

单词 大冶

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External sources (not reviewed)

拉吉斯拉夫于1976年毕业于斯洛伐克科希策(Košice)技 大 学 冶 金 工 程学院,获冶金工程文凭。
Ladislav graduated from Slovakia’s Technical University Košice, College of Metallurgical Engineering in 1976 with a Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering.
在XVIII世纪在当地是创立了乌拉尔地方的第一 大 的 冶 金 企 业,彼尔娒沙皇省的叶果尔兴斯基铜厂。
The Yegoshikhinsky Copper Smelting Plant established [...]
in XVIII century was amongst the first large metallurgical plants built in the Urals.
本公司研制的固定振动分流筛获国家发明专利并已在宣化钢铁等多 大 型 冶 金 、 焦化企业广泛使用;本公司研制的挠性传动单轴振动放矿机获国家发明专利,在河南栾川钼矿等多家矿山使用赢得了良好信誉;本公司生产的1545热矿筛、煤粉筛出口印度、乌克兰等国家;本公司生产的3090大型椭圆等厚筛、3175大型冷矿筛在宣钢、唐钢等多家大型钢铁企业使用,深得用户的好评。
The company developed a fixed vibration triage sieve won the
national invention patent and has been widely used in Xuanhua Iron and Steel, and a
[...] number of large metallurgical, coking enterprises; [...]
The company developed
a flexible driving single-axis vibration drawing machine won the national invention patents in Henan Luanchuan molybdenum mine and a number of mine use to win a good reputation; the production of the company's 1545 hot griddle, coal sieve exports to India, Ukraine and other countries; the production of the company's 3090 large oval thick screen, the 3175 large-scale cold griddle Vision Steel , Tangshan Iron and Steel and a number of large steel companies, won the praise of users.
Pete 在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡获得卡内基 – 梅大学冶金和 材料科学专业的科学学士学位以及杜肯大学的领导艺术和通识教育硕士学位。
Pete holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgy and Materials Science from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Masters of Arts in Leadership and Liberal Studies from Duquesne University, both in Pittsburgh, PA.
如:依托中大学冶金物理化学学科,学校以技术出资与社会投资 合作相继创立了湖南瑞翔新材料有限公司、湖南杉杉新材料有限公司、湖南海纳新材料 有限公司,从 2001 年开始,在较短的时间内,先后实现了钴酸锂、电池级四氧化钴等 近 10 种具有国际先进水平的系列电池材料的产业化, 2004 年,实现销售收入 6 亿多 元,利税 6700 多万元,多项产品开始出口韩国等国际市场,实现出口 [...] [...]
500 多万美元, 为社会创造就业岗位 650 多人,有望构建湖南区域内能源材料的产业基地。
Since 2001, these corporations have successively realized the industrialization of nearly ten kinds of advanced battery materials, such as lithium cobaltate, CoO4, and so on.
熔体冷却后大块的冶金级 硅被投入破碎机中。
After the melt has cooled, large chunks of metallurgical-grade silicon are taken to the crusher.
Ladislav 於 1976 年畢業於斯洛伐克的 Košice 科大學的冶金工程學院,並獲得冶金工程的文憑。
Ladislav graduated from Slovakia’s Technical University Košice, College of Metallurgical Engineering in 1976 with a Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering.
基于这个原因大部分的冶炼测 试工 作将集中于尽可能的扩大在此环节的金属回收率。
For this reason most of the test-work effort to date has been directed at maximising value recovery from this unit operation.
Jozsef拥有布达佩斯技术学院的机械工程硕士学位,还有Miskolc重工技 大 学 的 冶 金 机械工程硕士学位。
Jozsef has an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Budapest Tech University and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering in Metallurgy from Tech University of Heavy Industry in Miskolc.
在Schweinfurt,我们有世界大的轴承 圈 冶 炼 厂 之一。
At our Schweinfurt
[...] location we have one of the world’s largest bearing ring forges. 80,000 metric [...]
tons of steel are processed here every year alone.
本新闻稿中的矿产资源评估使用了加 大 矿 业 、 冶 金 及 石油协会(CIM)有关矿产资源及储量的标准,加 大 矿 业 、 冶 金 及 石油协会储量定义标准委员会制订的定义和指南,以及加 大 矿 业 、 冶 金 及 石油协会理事会采用的定义和指南。
The mineral resources in this press release were estimated using the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), CIM Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines prepared by the CIM Standing [...]
Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council.
Zag Suuj礦藏的部分煤層,平均的自由膨脹指 大 於 5, 顯示含 冶 金 物質;不過至今只進行了有限的冶金 測試。
Several of the seams at the Zag Suuj Deposit have an average free swell index greater than 5, indicating metallurgical properties; however, limited metallurgical testing has been undertaken to date.
神特集团还决定大对云南冶金业 的投资力度。
It has also decided to
[...] increase its investment in Yunnan’s metallurgy.
洪 先 生 為 英 國 皇 家 測 量 師 學
[...] 會會員 、 美 國 評 估 師 協 會 認 可 高 級 評 估 師( 企 業 估 值 )、 加大 開 採 、 冶 金 及 石 油 學 會會員 及大 利 亞 採 礦冶 金 學 會會員 , 及 美 國 企 業 估 價 師 協 會 註 冊 企 業 價值評 估 師 。
Mr. Hung is a member of Royal institution of Chartered Surveyors, Accredited Senior Appraiser (Business Valuation) of American Society of
Appraisers, the member of the
[...] Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum and the member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and a Certified [...]
Business Appraiser
of the Institute of Business Appraisers, Inc.
多年来金软公司致力于矿山企业信息化建设,以国家863计划重点项目——“采矿数字化软件系统”为支撑,积极探索、不断创新,形成了包括矿山安全避险 大 系 统 、 冶 炼 ER P系统在内的一系列产品,通过三维建模和仿真虚拟技术,在三维可视化集成平台上对井下安全避险六大系统进行集成应用和统一管理,三维显示人员定位、通讯联络、环境监测监控、压风施救、供水自救、逃生避险、通风、排水及生产自动化控制系统,实现矿山安全管理、生产调度及应急救援指挥的可视化、集成化和智能化,为促进工业化与信息化在矿山企业的深度融合提供了强有力的技术支持。
For many years the company committed to mine gold soft enterprise information construction, with the national 863 plan key projects-" mining digital software system "for support, and actively explore and
innovate, formed including mine
[...] safety hedge six big system, smelting ERP system, a [...]
series of products, through 3 d modeling
and simulation virtual technology, the 3 d visualization integration platform for underground safety hedge six system integrated application and unified management, 3 d display personnel orientation, communication, environmental monitoring, pressurized air rescue, water supply, save a hedge, ventilation and drainage escape and production automation control system, realize the mine safety management, production scheduling and emergency rescue of visualization, integration and intelligentization, to promote the industrialization and information fusion in the depth of the mining enterprises provide strong technical support.
洪 波 先 生 為 英 國 皇 家 測 量 師 學 會會員 、 美 國 評 估 師 協 會 認 可 高 級 評 估 師( 企 業 估 值 )、 加大 開 採 、 冶 金 及 石 油 學 會會員 及大 利 亞 採 礦冶 金 學 會會員 。
Mr. Paul Hung is a member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Accredited Senior Appraiser (Business Valuation) of American Society of
Appraisers, the member of the
[...] Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum and the member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
学校推 行“学科性公司制”后, 依托该学科成立了长沙冠华生物化工技术有限公司,几年中, 公司为该学科投资兴建了冶生物工 程 大 楼 , 增添 大 批 仪 器设备, 大 地 提 升了我校冶生物加工技术及生物工程学科的研究发展能力。
In recent years, the corporation invested and built mining and metallurgical and biological engineering building, and added a great deal of equipments and instruments.
大量前期冶金测试的标本都被真空封存于新南威尔士州 Brookevale 的 Metcon 实验室,原来的,以及目前的冶 金测试工作都在这里进行。
A substantial proportion of the composited ore sample from the earlier test-work has been kept under airtight storage at Metcon Laboratories, Brookvale NSW, where both the prior and current test-work is being conducted.
该资源评估采用了由大利亚采矿 冶 金 学 会(AusIMM)会员、Waratah Coal公司副总裁David Campbell先生提供的数据,以及大利 亚 采矿 冶 金 学 会会员、Waratah Coal公司高级煤地质学者Andrew McLaughlin的模型进行编撰。
The resource estimates were compiled using data supplied by Mr David Campbell, Fellow of the AusIMM and Vice President Waratah Coal and modelling by Mr Andrew McLaughlin, Member of the AusIMM, and Senior Coal Geologist Waratah Coal.
2010年检出的261批环保项目不合格的进口废物原料,涉及废塑料137批,占环保项目不合格总批次的52.5%;而其他124批环保项目不合格涉及废纺织原料、废纸、金属和合金废料、混合废金属 冶 炼 矿 等 5 大 类 品 种,合计仅占环保项目不合格总批次的47.5%。
Among them, the imports of waste plastics, smelting slag, scrap metal and alloy batch failure rate higher environmental projects, were above average; imported waste paper, wood and cork waste, scrap ship failed batches of low environmental projects. 2010 annual environmental projects out of 261 batches of substandard import of waste materials, involving 137 batches of waste plastics, accounting for environmental projects failed 52.5% of the total batch; other substandard environmental projects involving 124 batches of
textile raw materials, waste, waste paper, metal and alloy scrap, mixed
[...] scrap metal smelting slag and other five major categories and [...]
varieties, environmental
projects totaling only 47.5% of total batch failed.
优美科也是一家全球 公司,在材料科学、化学冶金方面 有 大 量 的专业资源,并且凭借其前身,也掌 握有关多金属结核和海矿资源公司所申请区域的知识。
Umicore, also a global player, has significant expertise in materials science, chemistry and metallurgy as well as, through its predecessor, knowledge of polymetallic nodules and the area under application by GSR.
与此同时, 在未采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马,矿物生产和官方出口有所下降, 因为,要获得“不涉及冲突冶炼厂地位的精炼厂 冶 炼 厂称,它们自 2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡矿供应链倡议制度标记的材料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no such traceability systems were introduced, mineral production and official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy material from red-flag locations only if tagged under the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).
[...] 藏的经济、环境和政治因素,以及与当前和未来 冶 金 和 采矿技术有关的问题, 对陆地和海底作业进行比较。
The third part of the study will examine the economic, environmental and political considerations of the exploration and mining of
seabed deposits and issues related to present
[...] and future metallurgical and mining [...]
technologies, comparing land-based and seabed operations.
(29) 經營石油、石油產品及副產品、其他礦物油及副產品以及液體及氣態烴 類及副產品之生產商、抽水廠冶煉 商、存儲商、供應商、運輸商、分 銷商、零售商及經商之業務,及於全球任何地方搜索、調查、檢查、勘探 及開拓、經營、租入、購入或以其他方式取得本公司可能認為能夠或可 能有能力提供礦物油氣之土地、河床及其他地方或取得當中權利或權益 ,及建立、使用及利用礦井、泵站、管道及視為適宜之所有其他工程及 設施。
(29) To carry on the business of producers, pumpers, refiners, storers, suppliers, transporters, distributors and retailers of, and dealers in, petroleum, petroleum products and by-products, other mineral oils and by-products and liquid and gaseous hydro-carbons and by-products, and to search for, inspect, examine, prospect and explore, work, take on lease, purchase, or otherwise acquire, or obtain rights or interests in lands, sea-beds and other places in any part of the world which may seem to the Company capable or possibly capable of affording a supply of mineral oil or gas, and to establish, utilise and turn to account wells, pumping stations, pipe-lines and all such other works and conveniences as are deemed desirable.
經 營 範 圍 為 航 天 技 術 產 品,機 械、電
器 產 品,儀 器 儀 錶;電 子 產 品,塑 料 製 品,化 工 製 品,起 重 運 輸 產 品,五 金 傢 具,建
[...] 築 材 料,磁 性 材 料,粉冶 金,國 產 汽 車(小 轎 車 除 [...]
外 )、倉 儲 及 進 出 口 業 務 等。
The scope of business includes aerospace technology products, mechanical products, electrical appliance products, apparatuses and instruments; electronic products, plastic products, chemical products, hoisting and transportation products, hardware and
furniture, construction materials, magnetic
[...] materials, powder metallurgy, Chinese-manufactured [...]
automobiles (except sedans), warehousing
and import and export operations.
Mopani於年內較早時宣佈,預冶煉廠 提升項目(包括將硫磺排放捕集率改善至97%以上)將於二零一三年十二月前完成,較與贊比亞當 [...]
Mopani announced earlier in the
[...] year that the smelter upgrade project, [...]
including improving sulphur emissions capture to
above 97%, is expected to be completed by December 2013, 18 months ahead of the schedule initially agreed with the Zambian authorities.
(g) 壓碎、採集、取得、開採、煉製、鍛燒、提煉、調製、熔合、操作及為推銷而製作各類礦
[...] 石、金屬及礦物物質,以及進行可能被視為有助於本公司任何一項宗旨之任何其 冶 金業 務。
(g) To crush, win, get, quarry, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate and prepare for market, ore, metal and
mineral substances of all kinds and to carry on
[...] any other metallurgical operations [...]
which may seem conducive to any one of the Company’s objects.
如果香港的賭場 能開拓多元化的娛樂設施,並把會議展覽、購物及博彩元素“ 冶 一 爐 ”, 將可為旅客帶來更多選擇,亦可延長他們在港逗留的時間,更能配合旅發局 正努力宣傳的家庭及商務旅遊。
If the casino in Hong Kong can be developed into a diversified entertainment facility and elements of conferencing and exhibition, shopping and gaming can be merged into it, this will offer visitors more choices and lengthen their stay in Hong Kong, thus tying in with the HKTB's efforts to promote family and business travel.




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