单词 | 寛免 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 寛免 noun —relief n
還有部分回應者要求將建議的寛免範 圍 擴大至涵蓋其他地區 (尤其是 中國內地),以及非公開拍賣過程。 legco.gov.hk | Some respondents requested an extension of the scope of the Proposed Relief to cover other jurisdictions, in particular Mainland China, as well as non-public auction processes. legco.gov.hk |
聯交所認為毋須設定年度上限,原因是建議 的 寛免 的 有 關條款及條件已提供 其他保障,況且股東若不贊成董事建議的年度上限亦有權投票否決有關的一 般地產收購授權。 legco.gov.hk | The Exchange is of the view that no limit on the annual cap is necessary as there already exists other safeguards pertaining to the terms and conditions of the Proposed Relief and shareholders have the right to vote against the GPA Mandate should they disapprove of the annual cap proposed by directors. legco.gov.hk |
(iv) 減少康樂設施(包括住客會所)的總樓面面積 寬免,住用總樓面面積愈大,可獲 寛免 的 康樂 設施的比率愈小。 legco.gov.hk | (iv) reduce the GFA concessions for recreational facilities including residents’ clubhouses taking account of the size of the domestic GFA in a sliding scale. legco.gov.hk |
此外,《選舉開支最高限額(行政長官選舉)規例》 (第554A章)及《選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例》(第 554章)亦作出修訂,分別列出新修訂的行政長官選舉開 支限額,與及處理選舉開支及接受選舉捐贈之申報書及聲 明書內的輕微錯誤或遺漏新制定的法 定 寛免 機 制。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, amendments have been made to the Maximum Amount of Election Expenses (Chief Executive Election) Regulation (Cap. 554A) and the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554) to set out the revised election expense limit and introduce a new statutory relief mechanism for handling minor errors or omissions in the return and declaration of election expenses and donations for the CE Election respectively. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 售樓說明書應提供建築物總樓面面積 寛免 和 節 能效益的 資料 legco.gov.hk | (a) information on gross floor area concessions and energy efficiency of buildings should be provided in sales brochures legco.gov.hk |
聯交所提議:建議的寛免範圍 應限於:(a)合資格地產項目而已,但應容許 [...] 這些項目含有某比例的資本元素,而非將寬免僅限於具收益性質的項目;及 (b)與純因是上市發行人現有單一目的地產項目的合營夥伴而成為關連人士 的有關方合組的合營地產公司所涉及的合資格地產項目(B 類地產合營公 司)。 legco.gov.hk | The Exchange proposed that the scope of [...] the Proposed Relief should be confined [...]to: (a) Qualified Property Projects solely [...]but should allow such projects to contain a portion of a capital element as opposed to being restricted to projects that are of a revenue nature only; and (b) Qualified Property Projects involving property joint ventures with connected persons where the connected person is only connected by virtue of being a joint venture partner with the listed issuer in existing single purpose property projects (Type B property joint ventures). legco.gov.hk |
在 2008年 6月 [...] 23日的經濟發展事務委員會會議上,當局曾向事 務委員會簡介寛免歐盟 V期柴油稅的立法建議。 legco.gov.hk | The Panel on Economic Development was briefed on the [...] legislative proposal to exempt the duty for Euro [...]V diesel at the meeting on 23 June 2008. legco.gov.hk |
至於售樓說明書應有的內容,委員提出 了若干提高透明度的優化措施,例如售樓說明書應提供建築物總 樓面面積寛免和節 能效益的資料;以及就售樓說明書所臚列的資 料次序,應把「有關臨時買賣合約事宜」和「一手住宅物業買家 須知」編排在首部分。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the required contents of the sales brochure, some enhancement measures have been proposed to increase transparency, for example, information on gross floor area concessions and energy efficiency of buildings should be provided in sales brochures; and the “sequence of information” in the sales brochures should be so arranged that “Matters relating to Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase” and “Notes to Purchasers of First-hand Residential Properties” are placed in the front. legco.gov.hk |
第 2 部(草案第 3 條)廢除《破產條例》(第 [...] 6 章)第 30A(10)(b)(i) 條,寛免破產 人須將其暫時離開香港一事通知破產受託人的義務。 legco.gov.hk | Part 2 (clause 3) repeals section 30A(10)(b)(i) of the Bankruptcy Ordinance [...] (Cap. 6) to exonerate a bankrupt from [...]his obligation to notify the trustee of [...]bankruptcy of his temporary departure from Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
聯交所提議:如擬獲授建議的寛免, 則 (a)擬成立 B 類地產合營公司的合資 格發行人須預先在其股東周年大會上取得一般地產收購授權(包括設定每 年收購合資格地產項目的建議上限);及(b)合資格發行人 (根據建議的寛 免獲豁 免者除外)須繼續遵守《上市規則》的其他規定,包括《主板規則》 第 13.09 條所載的一般披露責任。 legco.gov.hk | The Exchange proposed that [...] the Proposed Relief would require: (a) Qualified Issuers entering into Type B property joint ventures to obtain in advance, at its annual general meeting, a General Property Acquisition Mandate (GPA Mandate) together with the proposed annual cap to engage in the acquisition of Qualified Property Projects; and (b) that Qualified Issuers, save for exemption under the Proposed [...]Relief, would [...]continue to be subject to the other requirements of the Rules, including the general obligations of disclosure under Main Board Rule 13.09. legco.gov.hk |
假 如以寛免地價方式批出新 加油站用 地,對先前投得加油站用地的人士 並 不公平。 legco.gov.hk | It would not be fair to operators who have obtained PFS sites in previous tenders, if premium waiver is granted for new sites. legco.gov.hk |
因此聯交所認為:通常只有在香港參與合資格地產項目的地產公司才會在嚴 格遵守《上市規則》時遇上困難,因此不宜將建議 的 寛免 延 伸 至涵蓋其他地 區或非公開拍賣程序。 legco.gov.hk | The Exchange is therefore of the view that the difficulty for strict compliance with the Rules is relatively unique to property companies participating in Qualified Property Projects in Hong Kong and it is inappropriate to extend the Proposed Relief to other jurisdictions or non-public auction processes. legco.gov.hk |
在選舉過後,預期律政司會收到大 量就下列事宜提供法律意見的要求:選舉呈請、向合資格候選人給予 [...] 資助、在等候警方/廉政公署調查期間損毀競選資料,以及候選人根 據《選舉( 舞弊及非法行為) 條例》申請寛免令等。 legco.gov.hk | After an election, considerable demand for advice relating to election petitions, payment of financial assistance to eligible candidates, destruction of election materials pending [...] Police/ICAC investigation, and candidates’ [...] application for relief orders under [...]the Elections (Corrupt and Legal Conduct) Ordinance, etc. can be anticipated. legco.gov.hk |
長沙灣臨時 家禽批發市場 的 洗籠機 經營者亦獲得 達 18,000 元的租金寛免。 legco.gov.hk | Rental waivers amounting to $18,000 were also provided to operators of the crate washers at the Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Wholesale Poultry Market. legco.gov.hk |
對於聯交所建議將寛免範圍 局限於合資格地產項目,大部分回應者均表示支 [...] 持,並認同聯交所不認為存在足以令人信服的理據,須將可以不經股東批准 的豁免延伸至非物業資產的拍賣、非公開拍賣過程或海外物業拍賣這個觀 點。 legco.gov.hk | A majority of the respondents supported the proposal [...] to confine the relief to Qualified [...]Property Projects only and concurred with the [...]Exchange’s view that there are no compelling reasons to extend the dispensation of shareholders’ approval requirements to auctions of non-property assets, non-public auction processes or property auctions overseas. legco.gov.hk |
在取得繳納人的同意及 [...] 意向之後,差餉物業估價署將須把資料與入境事務處或商業登記署的 資料作出核對,以核實有關人士符合享有差 餉 寛免 的 資 格。 legco.gov.hk | After obtaining the consent and preference of the payers, RVD will have to cross-check the data with that held by the Immigration [...] Department or the Business Registration Office to verify whether the persons concerned are [...] eligible to enjoy rates concession. legco.gov.hk |
根據《選舉( 舞弊及非法行為) 條例》第 37A 條,列明處理選舉開支及接受選舉捐贈之申報 書及聲明書內的輕微錯誤或遺漏的法 定 寛免機 制 (第 16.28 至 16.30 段 )。 legco.gov.hk | Setting out the statutory relief mechanism for handling minor errors or omissions in the return and declaration of election expenses and donations as stipulated in section 37A of the ECICO (paras. 16.28 – 16.30). legco.gov.hk |
第 89號法律公告指明第二議定書第一至六條所載的安排為該 條例第49條所指的雙重課稅寛免安排,並宣布該等安排的生效是屬於 有利的。 legco.gov.hk | L.N. 89 specifies the arrangements in Articles 1 to 6 of the Second Protocol as double taxation relief arrangements under section 49 of IRO and declares that it is expedient that those arrangements should have effect. legco.gov.hk |
(vi) 不同設施的分類 政府應定期檢討強制性設施、環保設施及完善生活 設施的分類,以便及早識別需要強制提供的必要設 施,並列明其最低標準,同時分辨哪些只是理想的 設施,並視乎其對改善環境的貢獻、對居民的好 處、增值潛力、市場趨勢及其他相關因素,決定應 否繼續提供總樓面面積寛免,以 鼓勵提供這些設 施。 legco.gov.hk | (vi) Categorisation of Different Features The Government should review the categorisation of the mandatory, green and amenity features regularly with a view to timely identifying what features are essential and should be mandatorily required with minimum standard specified and what features are merely desirable and whether their provision should continue to be incentivised with GFA concessions having regard to desirability in terms of improving the environment, benefits to the residents, whether they are value-adding, market trends, and any other relevant factors. legco.gov.hk |
(M) 本公司可通過普通決議案暫停或放寛 本 細 則的規定或追認任何因違反 本細則而未獲正式授權的交易。 embrygroup.com | (M) The Company may by Ordinary Resolution suspend or relax the provisions of this Article to any extent or ratify any transaction not duly authorised by reason of a contravention of this Article. embrygroup.com |
規劃優惠可包括放寛設置 泊車位數量的規定、容許通常不獲批准 的用途,或准許更改必須為安全考慮及/或為殘疾人士設置特定設施 的常規。 legco.gov.hk | The planning concessions may include relaxing parking requirements, allowing a use that would not ordinarily be permitted, or permitting variations to the usual safety and/or disability requirements. legco.gov.hk |
因此,我們認為並無理據支 持延長寛限時間。 legco.gov.hk | Thus, we do not consider it justified to extend the grace period. legco.gov.hk |
他促請政府當局考慮放寛可獲任何資助的收 入上限及資產淨值限額,使中低階層也可從各項資 [...] 助計劃得益。 legco.gov.hk | He urged the Administration to [...] consider relaxing the income ceiling [...]for any assistance and the net asset value limits to [...]enable the lower middle class to benefit from the assistance schemes. legco.gov.hk |
為防止駕駛者濫用這段寛限時 間,我們在 考慮加拿大的經驗後,建議駕駛者只可在每 60 分鐘內享有 三分鐘寛限時間。 legco.gov.hk | To avoid possible abuse of this grace period and taking account of the Canadian experience, we also propose that drivers could only enjoy this three-minute grace period once every 60 minutes. legco.gov.hk |
董事會可不時酌情決定延長任何催繳的指定繳款時間,並可就所有或 任何股東就其居住地點位於有關地區境外或就董事會可視為有權將任 何有關繳款時間延長之其他原因而延長有關所有或任何股東的繳款時 間,但除出於寛限及寬免的情況外,股東一概不得有權享有延長任何 該等繳款時間。 topsearch.com.hk | The Board may from time to time at its discretion extend the time fixed for any call, and may extend such time as regards all or any of the shareholders whom due to residence outside the Relevant Territory or other cause the Board may deem entitled to any such extension but no shareholder shall be entitled to any such extension except as a matter of grace and favour. topsearch.com.hk |
在第 二 階段,除了獲豁 免 的項目外 ,所有預 先包裝 食物都 須 要 標 示 熱 量 加 9 種核心 營 養 素 的 資 料 ,在實施第 一和第 二 階段前分別各有兩 年 寛 限 期。 legco.gov.hk | In Phase II, all prepackaged food, unless exempted, would require to be labelled with the information on energy plus 9 core nutrients. legco.gov.hk |
教育局副局長向委員簡介政府當局的建 [...] 議,即 由 2011-2012學年起,放寛學生 資助辦事處(下 稱 "學資處")資助計劃的入息審查機制,以及為有需 [...] 要的專上學生提供更多資助,詳情載於政府當局的 文件(立法會CB(2)1657/10-11(01)號文件)。 legco.gov.hk | Under Secretary for Education ("US(Ed)") [...] briefed members on the Administration's [...] proposals to relax the means test mechanism [...]for financial assistance schemes administered [...]by the Student Financial Assistance Agency ("SFAA") and to enhance assistance provided to needy post-secondary students from the 2011-2012 academic year as detailed in the Administration's paper (LC Paper No. CB(2)1657/10-11(01)). legco.gov.hk |
此外,《基本法》第六十八條及附件二給予 立法會寛鬆的 酌情權決定規定立法會產生的「具體辦法」 的選舉法例的內容。 cmab.gov.hk | Furthermore, Article 68 and Annex II of the Basic Law give the Legislative Council a broad discretion in determining the contents of the legislation which governs the “specific method” forming the Legislative Council. cmab.gov.hk |
除了上調學校書簿津貼計劃下的定額津貼,及相應 [...] 調整綜合社會保障援助(綜援)計劃下與學習相關開支 的定額津貼外,政府會放寛學生資助辦事處的入息審查 機制,使獲取全額資助的學生由現時的 [...]114 000 人大幅 增加至 212 000 人,佔所有受資助學生的 59%。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from increasing the flat-rate grant under the School Textbook Assistance Scheme and making corresponding adjustments to the flat-rate grant for school-related expenses under the Comprehensive Social Security [...] Assistance (CSSA) Scheme, the Government will [...] also relax the means test mechanism of the Student [...]Financial Assistance Agency so that [...]the number of students who are able to receive full level of assistance will substantially increase from around 114 000 to 212 000, representing about 59% of all beneficiaries. legco.gov.hk |
除此 之外,為了擴闊銅鑼灣 避風塘 的沿岸海濱 及建造一個延伸維多 利亞公園的 寛闊 綠化平 台 , 維園道及相 連的道路將向較 內陸的地方遷 移。 legco.gov.hk | For widening the harbour-front promenade adjoining the CBTS and provision of a wide landscaped deck for extending Victoria Park to the harbour-front, the Victoria Park Road and associated connecting roads would be realigned inland. legco.gov.hk |