单词 | 好公民 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 好公民 noun —good citizen nSee also:公民 n—citizens pl • citizenship n • citizen n • civil n • freeman n
我們的目標,是訓練青少年成為具有 責任感及積極作出貢獻的良好公民。 legco.gov.hk | We aim at training up [...] our young people to become responsible and contributing members of the society. legco.gov.hk |
联合国志愿人 [...] 员组织继续在构建国家青年志愿人员计划方面发挥重要作用,该计划是改善青年 人就业能力并促使他们成为良好公民 的 一 种手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNV continues to play an important role in [...] establishing national youth volunteer schemes, which are a means of improving youth [...] employability and promoting good citizenship. daccess-ods.un.org |
學校同時鼓勵學生謹守“尊重、負責、同情”的校訓,作 良 好公民。 sfusd.edu | Students endeavor to become better citizens through performing community service and adherence to our school motto, 'Respect, Responsibility and Compassion. sfusd.edu |
教育督察的 好公民和社 会融合监管框架也纳入了一些基本价值观念和基本人权原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of fundamental values [...] and basic human rights principles are [...]incorporated into the education inspectorate’s supervisory [...]framework for good citizenship and integration. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们以帮助他人、做良好公民及养活自己和家人为荣。 daccess-ods.un.org | They showed pride in helping [...] others, being good citizens and supporting themselves [...]and their families. daccess-ods.un.org |
公司在这些(和其他领域)的环境和社会事项上负责任的行为是作为 良 好公 民必须做的,也是符合其自身利益。 daccess-ods.un.org | Responsible behaviour by companies on [...] environmental and social matters in these (and other) areas is both an [...] imperative of good citizenship and a matter of [...]self-interest. daccess-ods.un.org |
至关重要的是要打击苏丹和南苏丹的有罪不罚现象, 以搞好公民之间 以及公民与行政当局之间的关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fight against impunity in the Sudan [...] and in South Sudan will be pivotal in order to pacify [...] relations among citizens and between citizens and their authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在這個知識爆炸和瞬息 萬變的時代,準確掌握固定不變的內容已不像過往那麼重要。 反之,現今社會更重視學生能了解科目或學科範疇的主要概念 [...] 和原理,並且培養終身學習所需的學會學習能力,以及 良 好公 民的正確價值觀和態度。 legco.gov.hk | The explosion of knowledge and the rapid pace of change have made the factual mastering of fixed content less important than in the past, and places a greater premium on understanding the concepts and principles underpinning subjects or disciplines, building [...] skills in learning to learn for lifelong learning, and developing positive values and [...] attitudes for responsible citizenship. legco.gov.hk |
培养地⽅、国家和全球性良好公民意识 的教育。 unesdoc.unesco.org | an education [...] that cultivates good citizenship locally, nationally [...]and globally. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了支持学校,提出了课程建议,将人权教育纳 入 好公民 教 学 示范课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | To support schools, a curriculum [...] proposal has been developed that incorporates human rights education into a model [...] curriculum for teaching good citizenship. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,政府實應制訂一 套 更 能夠配 合 時 代 需 要 , 能加強 本港市民對 國家 的 認 識 和 認 同 的公民教育方 針 , 才 [...] 可令更 多 人 得 以 完 全 具 備 良 好 公民所必備 的 要 素 。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the Government should draw up a package of civic education objectives [...] that can better suit the needs of the times and [...] enhance Hong Kong people's knowledge of and [...]identification with the State. legco.gov.hk |
以前的报告指出,自2006 年以来,荷兰小学和中学一直按法律规定培育 好公民意识和促进社会融合。 daccess-ods.un.org | The previous reports noted that since 2006 [...] primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands are required by [...] law to promote good citizenship and social integration. daccess-ods.un.org |
從 長遠層次來說,這些學生能否成為負責任和關心社會的 良 好公民 , 是比較難以評估的。 legco.gov.hk | In the longer term, it is more difficult to assess whether the students will become [...] responsible and socially-aware citizens. legco.gov.hk |
我們的目標 是 培 育 和 鼓 勵 青 少 年 , 包括亟 需 援 助 的 青 少 年 , 使 他 [...] 們 成 為 成 熟 、 盡 責又進 取的良好公 民。 legco.gov.hk | In terms of youth services, our aim is to assist and [...] encourage young people, including the more vulnerable youth, to become mature, responsible and [...] contributing members of society. legco.gov.hk |
現有核心青少年福利服務包括綜合服務隊,兒童及青年中心,外 展社工及學校社會工作服務均集中為青少年提供服務,以滿足他 們多方面的需求,並培育一個可以幫助他們健康成長的環境,使 他們成為盡責及進取的良好公民。 legco.gov.hk | The existing core youth welfare services, including integrated teams, children and youth centres, outreaching social work and school social work service, render targeted services to meet the multifarious needs of young people with a view to nurturing a healthy environment for them to grow up to be contributing and responsible members of the community. legco.gov.hk |
卡尼瓦尔(Anthony Carnevale)所说,“如果研究生教育者不能促进经济增长和帮 [...] 助青少年以及成年人成为成功的劳动者的话,那么他们在履行创 造好邻居、好公民和终 身学习者的文化和政治使命方面也同样会 [...]失败。 fgereport.org | In 2008, while the median annual wage for workers with a bachelor’s degree was $52,624, it was $64,116 for workers with a master’s degree and $81,172 for workers with a doctorate.39 It has been posited that in a knowledge economy a graduate degree will become the new bachelor’s. As economist Anthony Carnevale has said, “if graduate educators cannot fulfill their economic mission to help grow the economy and [...] help youths and adults become successful [...] workers, they also will fail in their cultural [...]and political missions to create good [...]neighbors, good citizens and lifelong learners. fgereport.org |
正如我們不能透過立 法,規定每位市民都是好公民一樣。 legco.gov.hk | In a similar vein, we cannot require each member of the [...] public to be a good citizen by way of legislation. legco.gov.hk |
唐英年議員問:主席先生,剛才政府談到我們的教學目標,是教導學生成為關心社會的 良好公民。 legco.gov.hk | MR HENRY TANG (in Cantonese): Mr President, the [...] Administration has said just now that the aim of our education is to teach [...] students to become good citizens who care for the society. legco.gov.hk |
在那里,他们交好公民。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | There, they befriend the citizens. seekcartoon.com |
好公民意识 、人权和儿童权利教育等目标是小学和中学教育学业目标所固 有的,无须再加以明确列出。 daccess-ods.un.org | Objectives such as good citizenship, human rights and [...] children’s rights education are inherent in the attainment targets [...]for primary and secondary education without being explicitly listed as such. daccess-ods.un.org |
课程还鼓励以下社会和公民价值观:尊重法律、 良好 公民、参 与社区活动、坦诚、正直和诚实。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also encourages such [...] social and civic values as respect for the law, good citizenship, involvement [...]in community activities, [...]truthfulness, integrity and honesty. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席先生,㆒個㆟在觸犯法律之後,除了接受應得的懲罰之外,還應該獲得社會給予㆒個改過自新的機 會,重新成為㆒個守法的良好公民。 legco.gov.hk | But at the same time, he should also be given a chance by the society to turn over a new leaf, so that he could [...] become a law-abiding citizen again. legco.gov.hk |
(三 ) 政 府一直 在 公 民 教育委 員會及青年事務委 員會的協 助下,透 過多 種 媒 介 [...] 的 宣傳、 教育, 以 及 多項的 活 動 資 助計劃 , 向市民大眾 特 別 是年青人灌 輸 公 民意識 、 社 會 責 任及正 確 [...] 的 價 值 觀 , 以 培 養良 好 公 民 素 質 及 減 少他們參 與不正 [...]當 活 動 的 機 會。 legco.gov.hk | (c) With the support of the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education and the Commission on Youth, the Administration has been actively promoting civic awareness, social responsibility [...] and positive values among the public, [...] particularly young people, through various [...]publicity channels, educational programmes and funding schemes. legco.gov.hk |
一、辦學宗旨 本校為香港道教聯合會主辦的學校,於1969年創立,以「明道立德」為校訓,努力於 樹人育才的事業,期望學生能敦品勵行,奮力求進,俾能於現代社會中,能夠獨立思考、 積極發展潛能、建立正確人生觀,明智決事之能力,為繼續升學作充份的準備,進而成為 學行傑出的良好公民。 hktawts.edu.hk | With the motto ‘Grasp Principles, Cultivate Virtues’, we committed to fostering students’ talents, helping them to cultivate their characters, and broadening their horizon, so that our students can become an all-rounded person. hktawts.edu.hk |
共和 国的成功伴随公民的成长:佛罗伦萨自由理想神话,成 为罗马共和国的继承人,并成为意大利的典范,而其子 民也呈现出西塞罗理想中的“好公民 ” 形 象。 fondazionepalazzostrozzi.it | The triumphs of the Republic were matched by the population’s growing pride in the city. Florence’s libertas, the heir to the freedom of Republican Rome, offered itself [...] as a model to other Italian city [...] states, while its inhabitants appeared to embody Cicero’s ideal of the “good citizen”. fondazionepalazzostrozzi.it |
这包括扩大私营部门投资、增加外国和本国企业的联系、提倡做 良 好公 司公民等其他问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | This includes scaling up of private sector [...] investment, increasing linkages between foreign and domestic [...] firms, and good corporate citizenship, among other issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,政府明显提升了司法机构的权能,使其能够 更 好 地 保 障 公民 的 基 本自由和 权力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, the State has significantly increased the capacities of [...] judicial institutions [...] with a view to better implementation of the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to its citizens. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会还鼓励尼泊尔在可预见的时限内完成 新宪法的制定工作,藉此为尼泊尔人民创造一个更加 美 好 、 公 平 和 民 主 的 未来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council also encouraged Nepal to complete its new [...] constitution within the foreseen time frame to [...] help it build a better, more equitable and democratic future for [...]its people. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,希腊警察局总部还发布了一些通令,要求警察人员必须无一例外, 友好、公平地对待所有公民,并 充分尊重每个人的人格和个人权利,不得有基于 种族、族裔出身或任何其他理由的歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the Hellenic Police Headquarters have issued a [...] number of Circular Orders [...] on the need for good and fair conduct of the police personnel towards all citizens, without exceptions, [...]with full respect [...]for the person and the individual rights of everyone, with no discrimination based on race, ethnic origin or any other grounds. daccess-ods.un.org |