单词 | 尖叫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 尖叫noun—screamspl尖叫—shriek screech 尖叫verb—squeakv chatterv Examples:尖叫声n—screamn See also:尖adj—sharpadj pointedadj 尖—point (of needle) shrewd 叫v—callv orderv shoutv tellv askv be calledv hailv 叫prep—by (indicates agent in the passive mood)prep
此外,还有更多的BM交易所(BM&FBOVESPA以前被称为仅作为喊价交易 Bovespa指数):再也看不到尖叫为什么股市在上个世纪已成为众所周知的。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Moreover, there is more outcry trading on the BM & FBovespa (formerly BM & [...] FBovespa was known only as Bovespa): No [...] longer seethat screamingwhythe stock [...]market has become known in the last century. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
我的其他五个孩子要么紧紧地贴着我,要么用双手捂着耳朵,害怕得尖叫不止。 unicef.org | My five other children were either clinging to me or covering their ears with [...] their hands andscreaming in fear,” the [...]young mother recalls. unicef.org |
蜡像手握麦克风举向上,彷佛在演唱会台上接受着一众歌迷的欢呼及尖叫声。 yp.mo | Wax double of Jay Chou holds a microphone and has his hand in the air, as if [...] he is greetingscreaming fans onthe stage [...]at a concert. yp.mo |
高声调的尖叫声(如:传真机)对人危害很大。 jabra.cn | The high-pitch squeal of e.g. a fax machine can be very harmful. jabra.com |
然后,他围着屋子喊“砰砰砰”,他的同伴尖叫并撞死倒下,这时 他的老师们惊恐地冲向他(Jones 2002: 45)。 ipaworld.org | What a perfect gun! Then he ran round the room shouting “pow pow pow” while his classmates squealed and pretended to fall down dead and his teachers rushed towards him in horror (Jones 2002: 45). ipaworld.org |
尖叫 –过度的尖叫声,尖叫,呻吟,喋喋不休,哒或爆炸,意味着你的刹车需要严重关注。 hkcarworld.com | SQUEAL – Excessive squeals, screech, groaning, chatter, clatter or bang, means your brakes need serious attention. hkcarworld.com |
备份在她卧室Dorami有离开,然后他们听到了一声尖叫。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Back at her bedroom Dorami has to leave then they heardascream. ja.seekcartoon.com |
在一名美国军官 在场的情况下,他被戴上手铐,套上头罩,带到一家警察局,不久后 被送到拉合尔郊外的一个古堡,在那里与来自巴勒斯坦、突尼斯、阿 [...] 拉伯叙利比亚民众国和埃及的其他人员关押在一起,遭到拳打脚踢, 电击声和人们的尖叫声不绝于耳。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the presence of an American officer, he was then taken, handcuffed and hooded, to a police station and, shortly afterwards, to an old fortress outside Lahore, where he was held with other men from [...] Palestine, Tunisia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Egypt, and beaten and kicked, and heard [...] electroshocks and peoplescreaming. daccess-ods.un.org |
贾瓦尔说,“到了午夜,又发生了一次空袭,太可怕了,孩子们尖叫不止。 unicef.org | In the middle of the night, there was a terrible noise [...] and thechildren screamed–an air strike [...]on our street. unicef.org |
以前所有的操作取决於在手机上,实现谈判的地板上尖叫的人。 zh-tw.iniciantenabolsa.com | Formerly all operations depended on the [...] phone and peoplescreaming on thefloor [...]to achieve the negotiations. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
儿童、妇女和 男子或死或伤;他们的家庭遭到摧毁和恐吓;他们感 到恐惧和痛苦;他们的哭喊震耳欲聋、尖叫令人瘫痪, 这些都是我们看到和听到的真情实景、战争的核心, 对战斗者和平民没有任何区别。 daccess-ods.un.org | The deafening cries and paralysing screams of fear and pain of the children, women and men killed and wounded and of their shattered, terrorized families — those were the real sights, sounds and core of a war in which no distinction was made between combatants and civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列正在修建 1 面 2 公里长、8 [...] 米高的墙,这将加强既有围栏,同时切 断“尖叫谷”(见 A/66/370,第 59 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel is building a 2-kilometre-long, [...] 8-metre-high wall, which would reinforce an existing fence and also cut off [...] the “valley of screams”(seeA/66/370, [...]para. 59). daccess-ods.un.org |
令人难以置信的是,犹太人是如此疯狂,以“舌头肆无忌惮地尖叫,在口吐白沫,和声音嘶哑”(在书信的提多,三。 mb-soft.com | It is incredible that the Jews were so frantic as to"scream with unbridled tongues, foaming at the mouth, and hoarse of voice" (on the Epistle to Titus, iii. 9). mb-soft.com |
如果你的脚休息的尖叫,你可以orendere开胃酒或饮料中广受欢迎的酒吧,并在最好的餐馆用餐。 eventsandtravel.it | If your feetarescreaming for a rest, [...] you can orendere an aperitif or a drink in a bar and dine in the best-known restaurants. eventsandtravel.it |
此外,扩展的激振与控制平台、基于阵列的噪声源识别和声学工程技术可用于深入的尖叫及异响检测、验证和改进。 bksv.cn | In addition to an extensive excitation and controller platform, array-based noise source identification and sound [...] engineering technologies are available for in-depth detection, validation and [...] improvementsof squeak andrattle performance. bksv.com |
再有,红军与狼将要有一场比赛,我承认我为尖红军而尖叫。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | And then there’s that spectacular business with the Wolves which I [...] admit had me screamingfor the Reds. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
委员会获悉,以色列正在修建 2 公里长,8 米高的墙, 以便封锁被占领的叙利亚戈兰。委员会进一步获悉,该墙将隔离被占领戈兰内的 与家人分离的叙利亚人与被占领区外的家人进行交流的“尖叫谷”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was briefed regarding a 2-kilometre-long, 8-metre-high wall that Israel is building to cordon off the occupied Syrian Golan and was further informed that that wall would cut off the “valley of screams”, where separated Syrians in the occupied Golan came to communicate with family members outside the occupied territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是我的妻子在那里, 后来告诉我,当医生在显微 镜地下观察这些细胞的时候他们开始尖叫,因为这些细胞 最后竟然是一种非常罕见的可以用手术治愈的胰腺癌症。 tomhua.com | I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me [...] that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it [...]turned out to be a very [...]rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. tomhua.com |
过後,失败者躺下,脑袋仍在尖叫,伤口用刺痛提醒倒下者,背叛和出卖只可用复仇偿还。 pplsfringe.com | The wounds remind losers with twinge - betrayal and treachery can only be repaid by vengeance. pplsfringe.com |
追寻前卫品味的人,不妨去科鲁夫 (Kluuvi) 或仙内 (Sinne) 艺廊看看,又可在两家“尖叫”(Huuto) 艺廊参加它们的活动,更新您的艺术视野。 visitfinland.com | Those in search of avant-garde can head to Kluuvi or Sinne galleries and also stay updated on happenings at two small Huuto (”scream”) galleries. visitfinland.com |
您一定有过这样的经历,当您在网上发现一款让您尖叫的手表“哇噻,这真是一款绝妙的/超酷的/与众不同的/特别的/运动型/疯狂的(请代入相应的形容词)美表。 iontime.ch | You’ve surely experienced the situation already, where you discover a timepiece on a website and you think “Wow, this is such an amazing/ cool/ different/ special/ sporty/ crazy (use word accordingly) beauty. iontime.ch |
而这还不是全部:新笔记本电脑还与下一代的Intel Core i7处理器选项,有能力高达百分之42的内容创作上的表现比上一代进步的尖叫声。 technologeeko.com | And that’s not all: the new laptop also screams with next-generation Intel Core i7 processor options that are capable of up to 42 percent performance improvement for content creation over the previous generation. technologeeko.com |
显然不是每场演出都有很多人来看,但是我记得有一次Mannheim的演出,那是一个工作日的晚上,当死逗乐已经演完他们的曲目的时候,看演出的朋克们一直用欢呼和尖叫让死逗乐不停的多演几首。 genjingrecords.com | Obviously not every show was equally well attended, but I remember that the punks went wild in Mannheim on a [...] weekday night and cheered up SDL with raw [...] chants andjoyfulscreaming,forcing them [...]to play more and more songs when the set list was already completed. genjingrecords.com |
牢记这一点,我会想象白噪声 - [...] 每想到听到的声音在同一时间一起:纽约市的声音,例如 - 哭泣与耳语,在汽笛声,尖叫声,发动机,地铁,风炮,音乐街,歌剧和Shea体育场。 jldiaz.com.ar | Keeping this in mind, I'd now like you to imagine white sound - every imaginable sound heard together at the same time: the sound of New [...] York City, for instance - cries and [...] whispers, sirens and shrieks, motors, subways, [...]jackhammers, street music, Grand Opera and Shea Stadium. jldiaz.com.ar |
在球迷们的千呼万唤中,旧金山巨人队的球员们终於登场了!每位球员都坐在标有自己名字的专车上,沿着游行路线缓缓前行,一路享受着球迷们的尖叫。 ktsf.com | The Giants’ Halloween treat for their faithful fans has gotten under way in downtown San Francisco. ktsf.com |
管 壁 较 厚的管件的端部也可以用一种叫“尖端成型” 的工艺进行热封。 zeusinc.com | The end of thicker walled tubing can also be heat sealed together in a process known as tipping. zeusinc.com |