单词 | 假冒品 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 假冒品—counterfeit object假冒品noun—fakenSee also:假冒—counterfeit impersonate pose as (someone else) palm off (a fake as a genuine) 假冒n—counterfeitspl impersonationn 假adj—fakeadj falseadj artificialadj 冒—bold emit give off act under false pretences send out (or up, forth) surname Mao
研究表明,“假冒品牌有 时验证他们所复制品牌的必需性”,作为消费者谁购买这些盗版产品通常最终购买真正的品牌,因为他们是如此喜欢它。 labbrand.com | Studies show that “counterfeit brands sometimes [...] verify the desirability of the brand they’re copying”, as consumers who [...]purchase these pirated products usually end up buying the real brand because they like it so much. labbrand.com |
国家安全部队时刻保持警惕,采取有效措施打击 犯罪行为,包括贩卖毒品、假冒药品和洗钱活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | National security forces on constant alert have undertaken [...] effective measures to combat criminal acts, including [...] trafficking in drugs and counterfeit medicines and money [...]laundering. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于某些产品(从药品到工业零部件)而言,低质量的 假冒商品还可能给品牌的合法所有者带来责任和保修问题。 graphics.kodak.com | For some products, ranging from pharmaceuticals to industrial parts, low quality counterfeit goods can [...] raise liability and warranty [...]issues for to the legitimate brand owner. graphics.kodak.com |
Drissa Kone 毫无希望攒够钱买药。他的解决 办法是在阿比让阿贾梅市场购买假冒药品,在这里他可以找到真药的非法假 冒品,价格只是官方价的几分之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the international level, the 2008 food crisis galvanized the global policy community into action, and they began to mobilize political and financial support for taking ameliorative and constructive measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
Carrier先生说:“将在大会上汇报的新研究成果,将显示目前仍然存在这种非法 假冒商品贸易所产生的全面影响,全球经济、政府和消费者每年损失上万亿美元, 200多万份工作将受到潜在的威胁,”他补充说,“因此,所有利益有关者都必须再次为找到新的、富有创造性的解决方案作出承诺;国际商会已通过其商业活动制止假冒和盗版倡议这样做了,我们将在本次大会上提出新的倡议和新的数据,继续支持知识产权发挥作用,以推动创新,创建新的计划,教育消费者为什么不要购买 假冒伪劣 产品。 wipo.int | Mr. Carrier said “New research to be reported at the Congress willshow [...] that the total impact of this illicit trade in fakes isstaggering, with more than US$1-trillion in annual losses to global economies, governments and consumers and potentially more than 2 million jobs at risk,” adding “It is essential that all stakeholders renew their commitment to find new and creative solutions, and ICC, through its BASCAP program is doing that, and we will introduce new initiatives at this Congress providing new data, new support for the role of IP in driving innovation and new programs to educate consumers on why they should stop buying fakes. wipo.int |
例如,在坦桑尼亚和乌干达,很少有涉及知识产权侵权的案件 通过司法系统处理;而在肯尼亚,海关当局最近查封了 50 项假冒商品,其中 20 项与知识 产权有关的刑事案件已被交给法庭处理。 iprcommission.org | For example, in Tanzania and Uganda there is little evidence of cases involving IPR infringement proceeding through the judicial system, whilst in Kenya, in recent years, the customs authorities have made 50 seizures of counterfeit goods and 20 IPR-related criminal cases have been brought before the courts.18 Some developing countries, such as Thailand and China, have gone further and established specialised courts to hear IPR-related cases as a means of improving their capacities for national enforcement, though such a measure is not formally required under TRIPS. iprcommission.org |
参展商不得在展览会中展出假冒货品或侵犯任何第三方的知识产权的任何货品(合称“侵权货品”)、或当地法律或规例所禁止或限制的任何货品(合称“违禁货品”) [...] 、或任何货品在其制作或生产过程中未能遵守CITES公约(Convention on International [...]Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Life Flora and Fauna) 或任何其它国际标准、规则及法例,包括但不限于World Conservation Union (“ICUN”)所发出的有关人道屠宰及受保护的濒危物种的标准 (称为“不道德货品”)。 cosmoprof-asia.com | The Exhibitor shall not exhibit at the [...] Exhibition any counterfeitgoods or any goods [...]which infringe any third party’s intellectual [...]property rights (“Infringing Goods”) or any goods which are prohibited or restricted by local laws or regulations (“Prohibited Goods” ) or any goods which in their manufacture or production fail to comply with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Life Flora and Fauna (“CITES”) or any other international standards, regulations and legislation in respect of ethical slaughtering and conservation of endangered species, including without limitation standards issued by the World Conservation Union (“ICUN”) (“Unethical Goods”). cosmoprof-asia.com |
在中国拥有相关注册商标,不仅能预防这种情况的发生,还能让商标所有人在产品离开中国之前就在中国发动执法行动,其方式类似于在澳大利亚边境扣押 假冒商品。 australiachina.com.au | Having a relevant registered trademark in China will not only prevent this situation occurring, but it will also enable the trademark owner to initiate enforcement action in China before product [...] even leaves that country in a similar manner to [...] the way inwhich counterfeit goods can beseized [...]at the Australian border. australiachina.com.au |
来自中国的“假冒”产品会被澳大利亚海关根据商标或版权法案的规定予以没收,无法进入市场,前提是知识产权持有人要向澳大利亚海关和边境保护署(Australian Customs and Border ProtectionService) 说明自己的权利及可能出现的假冒商品。 australiachina.com.au | Users of the IP rights system in Australia [...] may be awarethat ‘counterfeit’ goods comingfrom China can be seized by Australian Customs Officers under either or both the Trademarks or Copyright Acts before the goods make it into the market, provided the IP right holder notifies the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service of its rights and thelikely counterfeit goods. australiachina.com.au |
这样的要素可包括保护消费者健康的原材料质量、可感知的口味、气味、颜色和 质地方面的规定,以及为防假冒而为 最终产品制定 的基本质量标准。 codexalimentarius.org | Such factors could include the quality of the raw material, with the object of protecting the health of the consumer, provisions on taste, odour, colour and texture which may [...] be apprehended by the senses, and basic quality [...] criteria for thefinished products, with theobject of preventing fraud. codexalimentarius.org |
黑市也是假冒和非法生产的品牌名 称商品(这些商品被误认为是授权渠道生产的正品)的交易中心。 graphics.kodak.com | Black markets are also a [...] center for trade in counterfeitand illegitimately produced [...]brand name goods, goods which are misrepresented [...]as authentic product produced by authorized channels. graphics.kodak.com |
2006年,由世界卫生组织发起的“国际药品反 假冒特别工作组”(IMPACT)宣告成立。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In 2006, the WHO helped to create the [...] International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT). beijing.ufh.com.cn |
很多国家担心假冒伪劣和没有许可证的药品泛滥,联合国儿童基金会关注于控制药品供应的源头,只允许国家政府通过供应司来获取药品。 unicef.org | The expandinguse ofcounterfeit and unlicensed medicines is a concern [...] in many countries, and UNICEF focuses on controlling [...]the origin of the medicines it supplies and only allows country offices to purchase medicines through Supply Division. unicef.org |
正如先前专家组的最后报告所述(见 S/2009/521,第 292-306 段),非法交 [...] 易者利用加纳钻石凭单收据,把科特迪瓦毛坯钻石 假冒为加纳生产的钻石。 daccess-ods.un.org | As discussed in the final report of the previous Group of Experts (see S/2009/521, [...] paras. 292-306), illicit traders have used [...] Ghanaian diamond voucherreceipts to certify [...]rough diamonds of Ivorian origin as Ghanaian-produced stones. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为世卫组织法定任务的组成部分,世卫组织和世界卫生大会已采用主 要外交政策手段,如条约和法规(例如,《国际卫生条例》(2005)和《烟草控制框 架公约》(2003));政府间工作组(例如公共健康、创新和知识产权问题政府间工 [...] 作组,防范大流行性流感:交流流感病毒信息以及疫苗和其他惠益信息(政府间 [...] 会议)不限成员名额工作组,研究和开发:筹资和协调咨询专家工作组,不合标 准/虚假/伪造/假冒医疗产品问题 政府间工作组;会员国通过自愿行为守则(如 《国际招聘卫生人员全球实务守则》)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of the constitutional mandate of WHO, WHO and the World Health Assembly have used major foreign policy instruments, such as treaties and regulations (e.g. the International Health Regulations (2005) and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (2003)), intergovernmental working groups (e.g. Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property, the Open-Ended Working Group of the Intergovernmental Meeting on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to other benefits, the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination, and the intergovernmental [...] Working Group on [...] Substandard/Spurious/Falsely-Labelled/Falsified/Counterfeit MedicalProducts), and member State [...]adoption of voluntary [...]codes (e.g. the Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel). daccess-ods.un.org |
2012年5月25日,对上海宏源来说,是一个值得永载史册的日子,在这一天,宏源在江苏盐城立德生产基地的码头处,将历次在打假活动中收缴的 假冒伪劣产品、采购的不合格材料以及生产过程中产生的不合格产品集中碾压销毁,盐城经济技术开发区领导以及盐城主流电视台和报纸,上海宏源总监团队出席并见证此次活动。 cn.lvd.cc | Leaders of Yancheng Economic and Technical Development Zone and mainstream TV and newspapers and Shanghai Hongyuan chief [...] inspection team witnessed the campaign, in [...] which the destroyed products is accumulatively [...]reached 7,450,000 million RMB. en.lvd.cc |
作为假冒芬乃 他林出售的药片通常含有苯丙 胺,在近东和中东一带使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tablets containing amphetamine and sold as Captagon are used throughout the Near and Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果用户希望在TRW Automotive的网站上加入一个链接,可根据本协议或任何未来TRW Automotive网络访问和使用协议的条款和条件进行操作,但是:用户不得使用或复制TRW Automotive内容;不得为TRW [...] Automotive内容创建浏览器、边界环境或边框;不得暗示TRW [...] Automotive认可用户或用户的产品或服务;不得曲解用户与TRW Automotive的关系;不得提供TRW Automotive产品或服务的虚假信息,并且,用户链接的网站不得包含可被认为是冒犯、无礼或争议性的内容,不得包含不适合所有年龄、种族、宗教或其他受法律保护团体的内容,或者TRW [...]Automotive认为不可接受的内容。 trw.cn | If you wish to provide a link to a TRW Automotive Web Site, you may do so under the terms and conditions of this or any future TRW Automotive web access and use agreement, but: you may not use or replicate TRW Automotive Content; you agree not to create a browser, border environment or frame for TRW Automotive Content; you may not imply that TRW Automotive is endorsing you or your products or services; you may not misrepresent [...] your relationship with [...] TRW Automotive; you may not presentfalse informationabout TRWAutomotive productsor services; and your linked web site [...]shall not contain [...]content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial, and or contain content that is not appropriate for all age, racial, religious or other groups protected by law or content that TRW Automotive deems unacceptable at its sole discretion. trw.com |
这可能有助于限制出售假冒“许 可”证书的欺诈企图。 daccess-ods.un.org | This may help to limit fraudulent [...] attempts to sell fake“clearance” [...]certificates. daccess-ods.un.org |
空白样品和掺假样品也可以包括在内。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Blank and adulterated samples may alsobe included. unesdoc.unesco.org |
各支票 或股息单应以只付予抬头人的方式支付发送,而待支付有关支票或股息单後,即表示 本公司已妥为解除支付股息及/或红利的责任,即使其後可能发现该支票或付款单被 盗或其上的任何加签属假冒。 asiasat.com | Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent, and the payment of any such cheque or warrant shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged. asiasat.com |
WIPO总干事弗朗西斯•高锐将会同国际刑警组织秘书长雷纳德•纳布尔先生和世界海关组织秘书长御厨邦雄先生以及法国经济部长克里斯蒂娜•拉加德女士,共同出席2011年2月2日将在巴黎举行的第六届全球反 假冒反盗版大会,共同探讨如何以兼顾各方利益、可持续的方式处理树立尊重知识产权风尚的问题。 wipo.int | WIPO Director General Francis Gurry will be joined by his counterparts at INTERPOL, Mr. Ronald K. Noble, and the World Custom’s Organization (WCO), Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, as well as France’s Minister of Economy, Mrs. Christine Lagarde, at [...] the opening of the Sixth Global Congress [...] on CombatingCounterfeiting and Piracy in [...]Paris on February 2, 2011 to address the [...]question of building respect for intellectual property in a balanced and sustainable way. wipo.int |
这类欺诈的实例包括:债务人几乎将其所有资产转移至 [...] 某个新设立的实体或其自身拥有的不同实体,目的是为了自己的利益而保全和 保留这些资产;对其债权人进行阻挠、拖延和欺诈;设局 假冒35或庞氏骗局36和 此类其他欺诈计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Examples of such fraud may include transfers by a debtor of substantially all of its assets to a newly formed entity or to self-owned separate entities for the purpose of preserving and conserving those assets [...] for its own benefit and to [...] hinder, delay and defrauditscreditors, simulation35or Ponzi36 [...]and other such fraudulent schemes. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 根据工作人员细则 7.15 核准托运的物品(除回籍假旅行、探亲旅行或教 育补助金项下旅行的工作人员外),以及根据工作人员细则 7.16 托运和贮存的个 人物品和家用物品,由本组织购买保险,最高限额由秘书长制定。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) In the case of shipments authorized under staff rule7.15, except for staff members on homeleave,family visit or education grant travel, and of the shipment and storage of personal effects and household goods under staff rule 7.16, insurance coverage will be provided by the Organization up to a maximum amount established by the Secretary-General. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些成员认 为,根据蒙特利尔议定书缔约方会议第十九次会议的第 XIX/6 号决定,特别是第 9 和第 11 段,在审查项目和方案时,将采取反对使用对于气候具有重大影响的氟氯烃作为替代品的 假设,各执行机构在筹备此种活动时应顾及这一点。 multilateralfund.org | Some members expressed the view that, in line with decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, in particular paragraphs 9 and 11, a presumption against the application of alternatives to HCFCs with a high impact on climate should be applied when reviewing projects and programmes, and that the implementing agencies should take this view into account when preparing such activities. multilateralfund.org |
一些成员认为物业交易及金融产品和服务的销售,即使已有 特定的机构监管,亦应该列入《商品說明条例》范围,就货品作出的虚假商品說明、欠准确的计量和失实陈述接受规管。 forum.gov.hk | Some members commented that even though property transactions and sales of financial products and services were regulated by dedicated regulatory bodies, they still [...] needed to be included in the [...] TDO todeal withfalse trade descriptions of goods, inaccurate [...]measurement and misrepresentations. forum.gov.hk |