单词 | 合成物 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 合成物noun—compoundn合成物—composite cocktail See also:合成n—compoundn compositen 合成—synthesis compose mixture constitute 合物n—polymern 合物pl—hydrocarbonspl
法 院还进一步规定允许已知合成物的第 二种用法或进一步医学用法。 iprcommission.org | The Courts have further held that second and further [...] medical uses of knowncompounds arealsoallowed. iprcommission.org |
Turcon®M12是一种中间填充非研磨性矿物纤维和添加剂的合成物的复合材料。 tss.trelleborg.com | The Turcon® M12 matrix is medium-filled with a complex mix of non-abrasive mineral fibers combined with additives. tss.trelleborg.com |
技术说明:碳素石墨是一种由无定形碳和石墨构成的合成物,其中石墨的含 量等于或大于 8%(重量百分比)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Technical note: carbon-graphite is a composition consisting of amorphous carbon and graphite, in which the graphite-content is eight percent or more by weight. daccess-ods.un.org |
美好的一天开始于良好的睡眠,所以我们为您提供睡枕菜单以及包括软、硬、绒毛、合成物在内 的不同填充选择。 msccruises.com.cn | The saying goes that ‘a good day follows a [...] good night’ which is why we offer all guests a pillow menu and a choice of soft, [...] firm,down or synthetic pillowfillings. msccruises.com.eg |
在清洗设备时(特别是在化学合成物部分),请勿使用化学溶剂或清理剂。 eijkelkamp.com | Do not use solvents and cleaning agents when cleaning the device (especially thesynthetic parts). eijkelkamp.com |
体重计经过校准,可提供人体合成物的读 数,比如“肌肉含量与体脂肪的比率”。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The scale is calibrated to provide body composition readings such as the “lean mass to body fat” ratio. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
此外,透过学 习在生产合成物料的过程中应用綠色化学的概念,使学生明白綠色化学可 以帮助减低,甚至消除化学为人類健康及环境带來的不良影响。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are also expected to appreciate that through application of concepts of green chemistry in the production processes of synthetic materials, the harm to our health or to the environment can be reduced or even eliminated. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
例如,《欧洲专利公约》第 54(5) [...] 款规定,新颖性的规定并不能妨碍为现有技术水平中的任何物 质或合成物根据第 52 款第 4 段中的用法申请专利,只要现有的技术水平中还没有这一用法。 iprcommission.org | For example Article 54(5) of the EPC provides that the [...] novelty requirement will not prevent the [...] patenting of any substance or composition, comprised [...]in the state of the art, for use [...]in a method referred to in Article 52, paragraph 4, provided that its use for that method is not comprised in the state of the art. iprcommission.org |
我们将提供标准的合金或特别设计的合成物以满足您的要求。 hydro.com | We will supply either a standard alloy or a specially designed composition to meet your requirements. hydro.com |
由于基材为合成物,所 以杂质含量比天然云母低得多。 eckart.com.cn | Due to the syntheticorigin of the substrate, [...] the level of impurities is significantly lower compared to that of natural mica. eckart.net |
而由塑料或合成物制成的露台 在炎热的夏天会变得令人难以忍受, 西部红柏的低密度则可确保露台表面 凉爽舒适。 wrcea.cn | While decks made of plastic or compositescan become unbearable in the summer heat, western red cedar’s low density ensures a cool comfortable surface. wrcea.org |
利用特殊化学合成物的创新处理,瑞士公司HeiQ的工程师成功地发明了一种惊人的织物,同时结合了油布与海绵的特性,即吸油却防水。 swissworld.org | Thanks to an innovative [...] treatment withaspecial chemical compound, engineers [...]from the Swiss firm HeiQ have managed to create [...]a fabric that simultaneously combines the properties of a sponge with those of an oilskin, i.e. it attracts and absorbs oil but repels water. swissworld.org |
以Marlan(混合矿物质的尼龙树脂)合成物工艺制作的内部空腔 — 一个紧密地耦合于一个短小的导管之上的球体 — 吸收了大部分来自于驱动单元背面的声音,而以纤维填充物擦除最后的遗痕。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Crafted frominert Marlan® composite, the internal cavity – a sphere closely coupled to a short tube - absorbs most of the sound from the back of the driver, with the fibre filling mopping up the last vestiges. bowers-wilkins.eu |
这些高性能合成物产品 对子弹头是有抵抗性,加热和火并且保护免受跳飞的子弹或片段,使它适用于多数军事威胁,包括防爆炸、EFP保护和IED保护。 professionalplastics.com | These high [...] performance composite products are resistant to projectiles, heat, and [...]fire and protects from ricocheting slugs [...]or fragments, making it suitable for most military threats, including blast protection, EFP protection, and IED protection. professionalplastics.com |
除了偶极的水分子外,食物中的離子合成物(例如 已溶解的盐分) 亦会 因电磁场而加速,撞击其他分子产生热能1,5,7。 cfs.gov.hk | In addition to the dipole water [...] molecules,ionic compounds(i.e. dissolved [...]salts) in food can also be accelerated by the [...]electromagnetic field and collided with other molecules to produce heat1,5,7 . cfs.gov.hk |
臭氧原子被一些诸如甲烷,氮氧化物(笑气)和氯溴合成物( CFC, HCFC和卤素)分解和破坏。 esab-cutting.cn | Ozone molecules are broken down bynatural gases like methane and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and by [...] chlorine andbromine compounds (CFC, HCFC and [...]halogens). esab-cutting.net |
外观传统的场地表面实际由防滑的苯酚合成物建成,让您无需换鞋就可体验欢乐。 msccruises.com.cn | Every aspect of these ten-pin bowling alleys has been carefully designed for maximum entertainment and impact, including a traditional-looking bowling surface that is actually made of a tough phenol compound which allows anyone to join in the fun without changing shoes. msccruises.com.eg |
它是全面表征蛋白质、天然聚合物、 合成聚 合物、共 聚物的绝佳设备。 malvern.com.cn | It is perfect for the routine full characterization of natural and synthetic polymers, copolymers and proteins. malvern.ru |
合成岩,被看作 是最有效最耐久的用来固定高级核反应废料的 材质,它是由多种天然矿物合成的陶瓷,这些 天然矿物在一起合成他们的晶体结构,使得几 乎所有的元素都含有高级核反应废料。 worldinfo.org | Synroc, considered the single most effective and durable [...] means of immobilizing [...] various forms of high-level radioactive wastes for disposal, is a ceramic made from several [...]natural minerals [...]which together incorporate into their crystal structures nearly all of the elements present in high level radioactive waste. worldinfo.org |
HCFC-123 一直是便携式灭火系统的一种 首选混合物成分,因为其具有化学阻燃力、不使用水、泡沫或粉,而 HCFC-124 被用作淹 没式灭火系统中的一种混合物成分。 multilateralfund.org | HCFC-123 has been a [...] preferred blend componentin portable fire extinguishing systems because of its ability to counter combustion chemically, without use of water, foam or powder, while HCFC-124 is used as a blend component inflooded systems. multilateralfund.org |
专家评审团将第一名奖项授予杨井伸浩博士,他的论文题目为 «Controlling Polymer [...] Properties in Coordination [...] Nanospaces»(在纳米配体空间内控制聚合物性质),评审团对他的成就给予高度评价:«在将金属有机骨架应用于模板聚合物合成工艺并以纳米尺度调整其性质领域,杨井博士开发出一套出色的策略。 quadrantplastics.com | The academic jury awarded the first prize to [...] Nobuhiro Yanai for his thesis entitled [...] "Controlling Polymer Properties in Coordination [...]Nanospaces" for "his development of elegant [...]strategies utilizing metal organic frameworks to template polymeric systems and tailor their properties at the nanoscale. quadrantplastics.com |
迄今为止,根据探索生命的起源的有机物合成实验,氨基酸等单纯有机物的生成机制一步步被解析,但其在原始地球环境中的进一步进化过程几乎是未知的。 tohoku.ac.jp | Through synthetic organicexperiments examining the origin of life, the formation mechanisms of simple organic materials have been gradually elucidated so far. tohoku.ac.jp |
(c) 进行以塑料、木料、金属或其他制成物料或其任何混合物或 任何其他天然或人造物质或混合 物质造成或制造或塑造的玩具、人造花、货品、材料、物质及物品的生产商及批发或零售交 易商的业务。 cre.com.hk | (c) To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers either wholesale or retail in toys, artificial flowers, goods, materials,substances,and articles made or manufactured or moulded of plastic, wood, metal, or other manufactured substances or of any combinations thereof or of any other natural or artificial substances or combination of substances. cre.com.hk |
科学家发现,覆盆子富含黄酮类化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在娇韵诗专利化 合物锁颜美白系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不断地渗透到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗黑色素形成的作用。 clarinsusa.com | Scientists [...] have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing properties thanks to its high content of flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, a new generation Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action. clarinsusa.com |