

单词 剔除



See also:

pick (as teeth)

External sources (not reviewed)

还有一种看法认为,应该根据组织规则的来源和 主题作出区分,例如从国际法领域 剔除行政管理条例。
A further view would draw a distinction according to the source
and subject matter of the rules of the
[...] organization,and exclude, forinstance, certain [...]
administrative regulations from the domain of international law.
This redeployment wouldremove functions that [...]
are not core to the Situation Centre, thus enhancing its day-to-day activities.
由本公司与合资公司之间的交易而产生的未变现盈 利或亏损将会剔除本公司在合资企业的权益为限。
Unrealized gains and losses resulting from
transactions between the Company and the
[...] joint venture areeliminated to the extent [...]
of the interest in the joint venture.
详细的审核不仅会帮助公剔除物质 和其他环境风险,同时也帮助企业发掘内在最经济的资源利用和节省的潜能。
The detailed screening of the company
[...] permits notonlythe elimination of hazardous materials [...]
and other environmental risks,
but also indicates the inherent most economical use of resources and financial savings.
报告着重专家组会议的结论和建议,其中除其它外,呼吁:联合国系统、会 员国和土着人民组织承认土着妇女和女孩的权利和特殊需要;会员国采取措施,
[...] 暴力和歧视;联合国系统支持旨在帮助和保护土着妇女和女孩的努力和倡议;土 着社区认真考虑消除社区内的暴力侵害土着妇女和女孩行为,可采取的措施包 括,查明剔除的重男轻女的社会关系,取消歧视性政策,并在所有土着机 构和各级继续致力于维护土着妇女的权利。
It focuses on the conclusions and recommendations of the expert group meeting which, among other things, called upon: the United Nations system, Member States and indigenous peoples’ organizations to recognize the rights and special needs of indigenous women and girls; Member States to adopt measures, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and girls enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination; the United Nations system to support efforts and initiatives that provide support and protection to indigenous women and girls; and indigenous communities to consider seriously the problem of violence against indigenous women and girls in their communities through
ways that include the
[...] recognition anddismantling of existing patriarchal social relations, theelimination [...]
ofdiscriminatory policies and
a continuous commitment to indigenous women’s rights in all indigenous institutions and at all levels.
但该名領取综援人士(不論年龄) 须剔除 户人數、入息、租金和津贴金额的计算。
However, the CSSA recipient (irrespective of
[...] age) should be excludedfor thepurpose [...]
of calculating the number of household
members, income, rent and subsidy amount.
有鉴于欧共体法院(CJEC)和法国最高上诉法院对综合性 社会纳费和社会债务补偿纳费的立场,国际公务员委员会 决定将这两种纳费从工作人员工资调查中所考虑的净薪酬 计算剔除计算自 2000 年 1 月 1 日起的工资表时参照 了这项决定。
In view of the stand taken by the Court of Justice of the European Communities (CJEC) and the French Court of Cassation in respect of the CSG and CRDS, ICSC decided to exclude the CSG and CRDS from the calculation of the net remuneration taken into consideration in the staff salary survey, and that decision was taken into account in the calculation of the salary scale as from 1 January 2000.
此外,本行可酌情 将任何基金纳入剔除定额服务,而毋须先行通知阁下。
We also reserve our right
[...] to include orexclude any Funds from [...]
the unit trusts savings plan without prior notice to you.
二零一一年後,政 府 必须完全赎回隧 桥 费 收入债券(这样
[...] 会令到所有票据及零售债券全數被赎回),方 可 从五隧一桥 交 易剔除隧道。
After 2011, the Government will have to redeem the Toll Revenue Bond in full (which would
result in all institutional notes and retail bonds being redeemed in
[...] full) in ordertoremove CHTfromthe transaction.
期初和期末现金及现金等价物余额中 剔除制的部分。
[...] items have been excluded from theopening [...]
and closing balances of cash and cash equivalents.
[...] 公平价值间之差额,减该金融资产之前在损益确认之任何减值亏损计算)自投资重估储备 剔除收益 表确认。
If any such evidence exists for available-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss – measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that
financial asset previously recognised in
[...] profit or lossis removed from investment revaluation [...]
reserve and recognised in the income statement.
在获得审查结果之后,部长决定从教育系统 剔除性别定式的教 科书,教育系统中已经在使用的加强性别定式的教科书将逐渐被替代。
After receiving the findings, the Minister decided not to incorporate books imbued with gender stereotypes into the education system, and those books already in use in the school system which promoted gender stereotypes, would be gradually replaced.
几个隸属发展局的政策议题被分割处理,以致一些更高层次的政策方针剔除 民公众审视范围以外,更影响新政策框架的整全性,及寻求优化政策可供 考虑的选项。
These  policy  agendas  lie  mostly  under  the  portfolio  of  the  Development  Bureau  but  the  segregation  arrangement  wards  some  of  the  higher  level  policy  agendas  off  from  public scrutiny on regular basis. It would also w eaken the comprehensiveness of the  new policy framework and the availability of poli cy options for consideration of the  optimization of policies.
二零零九年及二零零八年的投资物业重估及出售主要非核心资产及投资的税後收益分别合 共港币 1,050,000,000 元及港币 495,000,000 元剔除影响後,本集团截至二零零九年 十二月三十一日止年度由持续经营业务贡献的公司股东应占基础综合溢利应增加 11.6%。
Excluding the after-tax effect of revaluation of investment properties and major disposal of noncore assets and investments, which led to aggregate gains of HK$1,050 million in 2009 and HK$495 million in 2008, the Group’s underlying consolidated profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders from the continuing operations would have increased by 11.6% for the year ended 31 December 2009.
假 如政府希望从五隧一桥 交 易剔 除隧道(即停止以海底隧道的应收隧道费偿 [...]
还 债 券 ),政府必须事 先符合某些规定6 ,而这些规定 将可能会涉 及 补偿债券持有 人或全數赎回债券。
If the Governmentwishestoremove CHTfromthe transaction [...]
(i.e. to cease using tolls receivable from CHT for bond repayment),
it will have to fulfill certain requirements6 , which will likely involve compensating the bondholders or redeeming the bonds in full.
(1) 根据细则交付或邮寄或留置於股东登记地址的任何通知或其他文件,尽 管该股东当时已身故或破产或已发生任何其他事件,亦不论本公司是否
[...] 有人名义登记的股份妥为送达或交付(除非在送达或交付通知或文件之 时其姓名已从股东名剔除再为股份持有人),在各方面均等同已 向所有拥有股份权益(不论共同或透过有关股东拥有)的人士送达或交 [...]
(1) Any Notice or other document delivered or sent by post to or left at the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Articles shall, notwithstanding that such Member is then dead or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred, and whether or not the Company has notice of the death or bankruptcy or other event, be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in respect of any share registered in the name of such Member as sole or joint holder unless his name shall, at the time of the
service or delivery of the Notice or
[...] document,havebeen removedfrom the Register [...]
as theholder of the share, and such service
or delivery shall for all purposes be deemed a sufficient service or delivery of such Notice or document on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in the share.
[...] 露部门持有一些根据《守则》第 2 部的规定不予披露的资料, 则部门可在所公布的一览表剔除类别项目。
Where the publication of a particular record/subject category would itself disclose the existence of information which would not be
disclosed, under the provisions of Part 2 of the
[...] Code, departments may excludethat particular category [...]
from the published list.
社会责任投资主要包括在两方面,一方面,我们透过SRI价值评估过程,增加投资在对社会责任看重的行业或企业,亦同 剔除行业对社会有害的公司。
Socially Responsible Investment works on two levels. On one level, our SRI VALUES SCREEN actively tilts
a portfolio towards socially
[...] responsible companies and excludescompaniesin industries [...]
and with products that are deemed to be socially harmful.
各 项 分 部 业 绩 定 义 为 该
[...] 分 部 之 分 部 经 营 利剔 除收 益 ╱(亏 损),净 [...]
额 及 总 部 费 用。
The result of each segment is defined as the operating profit/ (losses)
[...] of each segment excludingother (losses)/gains, [...]
net and corporate expenses.
请高级专员和特别报告员适当地对目前正在进行的关于联合国会员国 力保采取充分的人权保障措施以确保程序公平和明确的问题展开的讨论进一步作
[...] 出贡献,尤其是在将个人和实体列入反恐制裁名单、对其进行审查及将其从该名 单剔除
further appropriately to the ongoing discussion regarding the efforts of Member States of the United Nations to assure adequate human rights guarantees to ensure fair and clear procedures,
in particular with regard to placing
[...] on, reviewingand removing individualsand [...]
entities from terrorism-related sanctions lists
期初和期末现金及现金等价物余额中 剔除制的部分。
Restricted items have been excluded fromthe cash and [...]
cash equivalents at beginning of year and net balance of cash and cash equivalents.
坊间报导「基本法四十五条关注组」即将变身成为「公民党」,属实的话,除非「关注组」继续以某种方式存在,否则,我们会把「关注组」在「十大政治团体评分调查」 剔除「公民党」将会以全新政团名义纳入调查中。
If the news report about A45 Concern Group turning into Civic Party is true, unless the Concern Group still continues to exist in a certain mode, we will take away the Concern Group from our ratings of the top 10 political groups series, and Civic Party will be included in our survey as a brand new political group.
2008 年底及 2009 年初雷曼事件引发全球经济危机,中国经济大幅下滑, 剔除季的数字,中国制造业在最近一季的表现仍是本项调查自2004 年开展中国系列以来,最疲弱的季度。
Part of the reason has been a further deterioration in readings on the Chinese economy where, with the exception of the precipitous drop that took place at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009 - when the world economy crumpled in the light of the Lehman crisis - latest manufacturing results are the weakest since the China series began in 2004.
必须用精确的解剖刀从社会剔除态度,以便我们再也不会不坚持今天使我 们在此齐聚一堂的不可动摇的目标——成为变革的 潜在提倡者。
Such attitudes must be cut out of the body of society — using a scalpel for precision — so that never again may we fail to uphold the unshakeable objective that brings us here today — a to be potential sponsors of change.
剔除金融资产(续 ) 倘本集团因已转让资产的书面及/或购入选择权(包括现金结算选择权或类似条文)继续涉及有关资产,则本集 团的继续涉及程度按本集团可能购回已转让资产的金额计算,惟倘有关资产的书面认沽期权(包括现金结算选 择权或类似条文)按公平值计算,则本集团的继续涉及程度仅限於已转让资产的公平值或选择权行使价中之较 低者。
Where continuing involvement takes the form of a written and/or purchased option (including a cash-settled option or similar provision) on the transferred asset, the extent of the Group’s continuing involvement is the amount of the transferred asset that the Group may repurchase, except that in the case of a written put option (including a cash-settled option or similar provision) on an asset measured at fair value, the extent of the Group’s continuing involvement is limited to the lower of the fair value of the transferred asset and the option exercise price.
[...] 会计部门将翻修工程的固定金额(934 000 欧元)从其资产负债表剔除为这部分金额 与已经记入教科文组织权责发生制会计的金额重叠。
During the transition to IPSAS,
UNESCO’s financial services requested the URS
[...] accountsunit to remove the PP+Eamount [...]
for renovation work (€934,000) from their
balance sheet because it duplicated the amounts recognized under UNESCO’s accrual accounting.
最终名单需蒙古政府予以批准方能公布; 在最终名单得到批准并公布前,许可证随时有可能在名单上添加 剔除
The Government of Mongolia must give its final approval before the final list can be published; licenses may be added or subtracted to the list at any time prior to approval and publication of the final list.




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