单词 | 再回 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 再回 verb —come back v再回 noun—farewell nExamples:回收再 n—recycling industry n
保安人員,這位人士不准再回來,因 為這已經是第三次的電話聲響了。 legco.gov.hk | Security guard, this person [...] shall be barred from returning to this Chamber, [...]because it was the third time that his telephone rang. legco.gov.hk |
当我们讨论 诸如实用新型等二级保护的重要性时 会 再回 到 这 个问题上。 iprcommission.org | We return to this issue when we consider the importance of second tiers of protection such as utility models. iprcommission.org |
她解释指出,这个项目的主要目标是制定供低消费量国家处理 不 再回 收 使 用和不要 保留的消耗臭氧层物质库存的区域战略。 multilateralfund.org | She explained that the main objective of the project was to develop a regional strategy that would provide options for LVC countries to address non-reusable and unwanted ODS stockpiles. multilateralfund.org |
两次会议之间具有连续性,因为举办第二次会议是为了有关政府专家能够 在征求了各自国家的意见后再回来开 会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They should be considered as a [...] continuum, the second one allowing [...] government experts to return after having carried [...]out appropriate consultations in their own country. unesdoc.unesco.org |
12 同样,由其财政中心管理的新生力量 的财政实际上仍然是个黑洞,因为新生力量 一 再回 避 向 历届专家组提供任何预 算信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Transparency was also impeded by corruption.12 Likewise, the Forces nouvelles finances, administered [...] by La Centrale, remain a virtual “black [...] hole” owing to repeated failures by the Forces [...]nouvelles to provide successive Groups [...]of Experts with any budgetary information. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于那些因为不能报告其第 7 条数据而被列为具有零消费的国家,秘书处代表建议 可初步提供 50,000 [...] 美元资金,但有一项了解,如果在调查中查明有任何消费,那么该国可 再回头向 执行委员会要求提供适当数额的资金。 multilateralfund.org | For countries that had been classified as having zero consumption because they had been unable to report their Article 7 data, the representative of the Secretariat suggested that initial funding of US $50,000 could be recommended on the understanding that, if any consumption [...] were to be identified during the survey, [...] the country could return to the Executive Committee [...]to request funding at the appropriate level. multilateralfund.org |
孟加拉国希望,国际社会,尤 其是安全理事会常任理事国,将不 再回 避 调 动必要的 政治意愿来实现众所期待的中东和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bangladesh hopes that the international community, particularly the permanent members of the Security Council, will no longer shy away from mustering the necessary political will to achieve the much-aspired-to peace in the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
也就是说,这时点击存档的实体笔记,则 不 再回放 任何录音。 livescribe.com | That is, when you tap the notes in your archived physical notebook, [...] they will not play back any audio. livescribe.com |
这些活动中的每一项——无论是在特派团驻留 期间建设和平,在我们撤出时切实转向可持续,本国 拥有自主权的和平,还是向合适的地方派遣合适的文 [...] 职工作人员并与我们的伙伴一起发挥适当的作用—— 都旨在履行我们的授权、建设国家机构、确保我们的 特派团离开后不用再回去。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each of those activities — be they focused on the building of peace during a mission, on effectively transitioning to a sustainable and nationally owned peace as we withdraw, or on the deployment of the right civilian personnel to the right place and playing the right roles alongside our partners — are all aimed at delivering on our [...] mandates, building national institutions, and ensuring that we [...] do not have to return again once our missions [...]have left. daccess-ods.un.org |
与会人员在离开首脑会议时深信现在已经没有 时间再回避这个问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The participants departed the Summit convinced that there is no more time for evasion. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据最近宏观失衡声明,再回到贸 易(南-南关系加强),值得关注的是,新兴市场的贸 [...] 易加权脆弱性正在下降。 bbvaresearch.com | Following the last statement on macro [...] disequilibria and coming back to trade (with [...]increasing South-South relations), it is noteworthy [...]to conclude that trade-weighted vulnerabilities are decreasing for emerging markets. bbvaresearch.com |
若說增加數百元的公共援助 金,便是社會主義,我請他先參考加拿大、澳洲、英國等㆞方的福利制度 , 再回 來 與 我研 究這個問題。 legco.gov.hk | If Mr LEE says an increase of a few hundred dollars in public assistance payment will amount to socialism, I urge him to refer to the welfare systems of Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom before discussing this question with us. legco.gov.hk |
随后,我请 [...] 发言者在发言之后通过 GA-200 号房间(该房间位于讲 台后面)退出大会堂,然后再回到自 己的座位上去。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, I invite speakers, after delivering their [...] statements, to exit the General Assembly Hall through room GA-200, located behind [...] the podium, before returning to their seats. daccess-ods.un.org |
Marquez 女士會給家長們一份DDPSA能夠提供的訓練項目的名單,讓家長們勾選有興趣的議題,幾個月後Marquez女 士 再回 來 針對家長們有興趣的議題提供訓練。 cpad.org | Ms. Marquez will also provide us a training list that DDPSA can offer, [...] parents can vote for the topics so that Ms. [...] Marquez will come back in a few months [...]to provide training on the tropic that parents are interested. cpad.org |
有見及此,民研計劃在2004年的爭論過後,已經 不 再回 應 有關人士的批評,而是轉以更加務實的方法,在2005年的調查報告中加入14題「常見答問」,和在2006年設立本專題網頁,集思廣益。 hkupop.hku.hk | POP decided not to respond to these critics [...] after the debate in 2004, and instead, used a more practical approach by adding [...]14 "Frequently-asked Questions" in the 2005 Report, along with this feature page constructed in 2006. hkupop.hku.hk |
与在枯燥乏味的教室里侍上一整天后 再回到 旅 店里不同,RH提供的是一个完全不同的学 [...] 习过程。 crossculture.com | There is a world of difference between the Riversdown Experience and [...] going straight back to your hotel [...]after a day spent in a sterile classroom. crossculture.com |
如果若干年后再回顾雅 温得会议的内容,我们会发现尽管与会者不再相同,但会议精神却永久不变,传统之 [...] 未来很乐于与中国、印度、巴西、南非、布基纳法索等其他国家保持联系,这些国家也非常愿意继续参加会 议。 traditionsdavenir.info | Concerning the [...] possibilities of renewing the GATHERING [...]in coming years, with new participants but in the same spirit, Traditions [...]d'Avenir is only too happy to note the contacts made with countries such as China, India, Brazil, South Africa Burkina Faso and others, all wanting to continue the discussions. traditionsdavenir.info |
政府将在委员会工作在2012 年结束时再回到这一 问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government will come back to this issue [...] when the Committee's work is finalised in 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
在鐵軌上牽引極重的負載後,離開鐵軌並從公路行駛至下一個地點 , 再回 到 鐵路上工作,只有一款汽車能完成這任務--平治Unimog鐵路公路兩用車。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Start off by shunting heavy loads on rails, then skip off the tracks and drive on the road to where the next rail task awaits you. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
精加工后,应 选用低于先前最高回火温度约 25°C的温度再 回火一次。 assab-china.com | After finish machining, the tool should be given an additional temper at approx. 25°C below the highest previous tempering temperature. assab-china.com |
幸運地, FPD 與我們的越南總監Tuan Bendixsen 聯繫, 請求救護中心收容牠們, 因為兩頭黑熊都失去前掌, 喪失了求生能力, 不能再回到野外生活。 animalsasia.org | Fortunately, the FPD contacted our Vietnam Director Tuan Bendixsen and asked Animals Asia to take the bears to our sanctuary [...] as neither of them [...] could be released back into the wild because both are missing front paws, probably from being snared in the wild. animalsasia.org |
公司与全球业界领先的环保服务商保持紧密合作,建立了覆盖全球的回收物料处理网络,可以实现对全球范 [...] 围的的电信设备回收进行一站式的拆解 和 再回 收 处 理,使电子废弃物能够得到环保地处理和资源循环再生利用。 zte.com.cn | The company maintains close cooperation with the world’s leading environmental protection service providers and has built a recycled materials disposal network covering [...] the whole world, thus realizing onestop [...] disassembly and recovery disposal of telecommunication [...]equipment worldwide to dispose [...]electronic waste in an environmentally friendly manner and to reuse resources. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
首先,巿民對預算案的不滿比率,由預算案發表當日的35%,大幅上升至第二輪調查的5 3% , 再回 落 至 第三輪調查的45%,而滿意比率就回升至即時調查的水平,滿意淨值收窄至負16個百分比,但仍然差過即時調查的負8個百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | First, dissatisfaction rate soars from 35% in our instant survey to 53% in our second survey, then drops [...] to 45% in this third survey, while [...] satisfaction rate goes back to the level registered [...]in our instant survey. Net satisfaction [...]narrows to negative 16 percentage points, but is still poorer than the negative 8 percentage points registered in the instant survey. hkupop.hku.hk |
上週五在康州Sandy Hook小學大開殺戒的Adam [...] Lanza,在16歲那年曾入讀西康涅狄格州立大學,他在2009年夏季報讀最後一次課程,之後沒 有 再回 校 上 課。 ktsf.com | A spokesman for Western Connecticut State University says the man [...] identified as the gunman who killed 26 children and [...] adults in an elementary school took [...]college classes when he was only 16. ktsf.com |
接收到这封邮件的被爱的幸运儿再回 复 到万宝龙的微博网页,就可以解开这封爱情私语。 labbrand.com | Upon receiving the Email, the lucky loved one is re-directed towards Mont Blanc’s Weibo page to unlock the message. labbrand.com |
法官表示,Pistorius在保釋期間不能 再回 到 原住處,即兇案發生地點,還必須每週一和週五去當地警局報到。 ktsf.com | The magistrate ruled that [...] Pistorius could not return to his home in [...]a gated community east of Pretoria, where the killing [...]of Reeva Steenkamp took place. ktsf.com |
早在2007年就已经开始的“黑武士维德”计划,最早只是在洛杉矶展出,后来逐渐延伸到了欧洲和日本,最 后 再回 到 宾 夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的安迪·沃霍博物馆。 ba-repsasia.com | The project premiered in 2007, starting in Los Angeles and then making its way through Europe and Japan before ending at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ba-repsasia.com |
我正在试着帮他联系职业培训,因为他不 想 再回 学 校 上学。 unicef.org | I have convinced a teenager to go and work in a bottle factory [...] instead, and I am now trying to find him vocational training, as he [...] does not want to go back to school,” the [...]educator says. unicef.org |
了解他們每天所面臨的威脅,不論是他們身處的險境或人口販子每天的電話威脅之後 , 再回 到 我 舒適安全詳和的音樂世界,為他們倡導的計畫貢獻力量,藉由喚醒群眾的意識,支持他們能夠持續下去,絕非難事。 hk.marinabaysands.com | When you understand the threat they face every day either in the environment or from the traffickers who are calling and [...] threatening them daily, it makes it a lot [...] easier to come back into my nice safe, [...]soft, musical world and contribute to [...]their project to keep them afloat through awareness. marinabaysands.com |
让我们再回顾一 下SYNC服务的拓展历程,Version1售价395美金,仅提供蓝牙和音乐播放;Version2价格不变,新增汽车诊断报告和紧急求援;Version3价格不变新增TBT导航、交通信息、生活资讯等服务;Version4价格不变,新增Applink功能,可使用Pandora和Twitter等应用;一直到现在的Gen2硬件,新增呼叫中心,租车及酒店预订等服务,价格不但不涨,反而还降到295美金了。 navibiz.com.cn | Version1 of SYNC is priced at $395 and provides Bluetooth connecting and music playing only; version2 keeps the same price but adds vehicle diagnostics report and emergency assistance; version3 adds TBT, traffic, and living information services based on the same price; version4 also keeps the price fixed but adds Applink, Pandora and Twitter applications; now the Gen2 adds call center, car rental and hotel reservation services but reduces the price to US $295. navibiz.com.cn |