

单词 大唐



Tang Paradise in Xi'an


Report of the regions west of Great Tang


Four Great Poets of early Tang


Great Tangshan Earthquake (1976)

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

在波大,唐人街 在首都(大型城或镇)是由一系列断断续续的“片段”存在的。
In Bogota, Chinatown exists but as a series [...]
of fragmentary “moments” around the capital city (and the country at large)
that have mostly to do with the commercialization of articles of everyday use that bare little or no sign of them being Chinese.
[...] 我十分同意,只要我們的社會具有開放、有容乃大的氣量,我們的社會才得 以發展,即使是封建時代大唐,當 時的發展也是相當好的。
Having said that, however, I agree very much to the view that if and only if our society can be open
and tolerant, then there can be progress, for even as a
[...] feudal society, the Tang Dynasty made great [...]
strides in progress.
这段4分钟的视频将向您讲述清洁发展机制(CDM)项目如何帮助中国最大的发电企业之一— 大唐 集 团 引进更多的可再生能源,特别是风电能源。
This 4-minute video shows how a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project in China has helped one of the largest Chinese power suppliers to introduce more renewable energy, notably wind energy.
待發行後大唐優先 股將(a)與以下各項的持有人享有同等的申索權:(i)本公 [...]
司任何類別優先股本;及(ii)與可換股優先股或有關優先股具有同等地位的本公司 其他責任;及(b)優先於(包括有關任何清算事件後所分派的所得款項,惟以繳足款 項為限)對本公司普通股持有人及本公司所直接或間接產生且與普通股享有同等或
The Datang Pre-emptive Preferred Shares [...]
will, upon issue, rank (a) pari passu with the claims of holders of (i) any class
of preferred share capital of the Company and (ii) other obligations of the Company which rank pari passu with the Convertible Preferred Shares or such preferred shares, and (b) in priority (including with respect to distribution of proceeds upon any liquidation event up to the amount paid up) to any payment to the holders of Ordinary Shares of the Company and other obligations of the Company, incurred directly or indirectly by it, which rank, or are expressed to rank, pari passu the claims of the Ordinary Shares.
(ii) 董事會至少三分之二的董事(不包 大唐 提 名的董事會成員)依據誠實信 用的原則書面決議認為該權利的行使對本公司及股東作為一個整體並非 為最有利的;及 (b) 若按除上述(a)外的方式發行有關證券,相當 大唐 在 有 關證券發行前實益擁 有的本公司已發行股本比例的有關證券, 大唐 ( 連 同 大唐 全 資 附屬公 大唐 (香港))須最少持有本公司總股本1,849,547,150股股份(按任何股份分拆、股 份綜合、股息、資本重整和其他類似事項而作出適當調整)。
(ii) at least two-thirds of the Board
(excluding the members of the
[...] Board nominated by Datang) in good faith resolves in writing that such exercise is not in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole; and (b) in case of the issue of the Relevant Securities other than (a) above, a pro rata portion of the Relevant Securities equal to the percentage of the issued share capital of the Company then beneficially owned by Datang prior to the issue of the Relevant Securities, provided that Datang (together with Datang (Hong Kong), [...]
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Datang) maintains an ownership interest
equal to at least 1,849,547,150 Shares (as appropriately adjusted for stock splits, stock consolidation, stock dividends, recapitalizations and the like) of the total nominal share capital of the Company.
目前,TD- LTE 与 LTE FDD 已经实
现了从标准、产业链到产品的全面融合,在 3GPP 等国际通信标准组 织中,LTE
[...] TDD/FDD 是同一调制技术标准;华为、中兴 大唐 、爱立信、诺基亚西门子、阿尔卡特朗讯等全球主要系统供应商都推出了 [...]
TDD/FDD 的共平台产品;而 TDD/FDD
共芯片的产品也成为全球芯 片厂家的共同研发方向,数款芯片已推出。
At present, TD-LTE and LTE FDD have already achieved comprehensive convergence from standard, industry chain to product, and in 3GPP and other international communication standard organizations, LTE TDD/FDD is the same modulation technology
standard; global leading system providers
[...] such as Huawei, ZTE, Datang, Ericsson, Nokia [...]
Siemens Networks and Alcatel-Lucent have
introduced shared TDD/FDD platform products; while shared TDD/FDD chip products have also become a common R&D direction of global chip vendors, with several types of chips already being launched.
With an investment amount [...]
as low as HKD100,000, customers can subscribe non-listed Equity Linked Investments ( ELIs ) issued by Macquarie Bank Limited.
9 月 4 日,安理会通过主席声明(S/PRST/2008/34),欢迎希族塞人和土族塞 人领袖为统一塞浦路斯展开全面谈判,并任命亚历 大 · 唐 纳 为秘书长的塞浦路 斯问题特别顾问。
On 4 September, the Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2008/34), by which it welcomed the launch of fully-fledged negotiations between the leaders of the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots aimed at the reunification of Cyprus, as well as the appointment of Alexander Downer as Special Adviser to the Secretary-General for Cyprus.
自从我提出上次报告(S/2009/610)以来,我的特别顾问亚历 大 · 唐 纳 和 / 或我的特别代表塔耶-布鲁克·泽里洪继续为两位领导人及其代表的一系列会议 提供了便利。
Since my previous report (S/2009/610), my Special Adviser, Alexander Downer, and/or my Special Representative, Tayé-Brook Zerihoun, have continued to facilitate a series of meetings between the leaders and between their representatives.
实佳电子顺应科技发展,全力推进移动支付行业进步,现公司研发涉及范围主要有SIMPASS定制天线、符合EMV认证的读卡器/POS机非接触感应天线、IPHONE苹果机无线充电器感应天线、NFC定制天线、SWP-NFC定制天线、整合移动支付功能的SIM卡天线(13.56MHZ)、GSM/DCS/PCS/CDMA1X/WCDMA网络终端内置天线、13.56MHZ/900MHZ/2.4GHZ电子标签天线、SIM卡卡贴2.4G移动支付天线等主要产品,主要客户 大唐 电 信、北京握奇、国民技术、青岛海信、南天信息、中国普天、九思泰达等大型企业。
Sugar electronic complies with the development of science and technology, to promote the mobile payment industry progress, the current R & D coverage of major SIMPASS custom antenna, EMV certification with the card reader /POS non-contact inductive antenna, IPHONE MAC wireless charger Inductive antenna, NFC, SWP-NFC custom custom antenna antenna antenna antenna, NFC, NFC integration, the integration of mobile payment SIM card antenna ( 13.56MHZ ),   GSM/DCS/PCS/CDMA1X/WCDMA network terminal antenna, 13.56MHZ/900MHZ/2.4GHZ electronic label
antenna, SIM card and 2.4G
[...] card for mobile payment antenna and other major products, major customers include telecommunications, [...]
Beijing watch,
national technology, Qingdao, China Putian Information Hisense, southern, nine Si Taida and other large enterprises.
回顧年度內,已完成的合約包括向 廣州珠江電廠大唐三門 峽發電有限責任公司,廣東電網公司港江供電局及雲浮供電局提供管理資訊系統。
During the year under review, contracts completed
included management information system provided to Guangzhou Zhujiang
[...] LNG Power Plant, Datang Sanmenxia Electric [...]
Power Co, Ltd.
每位艺术家以开放的观念针对“波 大唐 人 街 ”特别为上海双年展进行创作,以此对重商主义体制下商业和文化效应进行探索,每个人的想法都将有一个不同的转译。
Commissioned especially for this occasion, as an exploration of the commercial and cultural effects of a mercantilist system, each artist was approached with the open idea of engaging with the “Bogota Chinatown,” which for each translates into a different notion.
大唐在许 多 产品填补国内空白的同时也必将成为这一领域新品研发和市场开拓的引导者。
Our products fill the gaps now and at the same time We will try to become a new field of research and marketing of the guide.
大唐移动 ,中国最大的电信设备制造商之一,设计并提供先进的TD-SCDMA基站,使高性能无线网络能够满足全球最大的手机市场——中国迅速增长的7亿以上手机用户的需求。
Datang Mobile, one of China’s [...]
largest telecommunication equipment manufacturers, designs and supplies advanced TD-SCDMA
base stations that enable the high performance wireless networking needed to accommodate China’s burgeoning 700M+ population of mobile users—the largest mobile market in the world.
[...] LTE路测软件广泛应用于爱立信、诺西、阿朗 大唐 等 多个系统设备厂家,协助各系统设备厂家顺利完成规模试验测试。
During the TD-LTE two-stage scale test of China Mobile from March to May in 2012, our CDS LTE drive test software was applied in a wide range of system equipment manufactures,
including Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks,
[...] Alcatel-Lucent, DT, etc. to assist [...]
them to complete the scale test successfully.
大唐国际发电股份有限公司选择了 InFusion [...]
企业管理系统 (ECS),来管理两个新建的 300 兆瓦发电机组,这两个机组位于山西省大同市的云冈发电厂。
Datang Power chooses InFusion [...]
Enterprise Control System (ECS) for the control of its two new 300 MW generating units at
the Yungang power plant, located in Datang City, Shanxi province.
经过四年来的拓展和合作,目前包 大唐 、 华为、中兴、爱 立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯、诺基亚-西门子等在内的全球主要系统厂家, 海思、高通、联芯、Marvell、展讯、联发科技、创毅视讯等在内的 主要芯片制造商,以及星河亮点、罗德与施瓦茨 大唐 联 仪 、中创信 测、安捷伦、艾法斯等测试仪表厂商,全部支持该技术。
Through four years of development and cooperation, at present, global major system vendors including Datang, Huawei, ZTE, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Siemens and major chip vendors such as Hisilicon, Qualcomm, Leadcore, Marvell, Spreadtrum, MediaTek and Innofidei, as well as major test instrument vendors [...]
like StarPoint, Rohde & Schwarz, DT LinkTester,
Zhongchuang Telecom Test, Agilent and Aeroflex all support this technology.
大唐主要 产品有:邻甲酚、抗氧剂BHT、抗氧剂2246、2,6-二甲酚、对甲苯 [...]
磺酸、2,4-二甲酚、3,4-二甲酚、对乙基酚、2-叔丁基对甲酚、6-叔丁基间甲酚、6-叔丁基邻甲酚、2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚、2,6-二叔丁基对 乙基苯酚等酚系衍生物。
Our main products: 2,4 - [...]
xylenol, 2,6 - xylenol, 3,4 - xylenol, ethyl phenol, o-cresol, 2 - tert-butyl-p-cresol, 6 - Tert-butyl-m-cresol,
6 - tert-butyl-o-cresol, 2,6 - tert-butyl-p- cresol, 2,6 - tert-butyl ethyl phenol, such as the Department of phenol derivatives.
ADI is a ‘Core
[...] Supplier,’ a designation Datang awarded to ADI in 2009. [...]
The advanced capabilities, technology integration,
and cost savings that ADI brought to our TD-SCDMA base station design were invaluable.
缅甸国家计划与经济发展部的 2009 年投资数字至少漏 掉了两个大型修建-运营-移交项目:华能集团公司与缅甸
[...] 第一电力部合作的瑞丽江二级电站谅解备忘录,以大 唐集团与缅甸第一电力部合作的太平江一期水电项目。
At least two major BOT projects were omitted from the Myanmar Ministry of National Planning and Development’s investment figures in 2009: Huaneng Group’s MOU with Myanmar’s Ministry of
Electrical Power (I) on the Shweli II
[...] hydropower project and Datang Group’s agreement [...]
with the same agency on the Taiping River I Hydropower project.
秘书长塞浦路斯问题特别顾问亚历 大 · 唐 纳于 2010 年 11 月 30 日向安理会报告情况。
The Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Cyprus, Alexander Downer, briefed the Council on 30 November 2010.
大力實施項目拉動、工業突破、產​​業富民、城鎮帶動、科教興縣五大戰略,加快推進產業化、工業化、城鎮化“三化”進程,奮力推進“一主一軸兩帶兩區”城市發展工程和平安創建、健康惠民等十大民心工程,把招商引資作為發展的生命工程和第一要務,經濟發展勢頭強勁 大唐 集 團 、中鋁集團、窯煤集團等10多家國內大型企業入駐**,投資興業。
Pulling vigorously implement the project, five industrial breakthrough, industry wealthy towns, driven, science and education county strategy to accelerate the process of industrialization, industrialization and urbanization, struggling to promote the "main axis, two with two areas" urban development project and peace and security, health Huimin Ten popular works, as the investment in engineering and the most important task of the
development of life, the strong momentum of
[...] economic development: Datang Group, Chinalco Group, [...]
kiln Coal Group, more than 10 large
domestic enterprises into in **, invest.
Great Tang Duolun coal-to-Olefin [...]
sewage treatment station completely broken mainly cyanide process, defluorination process,
SBR biological treatment process, multi-media and activated carbon filtration adsorption process, the whole plant sewage treatment, ground and equipment maintenance rinse water, plant the early rain (before 15min), SCIP gasification plant, methanol plant, MTP devices, PP plant chemical gasification of sewage and sewage water boiler installations.
大唐渭河 发电厂信息化建设总体规划描绘 大唐 渭 河 发电厂信息化建设总体规划的蓝图和框架,并提出了建设蓝图的建议思路和方法, 大唐 渭 河发电厂未来3-5年内的信息化建设各个领域提供指导作用,使得信息化能作为渭河发电厂管理优化的手段,帮助企业实施战略,提高渭河发电厂的市场竞争力。
Datang Weihe Power Plant IT construction master plan project depicts the blueprint and framework of Datang Weihe Power Plant IT construction and proposes guideline and methods for the blueprint, which [...]
is IT construction
direction of Datang Weihe Power Plant for next 3-5 years.
通过Hydro Tasmania和大唐吉林发电有限公司等合作项目,吉林省和澳大利亚在风电和铁路网络领域也已着手开展合作,而中国两大火车制造商之一的长春轨道客车股份有限公司,也在与澳大利亚Downer-EDI联手为悉尼CityRail网络建造626辆轨道车。
Jilin and Australia have also cooperated in the fields of wind power and rail networks through partnership such as Hydro Tasmania and Datang Jilin Power Generation Co.
政府的不干預政策,助長炒樓風氣,造成很多「有屋無㆟住」,以及「有㆟無屋住」的唐大笑話 ,而在這個笑話的背後,卻充滿 辛酸和汗水。
Behind this situation are stories of sorrow and sweat.
此外,在同次会议上,委员会听取了下列人士关于闭会期间活动结果的报告: 新田晃先生(日本)关于 2009 年 11 月 11 日和 12 日以及 2010 年 3 月 18 日和 19 日分别在东京举行的“亚洲区域 3R(减少、再利用、再循环)论坛首届会议”和“大发展 中国家废物管理服务”国际协商会议的结果;韩国代表关于 2010 年 3 月 16 日和 17 日在首尔举行的题为“联合国减缓气候变化、燃油效率和可持续城市 交通论坛”国际专家小组会议的结果 唐 纳 德 ·库珀先生(《斯德哥尔摩公约》) 关于 2009 年 12 月 3 日和 4 日在日内瓦举行的“化学品健全管理案例研究研讨会” 的结果。
Also at the same meeting, the Commission heard presentations by the following on the outcomes of intersessional events: Mr. Akira Nitta (Japan), on the outcomes of the “Inaugural Meeting of the Regional 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Forum in Asia” and the International
Consultative Meeting
[...] on “Expanding Waste Management Services in Developing Countries”, which were held in Tokyo on 11 and 12 November 2009 and on 18 and 19 March 2010, respectively; the representative of the Republic of Korea, on the outcome of the International Expert Group Meeting entitled “United Nations Forum on Climate Change Mitigation, Fuel Efficiency and Sustainable Urban Transport”, which was held in Seoul on 16 and 17 March 2010; and Mr. Donald Cooper (Stockholm Convention), on the outcome of the “Workshop [...]
on Case Studies in the
Sound Management of Chemicals”, which was held in Geneva on 3 and 4 December 2009.




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