一流的教学设施为 Tran 留下深刻印象。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Tran is impressed by the excellent teaching and studying facilities. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
为赫尔松州、卢甘斯克州、外喀尔巴阡州 3 个新的区域性别中心,进行 对性别问题的敏感性培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | Gender sensitivity training for three new regional gender centres in Kherson, Loans, Tran Carpathian regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
大厨Tran Chung原籍越南,于1999年在河内一家海鲜餐厅开始其烹饪生涯,他以精湛的烹饪技艺迅速赢得了众多顾客的交口称赞,并与2003年升任厨师长。 shangri-la.com | Vietnamese Chef Tran Chung began his career in 1999 in Hanoi as a cook in a seafood restaurant. shangri-la.com |
V.C. TRAN 均对业界具有丰富的经验,因为 二人正分别是 Arctic Cooling 的其中一位创办人及其合作伙伴。 gelidsolutions.com | One of the founders of Arctic Cooling Gebhard SCHERRER and his business associate VC TRAN incorporate a new thermal solution company GELID Solutions Ltd. in Hong Kong. gelidsolutions.com |
柯斯蒂曾经来过澳大利亚度假,还有亲戚和朋友居住在澳大利亚了,所以当她决定赴西澳的技术和再教育学院就读健身专业希望将来成为一名私人健身教练时,对澳大利亚的各方面情况已经有所了解。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Before she was awarded a scholarship to study here, Tran did not understand why students moved to Australia for their university education. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
与热闹的西贡相隔位于安静的富润区陈高云街上,Pergola则带着高雅、浪漫而非常精致的风格以出现。 vnnavi.com.vn | Situated on such a quiet street as Tran Cao Van, Pergola is definitely apart from the bustle of Sai Gon town. vnnavi.com.vn |
于6月8日晚上在胡志明市Riverside Palace会议中心, 艺术杂志,天使公司和乔迪郑小姐已举办了 “美人和爱心” 拍卖与慈善活动,参与活动有成功商业人士,美女,模特,歌手,演员如张玉映小姐,梅芳翠小姐,艳香小姐,竹艳小姐,黄燕小姐,僧宝娟小姐,蓝长先 生,Kasim黄武先生,梁鹏光先生,英俊先生与秋姮小姐主持人。 fnc.com.vn | In the evening on 08/06, the Charity Auctions “Beauty and the Kindness” took a place at Riverside Palace conference center (HCMC) which was held by Fine-Art Magazine, Angel Group and Ms. Jody Trinh with the participation of successful Entrepreneurs, Miss, Runner, and famous Models, Singers, Actors/Actresses such as: Truong Ngoc Anh, Mai Phuong Thuy, Diem Huong, Truc Diem, Hoang Yen, Tang Bao Quyen, Lam Truong, Kasim Hoang Vu, Luong Bang Quang, etc; MC Anh Quan - Thu Hang, a special guest - World’s Supermodel - Julia Lescova as well as Nia Nhi Tran, Jarred Smith, Designer Cory ... fnc.com.vn |
此外,去参观胡志明国家大学、自然科学大学的干细胞技术实验室,陈功风先生建议FNC支持帮助给越南教育工会人员咨询干细胞技术的应用产品来保持健康和美容。 fnc.com.vn | Besides, after visiting the laboratory of parent cell technology in the University of Natural Sciences – VNU - HCMC, Mr. Tran Cong Phong also proposed FNC to advise and support trade union education officials in providing products applied with parent cell technology in health care and beauty care for officials and teachers in the sector. fnc.com.vn |
于2011年06月15日,硕士副教授陈功风- 越南教育工会主席 曾访问FNC领导人,讨论工会官员的合作技能培训和全国教育。 fnc.com.vn | Prof. PhD. Tran Cong Phong - Chairman of Vietnam Education Union (CDGDVN) had a visit and worked with FNC leaders to discuss about cooperation in skills training for union education officials nationwide. fnc.com.vn |
262 2012 年 3 月 28 日,退役的海军少将尹卓表示发展旅游 产业“当然对宣布我们的主权和巩固我们在西沙的 立足点大有好处”。 crisisgroup.org | Tran Truong Thuy, “Recent Development In The South China Sea: From Declaration To Code Of Conduct”, East Sea (South China Sea) Studies, 15 July 2011; “China moves to expand its reach”, op. cit. crisisgroup.org |
同时,陈当教师亦向大家表示纳米技术的功能食品的价值及重要性,而FNC目前正在市场上分配该种产品。 fnc.com.vn | At the same time, Professor Tran Dang also spent time sharing to help everyone understand more about the value as well as the importance of nutritious food products from the NANO technology that FNC has been distributing on the market. fnc.com.vn |