

单词 光面内质网

See also:

光面 adj

glossy adj

光面 n

matte n
metallic n


endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

External sources (not reviewed)

嗜碱性细胞含有发达的面内质网以 及 许多含铁的 光 小 体 ,具有分泌和贮存金属离子的功能。
The basophilic cells are characterized by the possession of a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and many refractile spherules which give a intense reaction to test for iron.
他承认,他在报告中使用“绝对”一词并 不完全恰当,因为即使在属人豁免的情况下,这种豁免也在时间和 质内 容 方面 有限制。
He conceded that his use of “absolute” in the report was not
entirely felicitous because even in case of immunity ratione personae, such
[...] immunity was limited in time and substance.
进一步编写 综合法律培训课程在质内容方面提 供了可靠的基础。
Further elaboration of the comprehensive legal training curriculum provides a reliable substantive basis.
这项飞行任务的主要成果是:(a)改进了全月地貌图,其中详细的高 度和质数据 无偿提供给了谷歌,用于制作谷歌三维月球图;(b)制作了月球面详细的重力图;(c)对月球南极沙克尔顿环形山始终 光 的 内 部 进 行了首次光 学观察。
The main achievements of the mission were: (a) improved lunar
global topography maps,
[...] detailed altitude and geological data which is provided to Google for free to make Google Moon 3-D; (b) a detailed gravity map of the far side of the Moon; and (c) the first optical observation of the permanently shadowed interior of the Shackleton [...]
crater at the lunar south pole.
FTB-500平台可为用户提供支持SONET/SDH、OTN、以 网 、 光 纤 通 道和光学层测试模块混合体的一体化解决方案,因此是 内 首 个 真正集成化的网络测试平台。
Using the FTB-500 platform provides users with an all-in-one
solution supporting a
[...] mix of SONET/SDH, OTN, Ethernet, Fibre Channel and optical-layer test modules, making it the industry’s first truly integrated [...]
network testing platform.
扁平形细胞的核为扁平形或椭圆形,核内常染色质十分丰富,核 光 滑 ,核周腔和核孔没有扩张,胞质中各种细胞器发育较差;立方形细胞的核膜高度凹陷,将核分为2叶至3叶,核周腔和核孔扩张,胞质中各种细胞器发育良好,出现长棒形和哑铃形线粒体,且数量明显多于扁平形细胞,多层 面内质网 呈 板 层状排列,还有发育好的高尔基复合体。
Oganelles in the cytoplasm of cuboidal cells were well developed; long, rectangular and dumbbell shaped mitochondria could be found and were more numerous than that in squamous cells; there were large amounts of parallel cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies were well developed.
无论是测试驻网内的多模光纤, 抑或是测试驻地网之间的单模光纤,全都可以用单个OTDR设备来完成,从而最大程度提高投资回报。
Test multimode fiber within premises, or singlemode fiber between premises—all with a single OTDR unit—and maximize your return on investment.
前者特征为:在卵母细胞中充满 内质网 泡 ,在 泡内有不同程度的卵黄物质合成,此时在卵母细胞的 面 区 域 ,可见很多卵泡细胞向卵母细胞表面迁移,并包围卵母细胞。
In the former stage,it was
[...] found the follicular cells showed significant streaming movement towards the surface of oocytes and gradually surrounded [...]
the oocyte membranes,there
were little structural evidence of pinocytotic activity at the oolemma follicular cells interface,demonstrated vitellogenic autonomy.
扩张莫尼茨绦虫卵黄细胞发育的规律为:(1)细胞体积不断增大;(2)质、核比不断增加而核体积几乎不发生改变,核表面从规则变为不规则,再由不规则变为规则,核内出现染色质浓缩成小块再分散的发育变化过程;(3)线粒体逐渐增多,发育不断完善;( 4) 粗 面内质网 及 高 尔基复合体出现由少到多,发育不断完善,再由多到少不断退化的变化;(5)由高尔基复合体组装的电子致密的小卵黄囊不断融合,至卵黄细胞成熟时仅有一卵黄囊,占据细胞大部分体积[动物学报 49(2):256~261,2003]。
The process of maturation is characterized by: (1) a gradual increase in cytoplasm/nucleus ratio and cell volume; (2) the presence of large numbers of mitochondria; (3) the appearance of granular endoplasmic reticulum and associated Golgi apparatus; (4) the production at the Golgi of small electron dense vitelline vesicles that fuse and eventually amalgamate into one large vitelline vesicle, filling most of the cell volume.
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在这一点上是不够的,因光是承 认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在其内非法居留的某些外国人,只是论及 面 现 象
It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply
acknowledging that the
[...] expelling State had the right to extend certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious.
发言者还强调了处理从幼儿发展到高等教育的所有教育阶段的重 要性,并强调包括教师培训内的各 方 面质 量 问 题的重要性。
Speakers also stressed the importance of addressing all phases of education, from early
childhood development through higher levels of education, and on
[...] emphasizing all aspects of quality, including [...]
teacher training.
在我们的合作伙伴-无论是国际著名的光网络设备厂商还是 内 领 先 的 光网 络 设 备厂商的眼中,和记奥普泰通信技术有限公司技术领先,产 质 量 高 ,并且在他们要求的新产品开发上或现有产品升级换代上都整体响应迅速,能够确保合作厂商在最短的时间内推广和销售产品,从而帮助客户获得更强的竞争优势并取得显著的经济效益。
The cooperation of our partners - whether
[...] the international well-known optical network equipment vendors and domestic leader in the eyes of optical network equipment vendors, and [...]
technology Youxiangongsi
Technology Hutchison Optel Tong Xin Ling Xian, high product quality that are in their requirements for new product development or upgrading existing products in both the overall response to the rapid, to ensure cooperation firms in the shortest possible time to promote and sell products to help customers achieve greater competitive advantage and significant economic benefits.
随着卵母细胞的继续发育,透明带增厚,微绒毛由粗短变为细长,密度增加;皮质颗粒、线粒体、 面内质网 等 细 胞器的数目不断增加,并逐渐移行到质膜下;在移行的过程中,皮质颗粒成团存在。
With the development of oocytes, microvilli became long and the zona pellucida became thicker. The number of mitochondria, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and cortical granules all increased and they moved to the cortical region gradually.
其它行动有:如正在开发的旨在向全国委员会及其合作伙伴提供更广泛服务的 数据库,将有关传播题材纳入培训研讨会(曼谷、里加、达累斯萨拉姆多国办事处),向全 国委员会分光盘, 发行《电视媒体操作技能》新手册及为全国委员会设计 网 站 模 板,出 版简讯《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》第四和第五版。
Other initiatives included an ongoing development of the databases in order to offer a wider range of services for National Commissions and their partners, the inclusion of communication-related topics at training seminars (Bangkok,
Riga, Dar es Salaam
[...] cluster), the distribution of the CD-ROM for National Commissions, a new brochure on “Skills for Handling the TV Media” [...]
and the creation
of a website template for National Commissions, the publication of the fourth and fifth editions of the newsletter NCP Synergy.
在局网内,AVerCaster HD Duet可以采集HDMI接口或者色差接口的高清信号源,如 光 播 放机,机顶盒和摄录一体机,然后对采集到的信号进行高效的编码。
[...] multicast over IP network, AVerCaster HD Duet can encode and distribute high-definition video contents from devices with an HDMI or Component output such as Blu-Ray players, [...]
TV set-top boxes, and
camcorders to an unlimited number of users over the same network simultaneously.
质内容看 ,最新资料列出巴林加入的国际条约和议定书、通过的国内立 法,以及为贯彻落实决议各面而设 立的监督机制。
In substance, the update enumerates the international treaties and protocols to which Bahrain has adhered, the domestic legislation adopted and the oversight mechanisms created to follow up the implementation of the various aspects of the resolution.
隔膜上排列单层上皮细胞,呈柱形、立方形或扁平形,生殖季节 面内质网 、 管状嵴线粒体和高尔基复合体发达,上皮细胞顶部聚集许多无膜包裹的分泌颗粒,分泌后细胞器退化,胞质中出现大量的大空泡。
During the spawning season, rough endoplasmic reticulum, tubular cristae mitochondria and Golgi complex were well developed; many secretory granules without membranes accumulated to the apical portion of the epithelial cell.
在台口前方和舞台的后方使用了PAR 64(银色铝合金外壳质地很 好)聚光灯,台口前方使用宽光束的进口光源,均匀 光 , 作 为 面光 ; 舞 台的后方使用中等光束的光源,向台前方投射光束,作为逆光,舞台顶部再设置一道顶光,这样,舞台的基本光足以均匀照亮舞台,通过添加色纸,分组编程,走灯等变化不同的色彩氛围,以配合歌舞表演的不同需要。
Proscenium stage in front of and behind the use of a PAR 64
(silver aluminum
[...] enclosure, good texture) spotlight, in front of the mouth to use table of imports of a wide beam light source, uniform distribution of light, as a surface light; the rear of [...]
the stage using medium
beam light, front projection beam to the station, as a backlight, and then set up a stage at the top of the top light, so that the stage light enough to evenly illuminate the basic stage, by adding color paper, group programming, taking different color lights, climate change, to meet cabaret different needs.
免费美颜礼宾服务及全新乔治·阿玛尼美妆专柜化妆品进驻装茸一新的 面内 , 定 会为所光临新 加坡DFS环球免税店的顾客带来多方位感官的奢华享受。
The inclusion of complimentary
Beauty Concierge services
[...] and new-to-market Giorgio Armani Beauty cosmetics housed in the newly [...]
renovated space promises
a multi-sensorial experience for all patrons of DFS Galleria Singapore’s Beauty Hall.
世界银行制订一个由经济财政部主管的社会保护方案,称为“生产性社网 项目”,由三面内容构成:(a) 劳动密集型公共工程(创造 24 000 个直接临时 就业,所发的近 534 亿几内亚法郎工资惠及近 15 万人)和面向城市地区青年的生 计培训(5 [...]
000 人受训)方案,以建造、修复和维护基本城市设施(近 50 万人因生 活环境改善而间接受益)并创造短期就业;(b)
拨款试点以改进粮食无保障的贫 穷农村地区的人力资本;(c) 制度支持,能力建设和项目管理,包括支持编订社 会保护战略主要内容项目的业务单位。
The World Bank is preparing a social welfare
programme (the
[...] “productive social safety nets” project), under the aegis of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which has three components: (a) [...]
a labour-intensive public
works programme (direct creation of 24,000 temporary jobs benefiting nearly 150,000 people through the transfer of around GF 53.4 billion in wages), life skills training (5,000 beneficiaries), targeting young people in urban areas, with a view to the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of essential urban infrastructure (with some 500,000 indirect beneficiaries of an improvement in living conditions) and short-term job creation; (b) pilot monetary transfers for improving human capital in poor rural areas affected by food insecurity; (c) institutional backstopping, capacity-building and project management, including support for the project’s operational units in the development of key elements of a social welfare policy.
其中数量众多的囊泡状面内质网是 形 成内源性卵黄粒的最主要的细胞器;部分线粒体参与卵黄粒的合成并自身最终演变为卵黄粒;丰富的游离核糖体合成了大量致密的蛋白质颗粒并在卵质中直接聚集融合成无膜的卵黄粒;溶酶体通过吞噬、消化内含物来形成卵黄粒和脂滴,且方式多样;高尔基器不直接参与形成卵黄粒。
Furthermore, large quantities of
[...] vesicular rough endoplasmic reticulum were the dominant [...]
organelles which took part in the
endogenous yolk formation; some mitochondria participated in the endogenous yolk synthesizing and then developed into yolk granules directly; many free ribosomes synthesized numerous proteinous particles and formed yolk granules without membranes by aggregation and fusion of themselves; the lysosomes produced endogenous yolk granules by engulfing and digesting inclusions with various forms; the Golgi apparatus formed yolk granules indirectly.
因此,《萨尔瓦多宣言》第 42 段不仅指出了这项研究应当调查的各 质方 面(网上犯罪问题、国家立法、最佳做法、技术援助和国际合作),还有出发角 度(会员国、国际社会和私营部门的对策)和侧重点(审查各种备选方案,加 [...]
Paragraph 42 of the Salvador Declaration thus
[...] identifies the various substantive aspects that the study should investigate (the problem of cybercrime, national legislation, [...]
best practices,
technical assistance and international cooperation), and also the perspective (the response by Member States, the international community and the private sector) and the focus (examining options to strengthen existing responses and to propose new national and international legal or other responses to cybercrime).
HUBER+SUHNER 提供领先的 LTE(远程射频装置)光纤和混合系统,同时还为 内光纤 ( FITH) 应用、数据中心的光纤管理系统和庞大的光纤到户 (FTTH) 网络开发了新的产品。
HUBER+SUHNER offers the leading fiber optic and hybrid systems for LTE  (remote radio installations) but also newly
developed products for Fiber in the
[...] Home (FITH) applications, fiber management systems for Data centers and a huge portfolio for Fiber to the Home (FTTH) networks.
又认识到 又认识到 又认识到 又认识到因特网用户人数不断增长,数字鸿沟的性质也在不断变化,其基准 从能否上网转变为网质量、 用户可以获得的信息和技能以及他们能从因特网获 取的价值,在这面认识 到,需要采取创新办法,包括采取多方利益攸关方办法, 在国家和区域发展战略中将使用信息和通信技术列为优先目标
that the number of Internet users is growing and that the digital divide is also changing in character from one based on whether access is
available to one
[...] based on the quality of access, the information and skills that users can obtain and the value they can derive from it, and recognizing in this regard that there [...]
is a need to prioritize
the use of information and communications technologies through innovative approaches, including multi-stakeholder approaches, within national and regional development strategies
有关这一话题的更多信息,包括更多有关路博润审核销售代表、代理商和经销 商的详细指导原则,可以在路博 内网 法 律 页 面 的 了 解公司审核流程和反海外 腐败法 (Understanding the Corporate Review Process and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA))中找到。
Additional information on this topic, including more
detailed guidance on
[...] Lubrizol’s review of sales representatives, agents and distributors may be found at Understanding the Corporate Review Process and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) on the Legal page of the Lubrizol [...]
由于耗材套装组件受到干扰,故意或无意损坏或误用,在某些 面 进 行 修改,因运送或事故、不当操作或环境因素而出现故障,包括现场状况、水或尘土,储存不当,未根据Rimage技术规格维护或清洁打印机;或者在Rimage控制范围之外的类似原因而导致 质光 盘 不 能正确打印或刻录。
Media discs that fail to print or record properly due to Media Kit components that were tampered with, intentionally or negligently damaged, or misused; that were modified in any respect; that have failed due to shipping or accidents, improper handling or environment, including site conditions, water or dirt; improper storage; failure to maintain or clean the printer according to Rimage's specifications; or similar reasons beyond Rimage's control.
一位内人士就LED光源应用于农业植物领域的优势这样表示,“相较于传统光源,除了众所周知的节能特性,LED还具有波长窄 光质 纯 、 光 效 高 、波长类型丰富、光谱能量调制便捷以及低发热、小体积、长寿命等突出优势,便于集中植物所需波长实施均衡近距离照射。
One industry source has advantage in the field of LED light source used in agricultural plants such said, "compared with the traditional light source,
[...] addition to the well-known energy-saving features, LED has narrow wavelength, the light quality of pure, high photosynthetic efficiency, wavelength modulation type is rich, spectrum energy is convenient, [...]
and low fever,
such outstanding advantages as small volume, long life, easy to focus close irradiation wavelength to implement balanced plant need.
这为我们发明 新型电火花成形机轨道战略铺平了道路,从而可以获得精度高达26纳米的 面质 量 ,并使我们的切割和镀膜技术得到完善,可以用WEDM和DS EDM进行表面处理,用于高精度WEDM的深度加 光 学 测量也得到完善,此外,也实现了采用特殊脉冲的高精度钻孔加工。
It paved the way for us to invent a new orbiting strategy for
die-sinking machines and
[...] achieve a record surface quality of 26 nanometers, perfect our Cut and Coat technology to perform surface treatment with WEDM and DS EDM, perfect in-process optical measuring for high-precision [...]
WEDM, and
lead the way in high-precision drilling with special pulses.
2 审查会议的任务是评 估《协定》在确保养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群 面 的 效力,办 法是审查和评估《协定》各项规定的适当性,并在必要时提出可加强这些规定的质内容和 执行手段的办法,以期更妥善地处理在养护和管理这些鱼类种群面 继续存在的问题。
The Review Conference, held in New York from 22 to 26 May 2006,2was mandated to assess the effectiveness of the Agreement in securing the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory
fish stocks by reviewing and
[...] assessing the adequacy of its provisions and, if necessary, proposing means of strengthening the substance and methods of implementation of those provisions in order better to address any continuing problems in the conservation and management of those stocks.
例如,载有以下明文要求:向每一个供应商或承包商告 知其建议书技术特点质量特 点和性能特点的审查结果;将审查和评审结果立 即载入采购程序记录;将装有不具响应性建议书的财务 面内 容 的 信封原封不 动退还相关供应商或承包商;向每一个递交了具响应性建议书的供应商或承包 商告知其建议书的得分;邀请每一个此种供应商或承包商参加装有其建议书财 务方面内容的信封的拆封;在这些信封拆封时,当众宣读每一个此种供应商或 承包商的得分及其建议书相应的财务方面内容。
For example, there are explicit requirements: to notify each supplier or contractor of the
results of examination
[...] of technical, quality and performance characteristics of their proposals; to include the results of examination and evaluation immediately in the record of the procurement proceedings; to return unopened the envelopes containing the financial aspects of the non-responsive [...]
proposals to the
suppliers of contractors concerned; to notify each supplier or contractor with a responsive proposal the score assigned to them; to invite each such supplier or contractor to the opening of the envelopes containing the financial aspects of their proposals; and to read out, at the opening of those envelopes, the score assigned to each such supplier or contractor together with the respective financial aspects of their proposals.




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