

单词 万能



Money isn't everything but without money you have nothing. [idiom.]

万能药 n

panacea n

万能的 adj

omnipotent adj

See also:


ten thousand n

a great number
surname Wan

External sources (not reviewed)

May God the almighty and the merciful bless us all.
我们的竞争对手有万能加热 器,但由于它的加 热杆比较细,所以对于大的工件加热时间比较长,工作效率低。
Our competitor has an universal heater, and it will take a long time to heat the big work piece for its heating ledge is too slim, so the working efficiency is low.
我们还认识到,不 存在一万能的公 式可保障援助具有实效,而需要充分考虑每个国家的具体情 况。
We also bear in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all formula that will guarantee effective assistance and that the specific situation of each country needs to be fully considered.
委员会认识到,世上不存在“包治百病” 万能 药 ; 每一国家 都拥有自行决定其发展模式的主权权利。
The Committee recognizes that there is no “one size fits all” approach; every country has the sovereign right to adopt its own development paradigm.
但这种援助对发展中国家并不万能 药 :首先,这种援 助没有保证;其次,由于资源有限,其它重要事项可能会变得更加紧迫;其三,这种援助 [...]
But such
[...] assistance is not a panacea for developing [...]
countries: it can never be guaranteed; resources are limited and other
priorities may be more pressing; and it is mainly available only for one-time investment costs, rather than for financing a recurrent deficit in operating budgets.
万能Oris Aquis是时尚、功能和外形的完美结合。
Perfect for the active and the style savvy
[...] alike, the versatile Oris Oris [...]
Aquis is a definitive triumph of form, function and fashion.
但是,我们 必须铭记,适用所有危机万能解决 方案是不存在 的;相反,每一个具体情况都要求我们给予充分关注。
However, we have to keep in mind that
[...] there is no universal solution that [...]
can be applied to all crises; rather, each particular
case requires our full attention.
我们祈万能的真 主使洪水消退,以便巴基斯坦 当局能够开始艰巨的重建任务,向灾民提供人道主义 [...]
援助,开始重建,并帮助当地人民恢复正常生活和工 作。
We pray to almighty God for the [...]
floods to recede so that the authorities can begin the daunting task of rebuilding and provide
humanitarian assistance to affected people in need, start reconstruction and help to normalize people’s lives and get them back to work.
沙特阿拉伯表示,普遍定期审议的人权原则与沙特阿拉伯的信仰准则,包万能的真 主本着正义和虔诚之心合作的观念相吻合:“本着正义和虔诚相互协 [...]
Saudi Arabia stated that the principles of the Universal Periodic Review of human
rights coincide with the principles of its
[...] faith, including Almighty God’s precept [...]
to cooperate in righteousness and piety:
“Help one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression”.
和Adobe Acrobat是一个不错的选择,因为它 万能 的 PD F世界。
And Adobe Acrobat is a good choice since it is omnipotent in PDF world.
最 后他对国际社会向普遍人权观念转变表示赞赏,万能”政 府的陈旧观念被抛弃,今后各项工作都 将以人为本,他呼吁各国合作打击有罪不罚。
Lastly, he lauded the progress being made by the international community towards a universal conception of human rights that cast aside the obsolete vision of the State as the measure of all things, placed human beings at the heart of its concerns, and committed all States to cooperate in the fight against impunity.
(a) 国家的作用:经验表明,拆除贸易壁垒和取消政府对经济的干预并不 是既弱又穷的最不发达国家万能药。
(a) The role of the State: Experience has shown that dismantling of trade barriers and removing governmental interference in the economy is no panacea for weak and poverty–stricken LDCs.
在 Jabra,我们认识到每个业务环境对于音频产品都有独特的需求,这就是为何我们不相 万能 解 决 方案的原因。
At Jabra, we recognize that each business
environment has unique demands when it comes to audio products, which is why we
[...] don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions.
[...] 来源,而且可以补充全球和地方处理无用消耗臭氧层物质的做法和其他筹资机制,但自愿 碳市场不万能药。
The study found, however, that although the VCM could be one source of financing
for ODS destruction and could complement global and local approaches to dealing with unwanted
[...] ODS, it was not a panacea.
除其他外,这项分析认为,选举尽管常常是过 渡的一个重要部分,但并非是广泛改革 万能 良 药
Our work confirms previous analysis by the
Brahimi Panel, among others, that elections, while often a crucial part of
[...] transitions, are not a panacea for broader reform.
网络印刷解决方案中没有万能方案 ” MARKETMOVER 商业优势解决方案提供全套的咨询服务和业务解决方案,旨在帮助印刷和营销服务提供商开发定制化在线服务以及专门针对您的营销目标的独特店面功能。
There is no “one size fits all” web-to-print [...]
solution. MARKETMOVER Business Advantage Solutions offer a full suite of consulting
services and business solutions designed to help print and marketing service providers develop customized online offerings and unique storefront features that specifically address your marketing goals.
最后,政府应该认识到法律不万能 的。
Finally, the government needs to recognise
[...] that laws are not a panacea.
虽然强 制许可不是一万能药, 但却是阻止滥用知识产权的一项重要保障政策。
It has now reduced the number of cases of HIV and mortality among AIDS victims to half what was predicted in the early 1990s.
公司自创建以来,实施了高起点、高质量、高水平的“三高”战略,全面实行ISO9001国际质量管理,建立了健全的质量保证体系,现已拥有国际先进的研发、测试生产设备和高水准工程技术队伍,专业生产DW系 万能 式 断 路器、CM1塑料断路器及双电源开关等,在开发和生产的能力上居国内同行业领先水平。
Since its inception, the implementation of a high starting point, high-quality, high level of "three high" strategy, the full implementation of ISO9001 international quality management, set up a sound quality assurance system, and now owns international advanced research and development, testing, production equipment and high - standard of engineering and
technical team, specializing in the
[...] production of DW series ACB, CM1 plastic circuit [...]
breaker and dual power switch and so
on, in the development and production capacity on the domestic level with the industry leader.
从公共健康角 度讲,这样做的理由是这些非致病细菌普遍存在于日常的粪水和生活废水中,很容易被 探测出来,它们万能的监测对象替代品,可以代替几十种甚至几百种水中的细菌、病 毒和原生动物。
Many of the elements of a global coastal network are in place, and a user-driven (applications) process is needed to selectively identify and link existing operational systems that are global in scope and globalise (scale up) selected elements of national and regional observing systems.
虽然没有适合各种可能情况的万能 ”模 式,所确定的备选办法为实现少数群体更有效的参与和代表性提供了符合民 主、法治和尊重基本人权之理想的一些积极的例子。
While there are no “one size fits all” models for every conceivable context, the options identified herein offer a number of positive examples of moving towards more effective participation and representation of minorities, consistent with the ideals of democracy, the rule of law and respect for fundamental human rights.
虽然选举不是解决 这些问题万能配方 ,但泰国人民应该有通过投票 表达自己愿望的机会。
While elections are not a magic wand to resolve these problems, Thai citizens deserve the opportunity to indicate their wishes at the ballot box.
别担心,瓦克产品能回答以上问题, 并保证您万能胶货真价实。
WACKER products answer these questions.
公司设有专门的质量检验部门,拥有几十年压力容器检验、实验、检测工程师和高级工程师及专职检验人员,并有成熟的检验工作经验;配备了先进的理化实验设备,有高低压拉升试验机 万能 拉 升 试验机、低温冲击试验机、便携式光谱仪、大型高倍金相显微镜、红外碳硫分析仪、铁素体检测仪、氦质谱检漏仪等配套齐全的隶属试验设备和仪器;大型无损检测室配备先进的TOFD衍射时差法超声检测仪、可记录超声检测仪、铱192伽玛射线探伤机,X光射线探伤机、磁粉检测仪等,能满足厚壁压力容器无损检测。
The company has specialized quality inspection department, has decades of pressure vessel inspection, test, test engineers and test engineers and allied personnel, and have mature experience in the inspection; equipped
with advanced physical and chemical
[...] laboratory equipment, have pulled up the [...]
high and low voltage testing machine, universal
testing machine pulled low temperature impact testing machine, a portable spectrometer, a large high-power optical microscope, infrared carbon and sulfur analyzer, ferrite detector, helium leak detectors, such as supporting a full range of membership testing equipment and instruments; large-scale destructive testing room is equipped with advanced ultrasonic TOFD flight diffraction detector, ultrasonic detector can be recorded, Iridium 192 gamma-ray detection machine, X-ray detection machine, magnetic detector, to meet non-destructive testing thick-walled pressure vessel.
此外,不可 能为所有第 5 条国家的增支资本成本计算找万能 模 式 ,因为地区传播和国家做法存在着 差异,用于拉丁美洲的技术未必适用于亚洲国家。
In addition, it is impossible to find out a one-for-all model for all the A5 countries for ICC calculation due to varied differences in geographical spread and national practices, technologies used in Latin America may not be suitable for Asian countries.
江苏共昌自2003年以来,在国内同行业中率先累计花巨资639万美元引进并消化吸收了国外轧辊生产先进技术,建成了第一期热轧板带复合轧辊生产线,研制生产出了具有国外进口同等水平的高镍铬、高铬铸铁及高速钢等5个引进技术的、用于中宽带钢工作辊的轧辊品种(轧辊辊身直径≤800mm);在此基础上,公司研制出了世界最大的立式离心机和Φ800mm以上宽带钢全部系列的精轧工作辊品种,还研制出了最大直径达Φ1350mm的高铬钢粗扎工作辊,开发出了半高速钢轧辊等新产品,建成了第二期大型宽厚板工作辊、以铸代锻整体铸造支承辊生产线; 2009年建成了大型水平辊环及热轧工作辊生产线,开发出 万能 型 钢 轧机用大型H型钢用辊等。
Since 2003, Jiangsu Gong-chang has invested a total of USD 6,390,000 to import advanced foreign manufacturing technology, set up the first phase production line of hot strip mill rolls, researched and manufactured five roll varieties which have the same level of import such as ICDP, High-Cr cast iron rolls and HSS rolls etc. used for work rolls of medium and wide strip (barrel diameter ≤800mm); then, the company researched and manufactured the largest vertical centrifuge in the world and all series of finishing work rolls (over 800mm) of wide strip mill as well as roughing work rolls (the max Φ1350mm) of high-Cr steel, developed new rolls like semi-HSS rolls, and set up the second phase large production line for work rolls of wide strip mill and monobloc casting back-up rolls.
石家庄高新区华美电子器件厂位于风景秀美的华北平原中部—石家庄国家高新技术产业开发区,紧邻307国道、京珠高速和石黄高速交汇处,交通便利,凭借天时、地利、人和发展成为拥有厂房3000平方米,先进的电源模块 万能 彩 行生产流水线,强大的技术研发精英团队,先进的检测设备和完善的质量保证体系,是本行业当之无愧的NO.1。
Shijiazhuang Huamei Electronics Factory is located in the beautiful scenery of the central North China Plain - Shijiazhuang National High-tech Development Zone, adjacent to 307 National Road, Beijing-Zhuhai high-speed and Shihuang Expressway Interchange, convenient transportation, with climate, geography, and developed into a 3000 square
meters of factory buildings, advanced power
[...] module and the universal color production [...]
lines, strong technical elite R & D team,
advanced testing equipment and perfect quality assurance system, has now become the industry fully deserve NO.1.
对于轴交角是标准的90°,或是轴交角从65°到185°的螺旋齿轮副和准双曲面齿轮副来说,目前,都能采用新的、改进型的 36 0T 万能齿轮 检验机,完成更快、更灵活的、CNC控制的滚动检验。
Faster, more flexible CNC-controlled roll testing of spiral and hypoid gear sets - with either standard 90 degree shaft
angles or with shaft angles from 65 to 185 degrees - is now possible with the
[...] new-generation 360T Universal Gear Tester.
公司下属制造企业已取得ISO9000认证、压力管道许可证、PED认证等相关证书,不锈钢焊管的年生产能力15000吨,不锈钢无缝管的年生产能力8000吨;公司拥有专业的检测中心,配有先进的国内外检测设备(涡流探伤仪、超声波探伤仪、直读光谱仪、X射线探伤仪、水压机组 万能 实 验 仪、晶间理化设备等);严格按照国标GB、美标ASTM(ASME)、欧标EN、德标DIN、日标JIS等标准生产。
The company 's manufacturing enterprise has obtained ISO9000 certification , pressure pipeline license , PED certificate and related certificate , stainless steel welded pipe of the annual production capacity of 15000 tons , stainless steel seamless pipe of the annual production capacity of 8000 tons ; the company has a professional testing center , equipped with advanced testing equipment for domestic and foreign inspection ( eddy current flaw detector , ultrasonic flaw detector , direct reading spectrometer , X-ray flaw detector X , hydraulic unit , universal tester , intergranular physico-chemical equipment etc.) ; in strict accordance with the GB GB, American Standard ASTM ( ASME ) , the European standard EN , German standard DIN , Japanese standard JIS standard production .
公司具有各种高精度的加工设备和检测设备180多台,其中包括哈斯卧式加工中心EC1600,德马进口短边折弯机AMADA、村田的多工位数控冲床、AMADA数控折弯机、高速精密数控加工中心、TruLaser-3030数控激光切割机、ARL-346光谱仪、WA-300T电子 万能 试 验 机、X射线实时成象检测系统、喷漆涂装生产线;同时还具有专业压铸生产的加工设备20多台,其中包括一台意德拉OL-2700S,二台2800吨、一台2000吨、一台500吨压铸机。
The company has a variety of high-precision processing equipment and testing equipment 180 sets, including the Haas horizontal machining center EC1600, de import short side bending machine AMADA, Murata's multi-station CNC punch press, AMADA CNC bending machine, high-speed precision CNC machining centers, TruLaser-3030 CNC laser
cutting machine, ARL-346 spectrometer,
[...] WA-300T electronic universal testing machine, [...]
X-ray inspection real time imaging systems,
paint coating production line; also has a professional production of die-casting process equipment more than 20 units, including one intended to de OL-2700S, two sets of 2800 tons, a 2,000 tons, a 500-ton die casting machines.




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