释义 |
Examples:translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja—urban legend (translation of recent western term)—simultaneous translation —contemporary translation—translation of French agregé (holder of teaching certificate)—translate again (i.e. to redo the same translation)—used as translation for country under a chief—line by line (translation, scanning etc)—(in accounting, referring currency conversion) translation—lose meaning (in translation)—translation of selected passages—"receive the Mandate of Heaven" (traditional English translation)—correct (improve) a translation—Chinese and English two-way translation—used as translation for foreign leaders, e.g. Indian Rajah or Arab Sheik or Emir—Moses (Catholic translation)—original work (not translation or abridged)—Pilgrim's Progress, 1678 novel by John Bunyan (first Chinese translation 1851)—"Son of Heaven" (traditional English translation)—Pigsy in Arthur Waley's translation— |