某些品系易患皮肤问题、股骨头缺血性坏死、疝气、肝脏疾病及颌骨钙化。 eukanuba.com.cn | Some lines are prone to skin conditions, Legg-Perthes disease, hernias, liver disease and jawbone calcification. fr.eukanuba.ch |
本所根据企业财政困难的不同形式提供相应司法或非司法协助,其中包括常规破产程序(破产,临时接管等)和特殊措施,即根据5/2006号法令修订的相关法律(Prodi法,Marzano法)。 beblex.it | Our expertise includes consultancy and assistance with in Court and out of court matters of all types of serious financial difficulties and with ordinary and debt collection procedures (bankruptcy, temporary receivership etc) and special measures (legge Prodi, legge Marzano) working according to Decreto Legislativo 5/2006. beblex.it |
2007 年 8 月 3 日通过了新的情报法(第 124 号法),根据该法,对于一系 列 严重罪 行,不得援 引 国家秘密 以 免接受 正 常 审 判 。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 3 August 2007, a new intelligence law was adopted (Legge No. 124) according to which State secrecy cannot be invoked in order to not be submitted to regular judgement for a series of serious crimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,作为他的“抒情艺术性”和研究员主选手阿德里安美作为他的演奏,赢得了他是一个身材的“温暖的人性化”的描述“现象,”什么样的吉他之一Jazziz舞会。 peppinodagostino.com | Yet it’s what Guitar One has noted as his “lyrical artistry” and fellow master player Adrian Legg describes as the “warm humanity” of his playing that has earned him the stature of being a “phenom,” as Jazziz raves. peppinodagostino.com |