

单词 判赔

See also:


judge n
sentence n

obviously (different)

External sources (not reviewed)

药家鑫在判赔45,50 0元人民币(7.000美元)做为补偿之后,于六月被处决。
Yao was executed in June after being ordered to pay about 45,500 yuan (US$7,000) in compensation to Zhang's family.
这些资料应该包括,要 求赔偿和批准赔偿的案例数目,以及每个案例 判 决 赔 偿 的 数额和实际赔偿的数 额。
This information should include the number of requests made, the number granted and the amounts ordered and actually provided in each case.
也可考虑其他模式,例如要求申诉成功者捐出任 判 定 赔 偿 金 的某个 百分比。
Other modalities could be contemplated, such as requiring successful applicants to donate a percentage of any compensation awarded.
(b) 保障《任择议定书》所列罪行的所有儿童受害者都能够根据第9条第4 款获得适当的程序并且在没有歧视的情况下向负法律责任者诉求 判赔 偿。
(b) Guarantee that all child victims of the offences described in the Optional Protocol have access to adequate procedures and to seek, without discrimination, compensation for damages from those legally responsible, in accordance with its article 9, paragraph 4.
本人因此认为,就Dumont 一案而言,委员会应得出结论认定,为了确保今 后不发生类似的违约情况,加拿大必须废除被定罪者为获得 判赔 偿 必 须提供无 罪证明这一义务。
I therefore consider that in the Dumont case the Committee should have concluded that, in order to ensure that no similar violation occurs in future, the Canadian State must abolish the obligation for the convicted person to give proof of innocence in order to receive compensation for a miscarriage of justice.
最高法院认为,“原则上,惩罚赔 偿 的 判 决 本 身可能 不会违背公共政策,但判赔偿金 额与所受危害,或者与义务人违反合同义务 的情况不相称时,这种判决就会违背公共政策”。
In the view of the Court of Cassation, “in principle, a sentence of punitive damages may not, in itself, be contrary to public policy, but it becomes so when the sum awarded is disproportionate to the harm suffered or to the obligor’s breach of its contractual obligations”.
OL&T将负责管理朗盛公司在北美地区大部分业务的入站与出站物流,其中包括运输公司选择与资格认定、合同 判 、 索 赔 、 不 符合项管理与报告,招标与运费审计以及支付服务等一系列完整的运输服务。
OL&T will manage inbound and outbound logistics for most of LANXESS' business across North America, including complete transportation services
such as carrier selection and
[...] qualification, contract negotiations, claims and non-conformance [...]
management and reporting,
as well as tendering and freight audit and payment services.
在其他判决中,争议法庭曾做出一名工作人员优于其他候选人的结 论或推断,并以此为基判决赔偿, 尽管评价候选人的技能和能力属于秘书长的 特权。
In other judgements, the Dispute Tribunal has drawn conclusions or inferences that one staff member was superior to other candidates, and awarded compensation on this basis, even though the evaluation of the skills and competencies of candidates lies within the prerogative of the Secretary-General.
请说明有关补偿和赔偿的措施,包括自委员会2008 年审查上一次定期报告 以来,法判定的赔偿方 式,以及对酷刑受害人或其家属的实际赔偿,其中应该 包括申请件数、批准件数判定赔偿 数额以及每起案件实际赔偿数额。
Please provide information on redress and compensation measures, including the means of rehabilitation, ordered by the courts and actually provided to victims of torture or their families, since the examination of the last periodic report in 2008.
鉴于前几届会议上对准许为预期 损失(例如给采购程序造成的破坏性影响 判 付 赔 偿 费 所表达的关切,会上普 遍认为,第(5)款(f)项第一组方括号内的词语应当保留(保留“应当”一词而不 是“可以”),赔偿费应当限于投标书或其他提交书的编制成本费,或投诉所设 费用,或者同时赔付这两种费用。
In the light of concerns expressed at those earlier sessions about permitting the award of compensation for anticipated losses, such as the disruptive impact on procurement proceedings, the view prevailed that the wording in the first set of square brackets in paragraph (5) (f) should be retained (retaining the word “shall” in preference to “may”) and limiting the compensation to the costs of the preparation of the tender or other submission, or relating to the complaint, or both.
[...] 争议土地和水域的唯一所有者;他们从未向任何第三方出售或转让这一土地;他 们要求法院做判决,赔偿To ngass占夺行为造成的损失和损害,外加利息。
Shortly thereafter, the Tee-HitTon sued, arguing that they “were the sole owners of the land and water in dispute; that they had never sold or conveyed
the land to any other party; and
[...] they asked for a judgment for the losses [...]
and damages from the Tongass taking, plus interest”.50 42.
8 至于申诉 委员会,该委员会最近已被平等待遇委员会取代,9 该委员会可以是普通法院的 一种替代办法,从而可以审查《族裔平等待遇法》之下的歧视申诉,尽管该委员 会无权就金钱损判给赔偿金
As for the Complaints Committee, which has recently been replaced by the Board of Equal Treatment9 , it can be an alternative to ordinary courts and thus review complaints of discrimination under the Act on Ethnic Equal Treatment, although it has no power to award compensation for pecuniary loss.
因此, 他们可以与污染企业直接判获得赔 偿 , 或者诉诸行政与司法程序来保护个体免受环境损害。
Consequently, individuals can be protected from environmental harm
[...] either by directly negotiating with and seeking [...]
compensation from polluters and/or through
administrative and judicial procedures.
提交人还 大量致函不同政府机关,要求对其遭受 判 给 予 赔 偿。
The author also wrote numerous letters to various authorities seeking compensation for the miscarriage of justice he had suffered.
委员会要求缔约国在其下一次定期报告中 就涉及种族歧视的投诉、诉讼、定罪 判 决 和 赔 偿 情况提供全面信息。
The Committee requests the State party to provide in its next periodic report comprehensive
information on complaints, proceedings,
[...] convictions, sentences and reparation related to acts [...]
of racial discrimination.
[...] 款并未要求被定罪者证明自己无罪;这一条款确定了 在新的或新发现的事实证明出现失误时,可因 判 获 得 赔 偿 的 权利。
Clearly, article 14, paragraph 6, does not require the convicted person to
prove his or her innocence; it establishes
[...] the right to compensation for a miscarriage [...]
of justice if an error is revealed
by a new or newly discovered fact.
对于国际行动,特别报告员建议,对关塔那摩湾被拘押者不应依照《军 事委员会法》审理;政府要提高平民伤亡事件的透明度;政府应确保军事司法的
[...] 透明度以及国际行动非法致人死亡问题的问责,包括对武装冲突中的犯罪实施全 面刑事司法判;加强赔偿方案。
With regard to international operations, the Special Rapporteur recommended, inter alia, that Guantánamo Bay detainees not be tried under the Military Commission Act; that the Government enhance transparency with regard to civilian casualties; that it ensure transparency of military justice and accountability for unlawful deaths due to international
operations, including comprehensive criminal jurisdiction over offences in armed
[...] conflict; and enhance reparation programmes.
2003 年,国际商会做出两项仲裁裁决判处 Energoinvest 获赔 1 843 万美元和 1 172.5 万美元外加 9%的利息以及仲裁费用。
In 2003, the International Chamber of Commerce made two arbitral awards in favour of Energoinvest for US$ 18.43 million and US$ 11.725 million plus 9 per cent interest and the cost of arbitration.
2005 年 7 月 13 日,Aksyisk地区 法院拒判处 3,780,000 索姆赔偿金 ,但判处了 1,000,000 索姆的精神损失费。
On 13 July 2005, the Aksyisk District Court refused to satisfy the sum of 3 780 000 som but was provided 1 000 000 som for moral damages.
据缔约国说,庭审记录没有确定对损害 赔 是 否判决,判决没 有提到向提交人支付损害赔偿一事,因此必须认定法院已将其转 [...]
According to the State party, the court records fail to establish
whether the claim for damages
[...] was adjudicated, and the judgement makes no reference to payment [...]
of damages to petitioners,
which must accordingly be deemed to have been referred to civil proceedings by the Court.
(b) 向被非法逮捕或非法拘留或由于审判不公而得到法庭终局判决的人提 供法律援助,目的是使其在重新判 、 包 括 赔 偿 等 补偿、恢复名誉和保证不予 重犯上的权利得到执行
(b) To provide legal aid to persons who have been unlawfully arrested or
detained or who have
[...] received a final judgement of the court as a result of a miscarriage of justice, in order to enforce their right to retrial, reparation, including compensation, rehabilitation [...]
and guarantees of non-repetition
但是,如果 设保人(所有权人)已经对侵权人提起诉讼,而强制执行担保权时诉讼仍在进 行,则在强制执行担保权的过程中取得设保人对设保知识产权的权利的人,应 能够接管该诉讼并获判给的任何赔 偿 ( 同样必须是在知识产权相关法律允许 的情况下)。
However, if the grantor (owner) has filed a suit against an infringer and the lawsuit is still pending at the time of enforcement of the security right, a person that acquired the grantor’s rights in the encumbered intellectual property in the context of enforcement of the security right should be able to take over the lawsuit and obtain any compensation granted (again, if permitted under law relating to intellectual property).
粮农组织虽然认为这些指控不大可能产生任何责任,但不排除某 些赔会有不利判决的可能性。
While FAO does not believe it probable that it will incur any liabilities related to
these complaints, the Organization cannot exclude the possibility that
[...] some claims will result in unfavorable judgments.
对受害者的困境表示的关切体现在《罗马规约》 赋予受害者权力的各种方式中,他们可参与司法程 序,可在法判决后可获赔偿, 也可成为国际刑院 受害者信托基金提供的受害者援助金的受益人。
The concern for the plight of victims is reflected in the various ways in which victims are empowered by the Rome Statute as participants
in judicial proceedings, as
[...] recipients of reparations following a Court conviction, and as beneficiaries [...]
of victims’ assistance
provided by the Trust Fund for Victims that is associated with the ICC.
最高法院驳回上诉的理由 是,波瓦第尔上诉法判定“损害赔 偿 额与所受危害,以及与违反合同义务的 情况明显不相称,因此法国不能承认该外国法院的裁定”完全正确。
The Court of Cassation rejected the appeal, on the grounds that the Poitiers Appeal Court had been right in concluding “that the amount of damages was manifestly disproportionate to the harm suffered and the breach of contractual obligations and that therefore the ruling by the foreign court could not be recognized in France”.
法院判决基于理赔代理 人出具 的货物检验证书、动物专家提供的专家意见、证明交付的书面证据(证明买方 已在多个场合抱怨所供鳀鱼太小)以及卖方自己提出的撤回货物的提议。
The court’s judgement was based on the goods inspection certificate produced by the average agent, the [...]
expert opinion issued
by an animal specialist, the documentary evidence certifying delivery, which proved that the buyer had complained on a number of occasions about the small size of the anchovy supplied, and the seller’s own offer to withdraw the goods.
仲裁/法律选择:若无法律禁止,参赛者同意以下事项: [a ]任何由本促销及其奖金、获奖者评定引发或与之相关的争议、索赔与诉讼均应个别解决,参赛者保证不为此提出任何形式的集体诉讼;一切争议均按照美国仲裁委员会仲裁条款进行仲裁,结果在美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapolis)生效; [b ]一切 赔 、 裁断 及 判 决 均 以已产生的实际费用为准,其中包括与参赛有关的费用,但决不包括律师费;以及 [c] [...]
ARBITRATION/CHOICE OF LAW: Except where prohibited, Players agree that (a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion, or any prize awarded, or the determination of the winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by arbitration pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, then effective,
in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (b)
[...] any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be [...]
limited to actual out-of-pocket costs
incurred, including costs associated with entering this Promotion but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (c) under no circumstances will Player will be permitted to obtain awards for and Player hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.
(a) 所有对卖方的要求、赔、诉 讼或第三方 判 决 ,对任何结果、材料、特殊、清偿、惩罚或 其他损害,直接或间接的,无论这种要求、 赔 、 诉讼 或 判 决 是 否基于合约的原则、侵权行 为、疏忽、限定的义务、保证、赔偿、贡献、法令或其他情况,包括但不限于所有的要求、索 赔、诉讼和与伤害相关的判断和/或任何死亡和人身伤害,以及对在使用、处理、修理、调整、 操作、修改或产品转换时引起的财产损失和/或损害;和
(a) all demands,
[...] claims, actions, or judgments of a third party against any Seller Party, directly or indirectly, for any consequential, material, special, liquidated, punitive, or other damages, regardless of whether such demand, claim, action, or judgment is based on theories [...]
of contract, tort,
negligence, strict liability, warranty, indemnity, contribution, statute, or otherwise, including without limitation, all demands, claims, actions, and judgments relating to injury and/or death of any and all persons and for loss of and/or damage to property arising from use, handling, repair, adjustment, operation, modification, or conversion of Products; and




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