

单词 哈博罗内

哈博罗内 ()

Gaborone, capital of Botswana

See also:


hello (loanword)

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会在第四次、第五次和第六次会议上审议了项目 5.7“教科文组织与信息社会世界峰会” (第 33 C/41 和 33 C/COM.V/DR.3 号文件)、项目
5.17“媒体与善治宣言”(第 33 C/COM.V/DR.5 号和 33 C/COM.V/DR.4 号文件)和项目
[...] 5.19“第二届世界信息技术论坛(WITFOR)20 05 : 哈博罗 内议定书”(33 C/COM.V/DR.2 [...]
At its fourth, fifth and sixth meetings, the Commission examined items 5.7 “UNESCO and the World Summit on the Information Society” (33 C/41 and 33 C/COM.V/DR.3), 5.17 “Declaration on Media and Good Governance” (33 C/COM.V/DR.5 and
33 C/COM.V/DR.4) and 5.19 “Second World Information Technology
[...] Forum (WITFOR 2005): Gaborone Protocol” (33 C/COM.V/DR.2).
自 2003
[...] 年夏以来,为新任秘书长和全国委员会其他官员举办了下列培训班和讲习班: (i)在中国北京举办的国家培训活动;(ii)在博茨瓦 哈博罗内 、 伊 朗德黑兰、喀麦隆雅 温得、俄罗斯联邦莫斯科、拉脱维亚里加及在塞舌尔、达累斯萨拉姆多国办事处举办了多国 [...]
The following training seminars and workshops for new Secretaries-General and other officials of National Commissions were held since summer 2003: (i) national training event in Beijing, China;
(ii) cluster training
[...] workshops in Gaborone, Botswana; in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran; in [...]
Yaoundé, Cameroon; in Moscow,
Russian Federation, Riga, Latvia, in the Seychelles for the Dar es Salaam cluster; (iii) regional training seminars in United Arab Emirates; in Bamako, Mali and in Bangkok, Thailand; and (iv) interregional training seminar at Headquarters.
六届会议、2010 年在奥地利举行的外来语工作组第十次会议、2011 年在温哥华举
[...] 办的第十七次海洋名国际研讨会、2011 年 11 月哈博罗内举办的非洲国家建立地 名路线图讲习班、以及 [...]
2012 年 4 月在南非举办的地名标准化国家讲习班。
Arab experts participated in a number of regional and international meetings, including the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth sessions of the Group of Experts; the tenth meeting of the Working Group on Exonyms, held in Austria in 2010; the seventeenth International Seminar on Sea Names, held in Vancouver, Canada, in 2011; a workshop on establishing a road map for
geographical names in the countries of
[...] Africa, held in Gaborone, Botswana, in November 2011; [...]
and a national workshop for the
standardization of geographical names, held in South Africa in April 2012.
它似乎与旨在提高教科文组织和地区一 体化组织的作用的一致性并不完全相符(参见:185
EX/29 号文件,总干事关于总部外办事 机构改革的报告,2010 年 9 月),因为在哈拉雷(津巴布韦)还有一个多国办事处,负责博 茨瓦纳、马拉维、莫桑比克、赞比亚、津巴布韦和
[...] SADC 地区性组织(南部非洲发展共同体, 总部位哈博罗内)。
Its geographical remit has remained unchanged since 2002 and does not seem exactly consistent with the guidelines designed to make UNESCO’s presence more coherent with that of regional integration organizations (185 EX/29 “Report by the Director-General on the reform of the field network”, September 2010,) as there is another cluster office in Harare (Zimbabwe) covering Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique,
Zambia, Zimbabwe and the regional organization itself – the Southern African Development
[...] Community (SADC) (based in Gaborone).
(a) 南共体经济伙伴协定服务业和投资工作组(5月10日至14 日,约 翰内斯堡 );(b) 东南非共市服务贸易委员会第二次会议(5月19日至21 日,哈拉 雷 );(c) 与博茨瓦纳贸易和工业部合作举办的服务贸易培训讲习班(5月31日至 6月4 日哈博罗内);(d ) 南共体行业技术专家服务贸易区域讲习班(6月7日至 9 日,约翰内斯堡);(e) 南共体贸易谈判论坛――服务业第十五次会议(6月10 日,约翰内斯堡);(f) 南共体《经济伙伴协定》服务业和投资问题技术工作组(8 月30日至9月3 日哈博罗内)。
Such support was provided, inter alia, to (a) SADC Economic Partnership Agreement Working Group on Services and Investment (Johannesburg, 10–14 May); (b) COMESA
Second Meeting of the Committee
[...] on Trade in Services (Harare, 19–21 May); (c) Training Workshop on Trade in Services in collaboration with Botswana Ministry of Trade and Industry (Gaborone, 31 May – 4 June); (d) SADC Trade in Services Regional Workshop for Sectoral Technical Experts (Johannesburg, 7–9 June); (e) Fifteenth Meeting of the SADC Trade Negotiating Forum – Services (Johannesburg, 10 June); (f) SADC Economic Partnership Agreement Technical Working Group on Services and Investment (Gaborone, 30 August–3 September).
高级专员办事处正在与政治部哈 博罗内联络处协调其活动,与同南共体合作的机构和组织协调其活动。
The Office of the High Commissioner is coordinating its activities
with the Department of Political Affairs
[...] liaison office in Gaborone and with specialized [...]
agencies and organizations that cooperate with SADC.
讲习班制订了哈博罗内行动 计划》提交给非洲统计委员会第三次会议和 2012 年 [...]
1 月 17 日至 23 日在开普敦举行的主题为“统一统计支持非洲经济、货币 和社会一体化”的第七次非洲统计发展问题研讨会。
The workshop developed the Gaborone Action Plan, which [...]
was presented at the third meeting of the Statistical Commission
for Africa and the seventh Africa Symposium on Statistical Development, which was held in Cape Town from 17 to 23 January 2012 under the theme “Harmonizing statistics in support of economic, monetary and social integration in Africa”.
(c) 此外,非洲专题工作组和非洲专家还与联合国地名专家组主席、副主席
[...] 以及非洲经济委员会和非洲联盟的代表利用出席南非艺术和文化部 2012 年 4 月 在南非约翰内斯堡举办的地名标准化讲习班的机会,再次审查和讨论了 哈博罗 内行动计划》,特别是审查和讨论了可能妨碍执行该计划的财政困难。
(c) In addition, the Task Team for Africa and the African experts, in collaboration with the Chair, the Vice-Chair of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names and representatives of the Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union, took the opportunity to participate in the Workshop on the Standardization of Geographical Names, held by the South African Department of
Arts and Cultures in
[...] April 2012 in Johannesburg, South Africa, to review and discuss again the Gaborone Action Plan, [...]
especially regarding
the financial difficulties that may impede its implementation.
为此,也为利用这些行动,使非洲专题工作组能继续适当采取行动支持非洲 国家,并使非洲洲级和区域级政府间组织在非洲国家经济和社会发展中得益于地
[...] 名标准化的好处,决定致函非洲开发银行和非洲经济委员会等洲级组织,请其协 助和支持执行哈博罗内行动 计划》的规定。
To that end and to capitalize these actions and allow the Task Team for Africa to continue to carry out properly its actions in favour of African countries and to make the intergovernmental structures at the continental and regional levels benefit from the advantages of the standardization of geographical names in the economic and social development of African countries, it was decided to send letters to the different African continental structures, such as the African Development Bank and the
Economic Commission for Africa, to solicit their aid and support in implementing the
[...] provisions of the Gaborone Action Plan.
2008 年,戴比 尔斯公司将其钻石交易中心从伦敦迁 哈博罗内 , 实 现了分拣、切割、抛光、集 中和销售业务的转移。
In Botswana, De Beers in 2008 moved its Diamond Trading Centre from London to Gaborone and shifted [...]
sorting, cutting, polishing, aggregating, and marketing.
[...] 年 9 月,教科文组织会同博茨瓦纳大学( 哈博 罗内)举办了第三届国际信息伦理大会“非洲的教学信息伦理:现状、机遇和挑战”。
Increasing global awareness on information ethics: In September 2010,
UNESCO, together with the University
[...] of Botswana, organized (in Gaborone) the Third [...]
International Conference on Information
Ethics, “Teaching Information Ethics in Africa: Current Status, Opportunities and Challenges”.
第二届世界信息技术论坛(WITFOR)2005 : 哈博罗内 议 定
Second World Information Technology
[...] Forum (WITFOR) 2005: Gaborone Protocol
小组成 员有 Linah Mohohlo 女士,博茨瓦纳银行总裁,博茨瓦 哈博罗内 ; Ol u Ajakaiye 先生,非洲经济研究联合会研究主任,肯尼亚内罗毕;Akpan Ekpo 先生,西非 金融和经济管理学会总干事,尼日利亚拉各斯。
The panel consisted of Ms. Linah Mohohlo, Governor, Bank of Botswana, Gaboron; Mr. Olu Ajakaiye, Director of Research, African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi; and Mr. Akpan Ekpo, Director-General, West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management, Lagos, Nigeria.
利用“为生活、工作和未来而 学习:通过分地区合作促进南部非洲的改革”研讨会 哈博罗内 , 博 茨瓦纳,2000)的成 果,博茨瓦纳教育部和教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心(波恩)共同发起了一个 项目。
Taking advantage of the workshop “Learning for Life, Work and the Future: Stimulating Reform in Southern Africa through Subregional Cooperation” (Gaborone, Botswana, 2000), the Ministry of Education in Botswana and the International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre) in Bonn initiated a joint project.
1985年6月14日南非袭哈博罗内后, 秘书长应请求于1985年6月21日派出特派团,其目的是评估南非的侵略行为所造成的损失,提出加强博茨瓦纳接收南非难民和为其提供援助的能力的措施,并据此确定博茨瓦纳所需要的援助水平。
Following the attack on Gaborone by South Africa [...]
on 14 June 1985, the Secretary-General was requested to dispatch a mission
on 21 June 1985 for the purposes of assessing the damage caused by South Africa’s acts of aggression, proposing measures to strengthen Botswana’s capacity to receive and provide assistance to South African refugees and determining the consequent level of assistance required by Botswana.
为此,开展了一系列活动,增强非洲和阿拉伯国家 在科学政策制定和实施方面的努力。科学、技术和创新(STI)政策审查和重新制定会议哈博罗内(博 茨瓦纳)和蒙巴萨(肯尼亚)举行,分别有 14 个南部非洲发展共同体 (SADC)国家和 11 个东非/北非国家参加了会议。
STI policy review and reformulation meetings were held in Gaborone (Botswana) for the 14 SADC region States and in Mombasa (Kenya) for 11 East/North African countries.
美国在联合国秘书处裁军事务厅组织的第 1540 号决议讲习班上 做了关于第 1540 号决议执行和援助机会的介绍,这些讲习班是在北京(2006 年 7
月12日和13日)、阿克拉(2006年11月9日和10日)、利马(2006年11月27 日和 28 日)、金斯敦(2007 年 5 月 29 日和 30 日)、安曼(2007
[...] 年 9 月 4 日和 5 日) 和哈博罗内(2007 年 11 月 27 日和 28 [...]
The United States gave presentations on 1540 implementation and assistance opportunities at the 1540 workshops organized by the Office of Disarmament Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, which were held in Beijing on 12 and 13 July 2006; Accra on 9 and 10 November 2006; Lima on 27 and 28
November 2006; Kingston on 29 and 30 May 2007; Amman on 4 and 5
[...] September 2007; and Gaborone on 27 and 28 November 2007.
[...] (SADC)地区 14 个会员国在博茨瓦哈博罗内(2008 年 9 月)和为东非/北非的 [...]
11 个国家 在肯尼亚梦巴萨(2009 年 3--4 月)举办了两次分地区培训班。
Capacity-building in STI policy review and or reformulation was
conducted through two subregional
[...] workshops held in Gaborone, Botswana, for the 14 [...]
Member States of the Southern African
Development Community (SADC) region (September 2008) and Mombasa, Kenya, for the 11 East/North African countries (March-April 2009).
在过去的一年中举行了两次类似 的交流:联合国-非洲联盟关于预防、控制和解决非洲冲突的第三次和第四次协 商会议,分别于 2009 年 12 月 17 日和 18
[...] 日在亚的斯亚贝巴,以及 2010 年 6 月 14 日至 15 日哈博罗内举行
In the past year, two such exchanges were held in the form of the third and fourth United Nations-African Union consultative meetings on prevention, control and resolution of
conflicts in Africa, which took place on 17 and 18 December 2009 in Addis Ababa and
[...] on 14 and 15 June 2010 in Gaborone.
注意到决议所附的哈博罗内宣言 》和建议实施的项目和行动; 2.
1. Takes note of the Gaborone Declaration as [...]
annexed and the projects and actions proposed therein
统计研究所和自然科学部门与 AUC/HRST、AUC/NEPAD 和 SADC 合作,哈博罗内为该 地区会员国实施了政策分析方面的培训计划(2008 年 9 月), 培训班由博茨瓦纳科技部长主持。
Training programmes for policy analysts were implemented by UIS and the Natural Sciences Sector, in close collaboration with the AUC/HRST, AUC/NEPAD and the SADC for Member States of this region, in Gaborone hosted by the Botswana Ministry of Science and Technology (September 2008).
此外,本 组织还向南部非洲发展共同体设 哈博罗内 的 秘书处和中非国家经济共同体派 出几名联合国工作人员,以协助建立这些次区域组织的调解和预警能力。
In addition, the Organization has deployed several of its staff to
the Southern African Development Community
[...] secretariat in Gaborone and to the Economic [...]
Community of Central African States
to assist in building the mediation and early warning capacities of those subregional organizations.
(a) 2011 年 11 月,博茨瓦纳政府与非洲经济委员会和联合国地名专家组哈博罗内举行联合会议,通过了题为 哈博罗内 行 动计划”的宣言。
(a) The joint meeting with the Government of Botswana, the Economic Commission for Africa and the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, held in Gaborone in November 2011, at which a declaration entitled “Gaborone Action Plan” was adopted.
大 会, 注意到由博茨瓦纳政府主办、联合国教科文组织赞助、国际信息处理联合会组织于 2005 年 8 月 31 日至 9 月 2 日在博茨瓦纳哈博罗纳召开的“第二届世界信息技术论坛” (WITFOR 2005)上通过的哈博罗内宣言 》; 感谢博茨瓦纳政府和国际信息处理联合会组织召开“WITFOR 2005”; 认识到信息与传播技术在推动发展方面的关键作用; 还注意到哈博罗内宣言 》与信息社会问题世界首脑会议(日内瓦,2003 年 12 月)通过 的原则宣言和行动计划之间的密切联系; 注意到决议所附的哈博罗内宣言 》和建议实施的项目和行动; 请会员国在各国规划下一步战略与计划时要考虑到这份宣言; 请总干事确保支持开展相关的活动,促进宣言目标的实现。
Noting the Declaration adopted at the Second World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR 2005) organized by the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) under the auspices of UNESCO and hosted by the Government of Botswana in Gaborone, Botswana, 31 August-2 September 2005
感谢博茨瓦纳政府和国际信息处理联合会组织召开“WITFOR 2005”,
[...] 认识到信息与传播技术在推动发展方面的关键作用; 还注意到哈博罗内宣言 》与信息社会问题世界首脑会议(日内瓦,2003 [...]
年 12 月)通过的原 则宣言和行动计划之间的密切联系; 1.
Acknowledging the crucial role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in accelerating
development, Further noting the close link
[...] between the Gaborone Declaration and the Declaration [...]
of Principles and the Plan of Action
adopted by the World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva, December 2003)
[...] 部管控,阻止非法钻石的渗透,因此应终止依照 哈博罗内 行 政 决定”而采取的 特别措施,该决定呼吁加纳采取步骤,应对非实质性遵守金伯利进程证书制度最 [...]
低要求的迹象,全体会议表示赞赏加纳决定继续记录货物图片,以此作为最佳做 法;20.
the administrative decision of the plenary, finding that the positive actions of Ghana to strengthen internal controls and prevent infiltrations of illicit diamonds merited the termination
of the special measures that had been in
[...] place under the Gaborone administrative [...]
decision, which calls for Ghana to take
steps to respond to the indications of non-substantial conformity with the minimum requirements of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, and conveying to Ghana the appreciation of the plenary for its decision to continue to record pictures of shipments as a best practice
哈博罗内宣言我们,由博茨瓦纳政府主办、联合国教科文组织赞助、国际信息处理联合会组织于 [...]
2005 年 8 月 31 日至 9 月 2 日在博茨瓦纳哈博罗纳召开的“第二届世界信息技术论坛”(WITFOR 2005)的 与会者,关注信息与传播技术在推动发展方面的作用并重申:以千年宣言和信息社会问题世界
We, the participants in the Second World Information
[...] Technology Forum (WITFOR 2005), organized [...]
by the International Federation for Information
Processing (IFIP) under the auspices of UNESCO and hosted by the Government of Botswana, gathered together in Gaborone, Botswana, from 31 August to 2 September 2005, having focused on the crucial role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in accelerating development, reaffirm our commitment to the following major goals, guided by the Millennium Declaration and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Plan of Action
联合国和非洲联盟举行了 4 次关于预防和管理冲突的协商(对口)会议,分别 于 2008 年 9 月在埃塞俄比亚巴哈达尔、2009 年 2 月在纽约、2009
[...] 年 12 月在亚 的斯亚贝巴和 2010 年 6 月哈博罗内举行
The United Nations and the African Union have organized four consultative (desk-to-desk) meetings on the prevention and management of conflict, as follows: at Bahir Dar,
Ethiopia, in September 2008; in New York, in February 2009; in Addis Ababa, in December
[...] 2009; and in Gaborone, in June 2010.




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