单词 | 千万 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 千万 noun, plural —millions pl千万 adjective —many adj千万 —ten million • countless • one must by all means 万千 —myriad • multifarious • multitudinous 千千万万 —innumerable • thousands upon thousands • lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers Examples:成千成万—lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers • thousands upon thousands • innumerable 千真万确—absolutely true [idiom.] • manifold 成千上万—thousands upon thousands • innumerable See also:万 n—ten thousand n 万—a great number • surname Wan
告诫 为防止设施流体部件的交叉污染, 千万 不 要 互换部件 A 和部件 B。 graco.com | To prevent [...] cross-contamination of the equipment’s [...]wetted parts, never interchange component A and component B. graco.com |
武装冲突和其他暴力形式的存在夺走了数百万无辜者的生命,使 数千 万人流离失所。 daccess-ods.un.org | The existence of armed conflict and other situations of violence had claimed millions of innocent lives and displaced tens of millions of people. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是为了安全起见,千万不要 急于将自己的个人资料透露给对方,例如自己的全名、电话号码或地址等。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | But be safe, and don’t give them any of your personal details like your full name, your phone number or your address. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
但是,千万不要忘记,即使有充足资金对该楼区进行适当维 护,也不能取代对楼房庭院的修复和现代化改造。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is important to remember, however, that even a proper conservation of buildings with adequate resources does not replace the renovation and modernization of buildings and premises. unesdoc.unesco.org |
审议了秘书长转递关于加强全球道路安全的报告的说明及其所载各项建议,1 [...] 认识到道路交通重大碰撞事故造成的死亡是巨大的全球负担,并且每年还有 两千万至五千万人在 非致命道路交通事故中受伤,其中许多人留下终生残疾 daccess-ods.un.org | Having considered the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report on improving global road safety and the recommendations contained therein,1 Recognizing the tremendous global burden of mortality resulting [...] from road traffic crashes, as well as [...] the twenty to fifty million people who incur each [...]year non-fatal road traffic injuries, [...]many of whom are left with lifelong disabilities daccess-ods.un.org |
全球的电视新闻节目 都播放了教科文组织提供的电视录像,在黄金时段观 看此节目的观众达上千万人。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Television news programmes all around the planet used the video footage provided by [...] UNESCO, reaching tens of millions of viewers on prime time. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1993 年中期,因特网上只有不到 200 [...] 个网站,但是到 2000 年下半年已有 2 千万个;到 2005 年因特网用户的数量可望达到 [...] 10 亿,虽然大多数仍集中于发达国家(联合国开发计 划署 2001 年)。 iprcommission.org | In mid-1993, there were fewer than 200 [...] websites on the Internet but by late [...] 2000, there were 20 million; and the number [...]of Internet users is expected to reach [...]1 billion by 2005, though most of these will still be in the developed countries (UNDP 2001). iprcommission.org |
Eclipse平台是IBM向开发源码社区捐赠的开发框架,它之所以出名并不是因为IBM宣称投入开发的资金总数 —4千万美元 ,而是因为如此巨大的投入所带来的成果:一个成熟的、精心设计的以及可扩展的体系结构。 javakaiyuan.com | Eclipse platform is IBM donated to the open source community development framework it is not known because IBM [...] claimed the reason to invest in developing the [...] total funds -4 millions of dollars, but [...]because such a huge investment in the fruit [...]: a mature , well-designed and scalable architecture. javakaiyuan.com |
千万不要 认为 你只要去了那里就会发现自由民主文化。 crisisgroup.org | Don’t think you will [...] just go in there and you will [...]find liberal democratic culture. crisisgroup.org |
使用汽车电源插座对车载免提电话充电 在 Jabra DRIVE 充电完成之前千万不要使用。 jabra.cn | CHARGE YOUR IN-CAR SPEAKERPHONE USING YOUR CAR'S POWER OUTLET Make sure that Jabra DRIVE is fully [...] charged before you start using it. jabra.com |
与许多其他国家不同,在澳大利亚,除非是危及生命的情况,否 则 千万 不 要 到医院急诊室(ER)求诊。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Unlike in many other countries, in Australia you should NEVER seek help from a hospital emergency room (ER) unless you are in a life threatening situation. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
她强调,因为世界有义务对第二次世界大战期间 数千万种族主义意识形态的受害者存有记忆,所以无 [...] 法接受世界历史被毁灭或重写、国际法谴责的种族主 义意识形态死灰复燃,以及为短期政治利益而重新解 释过去的事件,并鼓励仇恨与种族和宗教歧视的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the obligation to [...] remember the tens of millions of people who [...]had fallen victim to racist ideologies during World [...]War II, the world could not allow historical episodes to be overlooked in silence or rewritten, racist ideologies condemned by international law to be resurrected and past events reinterpreted to serve short-term political interests and encourage hate and racial and religious discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
女性知识分子达千万以上 ,女性享有了更 多的接受更高层次教育和进行继续教育的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women were enjoying greater opportunities to receive higher levels of education and to continue their educations. daccess-ods.un.org |
千万不要将 ISO 存放在开口的容器内。 graco.com | Never store ISO in an open container. graco.com |
除了中国水电建设集团负责科卡卡多-新克雷水利电力项目以外,我宣布中国公司中国水利电力对外公司(简称CWE)已于2010年12月24日起负责Toachi [...] [...] Pilatón公司的建筑项目(242MW);其他中国公司也表示了他们对索布拉水电项目(487MW)、圣佛朗西斯科煤矿(270MW)及Delsitanisagua(115MW)等项目的兴趣;中国中铁集团(中国中铁四局土木工程集团有限公司)已开始负责乔内多功能项目的建筑工程,其他公司也计划在阿瓜多尔进行 数 千万 的 投 资。 ecuadorenchina.org.ec | In addition to the Sinohydro Corporation, in charge of the Sinclair Hydroelectric Project Coca-Coda, I announce that China International Water and Electrical Corporation (CWE) is, from December 24, 2010, in charge of the construction project (242 MW) of Toachi Pilatón; other Chinese companies are also interested in the Sopladora Hydroelectric Project (487 MW), San Francisco Coal Mine (270 MW), Delsitanisagua (115 MW), etc. The China Railway Group (China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd.) is now in charge of [...] the construction of Chone Multi-functional Project and other companies aim to make [...] huge investment of millions in Ecuador. ecuadorenchina.org.ec |
在您畅游于城市林荫的同时,千万不 能 错过古代连接港口和城市的“敖德萨阶梯”。 msccruises.com.cn | Relax in the city’s leafy parks such and don’t miss the famous Potemkin steps, the formal entrance to the city, accessed from the port. msccruises.com.hk |
通过前两个阶段的建设,网络资源管理系统已经覆盖了原北京网通公司的绝大部分资源,其中接续设备中ODF端子数量级达百万级,MDF端子数量级 达 千万 级 , 光缆光芯数达百万级,传输端口达百万级,宽带设备DSLAM端口达百万级,BRAS端口达百万级。 surekam.com | As a result of construction at the first two stages, the network resources management system has covered the great majority of former Beijing Netcom’s resources, of which ODF terminals in connecting equipment amount in the aggregate to the order of one million, MDF terminals to the order of ten millions, optical cable cores to the order of one million, transmission ports to the order of one million, broadband equipment DSLAM ports to the order of one million and BRAS ports to the order of one million. surekam.com |
我们还将提供 6 千万欧元左右的预算支助,用以 支付卫生、教育和安全领域的经常性支出,以及帮助 政府灾后恢复能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are also providing budgetary support in [...] the amount of almost €60 million to cover current [...]expenditures in the areas of health, [...]education and security, as well as to restore the Government’s capacities in the wake of the disaster. daccess-ods.un.org |
关注对世界各地的成百上千万人来说,人人享有可达到的最高水准的身心健 康的权利的充分实现,包括获得安全、有效、可负担和高质量的药品,特别是基 [...] 本药品、疫苗和其他医疗产品,以及利用卫生保健设施和服务等,仍然是一个遥 远的目标,而且在很多情况下,尤其是对贫民而言,这项目标仍遥不可及 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerned that, for millions of people throughout [...] the world, the full realization of the right of everyone to the enjoyment [...]of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including through access to medicines that are affordable, safe, effective and of good quality, in particular essential medicines, vaccines and other medical products, and to health-care facilities and services, still remains a distant goal and that, in many cases, especially for those living in poverty, this goal remains remote daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一场合,马 [...] 尔泰利总统发表了讲话,谈及影响海地的严重结构问题和社会经济问题,希望通 过实施为千千万万海地人减少贫困的有效公共政策来改变这一局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the same occasion, President Martelly delivered a speech describing the serious structural problems and socio-economic issues that affect Haiti and expressed his desire [...] to change this situation through effective public policies that would [...] reduce the poverty affecting millions of Haitians. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样吃力不讨好的动作,千万不要 把自己的身子给搞坏了。 4tern.com | Don’t simply put a weight on your body, consider the consequences instead. 4tern.com |
据估计,在世界各地的城市地区,在街头生活和工作的儿童达 数 千万。 unicef.org | Around the world, tens of millions of children are believed to be living and working on the streets in urban areas. unicef.org |
年出口值约 3 亿美元, 代表了千万农民的生计。 iprcommission.org | Annual basmati exports are worth about $300m, and represent [...] the livelihood of thousands of farmers. iprcommission.org |
水电站建在大江大河上,为发展中国家和发达国家稳定地供应能源,满 足 千万 人 照明、取暖、教育和工作的需求。 voith.com | They lie on all major rivers and provide a reliable source of power for growth regions as well as industrial nations. voith.com |
当他向这位电影大亨征 求对于自己未来的建议时,Warner 回答说:“ 如果你想知道你的未来,千万不要 去问科学 家,因为他们会告诉你透过显微镜精确研究后的结果;你要去找艺术家,他们会告诉你他 的直觉。 motion.kodak.com | Glennon reported that when he asked the mogul for advice about the future, Warner replied, “If you want to know what the future will bring don’t ask a scientist, because they will tell what they see at the end of a microscope. motion.kodak.com |
全世 界有数千万难民 和境内流离失所者生活在极端困难 的条件下,因为难民营内过度拥挤、安全和人道主义 [...] 状况不稳定、极端贫穷及疾病,更不用提为数众多和 一再发生的侵犯他们最基本权利的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Worldwide, tens of millions of refugees and [...] displaced persons live in extremely difficult conditions, because of overcrowding [...]in camps, volatile security and humanitarian conditions, extreme poverty and disease, not to mention numerous and repeated violations of their most basic rights, in some cases by the very people responsible for protecting them. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是在燃料电池 及氢渗透膜、超导电等新能源及 LED(发光二极管)领域方面,美国 TKI 正积极推行在美国量产 的 R&D(研究开发),在 R&D 中充分利用贵金属材料的新技术也日趋重要。美国 TKI 将以使用于 燃料电池等新能源及 LED 等的贵金属材料作为扩大美国销售事业的主力,目标是在 2013 年度将 2011 年度所预估 1 亿 3 千万美元(约 108 亿日元)的营业额,提升至 1 亿 7 千万美元(约 141 亿 日元)。 tanaka.com.cn | In particular, R&D aimed at mass production in the fields of LEDs (light emitting diodes) and new energy such as fuel cells, hydrogen permeable film and superconductivity has been active in the United States, and new technologies using precious metals are gaining importance in such R&D. By expanding its sales in the United States focused on precious metal materials used in LEDs and new energy such as fuel cells, TKI America aims to increase its sales from a projected USD130 million (approx. 10.8 billion yen) in fiscal 2011 to USD170 million (approx. 14.1 billion yen) in fiscal 2013. pro.tanaka.co.jp |
卓望公司通过产学研结合的方式,帮助中国移动开发移动数据业务产品,打造面向未来的新型移动互联网产业创新能力,先后自主研发了移动信息服务中心(MISC, Mobile Information Service Center)、业务信息管理系统( SIMS, Service Information Management System [...] [...] )等多种覆盖全国的超大型业务平台;凭借丰富的运营经验和全面的支撑能力,帮助中国移动运营支撑手机报、手机阅读、号簿管家(PIM)等数十 种 千万 级 用 户规模的移动数据业务,辅助中国移动发展了139社区、移动微博、移动通讯录等亿级注册用户数的互联网业务,协助中国移动打造了“全球第一个运营商移动应用商场(Mobile [...] [...] Market)和中国移动安全认证(CA,Certificate Authority)中心;此外,还在终端测试、用户体验(UI/UE)、云计算等新业务领域展开积极探索,形成独特的核心价值。 aspirehld.com | By means of integrating production, learning and research, Aspire aids CMCC in developing its mobile data services and products to build up CMCC’s capability of introducing new future-oriented industrial innovation on mobile Internet. It has developed for CMCC various super-large business platforms that cover the whole nation such as Mobile Information Service Center (MISC) and Service Information Management System (SIMS); By virtue of considerable operational experience and full support capacity, Aspire helps CMCC in the [...] operation and support of tens of mobile data [...] businesses with a 10 million-level user base, [...]such as mobile newspaper, mobile reading, [...]and PIM, facilitates CMCC in the development of Internet businesses such as 139 community, mobile micro-blog, and i-Contact with 100 million-level subscribed customers, and helps CMCC to build the first Mobile Market of the world for carriers and the Center of Mobile Certificate Authority (CA) in China. aspirehld.com |
结合使用W2CM-10GbE模块,QualityAssurer可以模拟数 以 千万 计 的 用户,生成数据流,模拟任何真实网络状况,使网络设备制造商和网络服务运营商能够在其实验室内测试不同场景。 exfo.com | Combined with the W2CM-10GbE module, the QualityAssurer can [...] emulate tens of millions of subscribers [...]generating traffic to emulate any real-world [...]network condition, enabling NSPs and NEMs to test different scenarios in their labs. exfo.com |