单词 | tk | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
项目简介:GWTTk是一个用于开发交互式Web应用软件可复用的组件库。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: GWT Tkisa tool for developing [...] interactive Web applications, reusable component library . javakaiyuan.com |
透过从日常生活汲取的经验,为大家推介、引入和制作不同类别的高质素产品,一直是SILLY THING和TK的目标。 think-silly.com | SILLY THING and TK have been aiming to introduce and produce quality products, which are relevant to personal, daily life. think-silly.com |
世界知识产权组织的知识产权 [...] 与遗传资源、传统知识和民间文学艺术政府间委员会建立了一个数据库 [...] (http://www.wipo.int/tk/en/databases/contracts/index.html),数据库能 [...]够举例说明当达成双方同意的关于获取和共享惠益的条款时实际采取的办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The World Intellectual Property Organization Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge [...] and Folklore has established a database [...] (http://www.wipo.int/tk/en/databases/contracts/index.html) [...]that provides illustrative [...]examples of the approaches actually taken when reaching mutually agreed terms concerning access and benefit-sharing. daccess-ods.un.org |
传统知识(TK):没有一个被广泛接受的定义,传统知识包括,以传统为基础的创造、创新、文学、 艺术和科学作品、演出和设计。 iprcommission.org | Traditional Knowledge (TK): Whilst there is no generally acceptable definition, TKincludes for [...] example tradition-based [...]creations, innovations, literary, artistic or scientific works, performances and designs. iprcommission.org |
虽然上诉人没有向上诉委员会提述申请编号为 A/NE-TK/359 的 获批个案或臨时准则中可从宽/从优考虑的情况,但为完整起 [...] 見,上诉委员会希望在下文概述有关情况。 devb.gov.hk | Although the Appellant did not refer the Appeal Board to the [...] approval case ofA/NE-TK/359 or thescenarios [...]for sympathetic/favourable consideration [...]suggested by the Interim Criteria, the Appeal Board would like to briefly raise them below for the sake of completeness. devb.gov.hk |
对於这样的应用Welotec提供与新的 GPRS和UMTS路由器(TK704G / U) 一个可行的解决方案。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | For such applications Welotec offers with the new GPRS [...] and UMTS routers (TK704G /U) apractical [...]solution. en.developmentscout.com |
4.1 本计划旨在加强有效运用知识产权原则和制度来对传统知识(TK)、传统文化表现形式 (TCE)进行法律保护,并澄清知识产权在遗传资源(GR)的保存、可持续使用和公正的惠益分 [...] 享方面的作用。 wipo.int | This Program aims at enhancing effective use of IP principles and [...] systems for the legal protection of [...] traditional knowledge (TK)andtraditional [...]cultural expressions (TCEs), and the clarification [...]of the contribution of IP to the conservation, sustainable use and equitable benefit-sharing in genetic resources (GRs). wipo.int |
海 龟 在 马 来 西 亚 阁 利 加 海 滩 上 产 卵 时, 它 [...] 并 不 知 道 亨 斯 迈的TK天然颜 料 工 厂 就 在 [...]附 近。 huntsman.com | hen a green turtle lays its eggs on [...] Geliga beach in Malaysia, it doesn’t know that the beach neighbors the site of [...] Huntsman’s TelukKalung (TK)Pigments factory. huntsman.com |
当大家一起研究为香港店制作甚麽特别的产品时,TK提议将自己十多年前爱用的UNDER COVER「JACK [...] PURCELL」重新生产,二人便立即着手筹备。 think-silly.com | When the two were discussing about releasing a special item for [...] the HongKongshop,TK suggested that they [...]re-launch the UNDER COVER Jack Purcell [...]which is a beloved of his over ten years ago. think-silly.com |
作为整个合作计划的Curator,TK更以Daft Punk的头盔作为灵感设计包装。 think-silly.com | As the curator of this [...] collaborative project,TK took the helmet of [...]the Daft Punk duos as inspirations for the packing. think-silly.com |
N. Hoolywood的尾花大辅与SILLY THING的TK围绕着历史有名的小说虚构人物福尔摩斯作为开发灵感,以「如何将19世纪的打扮进化成现世代的Daily Wear」作前提,整体感觉都以英式氛围出发,从而开发各种Item:机能性的外套由福尔摩斯的签名式Poncho变奏而来,采用经典Gun Club Check图案,以现代化学纤维代替100%纯羊毛质料,务求将过去和现代融合,从以往的设计中加入现代元素,创造新的价值;为Layering造型而设的轻便羽绒背心则加入专属当时的古典设计元素 ─ 侦探查案时例必拍照搜证,系列亦包括放置小型相机的小包包,并加入第一次世界大战时期的相机包的复古式开合设计;配合松身Inner或长袜子穿着的英式短裤、福尔摩斯的帽子变成现代的3 Way Beanie等,构成这次的Capsule Collection。 think-silly.com | Made in chemical fibers instead of 100% wool, it is a revamp from design to material; a lightweight down waistcoat which makes a great layering item, with vintage-inspired detailing; a digital camera case for the modern day detective, paired with WWI opening detail; loose-fit Inner or below-the-knee socks to be worn with shorts; Holmes’ hat is transformed into a ‘3 Way Beanie’. think-silly.com |
一种温标,其中摄氏 (TC) 温度与开氏温标(TK)温度的关系式为:TC=TK-273.15。 raytekjapan.co.jp | The temperature scale in which the temperature in Celsius (TC) is related to the [...] temperature in Kelvin(TK) by theformula; TC= TK-273.15. raytekjapan.co.jp |
上诉人在提交申请时,上诉地点坐落於《汀角分区计划大纲草图 编号 S/NE-TK/16》划为「乡村式发展」地带(约 53%)及「农业」 地带(约 47%)的地区内,而在现行的《汀角分区计划大纲核准图 编号 S/NE-TK/17》(下称「大纲图」)上,上诉地点的用途地带维 持不变。 devb.gov.hk | The Site falls within an area [...] zoned “Village Type Development” (“V”) (around 53%) and “Agriculture” (“AGR”) (around 47%) on the draft Ting Kok Outline Zoning PlanNo. S/NE-TK/16 at thetime of submission of the application. devb.gov.hk |
托克劳电信公司是一家拥有 400 万新元资产的国际电信服务公司,成 立于 [...] 1997 年。一个网站(www.dot.tk)于2002 年 1 月投入运作,并提供免费和付 [...]费域名。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Telecommunications Tokelau Corporation, a $NZ 4 million international [...] telecommunication service, was established in 1997. [...] A website (www.dot.tk)became operational [...]in January 2002 and offers both free and paid domain names. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个由SILLY THING的TK与colette的Sarah大概於一年前商讨的合作企划,除了首回目登场的棉花糖香味蜡烛外,稍後将有更多联名商品陆续推出,敬请拭目以待。 think-silly.com | The result of a proposal started one [...] year ago between TK (SILLY THING) and [...]Sarah (colette), this is only the debut of many [...]future collaboration creations to come. think-silly.com |
以前下进行的监督工具Produktmnamen触觉传感器系统的MSC图特林根现在有一个全新的名字:“BK微“在电影中,刀具破损检测BK微TK96A的小工具进行扫描。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The previously conducted under the supervision tool Produktmnamen tactile sensor systems of MSC Tuttlingen now got a brand name: "BK Micro. en.developmentscout.com |
WIPO知识产权与遗传资源、传统知识和民间文艺政府间委员会(IGC)在2009年12月7日至11日举行的会议上,审议了传统文化表现形式(TCE)和传统知识(TK)的保护条款草案,并考虑了知识产权与遗传资源今后工作的选项,为2010年进行任务授权所要求的谈判铺设道路。 wipo.int | WIPO’s Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) reviewed draft provisions for the protection of [...] traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) and [...] traditionalknowledge(TK),and considered [...]options for future work on intellectual property [...](IP) and genetic resources at a meeting from December 7 to 11, 2009, paving the way for mandated negotiations in 2010. wipo.int |
知识产权 与遗传资源、传统知识和民间文学艺术政府间委员会也拟订了关于指导公平分享惠 [...] 益安排的知识产权方面的原则和导则草案(见 www.wipo.int/tk/en/genetic)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore has also worked on principles and draft materials on [...] guidelines for the intellectual property aspects of equitable benefit-sharing arrangements [...] (see www.wipo.int/ck/en/genetic. daccess-ods.un.org |
无钥匙系统的套件是基于成熟的TK100技术,是第一个也是唯一一个通用电子头,它使得Keyline客户们不仅能复制BMW(宝马)和Volvo(沃尔沃)的无钥匙系统,同样也能复制Toyota(丰田), [...] Kia(起亚) 和Hyundai(现代)的无钥匙系统。 keyline.it | Keyless System Kitsare basedonTK100 consolidated technology, [...] the first and only universal electronic head, therefore [...]making it possible for Keyline clients to duplicate not only BMW and Volvo keyless systems, but also Toyota, Kia and Hyundai devices. keyline.it |