释义 |
land noun—地 n (almost always used) 土地 n (often used) Examples:not even enough land stand an awl (idiom); absolutely destitute—lit. fill the whole sky and cover the land; everywhere—maintain the land (with rotation of crops or fertilizer)—flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country—fig. bread basket (of fertile agricultural land)—close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door (idiom); close in spirit although far away—land use plan (official P.R.C. government term)—Zabulon or Zebulun, biblical land between Jordan and Galilee (Matthew 4:15)—Amédée Courbet (1826-1885), a French admiral who won a series of important land and naval victories during the Tonkin campaign and the Sino-French War—rain on Mt Ba (idiom); lonely in a strange land—work the land and also undertake academic studies—sea land air (transport, or military operations)—be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it—(Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers Amitabha Buddha's Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati in Sanskrit)—Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss or Sukhavati (Sanskrit)—lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom); fig. land swarming with disaster victims—classifier for works of literature, films, cars or land line telephones—classifier for chunks, lumps, or pieces of land, stones, cake, bread, candy, tofu; wristwatches—imaginary land of joy and plenty (sim. Utopia, Cockaigne, Shangri-la)— |