如果您不想 让Zeus跳到邻居身上打招呼,就不要让它在您进门时跳到您身上打招呼。 eukanuba.com.cn | If you don'twant Zeusto jump on neighbors [...]in greeting, don't let him jump on you either when you walk in the front door. eukanuba.com.au |
项目简 介:ZeusJavaSwing Components Library提供多个有用的swing控件来简化GUI应用程序开发。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information:Zeus Java SwingComponents [...]Library provides several useful swing GUI controls to simplify application development . javakaiyuan.com |
坐下: 在Zeus前面放一块狗零食,然后慢慢地将零食拿到它的头顶上方。 eukanuba.com.cn | Sit: Place a [...] treat i n frontofZeus then gently move [...]it upwards over his head. eukanuba.com.au |
尽管都是杂志上的报道,但都是有影响的、典型的跟教练相关的“案例”和“评论 ”(Zeus&Skiffington, 2005)。 12manage.com | Though reported in ‘peer reviewed journals’ the referrals are predominantly ‘case studies’ and ‘comment’ as opposed [...] to rigorous analytical works such as the more recent study by the Manchester [...] Consul ting Group(Zeus&Skiffington, 2005). 12manage.com |
这是由ZEVS (发音 是Zeus)创作的,他在20世纪90年代因其街头艺术而走红。 luxe-immo.com | This was made by [...] Zevs – pronounced Zeus-who made a reputation [...]for himself in the 1990s with his street art. luxe-immo.com |
安静:等 到Zeus掌握吠叫后,再继续训练。 eukanuba.com.cn | Q uiet: After Zeus masters barking, [...]really get him going. eukanuba.com.au |
教练的现代内涵与建构主义学习理论(Constructionist Learning Theory [...] )密不可分,其认识核心是“对于现实的解读不可能是单独的行为” (Zeus&Skiffington 2005)。 12manage.com | Coaching in it's modern guise was born out of the Constructionist Learning Theory (Williams & Irving, [...] 2001), with a core belief that there is no single, true interpreter or [...] interpretation ofreality(Zeus &Skiffington 2005). 12manage.com |
所以,你如果真的考虑放弃一种网站服务器而使用另一种的话,你必须严肃认真的好好考虑这个问题;而如果速度是考虑的第一要素的话,建议你考虑一 下Zeus。uigarden.net | If you do start thinking about dumping one [...] platform for another, you should also seriously consider [...] alternate plat forms likeZeus if pure speed is [...]your primary concern. uigarden.net |