

单词 发热伴血小板减少综合徵

External sources (not reviewed)

该司包括司长办公室(包括评价小组伴小)、处,以及维 和最佳做法科。
The Division comprises the Office of the Director (which
[...] includes the evaluation and partnershipteams), theIntegrated [...]
Training Service and the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section.
综 合业额减少是由於在行业的系案供应商数目增加,使市场竞争环境更加激烈。
The decreaseis principally due to the keen competition within the industry arising from the increase in thenumber of smallscalesystemdevelopment [...]
solution providers in the sector.
This results in exceptional value for
[...] systems that require minimum board space and maximum efficiency in orderto reduce thepower supply heat representing [...]
more than
25 percent of the cost of cooling these systems.
除了典型逐渐 的肝脾肿大、骨骼并发症,包发病理性骨折的骨细 胞坏死与骨质减少,还有血液续发症包括严重贫血血小板减少
Secondary hematologic sequelae include severe anemia and thrombocytopenia in addition to the characteristic progressive hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal complications, including osteonecrosis and osteopenia with secondary pathological fractures.
感染O157:H7型後可引起严重腹泻及肾脏受损的并可能增加患溶血性尿毒症(hemolytic uremic syndrome)及栓塞血小板减少症(thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)的机会。
O157:H7 infection can be complicated by severe diarrhea and kidney damage and is associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and thromboticthrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).
抗磷脂抗体综合征(APS),又称为Hughes 主要表现为血栓形成、习惯性流产血小板一种或多种抗磷脂抗体阳性,该以是原发性(无潜在的自身免疫性疾病)或继发性某种自身免疫性疾病)。
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also called Hughes syndrome, is a recognized group of signs and symptoms that includes the formation of thrombi, miscarriages, thrombocytopenia, and the presence of one or more antiphospholipid antibodies. APS [...]
can be primary (with no underlying
autoimmune disorder) or secondary (existing with a diagnosed autoimmune disorder).
圣战猈洛斯PYRRHUS《群龙默示录》联名款电竞滑鼠垫搭配《群龙默示录》龙骑士与龙的喷火原画,完美展现出 Tt eSPORTS 、勇气及百战百胜的斗龙精神,并在游戏过程中们奋斗不懈热血
Equipped with the Pyrrhus mouse pad’s superbmaterial developmentandits slimness, it is selected to represent the collaboration between [...]
Runewaker Entertainment and Tt eSPORTS.
最后,我要重申,德国坚定致力于继续同安全理 事会和联内的建设
I should like to conclude by reiterating
Germany’s strong commitment to continue constructive
[...] cooperation with partnersin the Security Council and the Contact Group.
最后请允许我强调,我们期待着与安全理事会和 联续建设性
Let me conclude by underlining
that we look forward to constructively continuing
[...] cooperation with partnersin the Security Council and the ContactGroup.
第二种慢性病,并包括非增殖性糖尿病 视网膜病变 (眼内出现微动脉瘤泌液,通 常不会导致视力受损)、增殖性视网膜病 (脆弱的新增血管 形成,通常导致失明),周围神经疾病 (双脚、双腿或双手 疼痛、木、刺痛) 及肾病 (蛋白尿及肾衰竭)。
The second cause of chronic complications are
[...] [...] microvascular and include non-proliferative retinopathy, (microaneurysms,small dothemorrhagesandexudates in the eye usually causing no visual impairment), proliferative retinopathy (fragilenew bloodvesselformation often causing blindness), peripheral neuropathy (pain, burning, numbness or tingling of the feet, legs or hands) and Nephropathy [...]
albuminuria and renal failure).
Treats anxious chronic leukemia (leukemia),
[...] regeneration barrier anemia, blood platelet reduction, marrow proliferation unusual [...]
syndrome (MDS) blood sickness research institute.
国际发展合作领域各部厅——经济和社会事务部、联合国贸易和发展会议 (贸发会议)、联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)、品和犯罪问题办公室(禁 毒办)、非洲发展新(新)、最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家屿发展中国家高级代表办事处(最不发达等国家高代办)、贸发会议/总协定 国际贸易中心(国贸中心)和联合国环境规划署(环境署)——在本两年期侧重从 事三项优先工作:促进持续经济增长和会员国持续发展;非洲发展;毒品管制、 [...]
The departments and offices in the area of international cooperation for development — the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime, the
[...] NewPartnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries andSmall IslandDeveloping States, [...]
the International
Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO (ITC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) — concentrated their efforts in three priorities during the present biennium: the promotion of sustained economic growth and the sustained development of Member States; the development of Africa; and drug control, crime prevention and combating international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
随着《建设和平战略框架》和一年两次的进度报告退出并由新的《增长和战略框架》年度审查所取代须确保在必要时在政 治论坛议程中列入往往具有一定迫切性的政治专题,以便该国政府和合作伙伴能 够开展对话。
With the disappearance of the Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding and the twice-yearly
progress reports, to
[...] be replaced by annual reviews of the new Growth and Poverty ReductionStrategy Framework,the Partners CoordinationGroup must ensure that [...]
political topics,
which often have some degree of urgency, are included whenever necessary in the agenda of the Political Forum to enable a dialogue between the Government and its partners.
(vi) 针对于希望获得戒烟知识和实践技能、将为特殊人群提供强化戒烟支持作为其工作重心的卫生工作者 需要学习3
[...] ——为将提供戒烟支持作为其工作一部分的医务工作者提供的所有内容,加上适用它疾病的患者、孕妇、接受精神卫生和成瘾治疗服务的患者(尤其是有严重心理障碍者)的戒烟药 [...]
行标准监督和服务有效性的戒烟服务数据;使用不止一种有效的行为支持方法;对患者进行不间断的支持; 尼古丁依赖的治疗。
(vi) Cessation support for health staff who want to gain a knowledge base in cessation and gain the practical skills to provide intensive cessation support to specific populations as their sole focusa – all of the content for health staff providing cessation support as part of their
role, plus cessation medications
[...] in clientswith cardiovascular disease and otherco-existing [...]
medical conditions, pregnant
women, and users of mental health and addiction treatment services (especially for those with complex psychological disorders) effects of smoking on the metabolism of various medications; allowing and documenting steps in dependence assessment and treatment planning and collecting and collating data on the cessation service provided to allow the standard monitoring of clients and service effectiveness; using more than one effective behavioural support method; ongoing support for clients; and treating nicotine dependence.
由於受压而致的椎 动综合括脊柱手法治疗实施後出现眩晕、头昏、轻度头痛、眼花、平 衡不稳、共济失调、行走困难、恶心和/或呕吐、言语障碍、一侧肢体或面部麻木、以及剧烈颈/头痛(43:579)。
The  signand  symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome arising from that compression include vertigo,  dizziness,  light‐headedness,  giddiness,  disequilibria,  ataxia,  walking  difficulties,  nausea  and/or  vomiting,  dysphasia,  numbness  to  one  side  of  [...]
the  face  and/or  body,  sudden and severe neck/head pain after spinal manipulative therapy (43:579).
P 为截至二零零六年十二月三十一日止财政期间及本公司及其附属 公司核综合损益账(或倘本公司於有关期间并无附属公司 ,则为本公司经审核损益账)涉及的财政期间,有关损益账列明的 本公司及其附属公司的综合溢利净额总减综合净额总数并 扣除税项东权益後但未扣除非经常性项目的金额
P is the aggregate of the net consolidated
[...] profits lessthe aggregate ofthe net consolidated losses of the Company and its subsidiaries after taxation and minority interests but before extraordinary items in respect of the financial period ending on 31 December 2006 and each subsequent financial period in respect of which an audited consolidated profit and loss account of the Company and its subsidiaries (or, if it has at the relevant time no subsidiaries, an audited profit and loss account [...]
of the Company) has
been published, as shown by such profit and loss account(s)




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