

单词 全港

全港 ()

whole territory of Hong Kong


安全港 n

safe harbour n

External sources (not reviewed)

你認為停車熄匙規定應全港實施 ,或是只應在個別地區、當空氣 污染最嚴重的時段內實施?
Do you think that the ban should be made territory-wide or applied only to some selected areas or hours during which the air is most polluted?
由於投票站數目有限,民研計劃呼 全港 市 民 於3.23當日盡量用個人電腦或智能手機於網上投票,把實體票站留給有需要的市民使用。
Because of the limited number of polling stations, POP
[...] encourages all Hong Kong citizens to [...]
cast their votes using personal computers
or smartphones as far as possible on 3.23, so as to allow polling stations to be used by citizens in need.
我們會繼續進行水管更換及修復工程,以及水壓管理和防漏,以 盡量減全港水管滲漏的情況。
We will continue our water mains replacement and rehabilitation works, pressure management and leakage control to minimise water leakage throughout the territory.
特區政府應立刻展開新一全港發展 策略檢討,這將有助建設優質的城市 環境,和滿足香港長遠人口增長和發展的需要。
For the realization of a better cityscape and for the long-term
[...] development of Hong Kong to meet the [...]
challenges in population growth and development
needs, the Government should conduct a new round of review on the territorial development strategy in the immediate future.
以下聲明爲前瞻性陳述,此陳述基於目前的期望並涵蓋風險和不確定性,部分已于之前 的全港聲明中闡明。
The following statements are forward looking statements which are based on current
expectation and which involve risks and uncertainties, some of which are
[...] set forth under “Safe Harbor Statements” above.
屋 宇 署 現 時 並 無 計 劃 就 分 間 單 位 進全 港 性 統 計 調 查 。
The BD currently does not have a plan to conduct a territory-wide survey on sub-divided flats.
關於建議為關乎外匯基金或中央銀行提供 流動資金支援的資料設立全港一事 ,陳茂波議員 要求政府當局提供資料,述明金管局在決定應否和 [...]
何時向公眾披露此類事件時會考慮哪些因素;以及 若金管局決定把此類事件保密,有何安排規定該局 須為此類事件中運用外匯基金及進行其他規管活 動作問責交代。
Mr Paul CHAN requested that, in relation to
[...] the proposed safe harbour for information concerning [...]
provision of liquidity support
by the Exchange Fund or a central bank, the Administration should provide information on the considerations of the HKMA in deciding whether and when such incidents should be disclosed to the public, and in the case of deciding to keep such incidents confidential, the accountability arrangements that HKMA would be subject to for the operation of the Exchange Fund and its other regulatory activities conducted in such incidents.
一位成員認為,車輛造成空氣污染的模式在不同的地區並不一 樣,管制車輛在行駛時排出的廢氣比只是管制靜止的車輛更為 重要,所以不支全港實施 停車熄匙的規定。
A member did not support a territory-wide ban as the pattern of air pollution caused by vehicles were different in
different areas, and it was more
[...] important to control the emission from moving vehicles than only focus [...]
on stationary vehicles.
(c) 除了建立重要或/及有問題樹木的資料庫,局方是否有計劃 全港 所 有 樹木 設立資料庫?
(c) Apart from developing a database of important and/or problematic trees, does the Bureau have any plan to develop a
[...] database of all trees in Hong Kong?
二零零七年十二月下旬至二零零八年三月,中心轄下食物監察小組 的衞生督察全港各區的不同商鋪( 包括街市、超級市場、麵包餅食店 [...]
等 ) 抽取食物樣本。
The food samples were obtained
from various local sources, including wet markets, supermarkets, bakery shops, etc., in
[...] different districts of Hong Kong.
礙於港沒有全 面的食物消費量數據,因而未能提 全港 人 口 和某些人口組別從非預先 包裝飲品攝入的營養素分量。
Owing to the lack of comprehensive food consumption data in Hong Kong, the nutrient intake [...]
of the whole population and population
subgroups from non-prepackaged beverages could not be quantified.
全港条款 免责声明:本新闻稿包含了《1933年证券管理条例》第27条A款和《1934年证券管理条例》第21条E款所定义的前瞻性声明,这些前瞻性声明是以我们对未来事件的当前预期、信心和假设为基础的。
Safe Harbor Act Disclaimer: This [...]
release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934 that are based upon current expectations or beliefs, as well as a number of assumptions about future events.
我们亦举全港性的 宣传活动以支持世界 精神健康日和国际复康日。
Territory-wide publicity activities were also launched to support the World Mental Health Day and International Day of Disabled Persons (IDDP).
民意網站》今日發放有關特首曾蔭權及特區政府的最新民望數字,已經按照政府統計處提供之2006年 全港 人 口 年齡及性別分佈初步統計數字,以「加權」方法作出調整。
The latest figures released in our POP Site today on these topics have been weighted according to provisional figures obtained from
the Census and Statistics Department regarding the gender-age
[...] distribution of the Hong Kong population [...]
at the end of 2006.
零售业 巨头 Heiß全港拥有七家商场,经营自主设计的商品和日韩 知名品牌,受到引领时尚人士的特别垂青。
And, with seven stores throughout the city, the fashion retail giant Heiß, which sells self-designed products and famous Korean and Japanese brands, is a must visit for those who want to stay ahead of trends.
其间举办的一系全港性和 地区性宣传计划,旨在提高普罗市民对精神健康 的关注和认识,鼓励他们接纳精神病患者,并协助精神病康复者融入社会。
During the event,
[...] a series of territorywide and district-based [...]
publicity campaigns are launched to enhance the public’s
understanding of mental health and encourage them to accept mental patients, with a view to facilitating the re-integration of persons recovering from mental illness into society.
二零一零年第三季 二零一零年第三季 二零一零年第三季 二零一零年第三季指引 指引 指引 指引
[...] 以下聲明爲前瞻性陳述,此陳述基於目前的期望並涵蓋風險和不確定性,部分已於之後 的全港聲明中闡明。
The following statements are forward looking statements which are based on current
expectation and which involve risks and uncertainties, some of which are set
[...] forth under “Safe Harbor Statements” below.
出于对《1995年美国私人证券诉讼改革法案》中的“ 全港 ” 规 定的考虑,我们在表格10-K的最新报告“风险”因素部分和表格10-Q的报告中为读者提供了警示性陈述,用以识别那些可能导致公司的实际经营成果与前瞻性声明之间出现重大差异的重要因素,这些前瞻性声明或包含在本文件汇编中,或由TRW Automotive以其他方式做出,或他人代表TRW Automotive做出。
The Risk factor section of our latest report on Form 10-K and reports on Form 10-Q provides readers with cautionary statements identifying, for purposes of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, important factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements made in this filing or otherwise made by, or on behalf of, TRW Automotive.
[...] 題,從根本地改善市民生活居住質素的角度出發,把舊區發展問題結 全港整 體 長遠發展一併考慮,俾能把香港建成一個世界級的最宜居城市。
In  view of this, the Government should pay serious attention to the new social situation  and the multitude of problems in urban regeneration. It would also be important to  put  greater 
efforts  to  improve  the 
[...] living  quality  of  Hong  Kong  people  as  a  whole  thr ough incorporating the redevelopment of old areas  into a key component of the  [...] [...]
long‐term  development  of  Hong  Kong.
香港大學護理學院戒煙治療研究組於2005年聯同港大公共衛生學院、社會工作及社會行政學系及香港吸煙與健康委員會,設立 全港 首 條 專為青少年而設的戒煙熱線「Youth Quitline 2855 9557」。
The Smoking Cessation Research Team of School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), in collaboration with the School of Public Health, the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of HKU and the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health, established the first youth-oriented smoking cessation hotline ‘Youth Quitline 2855 9557' in 2005.
(c) 由 於 我 們 在 上 述 清 點 行 動
[...] 完 成 後,才 可 知 悉全 港 私 人 樓 宇 外 部 的 現 [...]
有 僭 建 物 在 數 目 及 種 類 方 面 的 詳 情,因 此 我 們 未 能 就 何 時 可 以 完 成 清
拆 所 有 在 樓 宇 外 牆 的 現 有 僭 建 物 訂 出 具 體 日 期 。
(c) As the details on the number and types of
existing UBWs on the exterior of private
[...] buildings in Hong Kong will only be [...]
available upon the completion of the stock-taking
exercise, we are not able to set a specific date by which all existing UBWs on the external walls of buildings can be removed.
还强调必须采取 “不引渡即起诉”的原则,不给犯罪分子提供 全港。
The importance of the principle of “extradite or prosecute” to
[...] deny criminals safe havens was also [...]
(3) 凡於 2010 至 2013 年期間曾經或將會參加奧林匹克運動會(不包括青少年夏季奧 林匹克運動會及奧林匹克運動會外圍賽)、亞洲運動會、東亞運動會、全國運動 會、世界錦標賽(不包括世界青年錦標賽)、亞洲錦標賽(不包括亞洲青年錦標
[...] 賽)的田徑項目及世界室內田徑錦標賽的運動員,均不得參 全港 運 動 會的田徑 比賽。
(3) Those athletes who participated or will participate in the athletics competitions of the Olympic Games (excluding the Summer Youth Olympic Games and the qualifying round of the Olympic Games), the Asian Games, the East Asian Games, the National Games of the People’s Republic of China, the World Championships (excluding the World Youth Championship) and the Asian Championships (excluding the Asian Youth Championship), or the IAAF World Indoor
Championships between 2010 and 2013 are not eligible to participate in the athletics
[...] competition of the Hong Kong Games (HKG).
本新闻稿包含依照1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案 全港 条 款 发布的有关产品路线图的前瞻性声明,其中包括AMD [...]
This release contains forward-looking statements, concerning among other things, product roadmaps, including the timing of
the planned introduction of AMD Fusion
[...] platforms and the features and performance [...]
of new product and technology releases,
and the timing of the planned introduction of our customers' products based on our products, which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
3.5.2 若有任何原因,或為履行上述命令、指示、建議或警告,船隻不 能駛往原定登岸港口或客票合約內規定之港口,或被迫改變航向
[...] 時,該船得由船長或承運人全權決定駛往其他任何 全港 口 讓乘 客及行李在該處登岸。
3.5.2 If by reason of or in compliance with any such orders, directions, recommendations or warnings, the Vessel does not proceed to or is diverted from the port of disembarkation originally designated or to which she may have been ordered pursuant to the contract
contained in the Ticket, the Vessel may
[...] proceed to any safe port of disembarkation [...]
which the Master or Carrier in his or its
discretion may decide on and there disembark the Passenger and land his Luggage.
在香港,中兴通讯独家承建CSL的多模网络,为全球最繁忙的商业区域之一提 全港 质 量 最优的3G移动宽带业务;在奥地利,中兴通讯为H3G承建的网络,连续两年在德语区网络质量评测中排名第一;在肯尼亚,中兴通讯为法国电信部署的3G网络也为用户提供着当地最优质的移动业务。
The 3G network deployed by ZTE for France Telecom in Kenya is providing prime-quality services.
[...] 捞活动,遵守和执行渔业法规如登船和检查及观察方案,发展渔业合作,海上保 安和全,港口作 业和港口国管制,沿海地区综合管理,深海采矿,拟定立法, [...]
They also provided information on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, compliance and enforcement in fisheries, such as boarding and inspection and observer programmes, fisheries
development cooperation, maritime
[...] security and safety, port operations and port State control, [...]
integrated coastal area management,
deep-seabed mining, drafting of legislation and promotion of regional cooperation.
計劃的內容包括監全港的環 境伽馬輻射水平,以及 測量在各類環境樣本內放射性核素的阿爾法、貝他及伽馬放射性 活度濃度。
The programme comprised territory-wide monitoring of the ambient gamma radiation level, and measurement of the activity concentrations of alpha, beta and gamma emitting radionuclides in various types of environmental samples.




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