验证,再说对方如何保障客户信息不会被外泄,所以说,在试用上手度上第一关就通不过,金和的网站设计的还不错,上手度送他2星。
The degree of OA and how to get started, I offer to provide the application and, since the product is free online experience, why do so
many restrictions on the establishment,
[...] if only to fill it just a simple message,but [...]
still have to fill out the advertising
client questionnaire (Khan ^) started the free trial online degrees, should be simplified in a user-friendly, practical client's point of view, the need to fill in the informationдÕâô¶àneed to wait for the other party to verify, say other ways to protect customer information will not be compromised, so that degrees in the trial started on the first pass clearance, site design and well, send him to fly degrees 2 stars.
事实上中国在1993年朝鲜第一次宣布退出核不扩散条约时,面对朝鲜更为严重的进犯也只投了弃权票,而本次对于1695号决议的赞成票也显示 就算 是 朝 鲜最大的捐助国也正在对它丧失信心。
The fact that China voted for Resolution 1695 after abstaining from one with less bite after the much more serious offence of leaving the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1993 shows that even the North’s most important benefactor is losing patience.
行政和预算问题咨询委员会是大会的一个附属机构,任务是审查秘书长提 交给大会的预算并提出报告,就交给其审议的任何行政和预算事项向大会提出咨
[...] 询意见,代表大会审查专门机构的行政 算 , 就 与 这 类机构的财务安排提出建议, 审议审计员关于联合国和专门机构账户的报告并向大会报告。
The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions is a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly, the mandate of which is to examine and report on the budget submitted by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly, to advise the Assembly concerning any administrative and budgetary matters referred to it,
to examine on behalf of the Assembly the
[...] administrative budgets of the specialized [...]
agencies and proposals for financial
agreements with such agencies, and to consider and report to the Assembly on the auditors’ reports on the accounts of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies.
第 103.18(b)条(所得税之补偿),1999
[...] 补偿额时只计教科文组织工作人员的工资收入(不包括其它一切收入),这样补偿额 的算就只遵循“主要收入原则”,从而在有关工作人员在税单上申报非教科文组织 [...]
Rule 103.18 (b) (Reimbursement of income tax) was amended in 1999 to restrict the calculation of income tax reimbursements to the UNESCO staff member’s earnings,
exclusive of all other income, thus
[...] limiting the reimbursement calculation to the “first income [...]
principle”, and thereby reducing
the amount reimbursed (which is charged to UNESCO’s budget) in all cases where the staff members concerned report non-UNESCO income on their tax forms.
地拉那研讨会的目的在就以上 问 题开展后续工作,研讨会指出,虽然这两个问题同属于地雷行动这一大的范畴, 但排雷和受害者援助分别具有不同的时间表,涉及不同的国家和国际行为者,不 同的国内制度、规范框架及算项目
It was noted that while both matters belong to the larger family of mine action, mine clearance and victim assistance have different timelines, involve distinct national and international actors and relate to different national institutional and regulatory frameworks and budget lines.
安全理事会在第 1977(2011)号决议中重申,需要加强 1540 委员会、安全 理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第 1267(1999)号决议所设委
员会以及安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第 1373(2001)号决议所设委员会之间正
[...] 在进行的合作,包括酌情加强信息交流,在各自任务授权范围内协调对各国的考 察,提供技术援助以及处理与所有三个委员会都有关的其他问题,并表示 算就 共同关心的领域向各委员会提供指导,以便更好地协调它们的努力。
In resolution 1977 (2011), the Security Council reiterated the need to enhance the ongoing cooperation between the 1540 Committee, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities, and the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counterterrorism, including through, as appropriate, enhanced information sharing, coordination of country visits, within their respective mandates, technical assistance and other issues of relevance to all
three Committees, and
[...] expressed its intention to provide guidance to the Committees on areas of common interest in order to [...]
better coordinate their efforts.




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