单词 | 如堕五里雾中 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 如堕五里雾中 —as if lost in a thick fog [idiom.]less common: muddled • in a fog • completely unfamiliar with sth
在发展中国家,如果堕胎合 法化导致堕胎需求上升,争夺稀缺资源的妇女人 数将增加,因堕胎而死亡或受害的妇女人数也会增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the developing world, if legalization triggered a higher demand for abortion, the number [...] of women competing for scarce [...]resources would increase and more women would die or be harmed by abortion. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会促请缔约国在其下次定期报告 中 载 列 详细资料,包括有 关 堕 胎的 比较数据以及缔约国为执行委员会这方面的建议采取的立法和其他措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee requests the State party to provide in its next periodic report [...] detailed information, [...] including comparative data, about abortion, as well as legislative and other [...]measures taken by the [...]State party to implement the recommendation of the Committee in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
在今后的保护分析中,需要特别关注对养护生物多样性具有重要意义的 森林类别,诸如热带高山云雾林倡 议、红树林和河岸森林。 daccess-ods.un.org | Forest types of importance for [...] biodiversity conservation, such [...] as tropical montane cloud forests, mangrove forests and riparian forests, will require particular attention in future protection analyses. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010年时,中国社会科学院报导说,在十年内 , 每 五 个 年 轻男 子 中 就 有 一个人找不到对象,因为仍然有大量的女婴 被 堕 胎 或 杀害。 amccsm.org | In 2010, the Chinese Academy of [...] Social Sciences reported that in ten years time one in five young men will be unable to find a bride because of the [...]number of [...]baby girls still being aborted or killed. amccsm.org |
通过社区方式和媒体,帮助妇女了解 如 何 预 防意外怀孕、其获得安 全堕 胎的合法权利、不安全堕胎的 危险以及可在 哪 里 获 得安 全 堕 胎 护 理。 daccess-ods.un.org | efforts through community-based approaches and [...] the media to help women [...] understand how to prevent unintended pregnancy, their legal rights to safe abortion, the dangers of unsafe abortion, and where to obtain safe abortion care. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果不 是中央政府在 2003 年引入 CEPA 和自由行,加上近年來推動巨無霸國企在香港上市,令經濟得以復甦,香港 的經濟至今仍然在五里霧中,迷失方向,掙扎無功。 legco.gov.hk | Were it not for the introduction of CEPA and the Individual Visit Scheme by the Central Government in 2003, coupled with the increased listing [...] of some gigantic [...] national enterprises in Hong Kong to boost economic recovery in recent years, Hong Kong economy might still be at a lost, not knowing where to head for, and all efforts would have been ended in vain. legco.gov.hk |
应在开启流体之前开启 空气,以确保流体的完全雾化并 防止其在气帽 中堆积。 graco.com | The air should be activated before the [...] fluid to ensure full atomization of fluid and prevent [...]buildup on the air cap. graco.com |
但是,阿尔及利亚也收到了其他用于不同行业的 资金,如商业制冷、气雾剂行 业以及泡沫塑料行业,这些资金为这些行 业 中 的 大 多数带来 了投资项目。 multilateralfund.org | Notwithstanding the above, the country [...] has also received [...] other funds for the various sectors, such as commercial refrigeration, the aerosol sector and the foam sector, all of which [...]have resulted in [...]investment projects for most of these sectors. multilateralfund.org |
根据印度尼西亚国家方案中介绍 的情况以及执行委员会核准的投资项目,气雾杀虫 剂、气雾涂料产品和水基气雾剂(例如 剃 须膏、摩丝、空气清新剂、淀粉浆和去污剂等)的 制造商完全改用了非 CFC 技术。 multilateralfund.org | Based on the information presented in the Indonesia country programme and the investment project approved by the Executive Committee, manufacturers of aerosol insecticide, paint aerosol products and water based aerosols (e.g., shaving creams, mousses, room fresheners, starches and cleaners) were completely converted to non-CFCs technologies. multilateralfund.org |
第三项举措是支持在因冲突而造成四 分 五 裂 的 斯 里 兰 卡 东北部推行“斯里兰卡和平建 设进程”,具体方法是制订有助于提高机构能力的预算外项目、推动建立一个自由传 媒中 心,对曾在冲突中失火 的 Jaffna 图书馆实行计算机化和联网以及通过教科文组织“文化间对 话”计划倡导和平生活理念。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The third initiative was to support the “Peace-building process in Sri Lanka”, in the strifetorn North East of the country, through developing extrabudgetary projects in building capacities of institutions, promotion of a free media centre, computerization and networking of the Jaffna library which was burnt during conflict and promotion of concepts for peaceful living through UNESCO’s “intercultural dialogue” programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
据海洋大气署指出,这些方案共同保护该国 95 331 英里长海岸和五大 湖湖岸线中的 99%以上。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to NOAA, these programmes together protect more than 99 per [...] cent of the country’s 95,331 miles of ocean and Great Lakes coastlines. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人对严格限制堕胎的国家,如爱尔 兰和波兰与允许在要求 时 堕 胎 的 国家, 如俄罗 斯联邦和美国做了比较,结果表明,严格限制堕胎的国家产妇死亡率实际 上比允许在要求时堕胎的国家还低。 daccess-ods.un.org | A comparison between nations [...] that have strong abortion restrictions, such as Ireland and Poland, and nations that permit abortion on demand, such as the Russian [...]Federation and the [...]United States, demonstrates that nations with strong abortion restrictions actually have lower maternal death rates than countries that permit abortion on demand. daccess-ods.un.org |
综上所述,而且一如上文指出,鉴于《开罗行动纲领》和我国国家立法 都不提倡将堕胎作 为计划生育的方法,萨尔瓦多完全接受该文件所载生殖权 利、生殖健康和计划生育概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | In view of the foregoing and considering that, as [...] previously mentioned, neither the Cairo Programme of Action nor national legislation promotes abortion as a method of family [...]planning, El Salvador [...]fully accepts the concepts of reproductive rights, reproductive health and family planning contained in that document. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一个堕落的世界里,冲突是不可避免的,然而事实 是 如 果我 们不尽力解决冲突,其结果就会是彼此消灭,就如保罗对加拉太人所说的:“你们……若相咬相吞,只怕要 彼此消灭了。 sallee.info | While conflicts are expected in a fallen world, the truth is that if we don’t work at resolving them we will end up destroying each other. sallee.info |
我們雖然正為㆗層及基層使用者提供訓練,但那些實際負責尋找 新穎解決方法和創新方向的領袖卻往 往 如 墮 五里 霧 ㆗ ,不知所以。 legco.gov.hk | While training to middle and low-end users is being provided, the leaders who are actually responsible for new solutions and innovative direction are often left in the dark. legco.gov.hk |
在讨论期间,秘书处建议,第一阶段氟氯烃淘汰管理计划应该包括技术援助方案, 以便消除在气雾剂和溶剂行业中作为 气 雾 剂 推 进剂而排放的 340.00 公吨(37.4 ODP 吨) 以及作为溶剂而排放的 260.00 公吨(28.60 ODP [...] 吨)HCFC-141b(即,80.00 公吨(8.80 ODP 吨))。 multilateralfund.org | During the discussions, the Secretariat suggested that stage I of the HPMP should include technical assistance programmes to eliminate the use of 340.00 mt (37.4 ODP tonnes) of HCFC-141b [...] in emissive [...] applications in the aerosol and solvent sectors (i.e., 80.00 mt (8.80 ODP tonnes) used as industrial aerosol propellants, [...]and 260.00 mt (28.60 [...]ODP tonnes) used as a solvent). multilateralfund.org |
第三部分:核查 2006 年中国生产行业的氟氯化碳进出口情况;重新部署前南斯拉 夫的马其顿共和国为一个撤销的项目所购买的 气 雾 剂 装备,将其用于在 科特迪瓦的 COPACI 公司的气雾剂项 目;关于在埃及淘汰计量吸入器 制造中氟氯化碳消费的技术提供者的报告;经修订的阿拉伯利比亚民众 国哈龙库项目的可持续性计划。 multilateralfund.org | Section III: Verification of CFC imports and exports for 2006 in China production sector; redeployment of the aerosol equipment purchased for a cancelled [...] project in the former [...] Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYR Macedonia) to be utilized in the COPACI aerosol project in Côte d’Ivoire; report on the technology provider for the phase-out [...]of CFC consumption [...]in the manufacture of MDIs in Egypt; and the revised plan for the sustainability of a halon banking project in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. multilateralfund.org |
不過CITE相信,這座城市將成為新科技面世之前的重要測試站,仿造真實世界條件後,研究員要測試構想時,即不必擔心在人口稠密的市區裡,太過耗時、花費太多、風險太高, 例 如 在 長 五 公 里 的 高速公路上,測試無人駕駛卡車。 thisbigcity.net | Mimicking real-world conditions, CITE will allow researchers to experiment with ideas that in populated [...] cities would be too time-consuming, costly or risky – like the driverless [...] trucks planned for its five-mile long freeway. thisbigcity.net |
这些技术性问题现在已经解决,每个 国家应该尽快根据促进公约及其议定书的普遍化行动计划通过时所作承诺,尽快 促进这项文书的普遍化,主席抱着这种精神建议在会议的最后文 件 中 通 过 一项关 于下列三个方面的建议:第一,由联合国秘书长和会议主席行使职权,以达到使 第五号议定书更普遍化这一目标;第二,由联合国大会第六十三届会议的主席编 写一份报告;第三,各缔约方应采取一项具体行动以便在它们各自的区 域 里 促进 加入第五号议定书。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that spirit, he suggested that the Conference should adopt as part of the final document a recommendation along the following lines: first, that the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the Conference should exercise their authority to achieve the goal of universality of Protocol V; second, that the President should submit a report to the United Nations General Assembly at its sixty-third session; and, third, that the High Contracting Parties should undertake efforts to promote wider adherence to Protocol V in their respective regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
研究涉及的 15 家公司里,五家公 司有限的披露了其海外纳税情况,十家公司则披 露了其海外收入的部分信息,例如海 外总收入或在特定国家的收入、支付给资源出口国 的所得税总金额或者百分比。 eisourcebook.org | Among the 15 companies covered in this study, five companies reported (limited) information about overseas tax payments and ten companies disclosed some [...] information linked to overseas revenues, [...]such as aggregated or country specific revenue gained overseas, total amount or percentage of income tax paid to host government. eisourcebook.org |
其實,如果工 廠蕭邦手錶馬刺隊已經贏得了他們的手錶 - 品牌還推出了一個新的標籤,“弗勒里耶質量”他們都是非常尖銳的審美和技術標準與其他四家公司地撲簌: 四 五 千 公 里 L U C 腕 錶每年離開。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In fact, if the factory Chopard watches have earned their spurs watch - the brand also launched with four other companies a new label, "Fleurier Quality" with aesthetic and technical criteria very sharp they are made trickle: between four and five thousand mile LUC watches leave [...] per year. en.horloger-paris.com |
委员会第四十八届会议审议了 7 个缔约国根据《公约》第 18 条提出的报告: 孟加拉国的第六次和第七次合并定期报告(CEDAW/C/BGD/6-7)、白俄罗斯的第七次 定期报告(CEDAW/C/BLR/7)、以色列的第四次和第五次定期报告(CEDAW/C/ISR/4 和 [...] CEDAW/C/ISR/5)、肯尼亚的第七次定期报告(CEDAW/C/KEN/7)、列支敦士登的第四次 [...] 定期报告(CEDAW/C/LIE/4)、南非的第二次至第四次合并定期报告(CEDAW/C/ZAF/2-4) 和斯里兰卡的第五次至第七次合并定期报告(CEDAW/C/LKA/5-7)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its forty-eighth session, the Committee considered the reports of seven States parties submitted under article 18 of the Convention: the combined sixth and seventh periodic report of Bangladesh (CEDAW/C/BGD/6-7), the seventh periodic report of Belarus (CEDAW/C/BLR/7), the fourth and fifth periodic reports of Israel (CEDAW/C/ISR/4 and CEDAW/C/ISR/5), the seventh periodic report of Kenya (CEDAW/C/KEN/7), the fourth periodic report of Liechtenstein (CEDAW/C/LIE/4), the combined second to fourth periodic [...] report of South Africa (CEDAW/C/ZAF/2-4) [...] and the combined fifth to seventh periodic report of Sri Lanka (CEDAW/C/ [...]LKA/5-7). daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会极其关注连续发生对单亲母亲及其子女的袭击,且这些行为没 有受到任何制裁,这些罪行的受害者与其子女一起生活在恐怖和极其贫困 之 中, 缔 约国没有向其提供任何支持;和 (b) 社会排斥和侮辱往往使未婚怀孕妇女与女孩冒着生命危险进行秘 密堕 胎, 遗弃其子女或流落街头,他们没有任何其他机遇,只有靠卖淫来养活其子 女。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is extremely concerned that attacks against single mothers and their children continue to be committed with impunity and that victims of these crimes live with their children in situations of fear and extreme poverty without support being provided by the State party; and daccess-ods.un.org |
不同社会之间存在差异的原因有很多,其中之一 是近亲结婚的比率很高―― 阿拉伯人中约有 35%,贝都因人中约有 60%,另一个 原因是宗教严禁堕胎,即使得到堕胎 的 医疗建议也不可以实施,还有社会经济差 异的原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | The gap between the communities stems from a number of factors, among them the high rate of consanguineous marriage – approximately 35% in the Arab [...] population and approximately [...] 60% in the Bedouin population, religious prohibition against abortion even in medically recommended cases, as well as socio economic [...]differences. daccess-ods.un.org |
间接的后果包括:因劣质或地下堕胎 手术生造成的死亡;孕妇 死亡;有害习俗造成的死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动相关的死亡;仅仅 [...] 因忽视、饥饿或虐待造成女孩或妇女的死亡;以及国家蓄意的行为或不行为造成 的死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | The indirect category includes: deaths due to poorly [...] conducted or clandestine abortions; maternal mortality; [...]deaths from harmful practices; deaths [...]linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and gangrelated activities; the death of girls or women from simple neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; and deliberate acts or omissions by the State. daccess-ods.un.org |